They were proud to be vaccinated… It killed them! For months, governments have been hammering at us: «I wear a mask. I save lives» Now, the instruction would be more: “I'm sharing this video. I save …More
They were proud to be vaccinated… It killed them! For months, governments have been hammering at us: «I wear a mask. I save lives» Now, the instruction would be more: “I'm sharing this video. I save lives."


This little video presents a few people who were nevertheless very proud to be vaccinated… It killed them, sometimes very quickly (2 hours later), often in excruciating pain. Sometimes just in their sleep. A few tens of hundreds of thousands die or suffer from the side effects of these injections which are deceptively presented to us as vaccines. More than ever, these injections of genetically modified material put you at much greater risk than COVID itself. In addition, they absolutely do not immunize, they do not exempt you from wearing the mask and applying barrier gestures and they make you six times more contagious (and dangerous) than a non-injected one.

Watch in Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese: Estaban orgullosos de vacunarse, pero ahora están muertos. Desde hace … - Ils étaient fiers de se faire vacciner… Ça les a tués ! Depuis des moi… - Erano fieri di farsi vaccinare ... Ne sono morti ! Sono mesi che i gov… - Eles estavam orgulhosos de serem vacinados... e morreram disso! Há mes…

To go further :

- The site paying tribute to the victims: covidvaccinevictims.com/VICTIMS/
- A site referring to all the articles and all the precise information for each victim, plus a lot of other information: healthimpactnews.com/…ths-1st-quarter-2021-compared-to-1st-quarter-2020/ 2021-compared-to-1st-quarter-2020/
- The count of side effects and deaths in the USA: hhs.gov
- Details of side effects in the USA: cdc.gov/…irus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html
- The count of side effects and deaths in Europe: adrreports.eu/fr/search_subst.html
- The count of cases and deaths, for the whole world: ourworldindata.org/coronavirus

Share this video - And save lives - Thank you FOR THEM !

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