
The Consecrations Comes: 105 Years After It Was Requested

Francis will consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on March 25, the Vatican announced on Tuesday. Cardinal Krajewski will preside the same rite at the same time in Fatima. …More
Francis will consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on March 25, the Vatican announced on Tuesday.
Cardinal Krajewski will preside the same rite at the same time in Fatima.
Russia's consecration to the Immaculate Heart was required by Our Lady in Fatima 1917 to prevent war, famine, and persecutions of the Church and promises as a consequence the conversion of Russia and peace, "If not, Russia will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church.”
In the many years of the failure to perform the consecration, the communist vices of the former Soviet Union expanded extensively in the Western regimes. Pius XII consecrated 1942 humanity but not Russia.
Picture: Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, #newsQbhtyhdzka
Jan Joseph
Sancte Teotónio
At this point should consecrate the USA also. It is the main country spreading Russia's errors all over the world today.
...like Biden and Pelosi and Obama, right Steve? No, America isn't controlled by Jews. That's all Jew-haters ever see. America is controlled by leftists and globalists, who, overwhelmingly, aren't Jews. Go be a stupid bigot somewhere else.
Kinda funny how you keep repeating this lie even when Jimmy's running real sock-puppets. Then again, sock-puppets don't bother you and the truth does.
De Profundis
What was done so far:
"order" ??? I thought he "asked" them.........big diffeence
A request to Gloria TV to start a campaign requesting each person write to their own Bishop could we cover all the Bishops of the world? We need to get the message out to Catholics in every Diocese of the World. We need to plead with every Bishop to synchronize with the Pope. We need absolutely every sympathetic platform to reach the faithful in every Diocese of the world. We need a coordinated …More
A request to Gloria TV to start a campaign requesting each person write to their own Bishop could we cover all the Bishops of the world? We need to get the message out to Catholics in every Diocese of the World. We need to plead with every Bishop to synchronize with the Pope. We need absolutely every sympathetic platform to reach the faithful in every Diocese of the world. We need a coordinated record keeper to tick off every Diocese in the World. We all need to get to our Cathedrals at the same time as the Pope. Does the request to the Bishops have to come from the Pope? It just says the Pope in union with all the Bishops of the world. That means the laity can ask the Bishops. THIS IS OUR BIG CHANCE!!!
atreverse pensar
From these people, that is a mockery.
Jeffrey Ade
Bingo! Viva Cristo Rey!
가입을 원합니다
" With ALL the Bishops of the world."
Otherwise it is INVALID.
Unfortunatelly, Bergoglio is not the Pope, if he is, then his bosses at Davos certainly will not allow it to happen.
Catholique et Français
Encore une fois il faut arrêter de se moquer ouvertement du Bon Dieu et de sa Très Sainte Mère qui ne se contentent pas de faux-semblants destinés à éluder leurs Demandes instantes (après le 25 mars 2022, François viendra nous dire, comme Jean-Paul II : "Laissez-moi tranquille maintenant ! J'ai fait ce que je devais faire !"). Mensonge ! Si j'ai bien compris cet article, cette consécration, …More
Encore une fois il faut arrêter de se moquer ouvertement du Bon Dieu et de sa Très Sainte Mère qui ne se contentent pas de faux-semblants destinés à éluder leurs Demandes instantes (après le 25 mars 2022, François viendra nous dire, comme Jean-Paul II : "Laissez-moi tranquille maintenant ! J'ai fait ce que je devais faire !"). Mensonge ! Si j'ai bien compris cet article, cette consécration, comme TOUTES les autres sans exception depuis 1942, sera NULLE et NON AVENUE : le pape doit consacrer la SEULE Russie, PUBLIQUEMENT (c'est-à-dire avec annonce préalable, urbi et orbi etc...), en UNION avec tous les évêques du monde entier dûment avertis (ce n'est pas grave si certains évêques ne répondent pas, l'essentiel est qu'ils aient été avertis ). À ce prix, et dans AUCUN autre cas, la Russie se convertira miraculeusement au catholicisme et un Temps de Paix sera donné au monde. Nous avons appris par soeur Lucie que ces conditions sont INDISPENSABLES pour que le monde entier reconnaisse sans contestation possible que ce Miracle à l'origine d'un prodigieux redressement de l'Église et d'un flot de conversions a été fait par la seule Très Sainte Vierge Marie. Tout le reste, c'est de l'esbroufe, des manoeuvres dilatoires, bref, du néant ! Toutefois, pas de découragement : à une personne sceptique sur la possibilité de cette Consécration soeur Lucie répondit : "Si, si, cela se fera, je le vois ! Mais ce sera bien tard !"
Jeffrey Ade
Bravo! After this mocking of God's very Mother I think Divine Justice will fall like fire from the sky!
Benedict has repeatedly said he resigned of his own free will @Ludovic Denim You naively believe Vatican finances are limited to the bank of Italy. GTV's Self-Appointed Official Seer is proven true again. Just four hours ago I was spoofing: "Muh troo Benedict din-doit so it dun't count". and here's Ludovic... "This consecration will be invalid given that Francis is not Pope... Benedict XVI is …More
Benedict has repeatedly said he resigned of his own free will @Ludovic Denim You naively believe Vatican finances are limited to the bank of Italy. GTV's Self-Appointed Official Seer is proven true again. Just four hours ago I was spoofing: "Muh troo Benedict din-doit so it dun't count". and here's Ludovic... "This consecration will be invalid given that Francis is not Pope... Benedict XVI is still the Pope..." Oh, I do so love-love-love being a seer. ;-)
@Mathathias Maccabeus "What number of accounts for this make?"
Just this year or dating back to 2020 when Mistuh Yerian started throwing his weight around here how nobody dares make him mask up?
Anyway, I'll second Matty's welcome.
Unfortunately for you and poor Ludovic, neither Canon Law applies here. You're just referring to them without even showing how they apply. Standard tactic for you.
"As …More
@Mathathias Maccabeus "What number of accounts for this make?"

Just this year or dating back to 2020 when Mistuh Yerian started throwing his weight around here how nobody dares make him mask up?

Anyway, I'll second Matty's welcome.

Unfortunately for you and poor Ludovic, neither Canon Law applies here. You're just referring to them without even showing how they apply. Standard tactic for you.

"As far as Frank goes, you've spent more time defending him than criticiizng his demonic actions."

That's manure and an old falsehood from you. New sock-puppet account but same old cannards. I'm not defending Francis' actions I'm defending his claim to the Papacy. Big difference, one you know only too well since I have repeatedly pointed it out to you under all your other many aliases. That makes it a lie.

"I find that fascinating: the "trads" are the most defensive of Pope Frank..."

...that explains the universal mockery we "trads" have of "El Francesco" and his many errors.

Fact is, you find nothing "fascinating" except Ann Barnhardt and your own ability to start a new account every time you get banned.

We trads don't defend Pope Frank and you Novus Ordo are far less Catholic than we. No surprise you lapse so easily into your de facto schism and sedevacantism.

"the same guy who is actively trying to destroy the TLM."

...that explains the exemption he gave to the FSSP. right?

"It's not cognitive dissonance, I don't think. It's deliberate. But why is an open question."

The only thing that isn't cognitive dissonance and deliberate is your re-joining after you get banned again and again for such nonsense. That's definitely deliberate.

In Jimmy-Land, GTVs rules don't apply to you any more than The Church's do. The rules are whatever YOU say they are, just like the Pope is whoever YOU say it is, even when he contradicts you.

Then when you get banned for such insanity, it isn't your fault. "Evul UV izza mod. UV got me baaaand." You're one of THOSE guys.

"You're not really a "seer", you're just getting in front of logical arguments you (still) have no real argument against."

I'm a seer and I predicted Ludovic's claim hours before he made it. That's what seers do. I've already debunked his points in Canon Law over two years ago back when YOU made them. Interestingly, you never once were able to refute the refutation. Speaks volumes of which of us "have no real argument" eh? ;-)

Oh, except that "He said it, so it must be true". That's not how it works.

Innocent until proven guilty, Jimbo. Benedict said it and no one has proven him a liar. That's how it works. ;-)
Ludovic Denim
@JoeyDix : he works for the fake Israël given that the Popes have always repeated that the Catholic Church is the true Israël after Jerusalem was razed. He doesn't want to recognize the truth because he doesn't like the truth, always twisting the facts like Francis having been elected by the Saint Gallen mafia such as defrocked and pedophile Cardinal McCarrick along with Cardinal Daneels explained it. …More
@JoeyDix : he works for the fake Israël given that the Popes have always repeated that the Catholic Church is the true Israël after Jerusalem was razed. He doesn't want to recognize the truth because he doesn't like the truth, always twisting the facts like Francis having been elected by the Saint Gallen mafia such as defrocked and pedophile Cardinal McCarrick along with Cardinal Daneels explained it.
He works for the sect of Judaism here. He has been caught many times, like recently trying to make believe that the great King and Saint Louis IX had his statue overthrown by BLM because he would have done something wrong to Black peoples... In reality, it's just because Saint Louis burned the Talmud. He knows the truth but don't express it. I prefer to ignore him but throughout the years many peoples caught him.
No, Ludovic. I don't work for Israel or the Vatican. You're being your usual stupid anti-Semitic self.
"like recently trying to make believe that the great King and Saint Louis IX had his statue overthrown by BLM because he would have done something wrong to Black peoples"
I said nothing of the sort. You're insane and fabricating nonsense. Quote me. Link the source. Prove your claim. Put up or shut …More
No, Ludovic. I don't work for Israel or the Vatican. You're being your usual stupid anti-Semitic self.

"like recently trying to make believe that the great King and Saint Louis IX had his statue overthrown by BLM because he would have done something wrong to Black peoples"

I said nothing of the sort. You're insane and fabricating nonsense. Quote me. Link the source. Prove your claim. Put up or shut up. I predict you will do neither.

"In reality, it's just because Saint Louis burned the Talmud."

I'm a Catholic, I don't give a hoot about the Talmud who burned it or even whatever errors are in it. Go be a stupid bigot somewhere else.
Ludovic Denim
This consecration will be invalid given that Francis is not Pope. There cannot be 2 Popes at the same time as demonstrated throughout history by the Great Western Schism and Benedict XVI is still the Pope according to the Canon 332-2 : « If it happens that the Roman Pontiff resigns his office, it is required for validity that the resignation is made freely and properly manifested but not that it is …More
This consecration will be invalid given that Francis is not Pope. There cannot be 2 Popes at the same time as demonstrated throughout history by the Great Western Schism and Benedict XVI is still the Pope according to the Canon 332-2 : « If it happens that the Roman Pontiff resigns his office, it is required for validity that the resignation is made freely and properly manifested but not that it is accepted by anyone. »
Code of Canon Law - Book II - The People of God - Part II. (Cann. 330-367)

Benedict XVI didn't resign freely as they blocked all the Vatican's ATM from the 1st January 2013 until the day that he declared that he's going to resign, after the Feast-day of Our Lady of Lourdes.
Crisis of faith over Vatican ATMs

There is no freedom when the Pope can no more exert his duties freely because Bank of Italy blocked all the ATM of the Holy Siege.

There is no other event that happened that allowed the money to be back at the Vatican except the announce of the Pope's resignation. It has been explained also by Brother Bugnolo with his blog « From Rome » that his resignation is invalid given that he still keeps the « munus ».

So Francis can do whatever he wants but all his deeds will be null and void, later recognized by a future Pope. Peoples must understand that God abandons us like He abandoned us to the 1st WW and the 2nd given that peoples reject God and don't want to obey anymore to His commandements. Thus, all this must happen. It was also explained by some enemies of the Catholic Church that the plan is to make believe that Christianism is a fake religion by making a fake consecration with bad fruits. With Francis elected thanks to the mafia of Saint Gallen as explained by defrocked Cardinal McCarrick and late Cardinal Daneels, they hold their man.

But God through the intermediary of Blessed Virgin Mary will allow that a true consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart happen and then everybody will see that the enemies of God - after unmasking themselves wanting us to believe our religion is fake - will be crushed. They can set up some realities like the collapse of the Berlin Wall and of the Soviet Union that dissent Anatolyi Golystine explained to be geared up in order to make believe that communism is dead, but they cannot avoid to be really chastised by God when the whole world would have been chastised for its sins. Russia has been chosen for chastising the world and that's what we're living.
What we need first is the honest, authentic, and complete revelation of Third Secret of Fatima - Our Lady was never obeyed in this matter: youtu.be/7jHdvAt_aAs
Live Mike
Frère Michel de la Sainte Trinité would agree
Totally correct! Fr. Gruner constantly reminded us of Frère Michel's words in this regard: ONLY if Our Lady is obeyed in regards to the release of the (true!) 3rd Secret, will Our Lord give the grace for the Consecration to be done - according to the manner in which Our Lady has asked.
Jeffrey Ade
So neither of you agree with Chiesa viva? Seems clear to me. Obviously God willed for the secret to be revealed, but He also knew it would not be and He knows the reasons why. I think the very fact that it wasn't revealed would lead those, who had a genuine interest in knowing it, upon a quest to a greater appreciation for the Catholic faith. And here we are!
I'd give you a one finger salute, @Benedict Hierusalem but it seems you've "blocked" me. Pity. One less "like" for you. ;-)
3rd Order Postulant
Funny. How there are such childish thin skinned "posters." They the childish cannot tolerate a comment, so they say respond and then you get blocked by them.
What hubris. Time to self reflect then maybe take a visit to the confessional. Prayers for them.
Whatever are you talking about? A thumbs-up "like" IS a one-finger salute. ;-) Benedict Hiersualem is, in all probablity, yet another sock-puppet account of GTV's #1 Benedict Buddy. I'm not surprised he blocks me. He's wrong and "blocking" people is loser-behavior resorted to by immature people who can't hold their own in a debate... and that joker loses every single time, no matter what user-…More
Whatever are you talking about? A thumbs-up "like" IS a one-finger salute. ;-) Benedict Hiersualem is, in all probablity, yet another sock-puppet account of GTV's #1 Benedict Buddy. I'm not surprised he blocks me. He's wrong and "blocking" people is loser-behavior resorted to by immature people who can't hold their own in a debate... and that joker loses every single time, no matter what user-account he's running on any given day.
Rand Miller
Actually Pope Pius XII consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on July 7, 1952. For the whole story watch this video.
And after second attempt pope John Paul II completed pp Pius XII's work, after which sister Lucia affirmed to be satisfying God's request revealed by Our Lady. The fruits of Russia's conversion were more than visible and peace for certain period of time was given to the world. Now Vatican and the west need to leave sodom, return to Catholicism and bring in social reign of Christ the King. Otherwise …More
And after second attempt pope John Paul II completed pp Pius XII's work, after which sister Lucia affirmed to be satisfying God's request revealed by Our Lady. The fruits of Russia's conversion were more than visible and peace for certain period of time was given to the world. Now Vatican and the west need to leave sodom, return to Catholicism and bring in social reign of Christ the King. Otherwise world is now heading straight to prophesied final Apocalypse under spirit of antichrist and false prophet with end to be completly renewed in Christ with Triumphant Immaculate Heart of Mary....
porta folio manager
yeah... the FALSE-PLANTED "sor lucia" confirmed that... sure...
porta folio manager science fiction.
pope....... you mean Bergolio?
No. Francis. ;-)
porta folio manager
@Ultraviolet Oh! bergoglio, then !
and... its not a POPE the requiered factor (with CATHOLIC bishop (not ones self-called 'catholic') the other factors?
Francis' errors and foolishness pales before his predecessors. Go check out Pope John XII sometime.
Angelo Santelli
Ultradark's ignorance of RC Church history or theology is preciously repugnant. As I have eruditely commented he is as much a Catholic as Poopster-in-Chief Joseph Biden is. He is laughable.
Cool story, @Stronzo Santelli Too bad I wasn't discussing "RC Church history or theology". Your copy-pasta insults are as irrelevant as you are "erudite". In short, they -and you- are just a mindless spamming joke.
porta folio manager
@Mathathias Maccabeus No. I am not implying that he is not a human. I am saying that he does not have the Catholic Faith... Just like that... therefore, he commits the PUBLIC SIN of heresy (and left alone the CANNONICAL CRIME of it... just the PUBLIC SIN of heresy)
From prison the King of France tried to consecrate France to the Sacred Heart- as requested through a revelation to St Margaret Mary- but it was too late. He lost his throne on the 100th anniversary of that request. The Blessed Virgin said the Pope WILL consecrate Russia but it will be late.
atreverse pensar
It doesn't matter in that sense what the man does.
Up next, "Francis didn't do it right", "Muh troo Benedict din-doit so it dun't count". --and, no, GTV News, the Fatima prophecy didn't mention the Ukraine, either. Don't put words in the Blessed Mother's mouth. That is so not cool.
Uh, the letter states that Francis intends to not do it right, so, a prediction of a claim that "Francis didn't do it right" isn't really a reach.
Where does it say Francis intends to not do it right? May I have a direct quote from the letter?
porta folio manager
@Ultraviolet but... but... the Vident said "... and when done, will be TOO LATE..." ... so... a false pope, a false consacration... and late!!!
Francis isn't a "false pope". Except to sedevacantists and their cousins the Benedict Buddies.
Live Mike
The Apparition in the Chapel at Tuy, Spain - 13 June 1929
It was here in Tuy that Our Lady’s promise contained in the Secret of 13 July 1917 was fulfilled: “I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia….” Sister Lucy describes the communication:
13 June 1929 - I had requested and obtained permission from my superiors and my confessor to make a holy hour from 11:00 p.m. to midnight, from …More
The Apparition in the Chapel at Tuy, Spain - 13 June 1929

It was here in Tuy that Our Lady’s promise contained in the Secret of 13 July 1917 was fulfilled: “I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia….” Sister Lucy describes the communication:

13 June 1929 - I had requested and obtained permission from my superiors and my confessor to make a holy hour from 11:00 p.m. to midnight, from Thursday to Friday of each week.

Finding myself alone one night, I knelt down near the Communion rail, in the middle of the chapel, to recite the prayers of the Angel, lying prostrate… Feeling tired, I got up and continued to recite them with my arms in the form of a cross. The only light was that of the [sanctuary] lamp.

Suddenly, the whole chapel lit up with a supernatural light and on the altar appeared a cross of light which reached the ceiling. In a clearer light, on the upper part of the cross, could be seen the face of a man with His body to the waist, on His chest a dove, equally luminous; and nailed to the cross, the body of another man. A little below the waist [of Christ on the cross], suspended in the air, could be seen a Chalice and a large Host, onto which some drops of Blood were falling, which flowed from the face of the Crucified One and from the wound in His breast. Running down over the Host, these drops fell into the Chalice.

Under the right arm of the cross was Our Lady with Her Immaculate Heart in Her hand… (She appeared as Our Lady of Fatima, with Her Immaculate Heart in Her left hand, without sword or roses, but with a crown of thorns and flames) under the left arm [of the cross], in large letters, like crystalline water which flowed over the altar, forming these words: “Grace and Mercy”. I understood that the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity was shown to me, and I received lights about this mystery which I am not permitted to reveal.

Then Our Lady said to me: “The moment has come in which God asks of the Holy Father to make, and to order that in union with him and at the same time, all the bishops of the world make, the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart”, promising to convert it because of this day of prayer and worldwide reparation.

I rendered an account of this to my confessor, who ordered me to write down what Our Lord willed to be done.

The request at Tuy was especially distinguished by the role the Bishops of the Church, and specifically the Holy Father, were to have in God’s plan for peace. The faithful had been instructed in their role of prayer and sacrifice in the apparitions at Fatima. At Tuy, however, the Pope is given the primary responsibility for future peace: “God asks the Holy Father….” In 1917 the Holy Father had asked the Blessed Mother to obtain the peace of the world and, like a loving mother, She readily consented, but on the condition of the Holy Father’s and the Church’s faithful cooperation with Her plan.

Source: TWTAF Vol 2, pdf p. 372

13 July 1917 - Our Lady imparted the Great Secret (in three parts) to the three shepherd children (Lúcia, Francisco and Jacinta) at the Cova da Iria - Fátima. The Second Part of the Great Secret of Fatima below foretells the end of World War I and a worse war [World War II] breaking out during the reign of Pope Pius XI if men continue offending God. To prevent this Heaven requests the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Communions of Reparation on the First Saturdays and the consequences of failing to heed these requests.

"To save them [poor sinners who are on the road to hell], God wishes to establish in the world devotion to My Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace. The war is going to end; but if people do not cease offending God, a worse war [World War II] will break out during the reign of Pius XI. When you see a night illumined by an unknown light [fulfilled 25-26 January 1938], know that this is the great sign given you by God that He is about to punish the world for its crimes, by means of war, famine, and persecutions against the Church and against the Holy Father."

"To prevent this, I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart [fulfilled 13 June 1929], and the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays [fulfilled 10 December 1925]. If My requests are heeded, Russia will be converted and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions against the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated."

"In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to Me, and she will be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world."

Source: English translation of text in Sister Lucy, "Fourth Memoir", “Fatima in Lucia’s Own Words”, (Postulation Centre, Fatima, Portugal, 1976) p. 162. See also Sister Lucy, “Memorias e Cartas da Irma Lucia”, (Porto, Portugal, 1973, edited by Father Antonio Maria Martins) pp. 340-341; in Sister Lucy’s own handwriting there is no ellipsis after the "etc.". See also Frère Michel de la Sainte Trinité, “The Whole Truth About Fatima” – Volume I: Science and the Facts, (Immaculate Heart Publications, Buffalo, New York, U.S.A., 1989) p. 182.