
Michael Voris Fired After "Breaching Morality Clause"

Michael Voris, the founder of ChurchMilitant.com, has been asked to resign by the company's board of directors for violating its “morality clause”. His resignation has been accepted, ChurchMilitant.com …More
Michael Voris, the founder of ChurchMilitant.com, has been asked to resign by the company's board of directors for violating its “morality clause”.
His resignation has been accepted, ChurchMilitant.com announced. Voris will now focus on his "personal health".
The board did not disclose Voris' "private matters" to the public, presumably for privacy reasons. Some social media users wondered, “Wanna bet he is no longer 'ex gay'?”
On 11 November, newsreader Christine Niles also left. ChurchMilitant.com employs forty full-time staff.
Picture: Michael Voris, #newsUepdzltrdh
Simon North
Voris remarks in the video that his "nature is deeply damaged." Which is the reason he should never have been engaging in the work that has destroyed souls without any regard for mercy. He has masked his rage (essentially self-loathing) behind the attempt at legitimizing it through what he calls "investigative journalism." He, evidently, when he was in the seminary, never read the tracts in moral …More
Voris remarks in the video that his "nature is deeply damaged." Which is the reason he should never have been engaging in the work that has destroyed souls without any regard for mercy. He has masked his rage (essentially self-loathing) behind the attempt at legitimizing it through what he calls "investigative journalism." He, evidently, when he was in the seminary, never read the tracts in moral theology dealing with detraction and calumny.
God loves Michael Voris as much as He loves you
Simon North
You don't know that, since it's Catholic dogmatic teaching that God loves some people more than others. So He may love Michael Voris more - or less - than whomever you are talking about.
Just go to confession and learn from your mistakes we Catholics care more about your soul then your sin. Get help we all be praying for you even though I am SSPX 🙏 😊
Always thought this guy was sketchy, but I wish him the best. Homosexuality is a curse for most men and women and a difficult vice to overcome.
DefendTruth shares this
Voris said he has thought about resigning multiple times this year. “I need to conquer these demons,” he said, referring both to what he called “act-out demons” and “the underlying cause of it.”
Ave Crux
The underlying cause of it is the lack of respect for the Sacred Priesthood which Michael Voris has never ceased displaying in his public attacks on GOOD Priests because of the failings of a few.
This is a serious, serious offense before God. It damages the ability of good Priests to minister to the flock and it stains the good name of all Priests when doing so because it places them all unto the …More
The underlying cause of it is the lack of respect for the Sacred Priesthood which Michael Voris has never ceased displaying in his public attacks on GOOD Priests because of the failings of a few.

This is a serious, serious offense before God. It damages the ability of good Priests to minister to the flock and it stains the good name of all Priests when doing so because it places them all unto the shadow of suspicion.

Michael also has an implacable hatred for Holy Mother Church's Tradition and calls the Latin Mass an "idol" worshipped by Traditionalists.

He needs to retreat and undergo a deep conversion of heart because such actions call forth demons.... And that is the problem.


The reverence you pay to [priests] is not actually paid to them but to me, in virtue of the blood I have entrusted to their ministry. If this were not so, you should pay them as much reverence as to anyone else, and no more. It is this ministry of theirs that dictates that you should reverence them and come to them, not for what they are in themselves but for the power I have entrusted to them, if you would receive the sacraments of the Church….

So the reverence belongs not to the ministers, but to me and to this glorious blood made one thing with me because of the union of divinity with humanity. And just as the reverence is done to me, so also is the irreverence, for I have already told you that you must not reverence them for themselves, but for the authority I have entrusted to them. Therefore you must not sin against them, because if you do, you are really sinning not against them but against me. This I have forbidden, and I have said that it is my will that no one should touch them.

For this reason no one has excuse to say, “I am doing no harm, nor am I rebelling against holy Church. I am simply acting against the sins of evil pastors.” Such persons are deluded, blinded as they are by their own selfishness…. It is me they assault, just as it was me they reverenced. To me redounds every assault they make on my ministers: derision, slander, disgrace, abuse. Whatever is done to them I count as done to me….

By not paying me reverence in the persons of my ministers, they have lost respect for the latter and persecuted them because of the many sins and faults they saw in them. If in truth the reverence they had for them had been for my sake, they would not have cut it off on account of any sin in them. For no sin can lessen the power of this sacrament, and therefore their reverence should not lessen either. When it does, it is against me they sin. (116)
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Apparently, he's back to being a homo. Christine Niles I heard read because Voris had changed ( never prayed anymore like he used to, leading the staff in the Rosary). Niles I don't know anything about. But I know that Michael Voris was/is gay.
Ten years ago, I read in college in psychology class that it is practically impossible for a practicing homo to stop being homosexual. When I was in college …More
Apparently, he's back to being a homo. Christine Niles I heard read because Voris had changed ( never prayed anymore like he used to, leading the staff in the Rosary). Niles I don't know anything about. But I know that Michael Voris was/is gay.
Ten years ago, I read in college in psychology class that it is practically impossible for a practicing homo to stop being homosexual. When I was in college, I wanted to pay my way thru school rather than have my Dad, who was at the time already paying for 3 other kids in college and had 3 behind me soon to join the ranks. At first I got a crap job at a Barnes and Noble bookstore, opening boxes. A friend of mine suggested me making a portfolio of photo poses of me in suits and other attire and send to a modeling agency. I did it as a joke, never expecting to hear anything. But six weeks later, I did, and was offered a contract. Since it was beginning Summer, I accepted, and worked in their Philadelphia branch office, and in NYC. I made enough that whole Summer, to pay for the coming year, which was my Junior year. I did Christmas shoots too, but soon realized that so many of the other guys doing the same as me were gay... and the girls too. That was a shock. I stuck it out, taking 1 day off from class a week to work...but quit after my contract was up for re-newal. I didn't like the lifestyle of those people, even though the work was fun. I had enough to pay for senior year, and gave a big chunk to my Dad to pay part of the year for one of my younger brothers, who would be entering as a freshman after I graduated. (2015).
But the point is, people should have realized what Michael Voris was all about. Gays don't change. He was also into bodybuilding, another red flag. Gays love that sport. Another red flag was that he was against Catholic tradition and the SSPX and the traditional Latin Mass. Gays love the Novus Ordo, or the established Mass as it is, because they can do anything with it. They can make it up from scratch every day.....and gay priests and liturgical assistants do just that, every day. In Rome, Cardinal Gambetti hates tradition so much, and seeing people praying in St.Peter's, that I am sure he is gay himself. And maybe his boss too.
No one should feel sorry for Michael Voris. He deceived everyone. As such, he deserves no tears of sympathy. Gays who were active for years don't change.
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori I guess if people in the bondage of homosexual sin cannot change (as you state),then Jesus's death on the cross was for nothing.
Let me just say that, yes, Voris no doubt has his faults, as we all do. But it’s wrong to say “ no one should feel sorry” for him. To think that way is basically stating “ Too bad Michael, you got what you deserve”. As someone who is also also struggling with same sex attraction, but who tries to lead a serious Catholic life, fully aware of my deep weakness, let me tell you, respectfully, you …More
Let me just say that, yes, Voris no doubt has his faults, as we all do. But it’s wrong to say “ no one should feel sorry” for him. To think that way is basically stating “ Too bad Michael, you got what you deserve”. As someone who is also also struggling with same sex attraction, but who tries to lead a serious Catholic life, fully aware of my deep weakness, let me tell you, respectfully, you don’t really understand what Voris is facing. Having listened to or is for years I am convinced he was always a sincere Catholic..his work at CM was never a con, as if just trying to convince his listeners he’s somehow reformed and “ex-gay”. Some men manage to completely change their sexual orientation, but many cannot. Please don’t judge. As you’ve never carried this particular cross, be thankful to God that he has spared you. Don’t kick a brother who has fallen flat. How do you think he’s feeling right now. How do you think you’d be feeling if he were in his shoes ? I wish Michael the very best that he might get back up on his feet, reconcile with God ( if he hasn’t already done so ), and take up his cross once again. His cross is not a light one, but with a deep faith and the sacraments all things are possible.
English Catholic
@Foxx269 Thankyou for your insightful comment. Have you ever read the work of Dr Gerard van den Aardweg? He is Catholic and has had years of dealing with this issue. The best known of his books 'The Battle for Normality' has been cancelled virtually everywhere, but it still available from Ignatius Press USA: The Battle for Normality |~ BNSTP
Credo .
@Foxx269... Some good sensible comments of which I am in total agreement. 🤔
English Catholic
@SonoftheChurch I agree with a lot of what you say, but as I commented to a friend this morning "I hope he will lead a life of peace out of the limelight in future, and not ‘bounce back’ when he feels OK again, with a new ‘apostolate’." I think that would be a tragic mistake as it will re-expose him to many dangers.
Which ever way you look at this, it is sad news, so very sad, homosexuality is a real bloody evil coming from the pits of hell. Every day for a very long time, its been bad news, from the Vatican, the nutty anti-pope, other priests, bishops, cardinals and so forth and now we see Voris has fallen, we can not possibly dispute he did some good, as for him always bagging the SSPX well he shouldn't have …More
Which ever way you look at this, it is sad news, so very sad, homosexuality is a real bloody evil coming from the pits of hell. Every day for a very long time, its been bad news, from the Vatican, the nutty anti-pope, other priests, bishops, cardinals and so forth and now we see Voris has fallen, we can not possibly dispute he did some good, as for him always bagging the SSPX well he shouldn't have because nothing is perfect whether the trad or not, only God is perfect, but by gee i really think we are at the final stages of the end times. There is no coming back from this huge mess unless it's comes from a direct intervention from the almighty. Whatever we do our first priority should be to pray and pray hard for all humanity because we are in very evil times. Dear God may your kingdom come & your will be done.
May the power of the Holy Ghost and the cleansing flow of the Blood of Christ wrought a mighty work of grace, deliverance and healing in the life of this young man, making him every whit whole and releasing him from every chain that holds him in bondage. He needs an experienced Spiritual Director to guide him in this hour of his life, and to assist him in the journey towards the spiritual reconstruction …More
May the power of the Holy Ghost and the cleansing flow of the Blood of Christ wrought a mighty work of grace, deliverance and healing in the life of this young man, making him every whit whole and releasing him from every chain that holds him in bondage. He needs an experienced Spiritual Director to guide him in this hour of his life, and to assist him in the journey towards the spiritual reconstruction his path must now take. Hopefully he will find refuge in a long season of retreat at a quiet and solitary place of peace and spirituality, far away from the vicissitudes of life and the siren pull of worldliness and carnal pleasures. Let us, in deepest charity, pray fervently and earnestly for our brother during this dark night of his soul. Now is not the time for slanderous judgement or gossip, nor to speak of past perversions or uncleannesses our brother may have been stained by. We must, with humility and humanity, be pillars of strength and succor for him right now, so that the grace and mercies of the Lord will bring him through this valley of death to his flesh and that he will emerge from it victorious, having been remade in the image of Christ, with fresh zeal and bold determination for the vigorous defense of the Faith, and a renewed commitment and devotion to Holy Mother Church that is far larger and more profound than he has ever experienced before, to the glory of God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
@SonoftheChurch : I agree and am praying for him as well; however, I do think his video was a bit self-serving, especially coming from one who so viciously attacked the SSPX and other trads. Just one other observation: How old are you that you consider Voris a "young man" ? He's 62 years old, almost ready to collect social security!
I wonder if Voris and Niles were the source of the problem with Church Militant, or has whatever Voris created become the problem which will continue to undermine traditional Catholic organizations and beliefs even with their exit?
Thank you for confirming my thoughts exactly!
English Catholic
This was always, always going to happen. Anyone who ever read E Michael Jones's book "The Man Behind the Curtain, Michael Voris and the Homosexual Vortex" could see it was always going to end in tears.
Wilma Lopez
Keypoints of Jones?
English Catholic
@Wilma Lopez It's a long time since I read it, but Chapter 7 was called: "The Man Behind the Curtain Comes Out and Continues to Hide" I think that sums it up.
English Catholic
What shocked me as much is that CM has 40 full-time employees. 40! Imagine the wage/pension bill. Christine Niles has also made a YouTube video. My statement on the resignation of Michael Voris. She's gone as well, apparently. Well there's only 38 on the payroll now.
If CM rebrands as an orthodox traditional minded news outlet, knocks off the bad trad bashing, they can still survive and thrive without Voris and Miles.
I think Voris' ego led the organization to have grandiose expectations. He wanted and even stated that CM would be THE premier Catholic network - eclipsing EWTN (which despite its issues has a global reach in various media). He even wanted to be at the forefront of conservative politics rivaling the Daily Wire & Blaze TV.
English Catholic
@Orthocat Although I wasn't a CM subscriber/viewer, I had heard of Voris's attacks on other Catholic apostolates, and it crossed my mind that it was probably based on market competitiveness and not doctrinal issues.
De Profundis
He never granted any mercy. But Voris now is in total brokenness and soreness
It's too bad we don't have Church Militant to trap and expose the lies and falsehoods here.
Sally Dorman
"Fully transparent"..."has chosen not to disclose"
Wilma Lopez
“There are things I have to go away and address and work on, horrible, ugly things,” he said. “Not going to share them, nobody else’s business but mine. The consequences of me not dealing with those obviously are some people’s business.”
“I need to conquer these demons,” he said, adding that they are “like spiritual terror” to him. He asked people to continue supporting the organization he …More
“There are things I have to go away and address and work on, horrible, ugly things,” he said. “Not going to share them, nobody else’s business but mine. The consequences of me not dealing with those obviously are some people’s business.”

“I need to conquer these demons,” he said, adding that they are “like spiritual terror” to him. He asked people to continue supporting the organization he founded.
Wilma Lopez
"My nature is deeply damaged" - he says.
He speaks here (twitter.com/Michael_Voris/status/1727102250311733320) about "act out demons" - "that's a symptom".
There is an "underlying cause"More
He speaks here (twitter.com/Michael_Voris/status/1727102250311733320) about "act out demons" - "that's a symptom".

There is an "underlying cause"
Sounds like he relapsed into the gay lifestyle
No Voris - as Zee Germans say.