Too Much Scandal: Francis Again Defends "Sodoma Supplicans"

“Nobody is scandalized when I give a blessing to an entrepreneur who may be exploiting people, and that is a grave sin. But they are scandalized when I give the blessing to a homosexual. This is …More
“Nobody is scandalized when I give a blessing to an entrepreneur who may be exploiting people, and that is a grave sin. But they are scandalized when I give the blessing to a homosexual. This is hypocrisy!”
The hypocrite Francis made this weak strawman argument in a new interview about his document “Sodoma Supplicans” talking to (February 7).
He knows himself that the individual sinner of any kind can receive a blessing, but not the sinful behavior. It is doubtful that the entrepreneur would want to be publicly exposed for exploiting a worker.
Picture: © Mazur/, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsAiegcfwsah
This Pope, an abusive spiritual Father is wearing a lot of people out in the Church. How long Oh, Lord!
Darice Henriques
To be honest, I am no longer scandalized nowadays. I have become used to this. Learned helplessness? Fatigued? Resigned? Keep Calm and Carry On.
Presumably many Trad Catholics feel the same way.
A Wearying Pontificate Nears Its End
Paus Franciscus zegt dat iedere ondernemer mensen uitbuit, blijkbaar is er geen ondernemer meer welkom in de Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerk van Paus Franciscus. Dus ONDERNEMERS, wordt lid van de parochies van de Sint Pius X broederschap of de Sint Petrus broederschap.
@Aaron-Jozef Ja - he's a Communist after all. No to capitalism! 🤪
la verdad prevalece
In Argentina, Bergoglio, to defend the triple sacrilege that he allowed, the homosexual transvestite Roberto Trinidad and his 'partner' Bergoglio used a similar argument comparing the transvestite with a single mother to attack the faithful priests who opposed him.
Página Católica: Bergoglio retó en público a sus propios curas (
In Argentina, Bergoglio, to defend the triple sacrilege that he allowed, the homosexual transvestite Roberto Trinidad and his 'partner' Bergoglio used a similar argument comparing the transvestite with a single mother to attack the faithful priests who opposed him.

Página Católica: Bergoglio retó en público a sus propios curas (
la verdad prevalece
From Argentina, the arrogant apostate Jorge Bergoglio tramples on the Law of God and the teachings of the Church and as if he were the author of the Evangelical Message and not Christ, he believes he has the right to Change it.
Ivan Tomas
We know enough about Bergoglio, don't we?
But how about the complicit clergy and their silence?
Even now!
Wilma Lopez
In the same interview, Francis added: “But I don't bless a ‘homosexual marriage,’ I bless two people who love each other [che si vogliono bene] and I also ask them to pray for me. Always in confessions, when these situations arise, homosexual people, remarried people, I always pray and bless. A blessing is not to be denied to anyone. Everyone, everyone, everyone. Be careful, I'm talking about …More
In the same interview, Francis added: “But I don't bless a ‘homosexual marriage,’ I bless two people who love each other [che si vogliono bene] and I also ask them to pray for me. Always in confessions, when these situations arise, homosexual people, remarried people, I always pray and bless. A blessing is not to be denied to anyone. Everyone, everyone, everyone. Be careful, I'm talking about people: those who are capable of receiving Baptism."
So like "Fr. Floaty" he has people "bless" him in the confessional - really the modern reconciliation room, since that where a priest can have this type of interaction (the old-time confessional booth prohibited physical contact 😇 ).
Sally Dorman
Cardinals, bishops, priests weren’t “scandalized” by the blessing of “A homosexual”. The obvious problem was the scandal caused by blessing a homosexual *couple*
Wilma Lopez shares this
Francis on Fiducia Supplicans: “I do not bless a ‘homosexual marriage,’ I bless two people who love each other and I also ask them to pray for me.”
All Saints
Instead of giving the mentally ill person counseling? This is no different than someone claiming to be in love with their horse. Without the charity of couseling them about their illness you are just confirming them in their errors. Shame on you, you absolute fraud.
There was no letter (with accompanying fanfare) announcing the new policy of blessing entrepreneurs who exploit others. That is why there is no objection to that.
Not so, Your Holiness. Your misplaced rationale is predicated upon your use of a flawed example. Because it most certainly would be perceived by, not only the Faithful but indeed, the entire world as highly scandalous and sacrilegious if an entrepreneur who is publicly KNOWN and recognized as one who criminally exploits innocent victims, and is also publicly known to be unrepentant in that exploitation …More
Not so, Your Holiness. Your misplaced rationale is predicated upon your use of a flawed example. Because it most certainly would be perceived by, not only the Faithful but indeed, the entire world as highly scandalous and sacrilegious if an entrepreneur who is publicly KNOWN and recognized as one who criminally exploits innocent victims, and is also publicly known to be unrepentant in that exploitation — such as a notorious mafia personality (a criminally exploitive enterprise against which Your Holiness often rails and whose syndicate members even you yourself have declared are excommunicate ipso facto) — would be publicly received by Your Holiness or by any other Prelate or Priest for that matter, and upon their request, be given a “blessing.” In such a case, it cannot be denied that the receptive object of that “blessing” will assuredly be perceived by the public as being the recipient’s criminal behavior and the exploitive undertakings and activities they are known to be engaged in.

There can be no doubt or debate then, that such a priestly invocation offered under those circumstances would be seen and understood as a blasphemous and sacrilegious act, an act which would most certainly be offensive to God and bring enormous and irrevocable scandal to His Holy Church. Just as there can be no doubt nor debate whatsoever under any circumstances that the invocation of a priestly blessing upon so-called same-sex couples is a grave and grievous sacrilege that awards their unholy, unclean, unnatural union with the Church's approval, while it sanctions the mortal sin of sodomy along with those who commit it.

Thus, a Priest could no more “bless” a sodomite “couple” than he could “bless” the organized criminality of the mafia and those “entrepreneurs” who lead its murderously exploitive operations.
Dr Bobus
Strawman is right--he habitually employs the strawman fallacy.
Maybe when he finally dies, he can be declared the Patron of StrawmenMore
Strawman is right--he habitually employs the strawman fallacy.

Maybe when he finally dies, he can be declared the Patron of Strawmen
Wilma Lopez
Forget about Francis pretending that FS isn’t about blessing couples. Just look at this photo of Father James Martin SJ (a close associate of Francis) giving an FS blessing. Note the affectionate hand holding …
Opera 369
Everyday for Life Canada
Stop with the verbal gymnastics. You don’t bless either person if they are committing sin. Even the devil can cite scripture for his purpose.
Katrin Kaufmann
The man is a gaslighting liar. He knows exactly what he’s doing.
John A Cassani
It would certainly be scandal to bless an entrepreneur who is exploiting people, or embezzling or the like. Unless he is notorious, crimes can’t be presumed. It is scandalous to bless a pair of homosexuals because one reasonably presumes that they are committing sodomy.
Wilma Lopez
Must be a joke: Francis sees ‘hypocrisy’ in ‘Fiducia supplicans’ criticism