
Schönborn: Homosexuals Have Right to Be Accepted

Falsifying the Catechism on homosexuality, e.g. removing the qualification "disordered", could be decided by Francis, Vienna's Cardinal Schönborn claimed at the Ex-Synod press conference (23 October, video sequence below). The Catechism merely repeats the Bible's assessment of homosexuality ("abomination", "unnatural sin that cries out to heaven for vengeance"). Francis is not above the Bible.

Schönborn invented a gap between the objective given order and the subjective culpability of a sinner.

The Church must respect and accompany every sinner with his or her limitations and history, he indulged in truisms: "One has a right to respect, one has a right to a basic acceptance as a person." This is true, but "respect" and "acceptance" do not mean that the truth about homosexual sins can be manipulated.

Schönborn is known for his entanglement in homosexual circles.


P. O'B
Don't forget to respect and accept child molesters, bank robbers, cold-blooded murderers, wife beaters, and Adolf Eichmann.
Fr Dan
No gay person is 'dis ordered' what is not in the proper order of our creation is the homosexual sexual act. This Act has its proper order in the union of man and woman. The Church traditionally teaches Tge Sexual act has two good,, the primary good is for the procreation of Children, the secondary, or lesser good is the 'communio' or joy of the couple. What the world has done is reverse these goods …More
No gay person is 'dis ordered' what is not in the proper order of our creation is the homosexual sexual act. This Act has its proper order in the union of man and woman. The Church traditionally teaches Tge Sexual act has two good,, the primary good is for the procreation of Children, the secondary, or lesser good is the 'communio' or joy of the couple. What the world has done is reverse these goods. Sex is first for fun n pleasure, second if wanted, children. The effects of this disorder has been devastating.
I think gay person is disorder and need healing. The tendency is disorder but not a sin. Sexual act is for pro creation only, the pleasure and the communion is for the purpose of raising children in the proper order. It is my opinion, could be wrong though.
We sin in our thoughts as well as our deeds.
You are absolutely incorrect. A human nature with a sexual proclivity toward others of the same sex is a disordered nature, and in fact highly disordered.
The actual act is not a disordered act, it is an abominable sin, crying to heaven for vengeance.More
You are absolutely incorrect. A human nature with a sexual proclivity toward others of the same sex is a disordered nature, and in fact highly disordered.

The actual act is not a disordered act, it is an abominable sin, crying to heaven for vengeance.
The Church does not teach that being same-sex attracted is a sin, it never has taught that. What is sinful is acting on those inclinations. What is so difficult about explaining that to SSA people, and that you are already welcome in the Church but the LGBT flag and ideology is not.
Sampson Judge
The doctrine of the faith does not permit it. That’s it end of conversation. The Bible and the church teachings are what we go by. Don’t like it there’s the door.
That's essentially what I said, the homosexual act is not permissible and if committed is a sin.
la verdad prevalece
The Apostle Saint Paul warns that anyone who preaches a gospel different from the one we have received is CURSED.
English Catholic
This is just nonsense. It is propaganda that the 'gay' movement has been (successfully) using for decades - i.e. creating a false sense of victim-hood and exclusion in order to wrong-foot their opponents. Except now it seems many in the Church have fallen prey to this ruse. If a person has same-sex attraction, and is chaste in thought, word and action, and accepts the teaching of the Church, then …More
This is just nonsense. It is propaganda that the 'gay' movement has been (successfully) using for decades - i.e. creating a false sense of victim-hood and exclusion in order to wrong-foot their opponents. Except now it seems many in the Church have fallen prey to this ruse. If a person has same-sex attraction, and is chaste in thought, word and action, and accepts the teaching of the Church, then he/she is never excluded from the Church or from Holy Communion, and never has been. So what's the problem?
What these people want is for the Church to accept the practise of their sinful disordered inclinations. I'm quite sure that most of us have attended Mass and there have been people with same-sex attraction in the pews alongside us, and we wouldn't even have known. I'm also quite sure no sane Catholic sits at Mass wondering about the sexuality of various members of the congregation and whether they ought to be asked to leave. No. +Schonborn has accepted the 'gay' propaganda - hook, line and sinker.
Read Ronald G Lee's graphic but excellent article 'The Truth About the Homosexual Rights Movement': The Truth About the Homosexual Rights Movement - by Ronald G. Lee | VirtueOnline – The Voice for Global Orthodox Anglicanism (although Lee is Catholic, the original article on a Catholic site is behind a paywall. This version is on an Anglican site). If people are struggling with same-sex attraction problems, forget +Schonborn and the synod in general and read Dr Gerard J.M. van den Aardweg's book 'The Battle for Normality': The Battle for Normality |~ BNSTP Digital version for sale here: The Battle for Normality (Digital) |~ BNSTE
Quote: "Error has no rights."
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
He's a queer himself. Fortunatly, he's nearly 80 and will be out of the running for Pope. JPII was good in many things as Pope, but he was not "the Great" like some people claim, and he appointed hundreds of radical liberal, pro-homo or actual active homos as bishops and even Cardinals. He picked Schoenborn to replace a homo Benedictine Cardinal, thinking that this Schoenborn was "conservative", …More
He's a queer himself. Fortunatly, he's nearly 80 and will be out of the running for Pope. JPII was good in many things as Pope, but he was not "the Great" like some people claim, and he appointed hundreds of radical liberal, pro-homo or actual active homos as bishops and even Cardinals. He picked Schoenborn to replace a homo Benedictine Cardinal, thinking that this Schoenborn was "conservative", but he has proven to be most a radical liberal progressivist, and leaves Vienna a wreck after his term is over.
Any Cardinal or Bishop, who defends Homosexuality, promotes it, or makes excuses for it, is 100% a homosexual themselves. That goes for Cardinals, Bishops, and the Pope.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. YoshimoriHi!! Kenjiro!! I hope always you had great time....even though we don't have many talking...but always thinking your great messages....I strong support your great opinion too....I respect to Pope John Paul II...he had many good things....of course totally better than Bergoglio....but yes...he had many mistake, faults too....and I told you before...this time..all Orthodox Catholic …More
@Kenjiro M. YoshimoriHi!! Kenjiro!! I hope always you had great time....even though we don't have many talking...but always thinking your great messages....I strong support your great opinion too....I respect to Pope John Paul II...he had many good things....of course totally better than Bergoglio....but yes...he had many mistake, faults too....and I told you before...this time..all Orthodox Catholic People are must saying about resign, step down to crazy Old Man Bergoglio and crazy Cardinal Fernandez, all Bergoglian!!!! we can't remove to this horrible groups....Catholic Church is a not anymore to Christian Church....it's another new global Religion....so terrible....crazy man Cardinal Schonborn join to this group...ah...so horrible...we can't know what happen to this Synod....maybe this year...just preparing...I think next year October...Bergoglio and Bergoglian must trying destroying to our Orthodox teaching...much deeply....so horrible....so much pray...before this time...please send us real Pope, Orthodox Pope....I told you...I really hope my former Archbishop of Seoul...Cardinal Andrew Yeom get to 80 years old(December 5)....Lord please send us to real Pope, Orthodox Pope....these days...much sad....Good Cardinals get to old....Bergoglio appointed to wrong Cardinals.....if Lord dose not send to Orthodox Pope..fast time..I will going to Underground Church....I am sure..you and John will join Underground Church too.....many talking sorry....Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day...always really happy..hear about your great opinion!!
Wilma Lopez
The Church is a school for saints and a hospital for sinners. Everyone is accepted in that sense. However, their sins are not.
Sandy Barrett
The women’s ordination lobby aren’t making progress; the LGBT lobby can maybe claim to have got somewhere, but everything’s a mess.
English Catholic
@Sandy Barrett Years ago in the UK we were fighting the radical feminists, and the pro-women priest brigade all the time. There were many pro-women priest organisations, publications, events, etc. Many had the ear of the bishops. They've all evaporated. I wondered why and then it suddenly dawned on me that most of them would probably be dead or in care homes by now. It was never a young movement (…More
@Sandy Barrett Years ago in the UK we were fighting the radical feminists, and the pro-women priest brigade all the time. There were many pro-women priest organisations, publications, events, etc. Many had the ear of the bishops. They've all evaporated. I wondered why and then it suddenly dawned on me that most of them would probably be dead or in care homes by now. It was never a young movement (in the UK at least).
We have to use clear language. There is no scriptural prohibition of “same sex attraction” or “homosexuality” any more than there is a scriptural prohibition against opposite sex attraction. It is sodomy and fornication which are condemned. Every effort to hide the reality of fornication and sodomy does a disservice to the faithful and even more those outside the church. Every time a prelate or …More
We have to use clear language. There is no scriptural prohibition of “same sex attraction” or “homosexuality” any more than there is a scriptural prohibition against opposite sex attraction. It is sodomy and fornication which are condemned. Every effort to hide the reality of fornication and sodomy does a disservice to the faithful and even more those outside the church. Every time a prelate or spokesperson uses the word “Homosexuality”, he/she should be immediately interrupted and asked, “you mean sodomy, right?” If the spokesperson equivocates, it should be immediately corrected, “there is no prohibition against homosexuality in scripture or church law, only sodomy.” Satan is a liar from the beginning, using inaccurate language to mislead.
Sandy Barrett
Using the terms "fornication" and "sodomy" is already punishable in many Western states outside the US.
Using the terms? Do you mean punishable as a hate crime or are the acts a crime? The latter is true in Africa, for sure. Coming up with an alternative word is difficult because “sodomy” includes various acts. One would think more descriptive language could be difficult because such descriptions are actually offensive. What about, “Your Eminence, Do you mean the acts described by the-archaic-word …More
Using the terms? Do you mean punishable as a hate crime or are the acts a crime? The latter is true in Africa, for sure. Coming up with an alternative word is difficult because “sodomy” includes various acts. One would think more descriptive language could be difficult because such descriptions are actually offensive. What about, “Your Eminence, Do you mean the acts described by the-archaic-word-which-I-would-never-use Sodomy?”
Ieder mens, ook homoseksuelen hebben het recht om te worden geaccepteerd.
Het Universele Rooms Katholieke geloof sluit homoseksuele mensen ook niet uit, maar het praktiseren van homoseksualiteit staat haaks op de moraal van het al tienduizenden jaren oude Universele Rooms Katholieke geloof.
Er is geen priester, bisschop, kardinaal of Paus Franciscus die die het Universele Rooms Katholieke geloof …More
Ieder mens, ook homoseksuelen hebben het recht om te worden geaccepteerd.
Het Universele Rooms Katholieke geloof sluit homoseksuele mensen ook niet uit, maar het praktiseren van homoseksualiteit staat haaks op de moraal van het al tienduizenden jaren oude Universele Rooms Katholieke geloof.
Er is geen priester, bisschop, kardinaal of Paus Franciscus die die het Universele Rooms Katholieke geloof kan veranderen, zonder zijn universele Rooms Katholieke geloof te verliezen.
Samengevat, praktiserende homoseksuele mensen kunnen niet het Universele Rooms Katholieke geloof belijden, ook priesters, bisschoppen, kardinalen en ook Paus Franciscus niet.
True Mass
Use the Baltimore
Sally Dorman
This is the Cardinal responsible for the 1992 Catechism of the Catholic Church
English Catholic
@Sally Dorman Apparently he was the "principal editor of the Catechism" The New Catechism of the Catholic Church | EWTN
Boanerges Boanerges
Judas speaks