Opera 369
This article will not be easily 'digested' especially by those that, sick of the white papier-mache, anti-Church tenant in the Vatican, have turned to the SSPX ...for solace. But, better to know more …More
This article will not be easily 'digested' especially by those that, sick of the white papier-mache, anti-Church tenant in the Vatican, have turned to the SSPX ...for solace. But, better to know more than to be ..manipulated by lies, anybody's lies.

SSPX ministry of priests is illegitimate, here’s why

Benedict XVI had made it clear: without doctrinal clarification there is no canonical status for the Fraternity and no ministerial legitimacy. The …
Opera 369 again "clever" use of pope Benedict XVI to polarize Catholics and undermine unity to continue the "anti-Church tenancy in the Vatican"... Why …More
Opera 369 again "clever" use of pope Benedict XVI to polarize Catholics and undermine unity to continue the "anti-Church tenancy in the Vatican"...
Why you being so fearful of potential "New Catholic Church" that could return a pope to his empty apartments ?
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Opera 369
Really Mons. Vigano'... you really want to discredit the Popes that 'made' your career? Since you often speak about Doctrine, have you examined your own conscience lately, or do you believe that 'you …More
Really Mons. Vigano'... you really want to discredit the Popes that 'made' your career? Since you often speak about Doctrine, have you examined your own conscience lately, or do you believe that 'you are without sin'.....even in the whole anti-Church, anti-Catholics programs of Ber-Imbroglio? 😡 What have you really done about that man that you don't really like and call Francis in the past 10 years? What have YOU done ... but pontificate!

CFN INTERVIEWS VIGANÒ: Francis, Trump, Ukraine, Child Trafficking, and More - Catholic Family News

PDF Button Editor’s Note: In this new interview with CFN’s Matt Gaspers, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò …
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Actually, Archbishop Vigano and his multitude of supporters and faithful have very quickly established a traditionalist organization to help faithful …More
Actually, Archbishop Vigano and his multitude of supporters and faithful have very quickly established a traditionalist organization to help faithful persecuted traditional CAtholics to find new churches to celebrate the Latin Mass, and to either buy or build new monasteries/convents/seminaries for traditional Orders persecuted/shut down by apostate/heretic/homo lover Bergoglio and his gay associates. They already have one monastery of nuns being built with donations, and another 15th century monastery was just donated to them. They have offices in the USa, Italy, and other parts of Europe gathering funds to fight against Bergoglio and his minions.............and they've only been in existance for a month.
Pretty good I'd say. God bless Archbishop Vigano and his associates, supporters and faithful.
Also, outstanding theologians and professors, teachers and others are gathering around under the support of this organization to bring down Bergoglio.
Opera 369
Let us call them rhetorical/direct questions... (if you like @Liam Ronan ?) He should include in all his speeches, interviews and articles that he has …More
Let us call them rhetorical/direct questions... (if you like @Liam Ronan ?) He should include in all his speeches, interviews and articles that he has had a magnificent career "thanks' to some of the real Popes that he accuses as "guilty of modernism", including Paul V, who ordained him Priest, John Paul II made him ArchBishop and Benedict XVI gave him the top 'job' of Apostolic Nunzio. He is spitting in the plate from which he ate from - as the adage goes.... Sure, it would be appropriate for him to be less.....manipulative and hypocritical .... don't you think?
3 more comments
Opera 369
let's NOT forget...not for one second..

We Forget Far Too Easily the Things That Have Been Done to Us - The White Rose

By Cherry Hughes Digital Slavery - A Personal Account I want to talk to you about a very important subject. That of digital …
Opera 369
...against the Bergoglian anti-Church. 🙏

Abp. Viganò Announces Founding of Civil Association to Help "Victims of the Bergoglian Purges" - …

PDF Button PRESS RELEASEJuly 1st, 2023 The Association “EXSURGE DOMINE” is bornto help priests and …
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
And they already are doing a great deal!!! More power to them. Down with Pope Francis and his "Bergoglian Church....Bergoglianism" 😡
Opera 369
more from the ...luciferians; this one, never gets ... a virus! 🤮

WEF Calls on World Governments to 'Advance Cashless Societies'

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has called on governments around the globe to begin ushering plans to eliminate physical cash and roll out …
Hound of Heaven
Remember when Karl Marx lied and told us, "Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains."? The Marxists didn't want us to lose …More
Remember when Karl Marx lied and told us, "Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains."? The Marxists didn't want us to lose them, just trade them in for stronger ones. I think it is time for the masses to recognize that we are in what St Thomas Aquinas would refer to as a "just war".
Opera 369
Another nail in Pope Benedict XVI's coffin and ... on His Summorum Pontificum Vetus Ordo Rites..... Jorgo is having the time of his sad life... finally he's getting even with Catholicism, that he has …More
Another nail in Pope Benedict XVI's coffin and ... on His Summorum Pontificum Vetus Ordo Rites.....
Jorgo is having the time of his sad life... finally he's getting even with Catholicism, that he has hated his entire adult life!😡

Vatican denies Summorum Pontificum pilgrimage permission to say Latin Mass in St. Peter's - LifeSite

Mon Jun 26, 2023 - 3:51 pm EDTTue Jun 27, 2023 - 1:09 pm EDT VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) –– For the …
Louis IX
Will there have been a conclave by then? A lot can happen in 3 months.
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Opera 369
another evil ...crawling

WSJ News Exclusive | George Soros Hands Control to His 37-Year-Old Son: ‘I’m More Political’

By Gregory Zuckerman Updated June 11, 2023 7:47 pm ET 190 Responses George Soros, the legendary investor, …
Alejandrina Reyes
So we will have to endure his next 55 years of wickedness???
The next generation of evil
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Opera 369

Gay Pride Snowflakes Boycott Catholic Farmer over Sacred Heart Post on IG

Long before the left invented “pride month,” the Catholic Church dedicated June to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a tradition …
These radical homo's are vicious , sadistic people who love it when they can destroy the lives of those who dare to disagree with them.
and that is the way it should be ,June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus ,period
Opera 369
Does anyone think that either of the 2 and all the members of wef or who...have ever been hugged, kissed, loved during their childhood? I really don't! I think that they spent most of their growing …More
Does anyone think that either of the 2 and all the members of wef or who...have ever been hugged, kissed, loved during their childhood? I really don't! I think that they spent most of their growing years being ignored and/or punished (just like the other globalist in the Vatican).... they only know REVENGE and HATE! Poor poor damned souls.....

WEF Calls for AI to Rewrite Bible, Create 'Religions That Are Actually Correct'

A top official with the World Economic Forum (WEF) has called for religious scripture to be “rewritten” by artificial …
Louis IX
Philosopher? The guy is a midwit at best.
John A Cassani
I recently saw Harari quoted in a church bulletin as a “prominent Israeli philosopher.” To answer your question, no, I doubt either of these guys …More
I recently saw Harari quoted in a church bulletin as a “prominent Israeli philosopher.” To answer your question, no, I doubt either of these guys received any love growing up.
Opera 369
They are getting 'armed' for the next round.... (against the un - va - xx )

Technocracy in Action: WHO and European Commission Partner for 'Digital Health' with New COVID-19 …

With the latest announcement that the European Commission and the World Health Organization are …
Opera 369
Yup! Sure, always waits for the 'opportune' time to go to the ..hospital. As long as he can avoid genuflecting and acknowledging the Ostensory...any excuse is welcome, hospital or rainbow party. Speaking …More
Yup! Sure, always waits for the 'opportune' time to go to the ..hospital. As long as he can avoid genuflecting and acknowledging the Ostensory...any excuse is welcome, hospital or rainbow party. Speaking of that: prepare for the next Synod on Synodality ( ridiculous) where his very loving friends/brothers - the rainbow crowd - will be participants...in Rome! May God free Rome asap.

Pope in hospital for operation on painful hernia - Insider Paper

Pope Francis was to undergo Wednesday an operation on a painful abdominal hernia, reviving concerns over the 86-year-old’s increasingly …
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I would be a blessing if the Lord took Francis to himself during this time he is in the hospital....painlessly in his sleep. A blessing for the Church …More
I would be a blessing if the Lord took Francis to himself during this time he is in the hospital....painlessly in his sleep.
A blessing for the Church to wake up and be told " The Holy Father, Francis, has returned to the House of the Father......."
Opera 369
Could this be the reason Bergoglio 'escaped' to the hospital today? He would never apologize for the man's action (since he might be on the same side) ...so, better to 'escape' and have people feel …More
Could this be the reason Bergoglio 'escaped' to the hospital today? He would never apologize for the man's action (since he might be on the same side) ...so, better to 'escape' and have people feel sorry for him (again) than 'face the ... silent disdain'... (?) Or is it because in 2 days we will observe CORPUS CHRISTI ... and he (bergo) wants nothing to do with that Holy celebration? Since most surely he does not believe in the REAL PRESENCE? your views...

Horror in the Vatican: Nude Man stands on High Altar of St. Peter's Basilica

In Italian police custody now... Horror in the Vatican: Nude Man stands on High Altar of St. Peter's Basilica (we have redacted …
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I think 100% of what you said is true. I think also that Catholics have, until now, been too complacent with Bergoglio because after all, he is "the …More
I think 100% of what you said is true. I think also that Catholics have, until now, been too complacent with Bergoglio because after all, he is "the pope" ( even though he's an apostate, heretic, deviant, dissenter, and obviously hates the Church he is the head of).
I would likely bet he is sick, this time perhaps with something grave, which the Vatican has hidden. People don't go to the hospital for a "check-up", you go to your PC doctor's office.
I don't think he'd use the "I don't feel good B.S." routine to get out of Corpus Christi processions. That was one of the first thinge he cancelled years ago. He'd rather host his TRANS and LGBTQ prostitute friends at the Vatican. Then of course he has WYD in Portugal, where he's all set to spew more hate about Catholic tradition there. To no avail. That will backfire on him badly.
A REAL POPE, would have personally conducted the purification of St. Peter's altar himself, with the faithful there to offer prayers of reparation.
Very, very soon …More
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Opera 369
Too much is too much...already! Catholics are really under attack from every direction, even their own....

United States: A New York Parish Proclaims That “God Is Trans”

The Archdiocese of New York is investigating a Catholic parish in Manhattan that hosted an art exhibit titled “God Is Trans: A Queer …
Opera 369
to get the 'picture' ...clearer.

White wins in three moves: The integral coherence of Benedict · Sfero

White wins in three moves: The integral coherence of Benedict XVI’s plan By Andrea Cionci - May 2023 Authorised translation: Peter …
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Really creepy pix of Francis....but it shows his true nature. I wonder, does that buffoon homo-lover realize how much he is really reviled, despised, …More
Really creepy pix of Francis....but it shows his true nature. I wonder, does that buffoon homo-lover realize how much he is really reviled, despised, and hated in the Catholic Church? He gotta be out of his mind.
One more comment
Opera 369
blasphemous showcase of Swedish (art?) whatever... at the European Parliament.... What is maddening is that the Bishops and Cardinals...are all silently obeying an anti-pope.More
blasphemous showcase of Swedish (art?) whatever... at the European Parliament.... What is maddening is that the Bishops and Cardinals...are all silently obeying an anti-pope.

Mostra blasfema all'Ue: ecco il Gesù omosex (tra apostoli sadomaso)

Europa 30 Aprile 2023 - 08:01 Esposte al Parlamento di Bruxelles le opere della svedese Ohlson. La Lega: "Provocazione". Guai a parlare …
Opera 369
For those who are still ... confused.

Benedict XVI's impeded See; What to do? All already resolved b · Sfero

Andrea Cionci Blog - March 20, 2023 Pope John Paul II and card. Ratzinger had been ready for the great apostasy for decades and …
Opera 369
There might be a version in English on same website.

Benoît XVI et les “1000 ans”: l’énigme finale sur la démission · Sfero

Benoît XVI et les “1000 ans”: l’énigme finale sur la démission de Ratzinger résolue https://www.liberoquotidiano.it/articolo_blog …
Opera 369
..and the by now useless bishops and cardinals still comply with this imposter....!!? All the years that they served and studied theology, doctrine and Dogmas of the Catholic Church were a waste of time …More
..and the by now useless bishops and cardinals still comply with this imposter....!!? All the years that they served and studied theology, doctrine and Dogmas of the Catholic Church were a waste of time, if now they cannot even discern a lie from a truth! Poor poor bishops and cardinals, following PachaVatican.

Death is ugly: Bergoglio's anti-magisterium. Benedict XVI on t · Sfero

Death is ugly": Bergoglio's anti-magisterium. Benedict XVI on the other hand was joyful By Andrea Cionci Indeed, let us recall the …
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Bergoglio said he had a stomach ache.......that could be his issue from the surgery he had. But then he ate pizza??? HAHAHAHAHA. That reminds me of a …More
Bergoglio said he had a stomach ache.......that could be his issue from the surgery he had. But then he ate pizza??? HAHAHAHAHA. That reminds me of a neighbor who had an intestinal exam (not a colonoscopy), and was told to eat either nothing, or something very light for dinner. What did they have? They went to Pizza Hut and had a big pizza. Back at home, I won't mention the problems this person had. Own fault though.
Opera 369
This is great of Mons. Vigano'. Bravo, Bravo!!

Viganò. Message to the International Congress of Russophiles. (MIR).

Marco Tosatti Dear friends and foes of Stilum Curiae, we receive and gladly publish this message from Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò …
Credo .
Excellent message of Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano. (And excellent article Just me.)
Opera 369
In all his "mercy"..(his main motto, second to all his synods on sinodality).

“The Church is for everyone”, said Pope Francis on his 10th anniversary as leader of Catholicism

In an in-depth interview with Infobae, the Supreme Pontiff referred to the possibility of a regime change …
Bonnie Louise
He gave like 5 interviews to various outlets. Can you say S__T eating grin?
Bonnie Louise
This douche really believes we are all celebrating his "anniversary", when we really wish he had never been born.