
Francis Appoints Jeffrey Sachs As Member Of Pontifical Academy

Francis appointed his ally Jeffery Sachs on October 25 as Ordinary Member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences.

Sachs is the architect of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, a Keynesian economist, and a zealous defender of the Chinese Communist Party. He is a regular speaker at the Vatican despite being a population control advocate (abortion, contraception).

He has worked with George Soros and Bill and Melinda Gates, the strongly pro-abortion and pro-contraception billionaire philanthropists, and has been a supporter of the former presidential candidate and socialist Bernie Sanders.


Just another example of Bergoglio undermining Western Christian civilization. He is not Catholic, heck is he even Christian?? Sachs is a atheistic globalist hell bent on destroying Christianity.
entlarvendes Grinsen
la verdad prevalece
"Bergoglio is a man of gestures": Apostate Clelia Luro
"Just look at "his gestures": Apostate Hummus 🤔
For some, even this they will ignore as an issue of non importance.
two evil peas in a pod
Defeat Modernism
This video youtu.be/MOmkNCxfYj4 goes over the link between Francis, George Soros, and Jeffrey Sachs. Very evil men.
Jan Joseph
Het is wel duidelijk wie paus Franciscus door een staatsgreep aan de macht heeft gebracht, de Amerikaanse Communisten en de Europese Communisten.
Sachs he is a pro abortionist
atreverse pensar
From Wiki, if I can say: Sachs was raised in Oak Park, a suburb of Detroit, Michigan, the son of Joan (née Abrams) and Theodore Sachs, a labor lawyer. His family is Jewish.
Angelo Santelli
Another reason to demand/force Bergoglio's ouster.
Is anyone surprised?
Bergoglios best friends
De Profundis
Interesting that Bishop Marcelo Sánchez -- he of "China is the best implementer of Catholic social teaching" fame -- had THIS to say when asked why Sachs seemed to be so much in favour at the Vatican
This moment said it all! Evil.
Paolo F
Two in a box..
We are running out of adjectives and adverbs to describe this idiot. Please let's pray for him.
Live Mike
You'll recall the old adage, "Birds of a feather flock together."