Why do people think Cleopatra was black?

Wikimedia Commons,CC BY-SA 4.0(cropped). By George M. Hollenback In the trailer for the disastrous Netflix documentary Some of the Cleopatra-was-black business …


NEW AGE ON ORIGINAL SIN & FALL FROM PARADISE (WAIT TILL YOU READ THIS!) Satan is the ULTIMATE SPIN DOCTOR Im continuing my series on unmasking the Antichrist’s new age false doctrines BECAUSE this is …More
Im continuing my series on unmasking the Antichrist’s new age false doctrines BECAUSE this is going to become MAINSTREAM towards the end of world war 3 when massive loss of life has occurred.
BLASPHEMY: Fr. James Martin’s Group Connects ‘Pride Month’ to the Sacred Heart

BLASPHEMY: Fr. James Martin’s Group Connects ‘Pride Month’ to the Sacred Heart

The pro-LGBT advocacy group Outreach, run by Father James Martin, S.J., published an op-ed blasphemously arguing that the …
Liam Ronan
@ComplicitClergy More properly to the lance that pierced the Sacred Heart.

The True Face of Zionism

Nahun Goldman, a Polish-born Zionist who was for a long time president of the World Jewish Congress and the World Zionist Organization, reveals to us in this passage from his work The spirit of Militarism …More
Nahun Goldman, a Polish-born Zionist who was for a long time president of the World Jewish Congress and the World Zionist Organization, reveals to us in this passage from his work The spirit of Militarism the true face of Zionism
“The historical mission of our world revolution is to rearrange a new culture of humanity to replace the previous social system. This conversion and reorganization of global society requires two essential steps: firstly the destruction of the old established order, secondly design and imposition of the new order. The first steps require elimination of all frontier borders, nationhood and culture, public policy, ethical barriers and social definitions; only then can the destroyed old system elements be replaced by the imposed system elements of our new order. The first task of our world revolution is destruction. All the stratifications and social formations that the old system created must be destroyed, individuals must be torn from their ancestral environment …More
Dr Bobus
Hilary Clinton was of almost same opinion.

He feared a loss of reputation: Muslim stabs pregnant German girlfriend to death

The verdict is now in – in what is probably one of the worst cases in Cologne and the region in recent years. The 34-year …
Tom Morelli
Chinese secret police organizing illegal immigrant border surges, too

Chinese secret police organizing illegal immigrant border surges, too

Chinese secret police organizing illegal immigrant border surges, too It's no secret that with the open border, criminals are …
Former Boston Archbishop, Cardinal Bernard Law was vilified by The Boston Globe and SNAP, but before that he was a champion of justice in the Civil Rights Movement.

Cardinal Bernard Law on the Frontier of Civil Rights — Beyond These Stone Walls

Cardinal Bernard Law on the Frontier of Civil Rights By coincidence, and it was not planned this way, but the date of this …
Normand Thomas

192. To live in Love

Offering our life to God is the answer he seeks. In this way, he can fulfill his dream in people. Then, let’s invite people to let themselves be loved and open their hearts to the Presence of God. …More
Offering our life to God is the answer he seeks. In this way, he can fulfill his dream in people. Then, let’s invite people to let themselves be loved and open their hearts to the Presence of God. Let’s invite them to give their lives to God.
Let’s tell them that his Love is free and perfect.
He gave us the gift of his life and he expects from us the answer to his Love. May we offer him our life in answer to his Eternal Life for us. Let’s offer love in response to his Love. Let’s also observe the fruits that the Spirit transmits to people and we’ll discover God present in them.
The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: Here, where we are, Normand Thomas
Wilma Lopez
Yet another Jesuit

A pedophile priest recorded his crimes. The Jesuit Order covered up the findings of the investigation

When the Bolivian ecclesiastical investigators entered the room belonging to the Spanish Jesuit priest …
Everyday for Life Canada
And this pontificate is obsessed with getting rid of the Latin Mass, UN goals, cancelling loyal priests and environmentalism. Something is terribly …More
And this pontificate is obsessed with getting rid of the Latin Mass, UN goals, cancelling loyal priests and environmentalism. Something is terribly amiss here. Say a prayer for the countless abused children who are now adults.
Pierre Henri
Tennessee Authorizes Death Penalty for Child Sexual Assault in Direct Challenge to Supreme Court Precedent

Tennessee Authorizes Death Penalty for Child Sexual Assault in Direct Challenge to Supreme Court …

On May 9, Governor Bill Lee of Tennessee signed a bill authorizing the death penalty for aggravated …
John A Cassani
The 2008 case that ruled the death penalty “unusual” for child rape, because only 2 inmates were on death row for that crime is one of the many erroneous …More
The 2008 case that ruled the death penalty “unusual” for child rape, because only 2 inmates were on death row for that crime is one of the many erroneous decisions of the Roberts court. It can be argued that the prohibition on “cruel and unusual punishment” should be interpreted according to what was considered cruel and unusual at the time the article was ratified (1791, I believe). There is a tradition of executing rapists, for certain. It is good that this ruling is being challenged. Execution by the state also has the potential to be more merciful to the heinous criminal than life in prison.
Tom Morelli
Where Is One of the World’s Largest Censers? In Virginia, at Christendom College

Where Is One of the World’s Largest Censers? In Virginia, at Christendom College

Where Is One of the World’s Largest Censers? In Virginia, at Christendom College The Catholic college’s ‘botafumeiro’ …
Wilma Lopez
Archbishop Jorge Ignacio García Cuerva has chastised Catholics who chanted political slogans during Mass, reminding them: “The Mass is something sacred.”

Argentina archbishop responds to political chants at Mass

ACI Prensa Staff, Jun 17, 2024 / 15:00 pm In response to the controversy sparked by people chanting a political slogan during a Mass in the …

Why Does the Nuncio in France Hate the Holy Mass So Much?

Monsignor Celestino Migliore, the nuncio in Paris, is doing all he can to ensure that Traditionis custodes is applied to the last drop of blood and that Holy Mass will be completely eradicated, writes …More
Monsignor Celestino Migliore, the nuncio in Paris, is doing all he can to ensure that Traditionis custodes is applied to the last drop of blood and that Holy Mass will be completely eradicated, writes La Lettre de Paix liturgique (18 June).
Migliore is trying to convince the French bishops that Holy Mass should be tolerated as little as possible and that the other sacraments, especially baptism, marriage and confirmation, should only be administered according to the Novus Ordo.
La Lettre de Paix liturgique points out that the Apostolic Nuncio is by mission an arm of the Secretariat of State, headed by Cardinal Pietro Parolin.
Parolin is a spiritual son of Cardinal Achille Silvestrini (+2019), who was the leader of anti-Catholic Rome for decades.
According to La Lettre de Paix liturgique, Migliore could hope for a promotion under the condition that Parolin is elected the next Pope.
Migliore was sent to France in 2020 to bergoglionise the French episcopate.
It is rumoured that Migliore …More
Christopher Shahrazade
" QUESTION----Why Does the Nuncio in France Hate the Holy Mass So Much?' ANSWER--Because in between watching gay porn on his lap top and trying to …More
QUESTION----Why Does the Nuncio in France Hate the Holy Mass So Much?'
ANSWER--Because in between watching gay porn on his lap top and trying to appoint a new batch of queer bishops to vacant French dioceses...he doesn't have anything else to do.
Dr Bobus
A papal nunzio represents the pope.
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Tom Morelli
Catholic Alternatives to Pride Month

Catholic Alternatives to Pride Month

Just about every aspect of society has jumped onto the “Pride Month” bandwagon. It’s not just celebrities, entertainment, and sports, but now schools, the military …

Can Catholics celebrate Pride Month? Yes, and here's why.

Can Catholics celebrate Pride Month, when the LGBTQ community marks its place in society? Can Catholics celebrate the series of events that take …
English Catholic
A lot of 'gay pride' parades have naked/semi-naked men parading around in front of women and children, who just happened to be in the street at the same …More
A lot of 'gay pride' parades have naked/semi-naked men parading around in front of women and children, who just happened to be in the street at the same time. Do you think this is acceptable? See this recent Remnant video: “THE SCIENCE” ON TRIAL: Jeff Sachs and the CDC’s Dr. Redfield Turn State’s Evidence (not all of the video is on Pride marches).
Sean Johnson
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Press Release - Analysis of the content of "dirty rain" with Saharan sand by the Institute of Chemical …

Press Release – Analysis of the content of “dirty rain” with Saharan sand by the Institute of Chemical …
Naomi Arai
It sounds like all the upside down things a demon would say…

Interview with Andrea Grillo on the Traditional Liturgy: The Church isn’t a “high-society club” or …

QUIX) per la traduzione dell'importante intervista di MiL (QUI) al noto liturgista prof. Andrea Grillo. …
I can't read the whole thing but the gist of Grillo's thought seems to be that the only thing required of Catholics is to follow the current direction …More
I can't read the whole thing but the gist of Grillo's thought seems to be that the only thing required of Catholics is to follow the current direction of the Vatican. He (somewhat indirectly) states that the old liturgy WAS sacred but is NO LONGER sacred. Following is all that is required. And even if an Angel from heaven....?
English Catholic
One more comment
72 pages

More than 16 million Americans could soon be drafted into the military: Australia will be next

By Paul Craig Roberts Dennis Kucinich, a Democrat US Representative who was redistricted out of office …

Who are the REAL conspiracy theorists?

“Covid jab may have led to rise in excess deaths” As a follower of truthful media this headline probably won’t surprise you. But its source might… Because this headline is not from an independent …More
“Covid jab may have led to rise in excess deaths”
As a follower of truthful media this headline probably won’t surprise you.
But its source might…
Because this headline is not from an independent news source like LifeSiteNews.
This headline is from the front page of The Telegraph, the mouthpiece of the British establishment.
The story continues:
“Researchers from the Netherlands analysed data from 47 Western countries and discovered there had been more than 3 million excess deaths since 2020. Experts writing in the BMJ said the unprecedented figures ‘raised serious concerns’ and called on governments to fully investigate the underlying causes, including possible vaccine harms.”
This BMJ study is an important step forward in the fight for the truth about the abortion-tainted jab. The BMJ is one of the world’s most prestigious medical journals, and it cannot be ignored. That’s why former British cabinet minister David Davis MP wrote: “This is a serious report, published by serious …More