
Argentinian Archbishop: Francis “Is A Vengeful Man”

When Benedict XVI appointed John Paul II’s secretary as Krakow Archbishop he acted “according to ecclesiastical common sense", writes former La Plata Archbishop Héctor Rubén Aguer (Es.News, June 23). …More
When Benedict XVI appointed John Paul II’s secretary as Krakow Archbishop he acted “according to ecclesiastical common sense", writes former La Plata Archbishop Héctor Rubén Aguer (Es.News, June 23).
Francis lacked such common sense when he forced Gänswein to return to Germany without honour.
Gänswein was punished because he wrote that Benedict felt "very humiliated” by some of Francis’ decisions. For Aguer Francis’ attitude towards Gänswein shows contempt for Benedict’s work “and perhaps an inferiority complex.”
There is more, “Those who have known Jorge Bergoglio for a long time and have witnessed his actions as Provincial of the Society of Jesus, point to a characteristic of his personality: he is a vengeful man.”
Therefore, his treatment of Gänswein “is nothing less than revenge.”
Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsDmrnlnwows
la verdad prevalece
His face says it all!!!
Who respects two-faced men ? No one can serve 2 masters...
Anyone critical of his modernist program will suffer the consequences. It's Peronist tactic. Case in point. The highly esteemed Austrian Catholic philosopher Josef Seifert was working in Rome teaching philosophy at a Pontifical Institute. A couple of years back, he wrote an article critical of the Pope's encyclical noting that allowing divorced and remarried to recieve Holy Communion constituted a …More
Anyone critical of his modernist program will suffer the consequences. It's Peronist tactic. Case in point. The highly esteemed Austrian Catholic philosopher Josef Seifert was working in Rome teaching philosophy at a Pontifical Institute. A couple of years back, he wrote an article critical of the Pope's encyclical noting that allowing divorced and remarried to recieve Holy Communion constituted a papal approval of adultery and a situational ethics. The next day after the article was published online, he went to work but noticed his card key to the building no longer worked. He finally got a janitor to let him in, but next discovered that his name tag was missing on the door and his office was cleared out. It was then he realized he had been fired, which later in the day was confirmed in an email.
Arthur McGowan
Amoris Laetitia. Not an encyclical. A post-synodal apostolic exhortation.
Tony M
Amoris Laetitia.....a heretical document released to the world by Bergoglio.....which abominably gives the green light for sacrilege. God help our Church!!!! God help & convert Jorge Mario Bergoglio!!!! The time period he has left to convert is quickly diminishing.
My mistake. Thanks for the correction. Seifert wrote a chaitable but devastating rebuke of Amoris Laetitia, and the Pope was livid, and he doesnt like logic only feelings. I agree, he's in the winter of his life, and time is short. The hospital stay was a spiritual wake up call.
Jan Joseph
Een van de grote doodzonden is wraakzuchtigheid, het wordt hoog tijd dat Paus Franciscus eens gaat biechten bij een echte priester.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I wish Francis would just be gone, and a CATHOLIC takes his place.
Dr Bobus
It has-been obvious almost from the beginning that FrancIs is a head case.
Hound of Heaven
Just ask his psychiatrist(!)
Dr Bobus
I think he bowed out early from psychotherapy. Also didn't finish his doctoral program.
Malki Tzedek
Yuh, think?!!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I wish world wide, there would be an uprising against Pope Francis and his homo advisors. I think if h goes after Bishop Strickland, at least in the USA, there will be. I no longer consider Pope Francis as a legit Pope. He is indeed an evil, vengeful man not deserving of any loyalty or respect. He can take his "Synod" and "synodal church" he is trying to re-invent, and stick it "where the sun don't …More
I wish world wide, there would be an uprising against Pope Francis and his homo advisors. I think if h goes after Bishop Strickland, at least in the USA, there will be. I no longer consider Pope Francis as a legit Pope. He is indeed an evil, vengeful man not deserving of any loyalty or respect. He can take his "Synod" and "synodal church" he is trying to re-invent, and stick it "where the sun don't shine". I hope any initiative against good bishops he institutes explodes badly in his face, and alienates the Cardinals so much, that they definitly will not elect a "Francis II"
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori hi!! Kenjiro!!!! I hope you had great time...yesterday....you are 100% right!! Bergoglio dose not have to Mercy Mind...he remove to so many Orthodox Bishops...destroying to all Orthodox Dioceses...Archbishop Gänswein...he is a not perfect...has many fault...but now Bergoglio has so cruel actions to him...very terrible....it's means many things....I hope someday...he will have …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori hi!! Kenjiro!!!! I hope you had great time...yesterday....you are 100% right!! Bergoglio dose not have to Mercy Mind...he remove to so many Orthodox Bishops...destroying to all Orthodox Dioceses...Archbishop Gänswein...he is a not perfect...has many fault...but now Bergoglio has so cruel actions to him...very terrible....it's means many things....I hope someday...he will have Cardinal's hat...hmm....and I heard...now Bergoglio and Bergoglian attack to great Orthodox Bishop...Bishop of Tyler..Excellency Bishop Strickland....if, if he will punish to Bishop Strickland...he must, must punish to all Wrong Bishops..like Cardinal Cupich, Tobin, McElory....all Wrong Cardinals, Bishops....but this crazy Old Man dose not have actions...this crazy Old man praise to this horrible Groups...he attack to all Orthodox Catholic People....if Bishop Strickland will have punish....it;s means...Bergoglio and Bergoglian can't hear to all Orthodox Cardinals, Bishops, all Orthodox Catholic People, Orthodox Christian People's voice....now...we do not need to pray for Bergoglio's come back...Repentance...we must pray Lord send to us real Pope, Orthodox Pope..fast time....but I think so many Orthodox Catholic People pray for Bergoglio's Repentance..so stupid prayer...they has so naive mind....so we have much horrible situation...I am sure....I really hope Bergoglio can't visit to Portugal, Mongolia, France...and he can't have to this horrible Synod....really hope, much pray for we will have real Pope, Orthodox Pope..fast time...but these days...I am not sure...Bergoglio and Bergoglian have power...it's true too....I told you many times...if Lord dose not send to Orthodox Pope..fast time..I will going to Underground Church....I am sure..you and John will join Underground Church too....much thinking about Eminence Cardinal Ottaviani's Prayer...even though I have many sins..so many fault..but really hope Loyalty to our Lord Jesus Christ...Japan's Martyrs, Korea and Netherlands's Martyrs...all great Martyrs Saints..pray for us too..many talking sorry....Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day...always really happy..hear about your great opinion!!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Clement Jaeho Chung -Hi Clement- I agree with your good post. I think if Bergoglio goes after Bishop Strickland, he will have stirred up so much hate towards him and his Vatican, that I would not be surprised if faithful Catholic here in the USA just stop paying any attention to him or his homo bishops at all. Already, traditional Catholics are buying up closed Protestant Churches, convents, and …More
@Clement Jaeho Chung -Hi Clement- I agree with your good post. I think if Bergoglio goes after Bishop Strickland, he will have stirred up so much hate towards him and his Vatican, that I would not be surprised if faithful Catholic here in the USA just stop paying any attention to him or his homo bishops at all. Already, traditional Catholics are buying up closed Protestant Churches, convents, and retreat houses to celebrate the Tridentine Latin Mass. Mass attendance at my own regular "Novus Ordo" parish has declined 20% since Pope Francis issues his "Traditiones Custodes" rant against the Tridentine Latn Mass. I know of thousands of priests here in the USA and elsewhere who are ignoring him about the Traditional Mass. Hatred for Pope Francis is growing in several countries of Europe...France, Poland, Italy and Spain. This is a good thing. And I forgot to mention Scandinavia (Sweden, Denmark, Norway), where they condemn his "Synod".
I hope Pope Francis' "Synod" blows up in his face, and that no one comes to any Masses opening it. It's going to be a disaster for Francis and his supporters. After which, when he finally goes down to get his "reward", the cardinals will NOT electe a "Francis II". He's so hated that they will pick someone directly the opposite.
Chris Muniee
Narcisist antipopes ("dictator popes") tend to be that way.