Elizabeth Lev on: Why are Vatican officials still promoting and defending alleged sexual abuser, artist and ex-Jesuit Marko Rupnik? And has Hollywood held itself to a higher standard than the Vatican?
I'd also like to know why EWTN is still promoting Liz Lev?? She is a notorious social climber in the Church who had an affair, birthed a child & later …More
I'd also like to know why EWTN is still promoting Liz Lev?? She is a notorious social climber in the Church who had an affair, birthed a child & later married a celeb priest - all the while being feted as some kind of authority on Catholic culture! See: The Metastatic Cancer of Public Scandal: Mafiosa Grifter Liz Lev & Fr. Thomas Williams Rack Up YET ANOTHER Wrecked Priestly Vocation | Barnhardt
Edie Loughmiller
Can you post the link. I can't get this to play, even though it looks like it should work.
Billy F

15 worst countries for Catholics.

Billy F
Pray for our Brothers and Sisters who live under these harsh evil regimes.
Drop everything and everyone for at least 15 minutes (go somewhere in SILENCE and be STILL), one hour if possible per day (of course if your daily State of Life permits it so be PRUDENT if you need to …More
Drop everything and everyone for at least 15 minutes (go somewhere in SILENCE and be STILL), one hour if possible per day (of course if your daily State of Life permits it so be PRUDENT if you need to take care of children or the vulnerable, etc for example). Let the Third Person of The Holy Trinity-the Holy Spirit- SPEAK to your soul; don't be scared when you (and I ) find out how sinful we are but also where He wants to LEAD and GUIDE us from now and onwards.
Francis calls Capuchins to be “outgoing…especially in times like ours, marked by conflict and closed-mindedness, where indifference and selfishness seem to prevail over readiness, respect and sharing …More
Francis calls Capuchins to be “outgoing…especially in times like ours, marked by conflict and closed-mindedness, where indifference and selfishness seem to prevail over readiness, respect and sharing, with grave and evident consequences…”

Audience with participants in the 86th General Chapter of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin

This morning, in the Vatican Apostolic Palace, the Holy Father Francis received in audience the participants …

As we close out August, it's good to be reminded of the message Our Lord gave to Sr. Lucia at Rianjo, Spain, on August 29. 1931.

🇵🇱 Polish Subtitles
Jeffrey Ade
The simple answer to what is happening regarding WWIII. Please don't be fooled or waste your time with non-Catholic resources! Ask questions if you don't understand! God bless you all! Our Lady of Fatima …More
The simple answer to what is happening regarding WWIII. Please don't be fooled or waste your time with non-Catholic resources! Ask questions if you don't understand! God bless you all! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
One page
sp2 . .
Something doesn't quite add up..... regarding that Pike is the author.......... unless he was some kind of Nostradamus. Albert Pike (December 29, 1809…More
Something doesn't quite add up..... regarding that Pike is the author.......... unless he was some kind of Nostradamus.
Albert Pike (December 29, 1809 – April 2, 1891)
If I had to guess,
A near modern Freemason wrote this under the pen name of Pike, so that he himself would not have to take the heat.
Father Karl A Claver
Every day I learn more. The masons are responsible for almost all the chaos in the Church and in the world. They want everything destroyed so they can …More
Every day I learn more. The masons are responsible for almost all the chaos in the Church and in the world. They want everything destroyed so they can usher in the rule of Satan.
2 more comments
Official NASA Documents Confirm Plans for 'Mass Extinction Event' in 2025 Official NASA documents reveal the agency has been preparing for decades to play a leading role in a mass extinction event in …More
Official NASA Documents Confirm Plans for 'Mass Extinction Event' in 2025
Official NASA documents reveal the agency has been preparing for decades to play a leading role in a mass extinction event in 2025 that will lead to the collapse of civilization and the depopulation of the majority of people on planet earth.
During a PowerPoint presentation, NASA’s Chief Scientist Dennis Bushnell outlined plans for a devastating series of inside job terror attacks and biological warfare on US soil against US citizens in 2025 as part of the plot to destroy civilization as we know it.
Alarmingly, many of the details outlined in the NASA PowerPoint presentation have already occurred, indicating that the plans for the mass extinction event are well underway.
Willys B Ramirez shares this
Documentos oficiales de la NASA confirman planes para un "evento de extinción masiva" en 2025 Los documentos oficiales de la NASA revelan que la agencia …More
Documentos oficiales de la NASA confirman planes para un "evento de extinción masiva" en 2025
Los documentos oficiales de la NASA revelan que la agencia se ha estado preparando durante décadas para desempeñar un papel principal en un evento de extinción masiva en 2025 que conducirá al colapso de la civilización y la despoblación de la mayoría de las personas en el planeta Tierra.
Durante una presentación de PowerPoint, el científico jefe de la NASA, Dennis Bushnell, describió los planes para una serie devastadora de ataques terroristas internos y guerra biológica en suelo estadounidense contra ciudadanos estadounidenses en 2025 como parte del complot para destruir la civilización tal como la conocemos.
Es alarmante que muchos de los detalles descritos en la presentación de PowerPoint de la NASA ya se hayan producido, lo que indica que los planes para el evento de extinción masiva están en marcha.
rafaportal shares this
Documentos oficiales de la NASA confirman planes para un "evento de extinción masiva" en 2025 Los documentos oficiales de la NASA revelan que la agencia …More
Documentos oficiales de la NASA confirman planes para un "evento de extinción masiva" en 2025
Los documentos oficiales de la NASA revelan que la agencia se ha estado preparando durante décadas para desempeñar un papel principal en un evento de extinción masiva en 2025 que conducirá al colapso de la civilización y la despoblación de la mayoría de las personas en el planeta Tierra.
Durante una presentación de PowerPoint, el científico jefe de la NASA, Dennis Bushnell, describió los planes para una serie devastadora de ataques terroristas internos y guerra biológica en suelo estadounidense contra ciudadanos estadounidenses en 2025 como parte del complot para destruir la civilización tal como la conocemos.
Es alarmante que muchos de los detalles descritos en la presentación de PowerPoint de la NASA ya se hayan producido, lo que indica que los planes para el evento de extinción masiva están en marcha.
3 more comments
St Raymond Nonnatus, whose feast we celebrate in the traditional Roman Rite on August 31st, is a patron saint of childbirth, midwives, and pregnant women. The reason is not hard to see: the nickname by …More
St Raymond Nonnatus, whose feast we celebrate in the traditional Roman Rite on August 31st, is a patron saint of childbirth, midwives, and pregnant women. The reason is not hard to see: the nickname by which he's known, "nonnatus" (literally, not-born) refers to his having being delivered by emergency C-section done by his father after his mother died during labor. You would think that in a period of time when more children are born by C-section than ever beforem, when birth can still be a traumatic experience if something goes wrong, when unborn lives are threatened with the spectre of death in the womb, that this saint's feast would have GROWN in importance.
Nah. The liturgical reformers took it off the general calendar in 1969 because Raymond wasn't considered sufficiently relevant or important to our times. This is something ONLY a group of celibate men with little or no pastoral experience could ever have done.
What's more, Raymond is depicted with a padlock through his lips, as …More
Billy F

Top Six Countries for Catholics.

Monika Grom
Włącz angielski i tłumaczenie | Migrant Gangs Taking Control of US Cities |More
Włącz angielski i tłumaczenie | Migrant Gangs Taking Control of US Cities |
Criminal gangs have ruled streets and neighborhoods in the United States for countless decades, extending over the course of many generations and going …More
Criminal gangs have ruled streets and neighborhoods in the United States for countless decades, extending over the course of many generations and going all the way back to our founding. All immigrant ethnic groups, cultures, nationalities and religions have fostered such criminal acts during different periods over the many years of American history. This is nothing new or novel, nor is it a phenomenon exclusively caused by any recent political undertaking or failure. In the early 1900's the Italian mafia and their gangs of army-styled bloody enforcers and assassins violently controlled and manipulated WHOLE cities and brought entire political and economic structures to their knees, during an era that can only be described as a reign of slaughter and mayhem. And even before that, there were bank and train-robbing killer gangs who paved a swath of blood, death and despair across the West on horseback during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, taking over and terrorizing whole …More
Tom Morelli
🙏 Morning Minute Retreat (August 31, 2024)More
🙏 Morning Minute Retreat (August 31, 2024)


Recommended viewing and download here: youtube.com/watch?v=uTMCIKJPPow English subtitles available via cog icon drop down menu - auto translate/English, (other translations also available). Pax Vobiscum.More
Recommended viewing and download here:
English subtitles available via cog icon drop down menu - auto translate/English,
(other translations also available).
Pax Vobiscum.
Marek Wójcik shares from Marek Wójcik
🇬🇧 CBDC and Gaza

733. CBDC and Gaza – World Scam

Vienna 03/31/2024 An interesting analysis of these two seemingly unrelated topics appeared on kla.tv. Is the Netanyahu Government connected to Hamas somehow? Are there …

How Personalism Has Poisoned the Church

Philosophical personalism - which was also taught by John Paul II - has contributed to today's deep crisis in Catholicism, writes ItreSentieri.it (12 August). - The French philosopher Emmanuel Mounier …More
Philosophical personalism - which was also taught by John Paul II - has contributed to today's deep crisis in Catholicism, writes ItreSentieri.it (12 August).
- The French philosopher Emmanuel Mounier (+1955), the inventor of personalism, claims that "no precise definition of the person" can be given.
- According to him, one can only define objects that are outside man and that man can put before his eyes, but the person is precisely that in every man that cannot be treated as an object.
- This assertion implies that the definition of the person given in classical metaphysics is "false".
- Severinus Boethius (+525) said that the person is a 'rationalis naturae individua substantia' (an individual substance of a rational nature).
- Mounier reduces the person to a collection of psychological manifestations in which feelings, emotions, states of mind (etc.) are central.
- As a consequence, personalism claims that faith is "no longer" an assent of the intellect to revealed truths, but a …More
Klaus Elmar Müller
The emphasis on the person and their continued life after the death of the body is quintessentially Catholic and part of Catholic social teaching. …More
The emphasis on the person and their continued life after the death of the body is quintessentially Catholic and part of Catholic social teaching. Catholic philosophers such as Guardini, Seifert and Spaemann opposed liberal individualism and communist collectivism to the person with his dignity, freedom and God-centeredness. Declaring Saint John Paul II a relativist in the spirit of the unknown philosopher Mounier is cheap polemic. This pope vigorously insisted on unchanging divine commandments, particularly on the issues of marriage, abortion and homosexuality. The critics of this Pope seem to have fallen into a pious integrism, a heresy that grew out of Jansenism.
Hmmm….let’s just hope he didn’t collaborate with the nazis under Vichy France.🤨🤔
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CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: Editorial Priorities

Three Years Later Dear Today marks three years since the publication of our editorial stance, “Unite the Clans to Rebuild Christendom,” on the feast of St. …
Apocalypse Watch: Israeli government minister calls for construction of synagogue on Temple Mount (where Muslim mosque now stands)

Israeli government minister calls for construction of synagogue on Temple Mount (where Muslim mosque …

(ZENIT News / Jerusalem, 08.30.2024).- The Temple Mount, a site of immense religious significance for …
Sven Christian Köhler
The Antichrist will enter the 3. Temple and say „I AM GOD“! All hell breaks loose then and ARMAGEDDON beginns… Seltsam aber so steht es geschrieben…More
The Antichrist will enter the 3. Temple and say „I AM GOD“! All hell breaks loose then and ARMAGEDDON beginns…
Seltsam aber so steht es geschrieben…
Billy F
It will be the Temple of the Antichrist! Any Temple built will be an insult to the Eternal Father.
From the Remnant: The arrest of Telegram's CEO is a stark warning of things to come

The Remnant Newspaper - The arrest of Telegram's CEO is a stark warning of things to come

per Reuters reports, Durov “was the subject of an arrest warrant in France” due to his alleged failure to moderate …

Being a Night Owl Can Increase Your Risk of Depression

Join the World’s #1 Natural Health Newsletter for FREE! Latest Trustworthy News from Dr. Mercola - delivered straight to your inbox! Enter your …