
A Bishop Retires at 62

Francis on Saturday accepted the resignation of Monsignor Óscar Augusto Múnera Ochoa, 62, the Vicar Apostolic of Tierradentro, Colombia. Múnera Ochoa was appointed bishop by Francis in June 2015. He …More
Francis on Saturday accepted the resignation of Monsignor Óscar Augusto Múnera Ochoa, 62, the Vicar Apostolic of Tierradentro, Colombia.
Múnera Ochoa was appointed bishop by Francis in June 2015. He was accused of abusing a young man in a book published last year by media activists Juan Pablo Barrientos and Miguel Estupiñán.
The Colombian authorities haven't pressed charges against Múnera.
In an article published in May on ReligionDigital.org, Estupiñán alleged that Múnera had abused a young man in 2005 when he was a priest in the Santa Rosa de Osos parish.
Múnera has not commented on the allegations. The Colombian Bishops' Conference hasn't commented on the reasons for Múnera's resignation.

Mysteries of the Bible: the Witch from Endor - remnantnewspaper.com

Throughout the entire history of humanity, the “other world” has always been the most controversial and, at the same time, appreciated subject. Regardless of which era we study, we find that both the …More
Throughout the entire history of humanity, the “other world” has always been the most controversial and, at the same time, appreciated subject. Regardless of which era we study, we find that both the history of religions and folklore and popular culture convey countless stories about the path of souls into eternity. Sometimes, as in chapter XI of Homer’s Odyssey or in Plutarch’s De sera numinis vindicta (On the Delays of the Divine Vengeance), we encounter what is known as “necromancy”—i.e., the invocation/summoning of the souls of those who have passed into the otherworld. Other times, as in another equally famous text, namely in book VI of Virgil’s Aeneid, we find a description of a journey into the world of the dead. And at the heart of Christian-inspired culture, we also have an epic poem—Divina Commedia—which, from start to finish, narrates the journey of the author, Dante Alighieri, through all the hierarchical regions of the unseen world.
The fact that pagan religions, along …More
rafaportal shares from rafaportal
🇩🇪 Franz Adlkofer. PhD in Biochemistry by Max Planck. Specialist in diseases of environmental cause. 🗣 Statements at the 2009 Congressional hearing in Washington, about the health effects of mobile …More
🇩🇪 Franz Adlkofer. PhD in Biochemistry by Max Planck. Specialist in diseases of environmental cause.
🗣 Statements at the 2009 Congressional hearing in Washington, about the health effects of mobile phone radiation.
➳""It is clear that exposure to UMTS radiation is about ten times more effective at causing breaks in the DNA strand than GSM exposure."
➳ "And this is not taken into account at all, for example in the security levels."
GSM and UMTS are the protocols used in the 2nd generation and 2nd and a half generation of mobile telephony.
🇩🇪 Franz Adlkofer. Promotion in Biochemie bei Max Planck. Spezialist für umweltbedingte Krankheiten. 🗣 Aussagen bei der Kongressanhörung 2009 in Washington über die gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen von …More
🇩🇪 Franz Adlkofer. Promotion in Biochemie bei Max Planck. Spezialist für umweltbedingte Krankheiten.
🗣 Aussagen bei der Kongressanhörung 2009 in Washington über die gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen von Mobilfunkstrahlung.
➳""Es ist klar, dass die Exposition gegenüber UMTS-Strahlung etwa zehnmal wirksamer ist, um Brüche im DNA-Strang zu verursachen als die GSM-Exposition."
➳ "Und dies wird beispielsweise bei den Sicherheitsstufen überhaupt nicht berücksichtigt."
GSM und UMTS sind die Protokolle, die in der Mobiltelefonie der 2. Generation und der 2. und einer halben Generation verwendet werden.
parangutirimicuaro shares from Irapuato
July 22 - Saint Mary Magdalene & Madre Inés.More
July 22 - Saint Mary Magdalene & Madre Inés.
July 22 Saint Mary Magdalene & Madre Inés. In the Visions of Blessed Anna Katharina Emmerick: 1. The Family of Lazarus, Martha and Magdalen The parents of Lazarus had in all fifteen children, of whom …More
July 22 Saint Mary Magdalene & Madre Inés.
In the Visions of Blessed Anna Katharina Emmerick:
1. The Family of Lazarus, Martha and Magdalen
The parents of Lazarus had in all fifteen children, of whom six died young. Of the nine that survived, only four were living at the time of Christ’s teaching. These four were: Lazarus; Martha, about two years younger; Mary, looked upon as a simpleton, two years younger than Martha; and Mary Magdalen, five years younger than the simpleton. The simpleton is not named in Scripture, not reckoned among the Lazarus family; but she is known to God. She was always put aside in her family, and lived altogether unknown...Lazarus ...looked much older than Jesus; he appeared to me to be fully eight years His senior. Lazarus had large possessions, landed property, gardens, and many servants. Martha had her own house, and another sister named Mary, who lived entirely alone, had also her separate dwelling. Magdalen lived in her castle at Magdalum. Lazarus was …More

Who is St. Mary Magdalene?

St. Mary Magdalene was one of Christ's closest disciples during His earthly ministry. On this week's Saints in Focus, Br. Steve Castellano, MIC, shares how God's mercy worked …
Servant Of Divine Mercy

Diebus Saltem Dominicis – 9th Sunday after Pentecost: Jesus weeps

The 20th century commentator Pius Parsch remarks in This Sunday, the 9th after Pentecost, we have the startling image of the Lord weeping …
Irapuato shares from Irapuato
22 de julio, - Santa Mª MagdalenaMore
22 de julio, - Santa Mª Magdalena
22 de julio, Santa Mª Magdalena, una de las primeras discípulas de Jesús. Uploaded by DIOCESISTV on Jul 9, 2008 María: "Preferida de Dios" Magdalena: Se deriva de Magdala, población situada sobre …More
22 de julio, Santa Mª Magdalena, una de las primeras discípulas de Jesús.
Uploaded by DIOCESISTV on Jul 9, 2008
María: "Preferida de Dios"
Magdalena: Se deriva de Magdala, población situada sobre la orilla occidental del mar de Galilea, al norte de la ciudad de Tiberíades, o de expresión del Talmud que significa "rizar pelo de mujer", en referencia a las adúlteras.
«La historia de María de Magdala recuerda a todos una verdad fundamental: discípulo de Cristo es quien, en la experiencia de la debilidad humana, ha tenido la humildad de pedirle ayuda, ha sido curado por él, y le ha seguido de cerca, convirtiéndose en testigo de la potencia de su amor misericordioso, que es más fuerte que el pecado y la muerte». -Benedicto XVI, 23 Julio, 2006
Santa María Magdalena, santa del NT (9 coms.) - Fiesta litúrgica Memoria de santa María Magdalena, que, liberada por el Señor de siete demonios, se …More
Santa María Magdalena, santa del NT (9 coms.) - Fiesta litúrgica
Memoria de santa María Magdalena, que, liberada por el Señor de siete demonios, se convirtió en su discípula, siguiéndole hasta el monte Calvario, y en la mañana de Pascua mereció ser la primera en ver al Salvador retornado de la muerte y llevar a los otros discípulos el anuncio de la resurrección.
San Platón, mártir
En Ancira, de Galacia, san Platón, mártir. († s. III/IV)
Santos Mártires Masilitanos, mártires
En África, santos mártires Masilitanos, acerca de los cuales san Agustín predicó un sermón a los fieles en el aniversario de su muerte. († s. III/IV)
San Cirilo de Antioquía, obispo y confesor
En Antioquía, ciudad de Siria, san Cirilo, obispo, que fue encarcelado y desterrado en tiempo del emperador Diocleciano. († c. 306) San Anastasio el abad, monje confesor (2 coms.) En la fortaleza de Suania (Schemaris), en los montes del Cáucaso, san Anastasio, monje, el cual, discípulo de san Máximo el Confesor, por defender la …More
Here is what the presumptive presidential nominee of the Democratic Party, Kamala Harris, has to say about “greatness.” Please don’t skip the video.
Wow. She's like deeper than the ocean in her intellectual ability.
Maria delos Angeles
Roger Stone just said they are trying to get Kamala and the Clintons , not natural allies to ally, in order to get Hitler-y on the ticket.
5 more comments
Just wow…

Oligarchy Much?

Folks, I’m 46 years-old. This is 100% true for me. Also, I was right three weeks ago. If my political instincts are correct, look for Pedo Joe to be forced * You heard it here first.
Harvey Millican
Biden was on the ticket in ‘08 and ‘12.
One more comment
Tom Morelli

CA 7-Yr-Old Punished as Racist for ‘Any Life Matters’ Drawing: You don’t hate woke school administrators …

The ugly anti-white racism that underlies wokeness is a cancer in our communities, intentionally …
Sean Johnson
+Williamson comments on +Vigano’s June 28 letter (“J’accuse”).

VIGANO COMMENTARY – Just another WordPress site

Last week these “Comments” (July 13, # 887) gave a summary of Archbishop Vigano’s June 28 long justification of his decision not to respond to a Newchurch …

President Biden Withdraws From 2024 Election

President Joe Biden has decided to halt his re-election campaign and no longer seek a second term in office. Biden announced the news via his official social …
All Saints
@LYunque Millions of aborted babies were not avilable for comment. Evil doers don’t deserve compassion.
Father Karl A Claver
Biden, his family, his pals, the media and the Democrat party have all lied to us as to his dementia, and how ill he really is. Because of this deception …More
Biden, his family, his pals, the media and the Democrat party have all lied to us as to his dementia, and how ill he really is. Because of this deception, our country is in mortal danger, as our enemies how this and are ready to take advantage of this terrible situation.
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From The Remnant: MICHAEL DAVIES SPEAKS: Vintage Address on Vatican II and the Latin Mass

MICHAEL DAVIES SPEAKS: Vintage Address on Vatican II and the Latin Mass

English Catholic
Even though he’s at a meeting of the clans in Africa this week, Michael Matt offers a pre-recorded introduction to an important address that, up until …More
Even though he’s at a meeting of the clans in Africa this week, Michael Matt offers a pre-recorded introduction to an important address that, up until now, has not been available on the Internet. Back in November of 1988, Michael Davies gave a comprehensive address at a conference in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on the main issues that motivated the rise of the Traditional Catholic counterrevolution. Everything from what really happened at Vatican II, to the suppression of the Latin Mass, to the introduction of the New Mass, to the case of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, to the role of The Remnant newspaper after the Council is discussed in some detail by the premier Traditional Catholic pioneer – the late, great Michael Davies.
Follow Michael Matt's Kilimanjaro Climb on Twitter: twitter.com/x/migrate?tok=7b2265223a222f4d69636861656c5f4a5f4d
Sign up for the Remnant E-edition, and get free access to 57 years of archives: newsmemory.com
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Some atmospheric-sounding sheet music in the public domain by Liszt , The Sistine Chapel.., for pedal keyboard.
18 pages
July 21, 2024...🇦🇺🇨🇦🇺🇸🇬🇧...JON LEVI 🎇🗽 ..👉 Kings of AmericaMore
July 21, 2024...🇦🇺🇨🇦🇺🇸🇬🇧...JON LEVI 🎇🗽
..👉 Kings of America
Sound of Freedom (2023) CZ titulky
Jeffrey Ade
Saint Anne!

The Efficacy in Heaven of Good St. Anne by Rita Stewart

Catholic Virtues St. Anne, Mother of the Glorious Virgin Mary - I The Efficacy in Heaven of Good St. Anne “It is certain that Mary’s soul was the …

Jorge Luis Borges: Something Alarms Me about Father Bergoglio

The text, taken from Jorge Luis Borges' conversation with Roberto Alifano in 1979, was published by La Cigüeña De La Torre on InfoVaticana.com (19 July). Borges (1899-1986) was an Argentine writer …More
The text, taken from Jorge Luis Borges' conversation with Roberto Alifano in 1979, was published by La Cigüeña De La Torre on InfoVaticana.com (19 July). Borges (1899-1986) was an Argentine writer known for his short stories, essays and poems. His literary style and philosophical depth have had an influence on both Spanish and international literature.
"How strange and confusing the people of God can sometimes be, Alifano. Well, I'll tell you. There are two priests who visit me quite often, and they have nothing to do with each other.
You know them both. One I inherited from my mother, who was very pious. I am talking about Father Guillermo, who came to hear her confession every week when she was alive.
The other is Jorge, a Jesuit who is a chemist and now teaches literature at the University of Salvador. María Esther Vázquez introduced me to him a long time ago, so we have a great friendship."
"Guillermo comes almost every week. I tell him the truth, sometimes I don't know how to get …More
Faith In The Ruins
Borges was a very interesting man. Despite what faults he had, he was committed to truth (even if he couldn't stifle his own ego regarding the true …More
Borges was a very interesting man. Despite what faults he had, he was committed to truth (even if he couldn't stifle his own ego regarding the true faith, a trait so many men of his intelligence sadly possess). I believe him completely when he states Bergoglio had more difficulties with the faith than he had.
Billy F
I think Eugenio Scalfari told the truth about what Francis was telling him!!!
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Institute of Christ the King Kicked Out of an English Church

Rev. John Johnson retired from active ministry at the historic St Mary Church in Wigan, Archdiocese of Liverpool, at the end of 2023 for health reasons and died in April. Archbishop Malcolm McMahon of …More
Rev. John Johnson retired from active ministry at the historic St Mary Church in Wigan, Archdiocese of Liverpool, at the end of 2023 for health reasons and died in April.
Archbishop Malcolm McMahon of Liverpool invited the Roman Rite Institute of Christ the King to take over that church.
McMahon has a reputation of being rather friendly towards the Mass and has already celebrated it himself.
But recently, the Archbishop's invitation came to an abrupt end. At the Mass on 7 July, Canon Cristofoli of the Institute said that he had been told the day before that it would be the final Mass.
He explained that the archdiocese had decided not to hand over the pastoral care to the Institute because of unspecified "financial considerations".
The Institute had offered to buy the church and a house in Wigan for the priests to live in: "This offer has been rejected by the trustees of the archdiocese."
A spokesperson for the Archdiocese of Liverpool added: "Archbishop Malcolm has written to the Institute …More
Brendan Davies
the great renewal of Vatican II continues!
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