This is what the Democrats were doing to Catholics in New York as Nancy Pelosi was walking the red carpet during her VIP trip to the Vatican.
"A child is not an object to be thrown away, and neither is the mothers heart." - Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone
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Abbeyside Catholic Parish Newsletter encouraged families to attend Dungarvan Pride last weekend. Unfortunately for them, the event is now going viral for all the wrong reasons
Teofil Michalski shares this
Katolicka parafia w Irlandii promowała wśród swoich rodzin lokalną imprezę Gay Pride. Pewien homoseksualista obnażył się tam.
Parish leaders have lost sober thinking. Blind people lead other blind and both are going to plunge into a big hole.
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We’re not going to talk about it are we? Justin Bieber with Ramsay Hunt syndrome and his wife with a blood clot in her brain and stroke. Nothing at all to see here. Perfectly normal.
But he didn't get the virus, right?
De Profundis
Pfizer smile
What’s with Leftist women laughing maniacally? Part of their forced charisma?
Jeffrey Ade
No they are just lunatics! With fake teeth! They get a kick back from their dentist for every referral, 25 bucks I think!
Ladies and Gentlemen … the Biden regime.
There is so much lying form our governments ,media , health scientists ,doctors and even teachers ,that is like a flood gate was open , and they want …More
There is so much lying form our governments ,media , health scientists ,doctors and even teachers ,that is like a flood gate was open , and they want us not to believe our own eyes and ears and forget our morals ,but to believe their lies like its truth ,in other words they are deceiving us ,WE have to resist reject refuse all evil ,Focus on our Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour and pray for Him to defend us and protect us Amen
So far as American democracy becomes or remains Catholic and Christian, that democracy will remain democratic. In so far as it does not, it will become …More
So far as American democracy becomes or remains Catholic and Christian, that democracy will remain democratic. In so far as it does not, it will become wildly and wickedly undemocratic.
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Every once in a while, media takes their mask off.
NATO deleted their tweet: It showed a “strong”, “brave” and “resilient” female Ukrainian soldier for International Women’s Day. The only problem is she was wearing a mystical Nazi symbol.
@Prayhard There's nothing patriotic about a Ukrainian wearing a Nazi SS symbol, since the Nazis were invaders just like the Soviets. Worse, the Nazis …More
@Prayhard There's nothing patriotic about a Ukrainian wearing a Nazi SS symbol, since the Nazis were invaders just like the Soviets. Worse, the Nazis considered Slavic people, Ukrainians included, to be racially inferior and defined them as "Untermesch" (sub-humans). This is just another stupid neo-Nazi being stupid.
When the Germans invaded, Ukrainians had seen the loss of 10 million in the Holmodor, which included many Greek Rite Catholics. Many Ukrainisns joined …More
When the Germans invaded, Ukrainians had seen the loss of 10 million in the Holmodor, which included many Greek Rite Catholics. Many Ukrainisns joined a Crusade against Communism which killed so many. This neo pagan is not of that time, but people are harking back to this patriotic effort. Putin has said Communism and Christianity share so much. Like Bergoglio he praises Communism.
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Eric Sammons: "The Diocese of Venice (FL), where the public schools don't require masks, enforces school mask mandates. But it holds swanky balls for high-rolling donors (who mostly fall in the high-…More
Eric Sammons: "The Diocese of Venice (FL), where the public schools don't require masks, enforces school mask mandates. But it holds swanky balls for high-rolling donors (who mostly fall in the high-risk category) and *don't* require masks for that event. Of course."
The exact moment the German health minister became legendary on philosophy
Darius Wiench
COVID WAHRHEIT Die Manipulation und Lüge, sind zwei Geschwister die der Unterwelt und den Herrschern der Welt eigen sind ...! Impfen zum Heilen, wird …More
Die Manipulation und Lüge, sind zwei Geschwister die der Unterwelt und den Herrschern der Welt eigen sind ...! Impfen zum Heilen, wird gesagt, aus Solidarität, wird gesagt, alles Schwindel! Sie alle gehören zu den Propheten der Endzeit, von denen man sagt: ... glaubt ihnen nicht! Diese Manipulationen sind vorgegeben, denn das eigentliche Ziel ist, dass alle geimpft werden, vom Greis bis zum Kleinkind. Es sollen alle gleichermaßen geschädigt werden, damit alle gleichermaßen gelenkt und kontrolliert werden können! Das sind die Vorgaben der NWO und die Menschen werden ihnen folgen wie kleine Schäfchen und sich sicher fühlen!
Gott spricht: Wer nicht für mich ist, der ist gegen mich; wer nicht mit mir sammelt, der zerstreut.
Es ist keine Pandemie, es ist eine PLANDEMIE. Die Impfungen sind GENOZIDSPRITZEN.Werden dem Schlafschaaf aber als Impfungen angepriesen, welch ein simpler aber hocheffektiver Trick. LÜGE ALS WAHRHEIT. Diese haben weit mehr Brisanz, wenn man bedenkt, was …
Ursula Sankt
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BREAKING: Another case of vandalism to Catholic statues. This time, Our Lady of Fatima outside Marys' Shrine in DC. Her hands/nose cut off, face damaged, cross cut off crown. Basilica says a police …More
BREAKING: Another case of vandalism to Catholic statues. This time, Our Lady of Fatima outside Marys' Shrine in DC. Her hands/nose cut off, face damaged, cross cut off crown. Basilica says a police report has been filed. Masked person seen on camera doing damage Sunday night.
First Saturday specific REPARATION for this! Ave Maria
Notice the national outrage over a religiously motivated hate crime. If the masked man so much as mooned a mosque, the FBI would already be involved.
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Irish painter Eugene de Leastar on his views about the pro-gay clergy (but pics are too strong...)
Shortly after Austria became first country to make COVID vaccines compulsory, EU chief Ursula von Der Leyen calls for dispensing with the Nuremberg Code and making vaccination mandatory across Europe.…More
Shortly after Austria became first country to make COVID vaccines compulsory, EU chief Ursula von Der Leyen calls for dispensing with the Nuremberg Code and making vaccination mandatory across Europe. Here’s Ursula last month with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla
"Who controls the past, controls the future... ...Who controls the present, controls the past." ~George OrwellMore
"Who controls the past,
controls the future...
...Who controls the present,
controls the past."
~George Orwell
"EU chief Ursula von Der Leyen calls for dispensing with the Nuremberg Code" --- The nations of Europe should answer - dispensing justice with the …More
"EU chief Ursula von Der Leyen calls for dispensing with the Nuremberg Code"
The nations of Europe should answer - dispensing justice with the Nuremberg Trials.
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A story in three parts.
Francis meets with pro-choice US SpeakerPelosi, who was in Rome to give keynote address at Pre-COP26 Parliamentary Meeting
????????????????THe Pope just melts away when he meets "WISE "people like Pelosi and the USA should be gratefull to have a leader like that???????????…More
????????????????THe Pope just melts away when he meets "WISE "people like Pelosi and the USA should be gratefull to have a leader like that????????????????????????
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Abortion politician Nancy Pelosi received in the Vatican - later even by Francis
Apart from the fact that Card. Turkson is in it… apart from the fact that the execrable Nancy Pelosi is in it… spot anything that’s conspiculously …More
Apart from the fact that Card. Turkson is in it… apart from the fact that the execrable Nancy Pelosi is in it… spot anything that’s conspiculously not there? (like "Birth for all")
"Ateo" - produced in Toleo Cathedral
Emotional drama vs the reality
No man has ever seen a revolution. Mobs pouring through the palaces, blood pouring down the gutters, the guillotine lifted higher than the throne, a …More
No man has ever seen a revolution. Mobs pouring through the palaces, blood pouring down the gutters, the guillotine lifted higher than the throne, a prison in ruins, a people in arms — these things are not revolution, but the results of revolution.
Looks photoshopped
Wearing a mask for your 3rd dose of Vaccine!? Makes you want to run out and get Vaxed!
Things Jesus NEVER Said...
"The Church Does Not Change; It Is We Who Must Change" - Robert Cardinal Sarah
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Hypocritical Joe, Wrong History and Space Race