Prominent UK doctors resign from union after it rejected Cass Report which revealed harm of sex change …

The union's leaders rejected the review's findings and called for the lifting of the ban on puberty …

The Spirit of Paul VI Is a False Spirit and, like All False Spirits, It Is Unconsciously Cruel

In 1970, the Belgian philosopher Marcel De Corte (+1994), who taught at the University of Liège, wrote a letter to the French publisher Jean Madiran (+2013) about the Novus Ordo - "I confess that for …More
In 1970, the Belgian philosopher Marcel De Corte (+1994), who taught at the University of Liège, wrote a letter to the French publisher Jean Madiran (+2013) about the Novus Ordo
- "I confess that for a long time I was deceived by Paul VI. I thought he was trying to preserve the essential".
- But there is no example in history of a deceiver who does not eventually expose himself.
- "How dare Paul VI proclaim that there is no 'new Mass', that 'nothing has changed', that 'everything is as it was before', when nothing or almost nothing remains of the Mass that so many saints lovingly cherished?"
- De Corte reminds us that the "experts" appointed to work on the Novus Ordo have repeatedly described it as a "liturgical revolution".
- He quotes a woman who, after assisting at the first Novus Ordo, said: "There's nothing Catholic about it any more".
- During the Novus Ordo, De Corte writes, "I carefully cover my ears with wax. I hide at the back of the church behind a curtain, which I make …More
Ralph Alexander Michael Curtis shares this
While one may make a strong case that the Novus Ordo is accidentally inferior, it is objectively essentially the same as any other valid Holy Sacrifice …More
While one may make a strong case that the Novus Ordo is accidentally inferior, it is objectively essentially the same as any other valid Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Jesus Christ (GOD) cannot be less or more. He IS.
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Live Mike
"I wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t learned how to move from self-will to divine purpose. This is how that happened for me." - Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
YUVAL NOAH HARARI, right-hand man of Klaus Schwab... Is this why they wanted to "vaccinate" the whole world?More
YUVAL NOAH HARARI, right-hand man of Klaus Schwab...
Is this why they wanted to "vaccinate" the whole world?
rafaportal shares this
YUVAL NOAH HARARI, mano derecha de Klaus Schwab... ¿Es por eso que querían "vacunar" al mundo entero?More
YUVAL NOAH HARARI, mano derecha de Klaus Schwab...
¿Es por eso que querían "vacunar" al mundo entero?

Anglican Priestess Simulates Service in Catholic Basilica

The Catholic St Vincent College in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, which belongs to the local Benedictines, "allowed" a group of Anglicans, including women, to simulate invalid Anglican services inside their …More
The Catholic St Vincent College in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, which belongs to the local Benedictines, "allowed" a group of Anglicans, including women, to simulate invalid Anglican services inside their basilica and chapels.
They were representatives of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), a splinter group which broke away from mainstream Anglicanism in 2009 to protest homosexual "blessings" and female "bishops".
The gathering was their annual provincial assembly (June 25-28). It elected a new leader, layman Steve Wood, who holds the title of "archbishop". Wood is a supporter of women clergy.
A spokesman for the Diocese of Greensburg, Pennsylvania, told (August 30) that Bishop Larry Kulick, 58, had nothing to do with the event. The Benedictines of the St Vicent College did not respond to requests for comment.
Already in 2014, the Anglican group used the St Vincent College for its assembly.
In January, Francis "allowed" the English Anglican layman Justin Welby, who …More
Drag show. Bergoglio's flunkies allow it in Rome too.
LARPing Anglo-Catholics.
4 more comments

Bishop Strickland: Catholics cannot support Democrats because they are the ‘party of death’

Bishop Strickland: Catholics cannot support Democrats because they are the 'party of death' On Part 1 of this …
Saint Rose of Lima {August 30} 📖 🎧 Short Lives of the Saints (Volume 2) - May - August By the Rev. Henry Gibson Pages 407-409 Copyright (1897) Book Source: Google BooksMore
Saint Rose of Lima {August 30} 📖 🎧
Short Lives of the Saints (Volume 2) - May - August
By the Rev. Henry Gibson
Pages 407-409
Copyright (1897)
Book Source:
Google Books

Archbishop: "Danger of Schism in Rome, Already Completed in Germany"

Retired Archbishop André-Joseph Léonard, 84, of Mechelen-Brussel, Belgium, presided over a Eucharist on August 23 in the Sanctuary of Notre Dame du Laus. He had difficulties in walking, singing and …More
Retired Archbishop André-Joseph Léonard, 84, of Mechelen-Brussel, Belgium, presided over a Eucharist on August 23 in the Sanctuary of Notre Dame du Laus. He had difficulties in walking, singing and speaking. Main points of the homily.
"Today there is a danger of schism. When I see how people interpret certain proposals of the Synod on Synodality… an eminently poetic expression, 'Synod on Synodality'... They're proposing all kinds of things. And in Germany, the schism is already there."
"In communities, or parishes, or dioceses, that are very faithful to the doctrine, very faithful to the teachings of John Paul II and Benedict XVI, vocations arise, and sometimes in very large numbers."
"Gender theory claims that being a man or a woman is something you decide for yourself. And it even goes so far as to say that teenagers can 'change' their sex, their gender. Several countries already allow this, even at a relatively young age, 15 or 16. And often, it's regretted afterwards, but it's …More
His Excellency speaks the TRUTH, regardless of the occasion or whether or not proper liturgical forms were adhered to.
Billy F
God Bless true Bishops who speak the truth!!! It is as we are surrounded by what the French would have called Juror Priests during the 1789 devolution …More
God Bless true Bishops who speak the truth!!! It is as we are surrounded by what the French would have called Juror Priests during the 1789 devolution. Many Modernist Juror ‘Priests’ among us!
2 more comments
"God's Vagabond", Poet & Martyr • John Bradburne “John Randal Bradburne, OFS was an English lay member of the Third Order of Saint Francis, a poet, and warden of the Mutemwa leper colony at Mutoko, …More
"God's Vagabond", Poet & Martyr • John Bradburne
“John Randal Bradburne, OFS was an English lay member of the Third Order of Saint Francis, a poet, and warden of the Mutemwa leper colony at Mutoko, Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). Bradburne was killed by nationalist guerrillas and he is a candidate for canonisation. On 15 July 2019, the Holy See gave the nihil obstat for the start of the cause of canonisation by giving Bradburne the title of 'Servant of God'.” -Wikipedia

SCP283 - Trudeau's plot to rig next election

Town councils ban criticizing politicians in person and online. Trudeau's corrupt RCMP arrests people for facebook posts. Former liberal MP reveals Liberal/…
Wilma Lopez
Protestantism: The Youth Pastor and Senior Pastor at student camp.
Could have just as easily passed for a Catholic Novus Ordo mass somewhere.
One more comment
I learned from St. Bridget that if pregnant women fast on the eve of Mary's birth and say fervently nine Hail Maries to honor the nine months she passed in Anne's womb; if they frequently repeat these prayers during their pregnancy, and especially on the eve of their delivery, receiving then the holy Sacraments devoutly, she will offer their prayer to God herself and bring them through even very critical circumstances to a happy delivery.
"I learned from St. Bridget that if pregnant women fast on the eve of Mary's birth and say fervently nine Hail Maries to honor the nine months she passed …More
"I learned from St. Bridget that if pregnant women fast on the eve of Mary's birth and say fervently nine Hail Maries to honor the nine months she passed in Anne's womb; if they frequently repeat these prayers during their pregnancy, and especially on the eve of their delivery, receiving then the holy Sacraments devoutly, she will offer their prayer to God herself and bring them through even very critical circumstances to a happy delivery."

End of Free Speech and Political Persecution in Brazil – Allah's Willing Executioners

Dictatorship of the Robe: In Brazil, the judiciary is accused of repressing opponents. Freedom of speech has become …
sp2 . .

Monkeypox - no scare

Just got done listening to UCLA Anne Rimoin epidemiology professor. Originally spread from Rodents. If you got the small pox vaccine as a child ( issued until 1971 ) no need to worry.More
Just got done listening to UCLA Anne Rimoin epidemiology professor.
Originally spread from Rodents.
If you got the small pox vaccine as a child ( issued until 1971 ) no need to worry.
Naomi Arai
If you’re not gay or passing needles around, or having relations with someone who is, you’re also ok.
Jeffrey Ade
@sp2 . . I heard it is a complication of the Covid-19 clot shot, and it is a form of shingles! God bless you!
One more comment
Mary 17

Outrage as Vatican drops 'Before Christ' for 'Before Common Era' - Catholic Herald

Catholics have accused the Vatican of betraying Jesus by substituting the term “Before Christ” for “Before Common Era …
I always thought this was asinine. BCE, Before the Common Era is based on the same historical event and exact timeline i.e. the birth of Christ. Moreover …More
I always thought this was asinine. BCE, Before the Common Era is based on the same historical event and exact timeline i.e. the birth of Christ. Moreover, no liberals in the Academy have ever been able to answer the question, what's common about the Common Era, and what was uncommon Before the Common Era?
Father Karl A Claver
The masons took over the Vatican a long time ago. I bet there are some in the Vatican who do not even believe in God.
Tom Jones

First enacted in 1873, the Comstock Act said that the U.S. Postal Service could not be used to send pornography, contraception,

John Paul II's Visit to Papua New Guinea | Apostolic Journey to South East Asia and Oceania Saint John Paul II first visited Papua New Guinea in 1984 during his 21st Apostolic Journey and he visited …More
John Paul II's Visit to Papua New Guinea | Apostolic Journey to South East Asia and Oceania
Saint John Paul II first visited Papua New Guinea in 1984 during his 21st Apostolic Journey and he visited again on his 63rd Apostolic Journey in 1995. During the second visit, the Pontiff beatified Peter To Rot, the first Blessed of Papua New Guinea, in a Eucharistic Concelebration. Pope Francis will visit Papua New Guinea this year, on his 45th Apostolic Journey. Watch the LIVE coverage of the Apostolic Journey to Southeast Asia and Oceania on Shalom World!
Official NASA Documents Confirm Plans for 'Mass Extinction Event' in 2025 Official NASA documents reveal the agency has been preparing for decades to play a leading role in a mass extinction event in …More
Official NASA Documents Confirm Plans for 'Mass Extinction Event' in 2025
Official NASA documents reveal the agency has been preparing for decades to play a leading role in a mass extinction event in 2025 that will lead to the collapse of civilization and the depopulation of the majority of people on planet earth.
During a PowerPoint presentation, NASA’s Chief Scientist Dennis Bushnell outlined plans for a devastating series of inside job terror attacks and biological warfare on US soil against US citizens in 2025 as part of the plot to destroy civilization as we know it.
Alarmingly, many of the details outlined in the NASA PowerPoint presentation have already occurred, indicating that the plans for the mass extinction event are well underway.
Willys B Ramirez shares this
Documentos oficiales de la NASA confirman planes para un "evento de extinción masiva" en 2025 Los documentos oficiales de la NASA revelan que la agencia …More
Documentos oficiales de la NASA confirman planes para un "evento de extinción masiva" en 2025
Los documentos oficiales de la NASA revelan que la agencia se ha estado preparando durante décadas para desempeñar un papel principal en un evento de extinción masiva en 2025 que conducirá al colapso de la civilización y la despoblación de la mayoría de las personas en el planeta Tierra.
Durante una presentación de PowerPoint, el científico jefe de la NASA, Dennis Bushnell, describió los planes para una serie devastadora de ataques terroristas internos y guerra biológica en suelo estadounidense contra ciudadanos estadounidenses en 2025 como parte del complot para destruir la civilización tal como la conocemos.
Es alarmante que muchos de los detalles descritos en la presentación de PowerPoint de la NASA ya se hayan producido, lo que indica que los planes para el evento de extinción masiva están en marcha.
rafaportal shares this
Documentos oficiales de la NASA confirman planes para un "evento de extinción masiva" en 2025 Los documentos oficiales de la NASA revelan que la agencia …More
Documentos oficiales de la NASA confirman planes para un "evento de extinción masiva" en 2025
Los documentos oficiales de la NASA revelan que la agencia se ha estado preparando durante décadas para desempeñar un papel principal en un evento de extinción masiva en 2025 que conducirá al colapso de la civilización y la despoblación de la mayoría de las personas en el planeta Tierra.
Durante una presentación de PowerPoint, el científico jefe de la NASA, Dennis Bushnell, describió los planes para una serie devastadora de ataques terroristas internos y guerra biológica en suelo estadounidense contra ciudadanos estadounidenses en 2025 como parte del complot para destruir la civilización tal como la conocemos.
Es alarmante que muchos de los detalles descritos en la presentación de PowerPoint de la NASA ya se hayan producido, lo que indica que los planes para el evento de extinción masiva están en marcha.
3 more comments
Trusting In God Makes All The Difference Latin Mass Homily by Fr. Robert Altier for 8-31-2024 Fr Altier is a Priest at Holy Trinity Parish in South St. Paul You can also find Fr …More
Trusting In God Makes All The Difference
Latin Mass Homily by Fr. Robert Altier for 8-31-2024
Fr Altier is a Priest at Holy Trinity Parish in South St. Paul
You can also find Fr. Robert Altier’s homilies and talks on:
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Apostasy... From the Top? - The Now Word

—Cardinal Luigi Ciappi, The Still Hidden Secret, Christopher A. Ferrara, p. 43 statement on the Vatican’s website, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone provided an …
Servant Of Divine Mercy
We CAN NOT depart the Catholic and Apostolic Church (Schism, Apostasy, Division, etc); if any shepherd in the Church (including any pope) goes against …More
We CAN NOT depart the Catholic and Apostolic Church (Schism, Apostasy, Division, etc); if any shepherd in the Church (including any pope) goes against the True Magisterium, Teachings, Commandments and Gospel of Jesus Christ through His Catholic and Apostolic Church; then we MUST NOT FOLLOW NOR OBEY that false shepherd, whoever they may be.
Boanerges Boanerges
So the conclusion of this article is Bergoglio is a true pope and we should follow him to Hell because that's obedience to God???