
Vatican Sees Buddha As Great Healer On Same Level as Christ

“As Buddhists and Christians, we see the Buddha and Jesus as great healers,” says a joint statement published on Vatican.va (November 16).

It is the closing statement of the Seventh Buddhist-Christian Colloquium at the Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University in Bangkok, Thailand, co-organised by the useless Vatican Dicarstery for Interreligious Dialogue.

According to the statement, “Jesus and the Buddha proposed love and compassion as medicine to drive out the darkness in the human heart and the world.”

Somebody should tell the Vatican that Christ and the Catholic Church are all about rejecting false gods and ideologies such as Buddhism and worshipping the Holy Trinity to find the small door to eternal salvation.

Picture: Vatican Media, Divisione Foto, #newsYhhfydazrd

Wilma Lopez shares this
Vatican Joint Statement with Buddhists: ‘We see the Buddha and Jesus as Great Healers’
Wilma Lopez
Comparing a Buddhist to Our Lord is like comparing pig iron to gold. One of infinite value and the other hardly no value.
I remember in the 90's there was a woman theologian at the Catholic Univ I attended, who had an Icon of Jesus the Great Teacher on the wall of her office and a statue of Buddha on her desk. Being a snarcky philosophy student I had to comment on the absurdity to which she replied, Christ and Buddha are the two great loves of my life. Modernism has been around in the Church for a long time!
After promoting Pachademon worship, Bergoglio now promotes atheist dharma. Lord, rid us of this squatter.
Jan Joseph
Crisis, een ongelovige Paus Franciscus, ongelovige Kardinalen, ongelovige Bischoppen, ongelovige Priesters, ongelovige Diakens, ongelovige Pastoraal werkers en werksters, kortom een kerkelijke organisatie vol met ketters.
Blasphemous idolatry.
Jeffrey Ade
I call BS. Our lady of Fatima, save us from this...
Jeffrey Ade
@Liam Ronan Without Baptism and repentance I fear a barbecue event and hope I will not have to be fried as well! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
This is consistent with the Pope's universalism that all religions are equally valid, which is nonsense.
The gods of the gentiles are devils. Christ alone is God, Francis!
P. O'B
How many did Buddha raise from the dead?
who shrunk francis?
Sandy Barrett
The environment in which Buddhism came into being was a period of intense religious fervor and conflict. Dominant Hinduism had encouraged the formation of schools of thought, in which questions of man’s existence were debated, along with the practice of specialized forms of worship or asceticism in keeping with the Hindu belief in transmigration of souls. To avoid the awful prospect of an eternity …More
The environment in which Buddhism came into being was a period of intense religious fervor and conflict. Dominant Hinduism had encouraged the formation of schools of thought, in which questions of man’s existence were debated, along with the practice of specialized forms of worship or asceticism in keeping with the Hindu belief in transmigration of souls. To avoid the awful prospect of an eternity of such transmigrations, different theories were proposed: good moral deeds, ritual, and self-discipline. Depending on the emphasis, new sects arose, each with its own leader and established customs within the ample folds of the Hindu way of life.
Jeffrey Ade
That is cool!
De Profundis
‘Listening, transparent, welcoming, inclusive’. Definitions may vary.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
This first picture is Catholic. The second, I don't want to say anything. It's too shocking, and really scary. Buddhism is a very honorable religion, but has nothing in common with Jesus Christ or the Catholic Church. This statement about Catholics and Buddhists, (Jesus and Buddha) is very positive for Buddhists, but blasphemous and apostacy for Catholics. I wonder if Satan and demons have really …More
This first picture is Catholic. The second, I don't want to say anything. It's too shocking, and really scary. Buddhism is a very honorable religion, but has nothing in common with Jesus Christ or the Catholic Church. This statement about Catholics and Buddhists, (Jesus and Buddha) is very positive for Buddhists, but blasphemous and apostacy for Catholics. I wonder if Satan and demons have really taken over the Catholic Church under this man Francis? I would feel my soul safe with the first photo with the Latin Mass, but in grave danger professing loyalty to the second.