Tribunus Classis Imperialis
The Life And Revelations Of Saint Gertrude The Great (Virgin & Mystic) → Audio One Of Two Gertrude the Great (or Saint Gertrude of Helfta; Italian: Santa Gertrude, German: Gertrud die Große von Helfta …Mehr
The Life And Revelations Of Saint Gertrude The Great (Virgin & Mystic) → Audio One Of Two
Gertrude the Great (or Saint Gertrude of Helfta; Italian: Santa Gertrude, German: Gertrud die Große von Helfta, Latin: Sancta Gertrudis; January 6, 1256 – November 17, 1302) was a German Benedictine nun and mystic. She is recognized as a saint by the Catholic Church and by The Episcopal Church. In addition to being commemorated in the Episcopal Calendar of Saints on November 19, Gertrude is inscribed in the General Roman Calendar for optional celebration throughout the Roman Rite, as a memorial on November 16.
Gertrude produced numerous writings, though only some survive today. The longest survival is the Legatus Memorialis Abundantiae Divinae Pietatis (known in English today as The Herald of Divine Love or The Herald of God's Loving-Kindness, and sometimes previously known as Life and Revelations), partly written by other nuns. There also remains her collection of Spiritual Exercises. A work known …Mehr

Messaggio di speranza e consolazione: la Madonna ad una mistica ungherese

Nel 1986, ero già anziana, la Beata Vergine mi disse: «Nel cuore di molte madri di oggi il dolore è bruciante: il loro cuore è oppresso dalle condizioni spirituali dei loro figli, dalla loro condotta …Mehr
Nel 1986, ero già anziana, la Beata Vergine mi disse:
«Nel cuore di molte madri di oggi il dolore è bruciante: il loro cuore è oppresso dalle condizioni spirituali dei loro figli, dalla loro condotta immorale, dalla preoccupazione del loro destino dopo la morte. Mossa a compassione dal mio amore verso di loro, con le mie implorazioni ho ottenuto cinque promesse. Si consolino, offrano con impegno instancabile tutti gli avvenimenti della loro vita, perché i sacrifici offerti per altri producono frutti di salvezza per le anime. Inoltre non è possibile superare l’amore misericordioso di Dio».
La Vergine mi insegnò poi questa preghiera che legò proprio alle cinque promesse che il Signore le aveva concesso:
«Mio dolce Gesù, al cospetto delle tre Persone della Santissima Trinità, della tua Santa Madre e delle schiere celesti, in unione con le intenzioni del tuo Sacratissimo Cuore eucaristico e del Cuore Immacolato di Maria, offro a te tutta la mia vita, tutte le sante Messe alle quali ho …Mehr

🔥 Mons. Lefebvre spiega il Purgatorio

Drei Visionen zum 3. Weltkrieg

1. Heroldsbach 1950 „Dann werden die Russen kommen ...“ Aus wenig bekannten Texten der kirchlich nicht anerkannten, aber aufgrund des von vielen gesehenen Sonnenwunders und der geprüften Heilungen als …Mehr
1. Heroldsbach 1950
„Dann werden die Russen kommen ...“
Aus wenig bekannten Texten der kirchlich nicht anerkannten, aber aufgrund des von vielen gesehenen Sonnenwunders und der geprüften Heilungen als echt angesehenen Erscheinungen von Heroldsbach geht hervor, dass ein Schwerpunkt der Aussagen in der Ankündigung eines 3. Weltkrieges besteht. . . .
Fünf Jahre nach dem 2. Weltkrieg hörten die Kinder 1950 von der Gottesmutter: „Wenn die Leute meinen Wunsch nicht erfüllen, wird viel Blut fließen. Dann werden die Russen kommen und euch erschlagen.“
Am 15. Mai 1950 wird die Russen Vision fortgesetzt: Es werden die Russen kommen und eine große Hungersnot. Ein Kind sieht über dem Wald braun und schwarz gekleidete Soldaten kämpfen, etwa 10 Minuten lang.
Am 16. Mai sehen vier Kinder die Russen-Invasion. Die Erscheinung ordnet an, dies zunächst geheim zu halten. Die Kinder sehen eine brennende Kirche mit zwei Türmen, Trümmerfelder. Ein Russe bekehrt sich, dann eine Gruppe, schließlich auch der …Mehr
Series on Truth Part 3/3: Counteracting Brainwashing ~ Fr. Ripperger. For more by Fr. Ripperger & please visit Home - Sensus Traditionis Fr' Ripperger's Press for his books at Fr. …Mehr
Series on Truth Part 3/3: Counteracting Brainwashing ~ Fr. Ripperger.
For more by Fr. Ripperger & please visit Home - Sensus Traditionis
Fr' Ripperger's Press for his books at
Fr. Ripperger's order is found at Society of the Most Sorrowful Mother – The Doloran Fathers
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Ehemalige Labormitarbeiterin und Krankenpflegerin packt aus! Keine Zufälle zu 1720.1820.1920.2020 !!und den 13 Blutlinien Satans ! Die Kopie der 13 Göttlichen Stämme !Mehr
Ehemalige Labormitarbeiterin und Krankenpflegerin packt aus!
Keine Zufälle zu 1720.1820.1920.2020 !!und den 13 Blutlinien Satans !
Die Kopie der 13 Göttlichen Stämme !
Anna Lena
Aus der Sicht eines Philanthrops ist Bill Gates ein Menschenfreund. Er und seinesgleichen sind ja Menschen. Wir sind Gojim.
@vir probatus 😊 😂 🥳 😎 Gottes und Mariens Segen auf allen WegenMehr
@vir probatus 😊 😂 🥳 😎
Gottes und Mariens Segen auf allen Wegen
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Freemasonry and Church Four Lodges? A veritable Masonic clique has implanted itself within the Vatican, writes. It claims that four different lodges rule in the Vatican, and …Mehr
Freemasonry and Church
Four Lodges?
A veritable Masonic clique has implanted itself within the Vatican, writes. It claims that four different lodges rule in the Vatican, and even compete among themselves. They run homosex circles and are allegedly involved in the death of John Paul I, the 1983 disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi, the daughter of a Vatican employee, and in the 1998 shooting in the Vatican when a Swiss guard, Cédric Tornay, killed the commander of the Guard, Alois Estermann.
Monsignor Marinelli. recalls the book “Gone with the Wind in the Vatican” which was published in 1999 by Edizioni Kaos. 100’000 copies were sold but most of them bought by the Vatican in a successful attempt to make the book disappear. The authors of the book signed with I Millenari. Later, Monsignor Luigi Marinelli, a former Head of office of the Vatican’s Congregation for Eastern Churches, presented himself as the spokesman of the authors.
Masonic Promises.Mehr

Francis Christmas in France: Not Even a Stable

Roman Rite Catholics in Germain-en-Laye, Yvelines, France, celebrated Christmas outside the closed doors of an inn a church. Very small boys served at the altar. The Francis Church didn't even offer …Mehr
Roman Rite Catholics in Germain-en-Laye, Yvelines, France, celebrated Christmas outside the closed doors of an inn a church.
Very small boys served at the altar. The Francis Church didn't even offer them a stable. For more than 15 years, they had hoped to be given a church for Sundays and feast days. There are two churches in town which are both unused on Sunday mornings: the Franciscan church and a hospital chapel.
Their dream came true in June. Bishop Lucien Crepy, 63, of Versailles, who had only been installed in April, allowed the faithful to use the hospital chapel. Weeks later, after the merciless Traditionis custodes, Crepy made them again refugees. Since October, about hundred Catholics attend Mass outside the church. Pictures of them, gathered in wind and rain, made rounds on the internet.
In a Christmas press release, they called themselves “happy to have offered the cold of the night and the discomfort of the sidewalk, little annoyances, to unite themselves more intimately …Mehr
John A Cassani
God bless them. Getting kicked out of the churches is the start. The next step will be priests being removed from active ministry, and losing their …Mehr
God bless them. Getting kicked out of the churches is the start. The next step will be priests being removed from active ministry, and losing their faculties to celebrate the Sacraments in public. This will be accompanied by losing their salaries. In case anyone doubts it, these men have a lot to lose by holding Rome to its honor.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
God bless these faithful CAtholics in France. And God damn Francis for having to make decent, faithful and good Catholics live and worship this way. …Mehr
God bless these faithful CAtholics in France. And God damn Francis for having to make decent, faithful and good Catholics live and worship this way. This is outrageous. Pure evil to make people suffer like this, to persecute them like this!! May Pope Francis pass on and go to his reward soon.
Do Not Succumb to ‘Pandemic Madness’ Fr. Daniel Nolan warns what happens when we remove Christ from society. People begin to loose touch with reality and adopt irrational thinking. God gave us a brain …Mehr
Do Not Succumb to ‘Pandemic Madness’
Fr. Daniel Nolan warns what happens when we remove Christ from society. People begin to loose touch with reality and adopt irrational thinking. God gave us a brain - let us use it. Watch additional homilies at
Great job father God bless you
Wilma Lopez teilt das
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Dr Sucharit Bhakdi: Organs Of Dead Vaccinated Proves Auto Immune Attack - 22/12/2021 ⚠️MORE UP TO DATE CONTENT HERE⚠️:$/invite/@SixthSense-Truth-Search-Labs:0 ⚠️COMMENTS TEMPORARILY CLOSED …Mehr
Dr Sucharit Bhakdi: Organs Of Dead Vaccinated Proves Auto Immune Attack - 22/12/2021
⚠️MORE UP TO DATE CONTENT HERE⚠️:$/invite/@SixthSense-Truth-Search-Labs:0
Russ Brown:
Video – Dr. Bhakdi Explains Basic Immunology 22/12/2021 On COVID vaccines: why they cannot work, and irrefutable evidence of their causative role in deaths after vaccination…-their-causative-role-in-deaths-after-vaccination/ Dr. Bhakdi explains how and why the gene-based COVID-“vaccines” trigger the breakdown of immunological defenses against infectious agents that lie dormant (“sleeping”) in our bodies. These …Mehr
The problem is that the ones that are getting vaccinated the dont listen to anybody that contradicts what they are listen by the regular media

UPDATE: Kurze kritische Anmerkung zur Stellungnahme von P. Arnaud Sélégny FSSPX vom 24.09.21

Das Generalhaus der Priesterbruderschaft St. Pius X. veröffentlichte zum 24. September 2021 eine Stellungnahme Praktische Erwägungen zum Impfen gegen das Covid-19…che-erwägungen-zum-impfen …Mehr
Das Generalhaus der Priesterbruderschaft St. Pius X. veröffentlichte zum 24. September 2021 eine Stellungnahme Praktische Erwägungen zum Impfen gegen das Covid-19…che-erwägungen-zum-impfen-gegen-das-covid-19-68812 von P. Arnaud Sélégny.
Diese löste bereits kritische Reaktionen aus. Kritik an der gegenüber der neuartigen Impfung allzu positiven, und für viele Gläubigen unverständlichen Haltung von P. Sélégny kam etwa von einem der Bruderschaft verbundenen Laien, Anthony Ambrosetti, aus den USA (Deutsche Übersetzung: Eine kritische Reaktion aus den USA auf das Schreiben von P. Arnaud Sé…). Wie man hören kann, steht er bei weitem nicht alleine da: Priester und Gläubige, die der FSSPX verbunden sind, aber auch andere, sind schockiert und skandalisiert. Manche fragen sich, wie es sein kann, daß das Bollwerk des vollen katholischen Glaubens hier dem Relativismus Raum gibt.
Anerkennung des Wirkens der Priesterbruderschaft …Mehr
Corona Aktuell Karlsruhe - Ungeimpfter nicht behandelt und deswegen gestorben? Für aktuelle Informationen und Hintergrundinformation zur Corona-Krise kommt auf Telegram:
Corona Aktuell Karlsruhe - Ungeimpfter nicht behandelt und deswegen gestorben?
Für aktuelle Informationen und Hintergrundinformation zur Corona-Krise kommt auf Telegram:
Wurde im Klinikum Karlsruhe ein Patient nicht behandelt, weil er ungeimpft war und musste deshalb sterben?
Handelt es sich womöglich um vorsätzlichen Totschlag?
Kann man die heutige Pandemie Krise mit dem Dritten Reich vergleichen?
Haben Geimpfte und Ungeimpfte unterschiedliche Rechte?
Befinden wir uns im Neofaschismus? [Weitergeleitet aus Rechtsanwältin Beate Bahner] 🟥 Das Unvorstellbar BÖSE nimmt weiter seinen Lauf Ungeimpfter Notfallpatient wird drei Tage im Klinikum Karlsruhe nicht behandelt und nicht versorgt. Er stirbt am vergangenen Freitag, 11. November 2021 jämmerlich auf einer Matratze auf dem Fußboden der Klinik. ‼️ Das ist nicht nur Totschlag durch Unterlassen aller Verantwortlichen dieser Klinik. Das ist meines Erachtens sogar Mord durch Unterlassen. Mordgrund nach meiner …Mehr
Joannes Baptista teilt das
Jämmerliches Verrecken im Klinikum Karlsruhe, wenn man nicht geimpft ist
Tina 13
Ein Unfallopfer verdursten und verhungern zu lassen und seine Wunden nicht zu versorgen damit es stirbt, ist das nicht eine gewisse Art von Folter?
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The Battle Speech of the New Crusade

The Battle Speech of the New Crusade can be watched at this link:
Battle song of the Crusades - Media Vita (music video) ~ Latin and English subtitles. Media vita in morte sumus (Latin for "In the midst of life we are in death") is the first line of a Gregorian chant …Mehr
Battle song of the Crusades - Media Vita (music video) ~ Latin and English subtitles.
Media vita in morte sumus (Latin for "In the midst of life we are in death") is the first line of a Gregorian chant, written in the form of a response, and known as "Antiphona pro Peccatis" or "de Morte". Reference has been made to a source originating in a battle song of the year 912 by Notker the Stammerer.
Thank you to Wafers for letting me use some of his clips for the video!
Check out his channel here:
Latin: Media vita in morte sumus quem quaerimus adjutorem nisi te, Domine, qui pro peccatis nostris juste irasceris? Sancte Deus, sancte fortis, sancte et misericors Salvator: amarae morti ne tradas nos. In Te speraverunt Patres nostri, speraverunt et liberasti eos ____________ ENGLISH: In the midst of life we be in death: Of whom may we seek for succour, but of Thee, O Lord, which for our sins justly art moved? Yet, O Lord God …Mehr

Apocalypse Now: St. Louis de Montfort on the End Times Apostles

You can view the video at this link
John Paul II the Masonic 'Saint'? (Part 2: His Philosophy, Theology & Masonic Associations) You can view part 1 at this link: The full book can be found at this link …Mehr
John Paul II the Masonic 'Saint'? (Part 2: His Philosophy, Theology & Masonic Associations)
You can view part 1 at this link:
The full book can be found at this link in various languages luigi villa.html
You can purchase a hard copy at this link
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More FSSP Priests Pledge Loyalty To Vatican 2 & Francis. Do not confuse Francis with the papacy. Join this channel to get access to perks: Sources: Mehr
More FSSP Priests Pledge Loyalty To Vatican 2 & Francis.
Do not confuse Francis with the papacy.
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Of all horrible religions the most horrible is the worship of the god within.
NEWSFLASH: Archbishop Vigano Says It is TIME to ASK THIS QUESTION about Pope Francis! #vigano #joebiden #pope Read the Letter at LifeSite News:…moral-and-mental-suitability-of-…Mehr
NEWSFLASH: Archbishop Vigano Says It is TIME to ASK THIS QUESTION about Pope Francis!
#vigano #joebiden #pope
Read the Letter at LifeSite News:…moral-and-mental-suitability-of-bergoglio-as-pope/
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Hugh N. Cry
Francis is a charlatan.
The question to ask> is, Biden right when he says that the Pope said he is a good catholic and continui going for communion ?

MUST CATHOLICS OBEY FRANCIS? Discerning True and False Obedience in the Era of Traditionis Custodes

If you can't view this video, your browser does not support HTML5 videos To view this video please …
Rand Miller
The recognize and resist crowd smell of heresy.
Only when he utters legitimate directions which is very rare.

VATICAN PRO-ABORTS: Francis Owned by New World Order

Watch Francis’s Speech: October 16 2021, IV World Meeting of Popular Movements In this first episode of …