
Cardinals Release Declaration of Faith - Answer Dubia

At the end of the Roman conference “Catholic Church, where are you going?” (April 7), a final declaration was issued in the name of the participants, including the Cardinals Brandmüller, Burke and …More
At the end of the Roman conference “Catholic Church, where are you going?” (April 7), a final declaration was issued in the name of the participants, including the Cardinals Brandmüller, Burke and Zen, and Bishop Athanasius Schneider.
The declaration restates Catholic teaching on marriage and answers the Cardinal Dubia issued after Francis’ controversial document Amoris Laetitia.
The declarations states six points:
1. A ratified and consummated marriage between two baptized persons can be dissolved only by death.
2. Therefore, Christians united by a valid marriage who join themselves to another person while their spouse is still alive, commit the grave sin of adultery.
3. This is an absolute moral commandment which obliges always and without exception.
4. No subjective judgment of conscience can make an intrinsically evil act good and licit.
5. Judgment about the possibility of administering sacramental absolution is not based on the imputability of the sin committed, but on the …More
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"The apostles and the presbyters met together to see about this matter." (Acts 15:6)
Sólo Díos basta
"The Bible only records one example of the Apostles acting collegially - at the Garden of Gethsemane, when they all fled.” - Cardinal Ottaviani
Lisi Sterndorfer
At the conference there was a good number of ordinary Italian Pro-Lifers, a group chanted, "People of God arise, we have to act".
De Profundis
It is surprising how few Monsignori were at yesterday's conference, they were afraid.
Sacramental Marriage is God's gift of partnering with Him in the sacred act of creation of new human life. Deviation from God's sacred purpose for human sexuality, whether between a man and a women or otherwise, contradicts Divine Will clearly expressed in Genesis and the Gospel, and is sacrilegious: www.youtube.com/watch
Schneider quoting Leo XIII: Christians are "born for combat... The chief elements of this duty consist in professing openly and unflinchingly Catholic doctrine, and in propagating it to the utmost of our power”
How can anyone dispute these confessions?
Was there a joint statement to encourage Churchmen and faithful to sign this declaration?
In regards to point 6 someone who is civilly "remarried" living with another partner, other than Sacramental spouse, is always in adulterous union and grave sin. The Omnipotence of God can not be limited to any subjectively irregular union and situations, i.e. for the sake of raising conceived children outside …More
Was there a joint statement to encourage Churchmen and faithful to sign this declaration?
In regards to point 6 someone who is civilly "remarried" living with another partner, other than Sacramental spouse, is always in adulterous union and grave sin. The Omnipotence of God can not be limited to any subjectively irregular union and situations, i.e. for the sake of raising conceived children outside valid marriage. Legalizing such irregular civil "marriages" is successive bigamy. Therefore, adulterers should always objectively engage one's will and ask God's grace to regularize their situation. As for Triune God nothing is impossible.
pope francis he will ignore this he will not even mention it ,
Holy Cannoli
👏 Very interesting. Can't wait to see the response from you know who. One or more of his fellow Marxist backscratchers eg. Lehmann, Spadaro, Sorondo, Parolin et al. will likely be paraded out to provide an ineffective response to what will be seen as a direct attack to the authority of His Holiness. However, this is big and, I believe, it will necessitate a definitive response from the man himself. 😊