An Interview with Fr. Joseph Fessio on his life and career
Wer zuletzt lacht....
Girolamo Savonarola
Worüber wird da eigentlich gelacht?
pater pauperum shares this
Catholic education
If we remember our sins God will forget them. -St. Chrysostom
The proper remembrance of one's sins is a powerful antidote to pride and a great source of humility.
Guntherus de Thuringia
Wie kann Gott der Allwissende etwas vergessen?
Cardinal Robert Sarah prays at the tomb of St Thomas More, who suffered martyrdom.
Liam Ronan
"And there was death on the Emperor And night upon the Pope: And Alfred, hiding in deep grass, Hardened his heart with hope..." 'The Ballad of the White …More
"And there was death on the Emperor And night upon the Pope: And Alfred, hiding in deep grass, Hardened his heart with hope..." 'The Ballad of the White Horse' - G.K. Chesterton -
John A Cassani
That is the tomb of many. More’s remains are intermingled with many others in the common ossuary there.
"Ein guter Mensch ist kein perfekter Mensch; ein guter Mensch ist ein ehrlicher Mensch, treu und ohne Zögern auf die Stimme auf die Stimme Gottes in seinem Leben." (St. John Fisher)More
"Ein guter Mensch ist kein perfekter Mensch;
ein guter Mensch ist ein ehrlicher Mensch,
treu und ohne Zögern auf die Stimme
auf die Stimme Gottes in seinem Leben." (St. John Fisher)
"Nobody is perfect" bezweifelt kein normaler Mensch. Nur dort, wo es erwartet wird, tritt an die Stelle von Ehrlichkeit Heuchelei - mit oder ohne Soutane.
Drei Päpste sind in der Bibel erwähnt
Nur ein ahistorisch denkender Katholik kann so etwas behaupten.
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As a reminder, go to confession today.
Billy F shares this
Naomi Arai
Mary Magdalene's sin was vanity for which she lived as a penitent in France for many years. It was not prostitution. That was another woman who was the …More
Mary Magdalene's sin was vanity for which she lived as a penitent in France for many years. It was not prostitution. That was another woman who was the prostitute. There was, quite many years ago, an apparition of St. Mary Magdalene to a religious sister. She even explained that she was not guilty of that, but that her vanity was her major sin.
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‘Not all the Psalms – and not all of every Psalm – can be repeated and made their own by Christians and even less by modern man. They reflect, at times, a historical situation and a religious mentality …More
‘Not all the Psalms – and not all of every Psalm – can be repeated and made their own by Christians and even less by modern man. They reflect, at times, a historical situation and a religious mentality that are no longer our own. This does not mean that they are not inspired, but in certain aspects they are linked to a time and a temporary stage of revelation, as is also the case with a large part of ancient legislation.’ (Pope Francis, June 19th, 2024)
This censoring of the Holy Scriptures has been a pet project of the Vatican II crowd for some time. When in seminary, we were subjected to "inclusive …More
This censoring of the Holy Scriptures has been a pet project of the Vatican II crowd for some time. When in seminary, we were subjected to "inclusive language" edits made by feminist nuns that removed male references. The lectionary used at Mass has been modified by the USCCB to excise such hard passages as "Wives be submissive to your husbands." (Ephesians 5) Bible translators have refused to use the terms homosexual or sodomite and instead use strange turns of phrase as "boy prostitutes and those who use them" to downplay sin & confuse the faithful.
Klaus Elmar Müller
The Pope should classify and explain the awkward passages instead of playing the superior free spirit. By the way: Until now, almost no one knew the …More
The Pope should classify and explain the awkward passages instead of playing the superior free spirit. By the way:
Until now, almost no one knew the difficult psalms!!! Bergoglio has once again caused confusion.-Der Papst sollte die sperrigen Stellen einordnen und erklären, statt den überlegenen freien Geist zu spielen. Übrigens: Wer kannte bisher diese Stellen??? Da hat Bergoglio mal wieder Verwirrung gestiftet.
Faith is an anticipation of that knowledge which will make us happy in the future." (Thomas Aquinas)
Nicola D.B. shares this
Stift Kremsmünster: Frater Gregor Buchberger R.I.P. 🙏 Gott, der Herr über Leben und Tod, hat Fr. Gregor in den Morgenstunden des 18. Juni 2024 nach schwerer Krankheit, die er mit starkem Glauben und …More
Stift Kremsmünster: Frater Gregor Buchberger R.I.P. 🙏
Gott, der Herr über Leben und Tod, hat Fr. Gregor in den Morgenstunden des 18. Juni 2024 nach schwerer Krankheit, die er mit starkem Glauben und in Geduld ertragen hat, im 56. Lebensjahr zu sich gerufen.
Josefa Menendez
Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine: et lux perpetua luceat eis. R.I.P. 🙏More
Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine:
et lux perpetua luceat eis. R.I.P. 🙏
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Nächstes Kloster weg

Trappisten haben Abtei Oelenberg im Elsass verlassen

Redaktion - Montag, 17. Juni 2024, 7:00 Uhr. Eine fast tausendjährige Präsenz monastischen Lebens im Süden des Elsass ist vorüber: Die letzten …
Erzherzog Eugen
das klingt ja alles nach sehr vernünftigen Lösungen, in der Erzdiözese Wien hat man zu lange gewartet, ich bin neugierig, was man aus den leerstehenden …More
das klingt ja alles nach sehr vernünftigen Lösungen, in der Erzdiözese Wien hat man zu lange gewartet, ich bin neugierig, was man aus den leerstehenden vor allen Nonnenklöstern machen will, da bei vielen die Bausubstanz bereits stark geschädigt ist
die Lösung für die Krankenhäuser und Altersheime waren sehr gut, was aber jetzt mit diesen Riesen Kästen machen, die niemand braucht?
Carlus shares this
Nächstes Kloster weg Das sind die Früchte des angeblichen 2. vatikanischen KonzilMore
Nächstes Kloster weg
Das sind die Früchte des angeblichen 2. vatikanischen Konzil
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Kids these days!! You’re lucky there aren’t also flowers and candles all over the placeMore
Kids these days!!
You’re lucky there aren’t also flowers and candles all over the place
This may be just a picture that someone picked up to create a meme.
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Priest says schismatic Spanish nuns are in state of ‘paranoia’

Madrid, Spain, Jun 15, 2024 / 08:00 am Father Jesús Silva of the Archdiocese of Madrid explained in a video posted on his YouTube channel …
Think of the finish line.
Billy F
Run the race! Endure to the very end!!!
There is therefore no evil like pride. It renders a man a demon, insolent, blasphemous, perjured, and makes him desirous of deaths and murders. The proud man always lives in troubles, is always angry,…More
There is therefore no evil like pride. It renders a man a demon, insolent, blasphemous, perjured, and makes him desirous of deaths and murders. The proud man always lives in troubles, is always angry, always unhappy. -St. Chrysostom
Know the difference
Der Verein der Franziskanerbrüder vom Heiligen Kreuz hat beim Amtsgericht Neuwied einen Antrag auf ein Insolvenzverfahren in Eigenverwaltung gestellt.

Nach über 160 Jahren: Katholischer Orden muss nach Krise Insolvenz anmelden

Der katholische Trägerverein mehrerer Pflegeheime und Krankenhäuser ist insolvent. Die Ordensgemeinschaft aus dem Wiedtal will …
He Wanted Me to Be With Him Sr. Mary Brigid shares part of her vocation story: how she came to hear the Lord inviting her to the contemplative life.More
He Wanted Me to Be With Him
Sr. Mary Brigid shares part of her vocation story: how she came to hear the Lord inviting her to the contemplative life.
Jeffrey Ade
He is wonderful!
Das ist in Melbourne, Australien