Oriana Milazzo, a former basketball player, has left her promising career to enter a cloistered convent in Italy to become a Catholic nun in: La Sicilia
Michele Sasi shares from Michi Gini
Cardinal Mauro Gambetti announces that today 30 June, the musical show "Peter and Paul in Rome" is scheduled, by and with the actor and director Michele La Ginestra, which will take place in the atrium …More
Cardinal Mauro Gambetti announces that today 30 June, the musical show "Peter and Paul in Rome" is scheduled, by and with the actor and director Michele La Ginestra, which will take place in the atrium of St. Peter's Basilica starting at 9.00pm. Wasn't there another place for this musical? Do we continue to mistake St. Peter's Basilica for a theater?
Festa dei patroni di Roma: nel programma di eventi gratuiti, cammini, spettacoli e veglie a San Pietro "...Il 30 giugno infine, è previsto lo spettacolo musicale “Pietro e Paolo a Roma”, di e con …More
Festa dei patroni di Roma: nel programma di eventi gratuiti, cammini, spettacoli e veglie a San Pietro
"...Il 30 giugno infine, è previsto lo spettacolo musicale “Pietro e Paolo a Roma”, di e con l’attore e regista Michele La Ginestra, che si svolgerà nell’atrio della Basilica di San Pietro con inizio alle ore 21,00...."
Non c'era un altro posto per questo musical? Si continua a scambiare la Basilica di San Pietro per un teatro?

Sri Lanka cracks down on Muslim women wearing Hijab during exams violating rules, results of 70 students …

The Examinations Department of Sri Lanka has taken a firm stance on upholding the examination rules …
Thomas à Kempis - The Imitation of Christ
248 pages
Tom Morelli
Latest Tucker on X.... Meet the Australian media. (June 29, 2024)More
Latest Tucker on X....
Meet the Australian media. (June 29, 2024)
Sean Johnson

Conciliarism CANNOT Tolerate Traditionalists

A recent article by Mr. Morrison over at The Remnant supposes that the reason Francis’s forthcoming suppression of all diocesan TLMs will exclude the suppression of the ex-Ecclesia Dei institutes, is …More
A recent article by Mr. Morrison over at The Remnant supposes that the reason Francis’s forthcoming suppression of all diocesan TLMs will exclude the suppression of the ex-Ecclesia Dei institutes, is because he must first show the false sects who will collaborate with him in the making of the universal antichrist religion that he himself can be tolerant of dissent within his own church.
I’d argue, on the contrary, that this is a fundamental misreading of the very purpose and role the ex-Ecclesia Dei institutes play in containing and reeducating would-be trads for their conciliar masters:
These institutes are not set up to tolerate integral traditionalism, but to dissolve it (why do you think the indult and/or Ecclesia Dei chapels are always so proximate to SSPX venues?).
Said differently, it’s not that Francis is willing to tolerate Traditionalists within a corner of the synodal/conciliar church (eg., to show other false religions its tolerance or ecumenical good will), but that bringing …More
Title: Interview with an Exorcist: An Insider’s Look at the Devil, Demonic Possession, and the Path to Deliverance Author: Fr. José Antonio ForteaMore
Title: Interview with an Exorcist: An Insider’s Look at the Devil, Demonic Possession, and the Path to Deliverance
Author: Fr. José Antonio Fortea

Interview with an Exorcist: An Insider’s Look book Summary

I. Angels and Demons This chapter delves into the origin and nature of demons, their hierarchy, their experiences of time and pleasure, and …

Linz Cathedral Shows Naked Mary Giving Birth

Since Friday, the Cathedral of Our Lady in Linz, Austria, has been displaying a statue of Our Lady sitting on a rock and giving birth. The statue is called the "crowning." It is made of lime wood, and …More
Since Friday, the Cathedral of Our Lady in Linz, Austria, has been displaying a statue of Our Lady sitting on a rock and giving birth. The statue is called the "crowning." It is made of lime wood, and will remain in a chapel on the west side for another three weeks.
The main responsible is Bishop Manfred Scheuer of Linz.
Artist Esther Strauss explains in a flyer at the entrance to the chapel that Our Lady is the most painted woman in the world, but the moment of birth is not to be found in any painting or sculpture [for obvious reasons].
She believes that "in Christianity, the mother goddesses of antiquity have been transformed into the a-sexual mother goddess".
Her aim is to dominate the interpretation of Christmas, which "for so long has been dominated by men's fantasies and interests": "Or we can go all out and give birth to a new interpretation."
remove immediately
Disgusting - even a description of this blasphemous statue dishonors our Lord & Lady! 😤 🙏
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From The Remnant: REPEATING HISTORY: How Francis Plans to Blow Up the Clans

REPEATING HISTORY: How Francis Plans to Blow Up the Clans

In his introduction to the video (shot from the road in a very different setting), Michael Matt takes a quick look at the imminent Latin Mass …
English Catholic
Catholics Petition Rome To Officially Investigate The Resignation of Benedict XVI Sources: Contact Me: Email: Support My Work: Patreon …More
Catholics Petition Rome To Officially Investigate The Resignation of Benedict XVI
Contact Me:
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Sean Johnson
Unbelievably ridiculous. That’s like asking the Politburo to investigate Stalin.
The Early Martyrs by Mrs Hope: Introduction and Chapter 1 - Persecution of the First Christians Regina Angelorum Press is pleased to present The Early Martyrs, from the Apostles to Saints Perpetua and …More
The Early Martyrs by Mrs Hope: Introduction and Chapter 1 - Persecution of the First Christians
Regina Angelorum Press is pleased to present The Early Martyrs, from the Apostles to Saints Perpetua and Felicitas, AD. 206 by Mrs Hope.
Mrs Anne Hope was a British writer, born in the early 19th Century. She converted to Catholicism in 1850 and later moved to Birmingham, to be near her literary advisor Father Dalgairns and his good friend St John Henry Newman. The Early Martyrs was published in 1855.
Listen and follow along to Mrs Hope’s book. Hear of the lives and deaths of these inspiring Saints, demonstrating heroic virtue and witnessing to the one, true Faith. May they inspire us and intercede for us all in our daily trials.
Normand Thomas

203. Quality of people’s lives

Let’s meditate Paul’s reflection: “Consider your own calling, brothers. Not many of you were wise by human standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. Rather, God chose the foolish …More
Let’s meditate Paul’s reflection:
“Consider your own calling, brothers. Not many of you were wise by human standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. Rather, God chose the foolish of the world to shame the wise, and God chose the weak of the world to shame the strong, and God chose the lowly and despised of the world, those who count for nothing, to reduce to nothing those who are something, so that no human being might boast before God.
It is due to him that you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God, as well as righteousness, sanctification, and redemption, so that, as it is written, ‘Whoever boasts, should boast in the Lord.’” 1 Corinthians, Chapter 1, verses 26 to 31
Paul seems to have understood how a person on a mission is. He doesn’t elaborate much and defines it in a few words: “foolish, weak, lowly, despised”. That’s what Paul thinks of us. It’s not very flattering. But it depends on the point of view of the person who receives it.
For the …More
perceo3 shares from Bltdn
Craig schubert
J.S. Bach - Fantasie and Fugue in A minor (BWV 561) on Accordion - Elena Chiaramello Elena Chiaramello plays Fantasie and Fugue in A minor (BWV 561) by Johann Sebastian Bach. This Fantasia and Fugue …More
J.S. Bach - Fantasie and Fugue in A minor (BWV 561) on Accordion - Elena Chiaramello
Elena Chiaramello plays Fantasie and Fugue in A minor (BWV 561) by Johann Sebastian Bach.
This Fantasia and Fugue is an Organ composition and it's part of seventh chapter of the Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis.
Accordion - Elena Chiaramello
Audio and Video editor - Davide Borra
How to Overcome Dryness in Prayer (feat. Fr. Michelangelo) Have you ever felt like God isn't listening to your prayers? Did you know that can actually be a good thing—God calling you to a greater …More
How to Overcome Dryness in Prayer (feat. Fr. Michelangelo)
Have you ever felt like God isn't listening to your prayers? Did you know that can actually be a good thing—God calling you to a greater spiritual maturity?
Oftentimes when we are new or growing in the spiritual life, God allows us to experience His consolations—a feeling of overwhelming love or our hearts being on fire for the Gospel. However, in order to grow in prayer and get closer to the Heart of Jesus, we must lose these "training wheels," so-to-speak, because God desires us to love Him as our creator and redeemer, not because we get good feelings.
Fr. Michelangelo shares today several strategies for overcoming dryness in prayer and taking your prayer life to the next level!
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Singapore PM Lee Hsien Loong ‘completely right’ in criticism of woke movement Sky News Digital Presenter Gabriella Power has praised Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong as “completely right” for …More
Singapore PM Lee Hsien Loong ‘completely right’ in criticism of woke movement
Sky News Digital Presenter Gabriella Power has praised Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong as “completely right” for his criticism of the woke movement.
Lee Hsien Loong has criticised the ‘woke’ movement that has overtaken much of the West and its institutions.
“He’s completely right,” Ms Power told Sky News host Rita Panahi.
“Look at us as a society – we’re so much stronger when we’re in solidarity with one another.”
Dr Bobus
The West is corrupt.
Everyday for Life Canada
It’s so refreshing to hear a politician use language to respectfully communicate.
June 29, 2024...🎥📺🎼👉 🌞SONNE🌞 2013👈 ...Live SCHILLER🎼
Live Mike

"Saying The Quiet Part Out Loud" - Then There Were Four!

Among the Catholic Hierarchy who have made statements that Bergoglio is not the Catholic Pope. First and foremost, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Apostolic Nuncio to United States of America who, …More
Among the Catholic Hierarchy who have made statements that Bergoglio is not the Catholic Pope. First and foremost, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Apostolic Nuncio to United States of America who, formally accused Jorge Bergoglio of heresy and schism.
The Polish Archbishop Jan Paweł Lenga, M.I.C., Bishop Emeritus of Karaganda, Kazakhstan who, in a very harsh interview, declared that he still recognizes Benedict XVI as Pope and that he has abandoned the "usurper and heretic" Bergoglio after concluding that he was spreading “lies and sins,” “leading the world astray.” „Nie papież, a Bergoglio”. Abp Lenga o Franciszku - Więź
The American Bishop René Henry Gracida, Bishop Emeritus of Corpus Christi, Texas, USA, supported Lenga's position in denying Bergoglio as the true pontiff. On his blog, he publicly declared that he doubted the validity of Pope Benedict XVI's resignation from day one and of the subsequent conclave for the …More
And i'm sure there is a lot more.
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The Francis Effect in Argentina: the Seminaries Are Drying Up

The Metropolitan Seminary Inmaculada Concepción in Buenos Aires, Argentina, is a colossus, occupying a city block with more than 200 rooms. In better times, it was full of cassock-clad students professing …More
The Metropolitan Seminary Inmaculada Concepción in Buenos Aires, Argentina, is a colossus, occupying a city block with more than 200 rooms.
In better times, it was full of cassock-clad students professing the Catholic faith.
In a recent article in La Nación, the current rector, Rev. Julio Miranda, says: "I studied here between 1978 and 1985 and there were 220 seminarians, more than three times as many as there are now."
The few seminarians who remain are not even all from Buenos Aires, but come from dioceses such as San Martín, Patagonia and Zárate, which have closed their seminaries due to a lack of vocations.
Another seminary rector, Rev. Mario Larrosa of the Diocese of Morón, puts it this way: "If we didn't receive seminarians from Laferrere, Merlo-Moreno and San Miguel, we wouldn't even have a seminary". The diocese of Morón has two seminaries.
In 1985 the number of new seminarians in Argentina was 231. Then: 210 (1995), 256 (1997), 154 (2014), 107 (2020), 57 (2024).
The Seminary of …More
Father Karl A Claver
The springtime NEVER came. There are only horridly hot summers and weary wretched winters. John XXIII was a fool and a clown.
Philadelphia Trad
Nothing good came from Vatican 2. Absolutely nothing.
One more comment

Francis Must Know It: "Authority That Is Not Service Is Dictatorship"

On the Solemnity of Peter and Paul, Francis preached again to "open the doors of the Church". As usual, he didn't preside over the Eucharist at the altar but sat aside on a throne. The presider was …More
On the Solemnity of Peter and Paul, Francis preached again to "open the doors of the Church".
As usual, he didn't preside over the Eucharist at the altar but sat aside on a throne. The presider was Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re.
Francis indoctrinated that Catholicism should "not lead to a consoling, inward-looking religiosity" and added the [atheist] attack: "There are too many movements in the Church that offer this, which is not the right spirituality."
At the Angelus, Francis added more projections: "Authority is a service, and authority that is not service is dictatorship."
And, “The mission that Jesus entrusts to Peter is not to lock the doors of the house and admit only a few chosen guests, but to help everyone find the way to enter [...]. For everyone: everyone, everyone, everyone can enter.”
Maria delos Angeles
Apparently the narrow gate does not exist in Bergoglio's mindset
Father Karl A Claver
The greatest act a priest can do is to offer Mass. This lame brain does not realize the graces he is tossing away, and the scandal he is giving.
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