
Nuns of Pontcallec: Vatican Imposes Hybrid Rite And More Novus Ordo

The Holy See forces a strange, hybrid version of the Roman Rite Mass and the Novus Ordo on the hitherto traditional sisters of the "Institute of the Dominican Sisters of the Holy Spirit" in Pontcallec …Meira
The Holy See forces a strange, hybrid version of the Roman Rite Mass and the Novus Ordo on the hitherto traditional sisters of the "Institute of the Dominican Sisters of the Holy Spirit" in Pontcallec, France.
On July 25, the "synodal" Vatican imposed on the sisters ready-made decisions that will take effect on 1 December (communiqué on Dominicaines-Du-Saint-Esprit.fr, July 25):
- The Vatican requires that the Novus Ordo liturgical calendar be used.
- The Novus Ordo must be celebrated in all houses, one week a month on weekdays, and Holy Mass remains for three weeks and the Sundays.
- The readings are to be taken from the Novus Ordo lectionaries.
- The Novus Ordo prefaces are to be used at all Masses.
The Vatican calls these measures "a step toward the discovery" of the Novus Ordo.
The sisters will retain the Latin, the Gregorian chant, and the celebration toward the altar [for now]. #newsWsighfilfz
Cooperating with evil is not obedience!
Don't do it!
3 viðmerkingar aftrat

Tidligere generalsekretær for amerikanske biskoper saksøker homodating-appen Grindr for datalekkasje

Biskop Jeffrey Burrill saksøker den homofile sexdating-appen Grindr for angivelig å ha unnlatt å beskytte dataene hans. Å bli avslørt som praktiserende homofil førte til at han trakk seg fra sin …Meira
Biskop Jeffrey Burrill saksøker den homofile sexdating-appen Grindr for angivelig å ha unnlatt å beskytte dataene hans. Å bli avslørt som praktiserende homofil førte til at han trakk seg fra sin toppstilling som generalsekretær for den amerikanske bispekonferansen i 2021.
Søksmålet ble denne uken innlevert til Superior Court of California.
Ifølge søksmålet kjøpte gruppen Catholic Laity and Clergy for Renewal prestens data fra appen og sendte dem til PillarCatholic.com. Nettstedet rapporterte i 2021 på Burrill at dataene som ble brukt var "kommersielt tilgjengelige poster" korrelert med prestens mobile enhet.
Appen annonserer seg selv som "den største sosiale nettverksappen for homofile, bi, trans og skeive mennesker." Geolokaliseringsfunksjonen er viden kjent for å muliggjøre tilfeldig sex mellom homofile menn.
I søksmålet hevdes det at Grindr ikke har iverksatt tiltak for å beskytte dataene mot innhenting fra tredjeparter. Monsignor Burril krever hovedsakelig penger - erstatning, …Meira

Nonnerne i Pontcallec: Vatikanet indfører hybridritual og mere Novus Ordo

Den Hellige Stol tvinger en mærkelig hybridversion af den romerske ritusmesse og Novus Ordo ned over hovedet på de hidtil traditionelle søstre fra "Helligåndssøstrenes Institut" i Pontcallec i Frankrig. …Meira
Den Hellige Stol tvinger en mærkelig hybridversion af den romerske ritusmesse og Novus Ordo ned over hovedet på de hidtil traditionelle søstre fra "Helligåndssøstrenes Institut" i Pontcallec i Frankrig.
Den 25. juli pålagde det "synodale" Vatikan søstrene færdige beslutninger, som vil træde i kraft den 1. december (kommuniké på Dominicaines-Du-Saint-Esprit.fr, 25. juli):
- Vatikanet kræver, at den liturgiske kalender Novus Ordo anvendes.
- Novus Ordo skal fejres i alle huse, en uge om måneden på hverdage, og den hellige messe forbliver i tre uger og om søndagen.
- Læsningerne skal tages fra Novus Ordo-lektionarerne.
- Novus Ordo-præfationerne skal bruges ved alle messer.
Vatikanet kalder disse tiltag for "et skridt mod opdagelsen" af Novus Ordo.
Søstrene vil beholde latin, gregoriansk sang og fejringen mod alteret [indtil videre]. AI-oversættelse

Nunnorna i Pontcallec: Vatikanen inför hybridrit och mer Novus Ordo

Den Heliga Stolen tvingar på de hittills traditionella systrarna i "Institutet för dominikansystrar av den heliga anden" i Pontcallec, Frankrike, en märklig hybridversion av mässan i romersk rit och …Meira
Den Heliga Stolen tvingar på de hittills traditionella systrarna i "Institutet för dominikansystrar av den heliga anden" i Pontcallec, Frankrike, en märklig hybridversion av mässan i romersk rit och Novus Ordo.
Den 25 juli påtvingade den "synodala" Vatikanen systrarna färdiga beslut som kommer att träda i kraft den 1 december (kommuniké på Dominicaines-Du-Saint-Esprit.fr, 25 juli):
- Vatikanen kräver att den liturgiska kalendern Novus Ordo används.
- Novus Ordo måste firas i alla hus, en vecka i månaden på vardagar, och den heliga mässan kvarstår under tre veckor och söndagarna.
- Läsningarna skall hämtas från Novus Ordo-lektionarierna.
- Novus Ordos prefationer ska användas vid alla mässor.
Vatikanen kallar dessa åtgärder för "ett steg mot upptäckten" av Novus Ordo.
Systrarna kommer att behålla latinet, den gregorianska sången och firandet mot altaret [för tillfället]. AI-översättning

Slettet: Frans' eks-synode knust i sin egen meningsmåling

Det sosiale mediet "Synod.va" lanserte en avstemning på Twitter og Facebook 25. juli. Den stilte spørsmålet "Tror du at synodalitet, som en måte å omvende og reformere på, kan styrke alle døptes misjon …Meira
Det sosiale mediet "Synod.va" lanserte en avstemning på Twitter og Facebook 25. juli.
Den stilte spørsmålet "Tror du at synodalitet, som en måte å omvende og reformere på, kan styrke alle døptes misjon og deltakelse?"
Fra første stund var de negative svarene overveldende.
Skjermbildet som fortsatt eksisterer for å illustrere denne artikkelen, viser at det for øyeblikket er 5 633 stemmer, 88 % av dem negative. Andelen "nei"-svar på Facebook var tilsvarende.
Den 26. juli slettet Synod.va avstemningen. De som er interessert i religion og stemte, vet at "synodalitet" er irrelevant for reformen av kirken. De andre gidder ikke å stemme. Men Vatikanet kan ikke forstå dette.

Former General Secretary of U.S. Bishops Sues Homosex Dating App Grindr Over Data Leak

Monsignor Jeffrey Burrill is suing the homosexual sex dating app Grindr for reportedly failing to protect his data. Being outed as a practicing homosexual led to his resignation from his top position …Meira
Monsignor Jeffrey Burrill is suing the homosexual sex dating app Grindr for reportedly failing to protect his data. Being outed as a practicing homosexual led to his resignation from his top position as secretary general of the U.S. bishops’ conference in 2021.
The lawsuit was filed this week filed in the Superior Court of California.
According to the lawsuit, the group Catholic Laity and Clergy for Renewal purchased the priest's data from the app and sent it to PillarCatholic.com. The website reported 2021 on Burrill that the data used were "commercially available records" correlated to the priest's mobile device.
The app advertises itself as "the largest social networking app for gay, bi, trans, and queer people." Its geolocation feature is widely known to enable casual sex between homosexual men.
The lawsuit alleges that Grindr failed to take steps to protect the data from acquisition by third parties. Monsignor Burril is mainly seeking money - damages, attorney's fees, and "injunctive …Meira
Mary Louise Veritas
He has three powerful American cardinals behind him.
Ivan Tomas
"Heretic Bishop with Two Acolytes. - Hieronymus Bosch
5 viðmerkingar aftrat

2022: Vatikanen "godkände" latinska mässor i 55 församlingskyrkor

Under 2022 har Dikasteriet för liturgin "tillåtit" firandet av mässan enligt den romerska riten i 55 församlingskyrkor i tio länder. Siffrorna publicerades den 26 juli i Dikasteriets bulletin ("Notitiae"). …Meira
Under 2022 har Dikasteriet för liturgin "tillåtit" firandet av mässan enligt den romerska riten i 55 församlingskyrkor i tio länder. Siffrorna publicerades den 26 juli i Dikasteriets bulletin ("Notitiae").
Listan över "dispenser" per land:
USA: 34 församlingskyrkor i 20 stift
Polen: 3 församlingskyrkor i 3 stift
Storbritannien: 5 församlingskyrkor i 4 stift
Kanada: 4 församlingar i 3 stift 4 församlingskyrkor i 3 stift
Tyskland: 5 församlingskyrkor, stiftet Regensburg
Österrike, Ungern, Italien, Litauen: 1 församlingskyrka i endast 1 stift Siffrorna för 2023 är ännu inte tillgängliga. Franciskus har försökt förbjuda firandet av mässan i församlingskyrkorna. En biskop kan inte "tillåta" det, det kan bara Vatikanen. Sådana tillstånd beviljas officiellt endast när det inte finns något annat kapell eller någon annan kyrka att tillgå. Det finns ett stort antal orapporterade heliga mässor som har firats i församlingskyrkor utan "dispens" från Vatikanen eller med en dispens som löpte ut i somras. …Meira
1171,1 tús.

2022: Vatican "Authorized" Latin Masses in 55 Parish Churches

In 2022, the Dicastery for the Liturgy has "allowed" the celebration of the Mass in the Roman rite in 55 parish churches in ten countries. The figures were published on July 26 in the Dicastery's bulletin …Meira
In 2022, the Dicastery for the Liturgy has "allowed" the celebration of the Mass in the Roman rite in 55 parish churches in ten countries. The figures were published on July 26 in the Dicastery's bulletin (“Notitiae”).
The list of "dispensations" by country:
USA: 34 parish churches in 20 dioceses
Poland: 3 parish churches in 3 dioceses
Great Britain: 5 parish churches in 4 dioceses
Canada: 4 parish churches in 3 dioceses
Germany: 5 parish churches, Diocese of Regensburg
Austria, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania: 1 parish church in only 1 diocese Figures for 2023 are not yet available. Francis has tried to ban the celebration of Mass in parish churches. A bishop cannot “allow” it, only the Vatican can. Such permissions are officially granted only when no other chapel or church is available. There is a large number of unreported Holy Masses celebrated in parish churches without a "dispensation" from the Vatican or with a dispensation that expired this summer. Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, …Meira
Wilma Lopez deilir hetta
Vatican allowed fewer than 60 parish churches worldwide to offer Latin Mass in 2022
John A Cassani
Does anyone know how many diocesan TLMs have remained, without ever seeking post TC permission? There definitely are a few here and there.
16 viðmerkingar aftrat

Biskop overfaldet og efterladt bundet i vejkanten

Monsignore Gonzalo Alonso Calzada Guerrero, biskop i Tehuacan, Mexico, blev tvunget til at standse sin bil af seks fremmede, blev røvet og efterladt i håndjern i et ubefolkede område (23. juli). …Meira
Monsignore Gonzalo Alonso Calzada Guerrero, biskop i Tehuacan, Mexico, blev tvunget til at standse sin bil af seks fremmede, blev røvet og efterladt i håndjern i et ubefolkede område (23. juli). Overfaldsmændene tog hans Mitsubishi, mobiltelefon og personlige værdigenstande.
Biskoppen kom ikke fysisk til skade.
Bispedømmet Tehuacan oplyste, at han var på vej fra Tehuacan til Magdalena Alquizapan for at fejre festen for en skytshelgen.
Mexico anses for at være det farligste land i verden for præster.
Billede: Gonzalo Alonso Calzada Guerrero, Diócesis de Tehuacá, AI-oversættelse
241,4 tús.

Deleted: Francis’ Ex-Synod Crushed in Their Own Poll

The social media account 'Synod.va' launched a poll on Twitter and Facebook on 25 July. It asked the question: "Do you believe that synodality, as a way of conversion and reform, can strengthen the …Meira
The social media account 'Synod.va' launched a poll on Twitter and Facebook on 25 July.
It asked the question: "Do you believe that synodality, as a way of conversion and reform, can strengthen the mission and participation of all the baptised?"
From the start, the negative responses were overwhelming.
The screenshot that still exists to illustrate this article shows that at the moment there are 5,633 votes, 88% of them negative. The percentage of "no" responses on Facebook was similar.
On 26 July Synod.va deleted the poll. Those who are interested in religion and voted know that "synodality" is irrelevant for the reform of the Church. The others don't bother to vote. But the Vatican cannot understand this.
Sandy Barrett deilir hetta
Vatican’s Synod account on X deletes poll after 88% reject ‘synodality’
Sally Dorman deilir hetta
There we have it: "Synodality" gets rejected by the majority of the faithful
4 viðmerkingar aftrat

2022: Vatikanet "autoriserte" latinske messer i 55 sognekirker

I 2022 har Dikasteriet for liturgien "tillatt" feiring av messen etter romersk ritus i 55 menighetskirker i ti land. Tallene ble publisert 26. juli i Dikasteriets bulletin ("Notitiae"). Listen over "…Meira
I 2022 har Dikasteriet for liturgien "tillatt" feiring av messen etter romersk ritus i 55 menighetskirker i ti land. Tallene ble publisert 26. juli i Dikasteriets bulletin ("Notitiae").
Listen over "dispensasjoner" etter land:
USA: 34 menighetskirker i 20 bispedømmer
Polen: 3 menighetskirker i 3 bispedømmer
Storbritannia: 5 menighetskirker i 4 bispedømmer
Canada: 4 menighetskirker i 3 bispedømmer 4 menighetskirker i 3 bispedømmer
Tyskland: 5 sognekirker, bispedømmet Regensburg
Østerrike, Ungarn, Italia, Litauen: 1 menighetskirke i kun 1 bispedømme Tallene for 2023 er ennå ikke tilgjengelige. Frans har forsøkt å forby messefeiring i sognekirker. En biskop kan ikke "tillate" det, det er det bare Vatikanet som kan. Slike tillatelser gis offisielt bare når ingen andre kapeller eller kirker er tilgjengelige. Det er et stort antall urapporterte hellige messer som feires i sognekirker uten "dispensasjon" fra Vatikanet eller med en dispensasjon som utløp i sommer. Bilde: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, …Meira

Metropolitan Hilarion Temporarily Suspended from the Budapest-Hungary Metropolis

Metropolitan Hilarion has been temporarily suspended from his post in Budapest, Hungary, by a decision of the Holy Synod of the Russian state religion (July 25). Hilarion is a former president of the …Meira
Metropolitan Hilarion has been temporarily suspended from his post in Budapest, Hungary, by a decision of the Holy Synod of the Russian state religion (July 25).
Hilarion is a former president of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate (second man after Patriarch Kirill).
The Holy Synod decided to transfer the administration of the Budapest diocese to the Patriarchal Exarch for Western Europe, Metropolitan Nestor.
The reasons for the dismissal were not given.
Earlier this month, NovaYaGazeta.eu reported that the Metropolitan had a close relationship with his personal secretary and housemate Georgy Suzuki. The latter claims that Hilarion forced him to sleep naked side by side in a bed. Hilarion is also accused of financial misconduct.
According to Suzuki, Hilarion leads a luxurious lifestyle with frequent stays on lavish yachts and ski trips to expensive resorts.
Picture: novayagazeta.eu, #newsXvgoxdgmhm
He may well have made luxury cruise trips, but not on the top left photograph.
Sandy Barrett deilir hetta
"I'm tired of Rome, will become eastern orthodox!" The KGB-church:
4 viðmerkingar aftrat

Biskop attackerad och lämnad bunden vid sidan av vägen

Monsignore Gonzalo Alonso Calzada Guerrero, biskop i Tehuacan, Mexiko, tvingades stanna sin bil av sex främlingar, rånades och lämnades sedan handfängslad i ett obefolkat område (23 juli). Gärningsmännen …Meira
Monsignore Gonzalo Alonso Calzada Guerrero, biskop i Tehuacan, Mexiko, tvingades stanna sin bil av sex främlingar, rånades och lämnades sedan handfängslad i ett obefolkat område (23 juli). Gärningsmännen tog hans Mitsubishi, mobiltelefon och personliga värdesaker.
Biskopen ådrog sig inga fysiska skador.
Stiftet Tehuacan uppgav att han var på väg från Tehuacan till Magdalena Alquizapan för att fira ett skyddshelgon.
Mexiko anses vara det farligaste landet i världen för präster.
Bild: Gonzalo Alonso Calzada Guerrero, Diócesis de Tehuacá, AI-översättning

Overpopulation Was a Myth

More than half the world's countries have fertility rates below replacement level. UN projections estimate that the world's population will peak earlier and at a lower level than previously thought: …Meira
More than half the world's countries have fertility rates below replacement level.
UN projections estimate that the world's population will peak earlier and at a lower level than previously thought: 10.2 billion, or 6% less than predicted a decade ago.
Today, more than half the world's countries have fertility rates below replacement level, notably the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia.
Almost a fifth of countries have an "ultra-low" fertility rate of less than 1.4 births per woman.
Demographers predict a population collapse after 2100, with devastating consequences for economies and quality of life.
Dean Spears, an economist at the University of Texas Population Research Center, co-authored a paper estimating world population projections beyond 2100.
One of the paper's three scenarios shows that if world population remains below the replacement rate, the number of people on the planet will fall rapidly to a "very low" number.
Darrel Bricker and John Ibbitson, authors of …Meira
Naomi Arai
It's easy to control a population if it isn't large.
John A Cassani
It was more of a lie than a myth.

God, Grant Me Serenity. I’ll be waiting. By Father Gordon J. MacRae

The Serenity Prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr is much more than a few verses on the walls of a Twelve Step program. It’s a vital petition to recover from spiritual wounds. “Forgiveness is to give up all hope …Meira
The Serenity Prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr is much more than a few verses on the walls of a Twelve Step program. It’s a vital petition to recover from spiritual wounds.
“Forgiveness is to give up all hope for a better past.”
For the last several years where I live [in prison], greeting cards of any sort have been banned.
It was somehow determined that some people on the “outside” found a way to separate the card stock on which greeting cards are made, and then insert narcotics between the layers of the card.
I hear that there were machines that could detect all this, but the cheaper and more expedient way of dealing with it was to simply ban all cards from friends and families of prisoners.
This was a morale bombshell especially around Christmas which is already sanitized to be virtually unrecognizable in prison. The draconian measure has been resolved a bit, but not for the better.
We now get no mail at all. We receive only a photocopy of any mail that you send while the original is shredded …Meira

Bishop Attacked and Left Tied Up on the Side of the Road

Monsignor Gonzalo Alonso Calzada Guerrero, Bishop of Tehuacan, Mexico, was forced to stop his car by six strangers, robbed and then left handcuffed in an unpopulated area (July 23). The assailants took …Meira
Monsignor Gonzalo Alonso Calzada Guerrero, Bishop of Tehuacan, Mexico, was forced to stop his car by six strangers, robbed and then left handcuffed in an unpopulated area (July 23). The assailants took his Mitsubishi, cell phone, and personal valuables
The bishop didn't suffer any physical injuries.
The Diocese of Tehuacan stated that he was traveling from Tehuacan to Magdalena Alquizapan to celebrate the feast of a patron saint.
Mexico is considered the most dangerous country in the world for clergy.
Picture: Gonzalo Alonso Calzada Guerrero, Diócesis de Tehuacá, #newsDtxzieznjn
@chris griffin ..Bishop David O'Connell was murdered in 2023, sadly, it does happen.
Let’s just hope it actually went as the story alleges. 😐 And that we don’t later learn of some dark uncleanness on the part of the Bishop….God forbid. 🙁🙄
2 viðmerkingar aftrat

Borttagen: Franciskus ex-synod krossad i sin egen opinionsundersökning

Det sociala mediekontot "Synod.va" lanserade en enkät på Twitter och Facebook den 25 juli. I enkäten ställdes följande fråga "Tror du att synodalitet, som ett sätt att omvända och reformera, kan stärka …Meira
Det sociala mediekontot "Synod.va" lanserade en enkät på Twitter och Facebook den 25 juli.
I enkäten ställdes följande fråga "Tror du att synodalitet, som ett sätt att omvända och reformera, kan stärka alla döptas mission och deltagande?"
Redan från början var de negativa svaren överväldigande.
Den skärmdump som fortfarande finns kvar för att illustrera denna artikel visar att det för närvarande finns 5 633 röster, 88% av dem negativa. Andelen "nej"-svar på Facebook var liknande.
Den 26 juli tog Synod.va bort omröstningen. De som är intresserade av religion och röstade vet att "synodalitet" är irrelevant för kyrkans reform. De andra bryr sig inte om att rösta. Men Vatikanen kan inte förstå detta.
131,7 tús.

President of Italian Bishops Praises "Queer Family"

At the Giffoni Film Festival for children and youth on 23 July, the homosexual activist and president of the Italian bishops Matteo Zuppi, Archbishop of Bologna, exalted what he calls the "queer family". …Meira
At the Giffoni Film Festival for children and youth on 23 July, the homosexual activist and president of the Italian bishops Matteo Zuppi, Archbishop of Bologna, exalted what he calls the "queer family".
He said: "You have to understand what, in my opinion, 'queer' means. A person whose name was Michela and whose surname was Murgia, explained it to me. She told me about her children, with whom she had no blood relationship. She married a man because she loved him and so that she could continue to have that bond with those children. I think that is something we should all learn, that a bond can exist without there necessarily having a legal implication. The point is to love each other".
Michela Murgia (1972-2023) was an Italian writer and homosexual propagandist. She married a certain Manuel Persico in 2010 and separated from him in 2014.
She claims to have four "children of the soul" from this relationship but little is known about their family origins. Murgia then began a concubinage …Meira
Doughy-Rheims 16 By their fruits you shall know themMeira
Doughy-Rheims 16 By their fruits you shall know them
Only a luciferian would praise sodomites.
11 viðmerkingar aftrat

Metropolit Hilarion midlertidigt suspenderet fra metropolen i Budapest-Ungarn

Metropolit Hilarion er blevet midlertidigt suspenderet fra sin post i Budapest, Ungarn, efter en beslutning truffet af den russiske statsreligions hellige synode (25. juli). Hilarion er tidligere …Meira
Metropolit Hilarion er blevet midlertidigt suspenderet fra sin post i Budapest, Ungarn, efter en beslutning truffet af den russiske statsreligions hellige synode (25. juli).
Hilarion er tidligere formand for afdelingen for eksterne kirkelige relationer i Moskva-patriarkatet (anden mand efter patriark Kirill).
Den hellige synode besluttede at overføre administrationen af bispedømmet i Budapest til den patriarkalske eksark for Vesteuropa, metropolit Nestor.
Årsagerne til afskedigelsen blev ikke oplyst.
Tidligere på måneden rapporterede NovaYaGazeta.eu, at metropolitten havde et tæt forhold til sin personlige sekretær og bofælle Georgy Suzuki. Sidstnævnte hævder, at Hilarion tvang ham til at sove nøgen side om side i en seng. Hilarion er også anklaget for økonomiske forseelser.
Ifølge Suzuki fører Hilarion en luksuriøs livsstil med hyppige ophold på overdådige yachter og skiture til dyre feriesteder.
Billede: novayagazeta.eu, AI-oversættelse

The Problem Is "The Internet" - FSSP Superior General

Father John Berg, the new/old Superior General of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter (FSSP) has given an interview to FamilleChretienne.fr in which he tries to appease Francis. He admits that "some …Meira
Father John Berg, the new/old Superior General of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter (FSSP) has given an interview to FamilleChretienne.fr in which he tries to appease Francis.
He admits that "some faithful" are worried because of Francis’ extremist manifesto 'Traditionis custodes'.
But his overall experience as a Roman Rite parish priest in the US over the last six years was totally different: "I haven't experienced too much anxiety on the part of the American faithful".
For him the problem is "the Internet". According to his version, the concerns of his faithful grew "in proportion to the amount of time they spent on the internet reading articles and information on the subject!".
In the face of Traditionis Custodes, some men of his parish resolved during lent to cease all Internet activity and – miracle! - "they suddenly found a peace they hadn't had before!".
"If you just read what's being said on the internet, it's easy to get the false impression that the 'traditional Mass' is …Meira
“The internet”……..sure, Father, sure. 🙄
Another clown!
23 viðmerkingar aftrat