Priest denies Communion because faithful is kneeling
pt.news and 2 more users link to this post
I pray that this poor girl finds the Catholic (traditional) mass and stops going to the abominable Novus Ordo
pl.news and 4 more users link to this post
Disgraceful conduct by an alleged servant of his God and a clear sign of the direction in which the Church is heading. Repent before its too late.
it.news and 2 more users link to this post
You as a Priest will burn in hell for that performance.
sudetus schönhoff
Hope so
He denied her communion because he is not a priest from the Roman Catholic Church. He is a Novus Ordo priest. There is a difference between the Novus Ordo and the Roman Catholic Church.
sudetus schönhoff
So true
Darice Henriques
This was heart-breaking to see.
😡 Dieser moderne Priester wird noch zu Wissen bekommen....
Gut hat das Mädchen reagiert, alle Achtung! Nur tut es in der Seele weh, welchen Schmerz ihr durch solche Konzilsfanatiker bereitet wird. DARUM weg von der Konzilssekte hin zur TRADITIONMore
😡 Dieser moderne Priester wird noch zu Wissen bekommen....

Gut hat das Mädchen reagiert, alle Achtung! Nur tut es in der Seele weh, welchen Schmerz ihr durch solche Konzilsfanatiker bereitet wird. DARUM weg von der Konzilssekte hin zur TRADITION
Du hast Recht! Diese modernistischen Eiferer sind sich ihrer eigenen Widersprüche nicht einmal bewusst. Sie sind die Verkörperung von Bigotterie, Hass, Ausgrenzung und dogmatischem Festhalten an einer falschen Ideologie.
Ad Orientem
Und Befürworter der Bergolianischen Lüge
The offending priest should heed the words of the pope, "regidity that is born for fear of change (to tradition) and ends up deseminating stakes in the ground of the common good turning it into a minefield of misunderstanding and hatred." 😎
Is he saying that he does not view God as someone we should worship? Is he giving the game away that he is not prepared to give God correct worship himself? How obvious is it that this man is clearly a vain, narcissistic slave of Satan? Embarrassed and critical of a more innocent souls pious devotion. God commands our worship, and also our prostration before His Sacred Presence. Yet, just as he …More
Is he saying that he does not view God as someone we should worship? Is he giving the game away that he is not prepared to give God correct worship himself? How obvious is it that this man is clearly a vain, narcissistic slave of Satan? Embarrassed and critical of a more innocent souls pious devotion. God commands our worship, and also our prostration before His Sacred Presence. Yet, just as he did in the Garden of Eden, Behold Satan, whispering heresies in "Eve's" ear trying to ROB GOD of her pleasing subservience Thank the Lord, that that particular "Eve" is as bright as a button and not going to be hoodwinked by the Serpents lies.
Klaus Elmar Müller
Das ist der Geist des Konzils.