NATO Chief says the purpose of the Alliance is to sodomize Europe

Editor’s Note: And we all thought NATO was an alliance to defend Europe against Marxism. Yeah! Jens, what you are involved in is not “…
Father Karl A Claver
Very true. Look what happened to Ireland when she joined the European Union. She fell exceedingly fast.
The LGBT Apostasy

The LGBT Apostasy

The Jesuit LGBT magazine pro-LGBT signage by students and their parents at Catholic schools. That’s bound to create havoc for the Catholic communities that will be targeted for this …
Jim Jones said the same thing but he was sponsored by kool-Aid
Feast of St. Rita of Cascia!

Precious Pearl of Umbria, Pray for Us!

Today is the feast of St. Rita of Cascia (and also an ember day, go figure). Do I have to tell you all how important this saint is to me? Do a quick search of this …

Opening the door to death for the disabled - Voice of the Family

Opening the door to death for the disabled By Ann Farmer | 22 May 2024 The BBC documentary, Better Off Dead, could not have been given …

Anti-Life Criminality: Rome Headquarters Damaged

On 20 May, the entrance to the Rome office of 'Pro Vita & Famiglia', an organisation promoting fundamental human rights, was vandalised with extremist slogans promoting transvestite propaganda. Jacopo …More
On 20 May, the entrance to the Rome office of 'Pro Vita & Famiglia', an organisation promoting fundamental human rights, was vandalised with extremist slogans promoting transvestite propaganda.
Jacopo Coghe of 'Pro Vita &Famiglia' links the vandalism to a demonstration by transvestite extremists that took place in Rome on Saturday 18 May.
He explains that these violent groups demand "respect" but do not show respect for others, constantly attacking the common sense, the right of expression and the existence of those who criticise their propaganda.
In the last three years, the 'Pro Vita &Famiglia' office has suffered more than ten (!) attacks, often coinciding with demonstrations by this type of street hooligans. One example was on 25 November, when the office of the human rights activists suffered an attack with broken windows, broken shutters and the throwing of an incendiary device, which only by chance did not explode.
The Mayor of Rome, Roberto Gualtieri, a member of the successor …More
Ann Smith
God must come, the only way to clean up this world. Have mercy, oh Lord🙏
Peoria Diocese to Halve Number of Parishes

Peoria Diocese to Halve Number of Parishes

The Diocese of Peoria, Illinois, will have half as many parishes by 2026 as it does now, as part of a pastoral planning effort focused on helping the diocese …
Ann Smith
Demand the return of the traditional Latin Mass

UK: Muslim Charity Likens Uncovered Women to Unwrapped Candy

A newly registered Islamic charity has compared women who do not wear the hijab to ‘unwrapped sweets’, the National Secular Society can reveal. …

Pope Francis' 60 Minutes interview is a classic exercise in Modernist deception - LifeSite

VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) — Pope Francis’ recent interview on CBS’ In a now fully released CBS which was …
By their fruits you know them wonder why he not visiting Argentina 🤔

Tucker Carlson: Parts of the Bible have become ILLEGAL

Tucker Carlson: Parts of the Bible have become ILLEGAL Most Viral Moments See More Have conservatives in the House of Representatives gone too far …
Look up his father Dick very connected to intelligent community Putin new of Tucker application to the CIA Comes from extreme wealth via mother and …More
Look up his father Dick very connected to intelligent community
Putin new of Tucker application to the CIA
Comes from extreme wealth via mother and Mother inlaw

Italy, Eastern European countries reject EU’s radical new LGBT declaration

On May 17, the European Union released a statement by the High Representative on behalf of the EU for the so-called “International …
English Catholic
P.S. @Fred Alan Medforth, I have long wanted to read your posts, but didn't, because my antivirus warned that your site was unsafe. I've recently …More
P.S. @Fred Alan Medforth, I have long wanted to read your posts, but didn't, because my antivirus warned that your site was unsafe. I've recently updated a lot of stuff on my computer and am pleased to say I can now read your posts!
English Catholic
Is this why Tucho chose May 17th to release the apparition document to draw Catholic attention away from this statement?
At the behest of paid, unnamed ‘trauma-informed consultants,’ my diocese provided a six-figure settlement of a claim far too old to be filed in any court of law.

Weapons of Mass Destruction — Beyond These Stone Walls

Weapons of Mass Destruction And they keep on coming. A year before the 2002 wave of clergy sex abuse claims rippled out of Boston across the country …

164. Peace and forgiveness

Paul’s mission is a way of walking and growing in holiness: “Let the peace of Christ control your hearts, the peace into which you were also called in one body. And be thankful.” Colossians, chapter …More
Paul’s mission is a way of walking and growing in holiness:
“Let the peace of Christ control your hearts, the peace into which you were also called in one body. And be thankful.” Colossians, chapter 3, verse 15
The liberation of our faults allows the reign of Christ to be effective in our heart. To live in peace after forgiveness and to rejoice in thanksgiving, confirms us in our vocation to remain unified in Christ. We will find little by little our unique person, whom God has created.
The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: Watch with faith, Normand Thomas
The Handbook for Confused CatholicsMore
The Handbook for Confused Catholics

The Handbook for Confused Catholics

Catholics of a certain age know things about their religion that many — if not most — Catholics today have never been taught. We now have a resource, however, that …

Biden's Navy secretary says he has 'no regrets' about firing 5,000+ unvaxxed sailors, Marines - LifeSite

WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) — The secretary of the U.S. Navy told senators that he has “no regrets …
Thanks to the masonic/communist education system he makes perfect sense
Everyday for Life Canada
What can we expect when Americans are governed by people who hate the nation and its people? Ditto for Canada.
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German Biologist Who Denied Measles Exists Ordered To Pay More Than $100,000

Four years ago, German biologist Stefan Lanka announced on his website that he would pay 100,000 euros ($106,000) to anyone …
Info Krieger Krieger
Kampf für unsere Zukunft ❣️ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ 💉 💉 💉 ☠ ☠ ☠ Wieso Weshalb Warum wer nicht fragt bleibt dumm 😵 📣 📣 Bitte Teilen!!!!! Danke
A Brief History of Liturgical ColoursMore
A Brief History of Liturgical Colours

Liturgical Arts Journal: A Brief History of Liturgical Colours

Vestments originate from Roman civil dress and in paleochristian times this was simply attached to the notion of reserving one's best dress …
It's all our fault....

The Religious Battle Behind Harrison Butker’s Culture-War Speech

With pro-Palestinian demonstrators roiling campuses across the country, few could have predicted that the most controversial commencement …
Edie Loughmiller
Interesting article, esp the background info on Benedictine.

Profanation: Lesbian Provocation Staged at Spanish Marian Shrine

Last weekend, a woman on her knees asked another woman to "marry" her in front of the famous image of the Virgin of El Rocio in Huelva, Spain. The performance was staged to be filmed and used as a …More
Last weekend, a woman on her knees asked another woman to "marry" her in front of the famous image of the Virgin of El Rocio in Huelva, Spain.
The performance was staged to be filmed and used as a provocation by the oligarchs' media. They sold the show as something "wonderful". even called it an emotional "proposal". The two women ended their performance with a kiss.
Spain's law on religious freedom (General Law 7 of 5 July 1980) sanctions such acts of desecration of a church, but it is unlikely that Spain's regime will allow this to happen.
Filthy pigs who mock God. Payback will be horrible.
Ann Smith
Haven't seen anything yet! Pray!
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Meditation for the Wednesday after Pentecost: Whoever listens to my Father and becomes docile to learn what he teaches, comes to me

MEDITATION FOR THE WEDNESDAY AFTER PENTECOST Whoever listens to my Father and becomes docile to learn what he teaches, comes to me . (S. John, ch. 6) 1. Consider what honor and what happiness it is …More
Whoever listens to my Father and becomes docile to learn what he teaches, comes to me . (S. John, ch. 6)

1. Consider what honor and what happiness it is for a soul to have God himself for master and preceptor, and to hear and learn from him a science which leads it to Jesus his Savior, and which, for this reason, is called the science of salvation . This science is not acquired through study and work, like the other human sciences; but it is infused and inspired by the Holy Spirit who, through this gift of knowledge , enables us to estimate created goods, and to pass judgment on all created things, not according to their external appearance, inclination or the affection we have for them, not according to the usefulness we can receive from them, but simply and solely according to the relationship they have to God, who made them out of his goodness, and who wants them to always be reported to his glory.
See and examine what progress you have …More