
Italy: First Homosex Church Wedding

Pietro Morotti and Giacomo Spagnoli registered a civil homosex union in Budrio near Bologna on June 11 and then went for a pseudo-wedding in Budrio's San Lorenzo Church, just across the municipality, …More
Pietro Morotti and Giacomo Spagnoli registered a civil homosex union in Budrio near Bologna on June 11 and then went for a pseudo-wedding in Budrio's San Lorenzo Church, just across the municipality, LaNuovaBq.it reports.
The ceremony happened in the presence of a large group of priests co-presiding a Eucharist. The presider, Father Gabriele Davalli, is the diocesan responsible for "family pastoral care."
During the show, the two homosexuals pronounced a “yes” to each other. All paraphernalia of a normal wedding were there: flowers, formal suits, songs, photographer, parents, relatives, friends and two homosexuals who were at the centre of the theatre.
In an attempt to deceive the stupid, Davalli called the pseudo wedding a "eucharist [Greek for "thanksgiving"] of thanksgiving."
Bologna Archdiocese is run by the homosexualist Matteo Zuppi, the president of the Italian bishops. He had been informed about the show.
Bologna. Noteworthy: in this country what we call "liberal" or "progressive" Catholicism is known to have had its start at the university of Bologna theology faculty. Its called "the Bologna School."
De Profundis shares this
For the first time in Italy, gay couple receives church blessing for “marriage”
feelings are not values or morals /today our society are guided by feelings .and we forget the value and moral of keeping the 10 commandments and the Gospel of our Lord Jesus and the clergy are on top of offending God ,Repent
May God help us.
la verdad prevalece
The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines scandal as “an attitude or behavior which leads another to do evil. It increases when the speaker has a duty to teach the truth.
They are also committing the sin of Scandals by omission.
la verdad prevalece
Another proof that Bergoglio is not Pope. "When the cat is away, the mice have a party" is a saying that means that when the authority figure is absent, people will break rules and do as they please.
la verdad prevalece
And another thing, here we see an example of the Sin of Scandal because the authority that refuses to condemn a sin becomes an accomplice.
la verdad prevalece
That's why God punished Eli the priest for failing to restrain or stop his sons from doing evil.
DefendTruth shares this
Joseph Sciambra: "There are no LGBTQ children; there are only children who have been groomed and abused."
Italian Lover
Zuppi knew.
What about Pope Francis?
Cardinal Pietro Parolin?
Cardinal Angelo Scola?
Cardinal Mario Grech?
Italian Bishops’ Conference?
la verdad prevalece
In those churches Christ is no longer present we see the Abomination of Desolation. As the Virgin in La Salette said that some churches would be desecrated and used to worship demons.
Revelation 18:4
Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition
4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Go out from her, my people; that you be not partakers of her sins from her, and that you receive not from her of her …More
In those churches Christ is no longer present we see the Abomination of Desolation. As the Virgin in La Salette said that some churches would be desecrated and used to worship demons.

Revelation 18:4
Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition
4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Go out from her, my people; that you be not partakers of her sins from her, and that you receive not from her of her plagues from her.
la verdad prevalece
Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the Antichrist.”
Churches will be closed or desecrated. Many will abandon the faith, and the number of priests and religious who will separate themselves from the true religion will be great; even Bishops will be found among these persons.”
A number of religious houses will lose the faith entirely and cause many souls to be damned.”
The spirits of …More
Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the Antichrist.”
Churches will be closed or desecrated. Many will abandon the faith, and the number of priests and religious who will separate themselves from the true religion will be great; even Bishops will be found among these persons.”
A number of religious houses will lose the faith entirely and cause many souls to be damned.”
The spirits of darkness will everywhere spread universal relaxation in everything concerning God's service: there will be churches to serve these spirits.
Ivan Tomas
They (enemies) have the buildings, we (Catholics) have a Faith!
Not Catholic! Holy Mother church has been taken over by the Lavender Mafia. They have our churches and are using them to promote their agenda. Attend a traditional church, move if you have to, especially if you have children away from this filth.
The priest leading souls to hell. Nice agent of his master, Lucifer.
De homoseksuele Protestantse kerk van na het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie van Paus Franciscus zal na het volgende conclaaf, later dit jaar, in duizenden stukjes uiteen vallen. Gelukkig zullen de gelovigen die het Universele Tridentijnse, Romeinse, Rooms Katholieke geloof belijden van voor het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie de nieuwe Tridentijnse, Romeinse, Katholieke kerk stichten.
Cassandra Laments
I've got to the point where reading about the horrors going on in the 'Church' is similar to reading about the antics of the Mafia. It's sort of compulsive, given that it's riven with the worst of scandals and most of us like a good film about gangsters, but frankly, I wouldn't watch Mafia films with all the attendant filth in them which we see paraded before us all in the present Church. So I often …More
I've got to the point where reading about the horrors going on in the 'Church' is similar to reading about the antics of the Mafia. It's sort of compulsive, given that it's riven with the worst of scandals and most of us like a good film about gangsters, but frankly, I wouldn't watch Mafia films with all the attendant filth in them which we see paraded before us all in the present Church. So I often ask myself why I continue to read Catholic news at all, but at other times I think that I should know what's going on in the Church.
Italian Lover
Being pro-perversion is the way to the top of the Bergoglian ape of the Church
Of course with the hidden approval of Pope Francis!
The proof? No sanction for the archbishop and the priest despite the CDF prohibition of February 22, 2021…
The clergy that promote these kind of things do they really believe and fear God and our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ? ,or do they believe the lord of this world ?
Ursula Sankt
Sin being openly paraded as something to be blessed before the Altar, in God's House, in front of the Tabernacle housing Our Lord Jesus Christ
An ofense to God that is what this is
Sally Dorman
Same in USA, same in Germany.
I don't understand why these activists don't just start their own Church. Why would they even want a "wedding" in the Catholic Church unless it was to mock and blaspheme for sport. What fools.
John Fritz Logan
Could this be a blessing in disguise? Zuppi was playing the moderate, since he is the first Italian bishops under whom this happens, just after he became president of the bishops conference, this might get a lot of public attention, ironically from the left. This might turn away certain moderate cardinals, especially ones from Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe. Can the word be spread to them?
John A Cassani
Evil people don’t care about building anything of their own. They only seek to destroy what has been passed down.
They want to destroy the Bride of Christ, plain and simple.
Maggie212 yes they want to mock and blaspheme but there's more to it. Radicals of all types (abortion advocates, Modernists in the Church, Liberals running the US) hate opposition more and more as their control grows. Deep down they know they're on the wrong side of Truth so they fight viciously to eliminate all evidence of Truth.