
FIFTY Dead in Catholic Church

Bandits killed over 50 persons in an attack on St. Francis Church in Owo, Southern Nigeria (TheNationOnlineEng.net, June 5).

Apart from worshippers, the bandits also killed passerby hit by stray bullets. The attack occurred during the Sunday Eucharist.

The witnesses said the gunmen stormed the church during service and started shooting. Explosives were also detonated by the gunmen inside premises of the church.


Why did our Bishops not have us pray for these victims in Mass?
De Profundis
Gun ownership is strictly regulated in Nigeria Last year the govt of Nigeria even passed tougher gun control measures
Maria Joanna od ANIOŁÓW
Dear Jesus and our Lord, grant them eternal rest Amen !!!
Dit staat ons Traditionele Katholieken over de gehele wereld te wachten.
Lisi Sterndorfer
The Church in Nigeria continues to suffer at the hands of evil.
Wilma Lopez shares this
God have mercy
Hugh N. Cry
The media will give this scant coverage because it's Catholics. Any other religion, it would be front page news across the world
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let Your perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen.
Croí Láidir
This little boy's mother also became a victim of today's brutal terrorist attack along with many other Catholics in Nigeria's Ondo state during Mass
Roberto 55
Bandits = moslems...
atreverse pensar
In the Christianophobic media they do not talk about this. RIP