
Francis Has Met His Victim

A few days after he aggressed a woman in Saint Peter’s square, Francis met her at the end of an audience in the Paul VI Hall, TVSvizzera.it (February 4) writes. The meeting went unnoticed. There was …More
A few days after he aggressed a woman in Saint Peter’s square, Francis met her at the end of an audience in the Paul VI Hall, TVSvizzera.it (February 4) writes.
The meeting went unnoticed. There was an exchange of a few words with the woman of Asian origin whose name was not reported.
The woman was accompanied by other pilgrims who came with her to Rome.
Ansa.it writes that Francis himself spoke in the last few days about this meeting.
Belting women is very common in Ireland. Clean your own toilet first, @Thors Catholic Hammer
I'll defer to centuries of English disdain when it comes to the breeding of the Irish. :PMore
Belting women is very common in Ireland. Clean your own toilet first, @Thors Catholic Hammer



I'll defer to centuries of English disdain when it comes to the breeding of the Irish. :P
Thors Catholic Hammer
Belting women is very common in Argentina.
The lack of breeding in antipope Francis shows through.
There is an old Irish saying :"You can take the man from the bog but you can,t take the bog from the man"More
Belting women is very common in Argentina.

The lack of breeding in antipope Francis shows through.
There is an old Irish saying :"You can take the man from the bog but you can,t take the bog from the man"
This stinks of fakenews all over! Another one of those tricks that the Antichrist is fond of and that the press is in a hurry to bite into! No point.
The only answer to the PR disaster was to do this...and ensure cameras were there to document it.
Usual publicity stunt to put on the mask again after it fell.
If you believe this you must believe Unrepentant Jorge of the Pachamamas fished out the pagan idols out of the river
mccallansteve has the truth of it. Obviously staged.
Thors Catholic Hammer
@ @Ultraviolet
Yet you and others continue to prop up and support the lies peddled by Francis the worlds most public formal heretic now excommunicated from the Catholic Church.
@ @Ultraviolet
Yet you and others continue to prop up and support the lies peddled by Francis the worlds most public formal heretic now excommunicated from the Catholic Church.

Actually we don't, @Thors Catholic Hammer. We just recognize that your logic is flawed and your endless yammering of the same thing on every thread carries with it a tacit admission of its own falsehood.
Like every other delusional person, you have an overwhelming compusion to convince others into believing it as well. This mentality stems from another delusion that sanity is statistical that …More
Actually we don't, @Thors Catholic Hammer. We just recognize that your logic is flawed and your endless yammering of the same thing on every thread carries with it a tacit admission of its own falsehood.

Like every other delusional person, you have an overwhelming compusion to convince others into believing it as well. This mentality stems from another delusion that sanity is statistical that error in sufficient numbers somehow becomes truth. It doesn't.

In terms of behavior and methodology you're no different than the other crazy fools who claim the world's leaders have all been replaced by a race of alien lizards.
Thors Catholic Hammer
All you can do is attack the man and not the argument .
You have not the first idea of what logic actually means.
Your pretensions to being catholic and medically educated are seriously undermined
I now regret having wasted time attempting to debate anything with you.
"All you can do is attack the man and not the argument ."
You haven't made one! :P
Words like "argument" and "logic" have no place in your vocabulary outside of failed attempts to make your ranting seem erudite.More
"All you can do is attack the man and not the argument ."

You haven't made one! :P

Words like "argument" and "logic" have no place in your vocabulary outside of failed attempts to make your ranting seem erudite.
That's called damage control by the Vatican.