
Incompetent Francis Plays Climate Expert, Cheers "World Government"

Francis published on October 4 his worthless "apostolic" exhortation Laudate Deum on climate change, a subject outside of the competence of a pope. In it, Francis simply parrots the ideology of the …More
Francis published on October 4 his worthless "apostolic" exhortation Laudate Deum on climate change, a subject outside of the competence of a pope.
In it, Francis simply parrots the ideology of the oligarchs and tries to scare the reader ("suffering planet”, “world is crumbling”, “approaching a breaking point”).
Playing prophet of doom, Francis speaks of "heat waves", "floods", "severe droughts", "extreme heat", "melting ice caps", an “unusual acceleration of warming”, "rising sea levels", “irreversible manifestations for at least hundreds of years”, “enormous damage we have caused”, “apocalyptic diagnoses”, “no turning back”.
Then, he turns it all into a joke by claiming that this is “confirmed by the Covid-19 pandemic” (sic). Another joke, “The climate crisis is not really an issue of interest to the major economic powers.”
Instead of confronting the solid arguments that have debunked the man-made climate change, he denigrates them as "unreasonable" - as if a confused and emotional …More
Whispers of Restoration
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Sick stuff. No mention of Jesus Christ. And he basically blames the USA in particular, and the "West" for the climate problems.
He needs to be removed from office, and a true CAtholic elected. Which may not be as difficult as it seems.
Francis and company have so poisoned any liking some Cardinals might have had for their agenda, that I think the Sacred College will immediately look for someone 100…More
Sick stuff. No mention of Jesus Christ. And he basically blames the USA in particular, and the "West" for the climate problems.
He needs to be removed from office, and a true CAtholic elected. Which may not be as difficult as it seems.
Francis and company have so poisoned any liking some Cardinals might have had for their agenda, that I think the Sacred College will immediately look for someone 100% oposite to anything Bergoglio stood for in anything.
Tony M
In regard to Michael Matt cancelling the speech at the Catholic Identity Conference of one who is fully calling out antipope Bergoglio.... Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano....let me say this...... It is important to bring to mind that Archbishop Vigano towers over Michael Matt as a Holy Shepherd, and one who is highly informed both in breadth and detail of knowledge, both in Church matters & world …More
In regard to Michael Matt cancelling the speech at the Catholic Identity Conference of one who is fully calling out antipope Bergoglio.... Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano....let me say this...... It is important to bring to mind that Archbishop Vigano towers over Michael Matt as a Holy Shepherd, and one who is highly informed both in breadth and detail of knowledge, both in Church matters & world affairs, with an elite intellect which has the capacity to process large volumes of information and very efficiently and precisely analyse them all. He also has an heroic courage at a level that Mr Matt may not have yet attained. I believe Archbishop Vigano has all the qualities needed to be a Great & Holy Pope.
Michael Matt is a minnow in comparison to Archbishop Vigano....in every way. So if Matt cancels Archbishop Vigano's speech.....it says more about Michael Matt than it does about an inspiring leader like Archbishop Vigano ......whom we can fully trust to explain the truth as it is, and who has the fearlessness to face the consequences for speaking that 'Truth' ....whatever those consequences may be!!!!
Thankyou Archbishop Vigano.
We are very much consoled & inspired by your courageous leadership in these most difficult times!!!!!
Tony M
Don't get me wrong....I admire much of the work of Michael Matt....but he is at nowhere near the level of Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano....whose knowledge and judgement I trust far more that I do Mr Matt's!!!!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
So do I! Thank you, and also Thank you Archbishop Vigano. Matt is all talk, but I bet he would cave in to Francis agenda etc. if his "Remnant" enterprise would suffer financial backlash.
Frauenthemen und Vanitas
Sandy Barrett
“It is no longer possible to doubt the human origin of climate change,” the Pope writes. That statement, an essential key to the argument of the entire document, is plainly, demonstrably wrong.
Sally Dorman
Apart from a citation of Pope Paul VI, in a message to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization, not a single footnote refers to any Church authority that predates the current pontificate.
Louis IX
Currently approaching 13 years past the life expectancy of Argentine men. The climate emergency doesn’t seem to be bothering him much.
Ursula Sankt
Word cloud of Laudate Deum
Randall Norman
Notice all the mentions of God, Christ, the Four Last Things, the Ten Commandments (or Two Commandments), Love / Charity, Faith, Hope, Church, Salvation? Yeah, me neither.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Pope Francis is arm n' arm with Bill Gates, John Kerry, Bide, Clintons, Obama, and also all the pro-homo perverts that roam the world, seeking the ruin of souls. He's an anti-Pope, if not the actual anti-Christ ( which he very well may be ...fair warning!!
Credo .
Pray for the conversion of poor sinners; Pray for the conversion of Pope Francis, through the intercession of Ven. Sr. Lucia of Fatima. Our Lady of Fatima Ora pro nobis!
P. O'B
Sounds like the Prophet of the Anticrist to me.
Dit is pure politiek, ik heb het gevoel dat ik lid ben van een politieke partij in plaats van een organisatie van diep gelovige mensen.
@Aaron-Jozef: ik heb nooit het idee dat jij lid bent van de katholieke kerk wanneer ik je commentaren lees.
Welkom in de grote mensenwereld Petrus en droom lekker verder.
Wilma Lopez
"The world in which we live is collapsing and may be nearing the breaking point."
Malki Tzedek
It is time for leaders in the Church to call out that we are approaching a Church of Bergoglio as opposed to the Church to which our Lord gave St. Peter the keys.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Ignore this piece of trash. Pope Francis is not a Catholic. He is an apostate heretic homosexualist. He is not a pope. He is a radical ideologue. Good Cardinals and Bishops should stand up and defy him, and force his resignation and all his people. But they won't. There will still be alot who fawn over him and cry, "Thank you, Holy Father" for this wonderful document. 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hi!! Kenjiro!!! I really hope you had great time always...thanks for your comment past time...I told you always...deeply thanks to your great comment...always really happy see your opinion....I am very angry about this exhortation...this man strongly support to Climate alarmist....of course I think we must protect to our Nature...our environment....it's very important...but we …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hi!! Kenjiro!!! I really hope you had great time always...thanks for your comment past time...I told you always...deeply thanks to your great comment...always really happy see your opinion....I am very angry about this exhortation...this man strongly support to Climate alarmist....of course I think we must protect to our Nature...our environment....it's very important...but we are not environment NGO!!!! It's not our First duty!! our first duty is protect to all People's Soul....and spread to real Veritatis...and this horrible crazy old man dose not criticism to Communist China!! they making so many wrong things...destroying to our Nature, our Environment....but this man silence!! only criticism to USA.....ah....so horrrible....really hope please Lord send us to Real Pope. Orthodox Pope...fast time....I always tell you....if Lord dose not send to Orthodox Pope..fast time..I will going to Underground Church....I am sure..you and John will join Underground Church too....much thinking about Eminence Cardinal Ottaviani's Prayer...even though I have many sins..so many fault..but really hope Loyalty to our Lord Jesus Christ...Holland's Martyrs, Japan and Korean Martyrs...all great Martyrs Saints..pray for us too...I hope one more ask...do you think Bergoglio's health is no good?? I am not sure...just really hope we will get Orthodox Pope..fast time...and really hope much, much many Cardinals, Bishops are saying about protect to our Orthodox teachings.....Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day...always really happy..hear about your great opinion!!
Sally Dorman
Laudate Deum: "Once and for all, let us put an end to the irresponsible derision that would present this issue as something purely ecological, 'green', romantic, frequently subject to ridicule by economic interests. Let us finally admit that it is a human and social problem on any number of levels."
Wilma Lopez
It reads like written by an ignorant UN official.
Pt Murphy
Well... He's playing his role as religion spokesman for the NWO