THE GREAT RESET: From Bergoglio to Biden In this episode of The Editor’s Desk, Michael J. Matt reports on the world premier of Pope Francis’ Economy Francesco, starring the woke youth of the world and …More
THE GREAT RESET: From Bergoglio to Biden
In this episode of The Editor’s Desk, Michael J. Matt reports on the world premier of Pope Francis’ Economy Francesco, starring the woke youth of the world and Jeffrey Sachs. Next up, Michael encourages his non-Catholic viewers to consider the “Great Reset” of the Catholic Church that took place a half century ago as an indication of what we might expect from the Great Reset Sorors, Gates and Schwab have in store for the world come January. Do the globalists actually have the power to turn the world into the New World Order? Or are they just singing John Lennon’s song. What’s the connection between Bergoglio and Biden? Do the globalists need to get rid of Donald Trump for the same reason they got rid of Pope Benedict XVI? Donald Trump wins court victories in Nevada, Pennsylvania and Georgia. Is this election still up in the air? If so, why is CNN and even FOX so silent? Finally, what happens if Trump loses his challenges? Is the war over, or is …More
UNMASKING the UNGODLY: Come, Lord Jesus, Come In this Sunday Sermon from South Saint Paul, Father takes the gloves off on medical dictatorship that is making lepers of us all. What is happening to our …More
UNMASKING the UNGODLY: Come, Lord Jesus, Come
In this Sunday Sermon from South Saint Paul, Father takes the gloves off on medical dictatorship that is making lepers of us all. What is happening to our world is ungodly in every sense of the word. The world God created is being turned over to the enemies of God Himself. And in that case, only God Himself can save us. Open your eyes for the sake of your families. Open your mouths and speak out for the sake of your children. And for God's sake, get on your knees and pray. Stay in touch with RTV. Sign up NOW for our free e-blasts and never miss another video:
I am not afraid of opposition. My God is a God of battles.
CALL to ACTION: #SaveChristmas Rally They tired to cancel Thanksgiving and now they're coming for Christmas. Michael Matt invites you to stand with him at the St. Paul Capitol (Minnesota) in defense …More
CALL to ACTION: #SaveChristmas Rally
They tired to cancel Thanksgiving and now they're coming for Christmas. Michael Matt invites you to stand with him at the St. Paul Capitol (Minnesota) in defense of our freedom to celebrate Christmas 2020. Calling all patriots--Catholics, Protestants, AMERICANS! Join us, and let's take our lives back! December 12, 2020 at 10:30 AM: Stand for one hour in silent prayer and protest, followed by a rally and a press conference. Please tell your friends and family. For updates all week long, visit:
CULT FICTION: A Comprehensive Case Against the New Normal In this episode of The Editor’s Desk, Michael J. Matt provides all the arguments you’ll need against that crazy uncle who’s still wearing the …More
CULT FICTION: A Comprehensive Case Against the New Normal
In this episode of The Editor’s Desk, Michael J. Matt provides all the arguments you’ll need against that crazy uncle who’s still wearing the hazmat suit to the grocery store, or the nutty aunt who still thinks Pope Francis the Globalist is on her side. First up, Francis: This time he’s teaming up with the radical Left for a conference on world health which includes the expertise of Dr. Fauci, Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry and pro-abort Chelsea Clinton. In 2018 it was Katy Perry. This year it's Chelsea Clinton. Francis is literally hosting the abomination of desolation at the heart of Christendom. Next up, Vaccination Fascination: Are you afraid of dying of Covid? Is your crazy uncle? Does he know that his chances of being hospitalized if he gets Covid are exceptionally low? Don't you think somebody ought to tell him? TV Lefty Bill Maher does, and so does traditional Catholic Michael Matt. In fact, Michael Matt and Bill Maher are …More
Go eat a banana... :P
Michael Matt Defends Trump Legacy at Capitol Rally Regardless of where you come down on the 2020 presidential election, you must admit that Donald Trump is doing more to expose systemic voter fraud …More
Michael Matt Defends Trump Legacy at Capitol Rally
Regardless of where you come down on the 2020 presidential election, you must admit that Donald Trump is doing more to expose systemic voter fraud and political corruption than any other U.S. president in history. At this political rally, RTV's Michael Matt speaks on the importance of Trump's legacy and his MAGA campaign in the face of a new globalist order. Democrats or Republicans alike have reason to be concerned over what Joe Biden and his friends at the United Nations have in store for America. Michael Matt lays out the case for speaking out in defense of the national sovereignty of our one nation under God. CALL TO ACTION-- Michael Matt invites you to stand with him at the St. Paul Capitol (Minnesota) in defense of our freedom to celebrate Christmas 2020. Calling all patriots--Catholics, Protestants, AMERICANS! December 12, 2020 at 10:30 AM: Stand for one hour in silent prayer and protest, followed by a rally and a press conference …More
COVID Panic vs. Fear of the Lord In this Sunday Sermon from South Saint Paul, Father speaks of the fearlessness of St. John the Baptist and the fear of God. Father explains how an inordinate fear of …More
COVID Panic vs. Fear of the Lord
In this Sunday Sermon from South Saint Paul, Father speaks of the fearlessness of St. John the Baptist and the fear of God. Father explains how an inordinate fear of a virus is, in fact, indicative of a total loss of fear of Almighty God. This fear of physical harm trumps all fear of everlasting damnation. And it is also the fear of death which makes us susceptible to every form of domination and tyranny. Question: Do you think St. John the Baptist would pat our bishops on the back for closing churches and cancelling the Sacraments out of fear of a virus? Plus, Father speaks of an important piece of Catholic action coming up on December 12. More information HERE:…84-press-release-savechristmas-rally-this-saturday Don't forget to sign up for Remnant e-blasts so that you will be notified whenever we post a video:
FOR SALE: The Chair of St. Peter In this episode of The Editor’s Desk, Michael J. Matt discusses the Vatican’s new “Council for Inclusive Capitalism”, which is the implementation of the Great Reset.…More
FOR SALE: The Chair of St. Peter
In this episode of The Editor’s Desk, Michael J. Matt discusses the Vatican’s new “Council for Inclusive Capitalism”, which is the implementation of the Great Reset. First they infiltrated the Church and redefined ‘Catholicism’; now they’re infiltrating Capitalism and redefining it along globalist, communist lines. And Francis is all in! Lynn de Rothschild—who is on the board of the CFR—is partnering with the “Holy Father”, who will use the full weight and moral authority of the Catholic Church to implement the population controlling Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. Meanwhile, Catholic billionaire Jimmy Lai gets arrested after speaking out against the Vatican/China deal, the details of which Pope Francis is still keeping secret but which is already leading to persecution of our Christian brothers and sisters in China. Michael asks the question: Why would anyone who is not a devoted apostle of the Christophobic New World Order defend …More
The Revenge of Judas: Apostasy in the Catholic Church In this Sunday Sermon from South Saint Paul, Father explains the importance of the Easter Octave, with special emphasis on the Gospel reading about …More
The Revenge of Judas: Apostasy in the Catholic Church
In this Sunday Sermon from South Saint Paul, Father explains the importance of the Easter Octave, with special emphasis on the Gospel reading about the first bishops to either betray Jesus Christ (Judas) or doubt His Resurrection (Thomas). Two thousand years later, the Church is filled with the successors of Bishops Judas and Thomas, men who have betrayed the Mystical Body of Christ to such an extent that apostasy is the only word to describe what is happening all around us. Is this the Great Apostasy? Is it the Apocalypse? Father explains what that means and what must be done to keep the Faith. Don't forget that all of Father's sermons are available at
CHRISTMAS LOCKDOWN: Christian Patriots Stand and Resist As the governor of Minnesota faces several legal challenges to his increasingly draconian COVID-19 restrictions, hundreds gather outside of the …More
CHRISTMAS LOCKDOWN: Christian Patriots Stand and Resist
As the governor of Minnesota faces several legal challenges to his increasingly draconian COVID-19 restrictions, hundreds gather outside of the state Capitol to put the governor on notice: "If you try to restrict how we celebrate Christmas this year, you can add the end of widespread civil disobedience to your wish list this 'holiday season'." Michael J. Matt explains that this one-hour protest is just the first of many and for as long as it takes until these government bureaucrats get over themselves and get out of our homes with their unconstitutional and unscientific rot. Sign up for our FREE E-LETTER, and let Michael Matt contact you whenever a new video is posted. We Need Your Help Subscribe to Remnant TV's independent platform: Support The Remnant Foundation with a tax-deductible donation:
TRUMP HAILS CHRIST THE REDEEMER: Puts Mary Back in Christmas President Donald Trump is no longer running for reelection. No matter what happens now, the die is cast. So why would he stand in front of …More
President Donald Trump is no longer running for reelection. No matter what happens now, the die is cast. So why would he stand in front of the Christophobic world and proclaim Jesus Christ the 'redeemer' Who died so that we might live? In his Christmas message -- which the mainstream media has summarily ignored, of course -- Trump retells the story of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, and her central role in the Incarnation. Risking the mockery of demons on both sides of the Atlantic, he even quotes the Angel Gabriel's words to Our Lady at the time of the Annunciation. Politically speaking, none of this makes any sense. In his ongoing war against Demons in hell and on earth, it would seem the president of the United States is siding with the Angels and the Terror of Demons. God bless you, Mr. President, and Merry Christmas. Sign up for our FREE E-LETTER, and let Michael Matt contact you whenever a new video is posted. …More
Is not is speaking with the mouth but making in real facts for the WILL.... THE END
MARY, CRUSHER OF SERPENTS: Pray for America In this Sunday Sermon from South Saint Paul, Father draws our attention to the urgent need to call upon the Mother of God to intercede on our behalf and to …More
In this Sunday Sermon from South Saint Paul, Father draws our attention to the urgent need to call upon the Mother of God to intercede on our behalf and to beg her Son to have mercy on our nation. Do Catholics worship Mary? Certainly, not! But as children of God, we ask her to take us by the hand and lead us ever closer to her Son. From the Cross, Jesus placed us under the protection of His mother, when he said to John: "Son behold thy mother." And for over two thousand years, Christians have honored Mary as the Queen Mother of Christ the King. Mary has been special heavenly emissary, especially in times of great persecution. At the Battle of Lepanto, for example, where her intervention saved Europe from an Ottoman takeover. Or here in the Americas five hundred years ago, when she appeared to Juan Diego under the special title of Our Lady of Guadalupe to intercede on behalf of millions of indigenous people being sacrificed to pagan gods. She …More
The original neckbeard. :D
LIGHT OF CHRIST: Conquering the a Prince of Darkness During this Octave of the great feast of Easter, I’m pleased to present a reflection on the Resurrection of Christ as presented by the OG Parking …More
LIGHT OF CHRIST: Conquering the a Prince of Darkness
During this Octave of the great feast of Easter, I’m pleased to present a reflection on the Resurrection of Christ as presented by the OG Parking Lot Priest in Easter Sunday 2021. Catch all of Father’s Sunday Sermons from South Saint Paul at
KEEP the FAITH in 2021: Michael Matt Chats With Bishop Schneider CIC Video Gift Offer:…he-2020-catholic-identity-conference-video-library In this bombshell new interview, Michael …More
KEEP the FAITH in 2021: Michael Matt Chats With Bishop Schneider
CIC Video Gift Offer:…he-2020-catholic-identity-conference-video-library In this bombshell new interview, Michael J. Matt asks Bishop Athanasius Schneider for concrete advice on how to survive the coming Great Reset. Since Bishop Schneider grew up under the Soviet regime in Eastern Europe, he has already experienced exactly what we fear may be coming in our immediate future here in America. The Bishop's advice is not only useful from a practical and spiritual point of view, but it is also filled with hope for how Christians can and will survive any attempted New World Order, which His Excellency predicts will be as short lived as the totalitarian regimes of the Twentieth Century. With so much hate and confusion and fear in the world right now, this interview is sure to be a welcome change of pace. Released for the first time here in December 2020, it took place in front of a live audience at the …More
JOE BIDEN'S AMERICA: One Nation Under Davos In this week's episode of The Editor's Desk, Michael J. Matt hits the following hot topics: - President Biden's super spiritual Easter message. LOL - Pope …More
JOE BIDEN'S AMERICA: One Nation Under Davos
In this week's episode of The Editor's Desk, Michael J. Matt hits the following hot topics: - President Biden's super spiritual Easter message. LOL - Pope Francis calls on the IMF & World Bank to establish a global governing body. - Matt Damon: The Davos/Great Reset guy. - Klaus Schwab grew up in Nazi Germany. So why is he still into eugenics? - Is the Fourth Industrial Revolution the Fourth Reich? - Question for Democrats: Do you hate America? - Biden's Infrastructure Plan: Smart roads for smart cars. (Driving your own car, RIP) - 'Build Back Better'--what does it really mean? - Is the Great Reset just another wild conspiracy theory? - Excerpts from the 3 books by Klaus Schwab. You ready for the future? - Hopeful Sign: Remember when homeschooling was illegal? God intervened and now the whole world is home-schooling. The Great Reset: Davos & the Plot to Cancel Trump Stay Connected to RTV. Sign up for Michael …More
VACCINES & CYBERATTACKS: Ramping Up the New Normal Donate to The Remnant $25,000 Match Fundraiser: A new strain of COVID leads PM Boris Johnson to cancel …More
VACCINES & CYBERATTACKS: Ramping Up the New Normal
Donate to The Remnant $25,000 Match Fundraiser: A new strain of COVID leads PM Boris Johnson to cancel Christmas in the UK. In this episode of The Editor's Desk, Michael J. Matt discusses the latest scare tactics coming from the World Economic Forum's Klaus Schwab who, after using the Covid pandemic to get us all to move our lives online, is now warning that cyberattacks are about to pull the plug on our New Normal. As if that weren't scary enough, Bill Gates and Tony Fauci are warning the world that vaccines won't end the pandemic and that we need to wear our masks and cancel holiday celebrations until 2022. Meanwhile, after telling us all to do the home alone thing on Thanksgiving, Dr. Deb 'Scarf Lady' Birx was caught traveling across country to whoop it up with extended family over the same holiday. Finally, a word on the Vatican's 2020 Christmas display, which Michael argues provides …More
According to CNN's own figures, only 1.8% of the cases were fatal. Seriously... double-check my math. :D
How the Globalist Grinches Stole Christmas In this Sunday Sermon from South Saint Paul, Father discusses the war on Christmas and the urgent need for Christians to take a stand...before it's too late.…More
How the Globalist Grinches Stole Christmas
In this Sunday Sermon from South Saint Paul, Father discusses the war on Christmas and the urgent need for Christians to take a stand...before it's too late. The Christophobes have been trying to steal Christmas since the days of Herod, and now they're ramping it up. Why are people not allowed to go to Christmas Mass when they can go to Walmart and shop for Christmas presents until their hearts are content? Why are Catholic Bishops refusing to defend Christmas in the face of a virus which has a 99.5 percent recovery rate? Who gave governors the power to tell Christians how many people can come to Christmas dinner? Why are we sitting back and taking this attempt to outlaw Christmas without so much as a whimper of protest? Father explains the danger to our faith and freedom presented by these globalist grinches who would steal Christmas.
2021: God Save America In this episode of The Editor's Desk, Michael Matt takes a hard look at the state of our country, the Church and the coming global conflicts of 2021. As Argentina is now the …More
2021: God Save America
In this episode of The Editor's Desk, Michael Matt takes a hard look at the state of our country, the Church and the coming global conflicts of 2021. As Argentina is now the largest predominantly Catholic country in Latin America to legalize abortion, one might expect Pope Francis to register the strongest possible protest. Instead, he called for the world to get vaccinated. What's up with this guy? As Italy announces plans to keep locked down until 2024, one might expect serious people to question the effectiveness of lockdowns in the first place. And by the way, why does Joe Biden want to follow Europe's lead by masking up America and cracking down on civil liberties? Meanwhile and in order to save the planet, Bill Gates wants to outlaw cows and shoot particles into space to dim the sun's rays and re-imagine a cooler New Year. Bill's a funny guy...dangerous, but funny! Plus, the situation in Canada goes from bad to worse as churches in many provinces look to …More
IMPEACHING TRUMP: Pelosi's Game, America's Shame A RTV Special Report: Impeaching Trump In this first episode of The Editor's Desk of 2021, Michael dives into what happened on Wednesday January 6, 2021…More
IMPEACHING TRUMP: Pelosi's Game, America's Shame
A RTV Special Report: Impeaching Trump In this first episode of The Editor's Desk of 2021, Michael dives into what happened on Wednesday January 6, 2021 in Washington, D.C. -- a day which will live in infamy. Do you believe the CNN narrative on what really happened? Neither does Michael. But now the Democrats are exploiting this crisis to impeach the most successful president in 50 years. Yes, the most successful! Trump made good on his campaign promises. Trump lowered our taxes. Trump rebuilt the military while becoming the first president in decades NOT to start another war. Trump restored US industry, brought American jobs back home, defended life and religious liberty and raked in record-setting numbers of votes from Black and Hispanic communities. Trump restored pride in America, defended law and order and won over hardworking Americans from east coast to west. So, now what? Is it over? Can the MAGA movement rise again? Are these the …More
KEEP the FAITH: This Too Shall Pass In this Sunday Sermon from South Saint Paul, Father speaks of the various epiphanies of Jesus Christ, and he connects those to what is being "manifested" to us today …More
KEEP the FAITH: This Too Shall Pass
In this Sunday Sermon from South Saint Paul, Father speaks of the various epiphanies of Jesus Christ, and he connects those to what is being "manifested" to us today as God prepares to bring the wayward children of the world back to Him. Father points out how God is manifesting--or "outing"--the Children of Darkness, insisting that the Children of Light must use this dark moment to watch and pray and prepare for the Divine Epiphany. Don't curse the darkness. Don't live in fear of men, i.e., Democrats, Biden and Soros, oh my! But do live in fear of God. Do return to the Faith. Do return to your knees. Do return to the good graces of God and get ready for hell on earth. Now is not the time to despair or to give up or to stop fighting. COVID is part of the plan to close the churches and take down the Children of Light. We must make sure that doesn't happen, and in this sermon Father gives us spiritual direction on how we can become part of the 1% who will …More
Biden, Davos and the GREAT CHRISTIAN RESET In this action-packed edition of The Editor’s Desk, Michael J. Matt speaks of another kind of wokeness. The election of the “Catholic” Joe Biden has opened …More
Biden, Davos and the GREAT CHRISTIAN RESET
In this action-packed edition of The Editor’s Desk, Michael J. Matt speaks of another kind of wokeness. The election of the “Catholic” Joe Biden has opened the eyes of millions as to what happens when politicians put themselves above the law…in this case, God’s law. Christian America is waking up! As Dr. Fauci now wants Americans to wear not one but TWO masks, millions of people have begun to recognize in this the Theater of the Absurd. Next up? Hundreds of thousands will have to lose their jobs so that our globalist overlords and “build back better” with green jobs, stakeholder capitalism, artificial intelligence and the prohibition of automobiles by 2030. Oh, and by the way, they also want to go full on Blade Runner by the end of 2021 and release an army of robots on the world so that “dumb” humans won’t need to work at all anymore. Yes, they’re serious. And, yes, Michael Matt is serious in saying that it’s time for Christians to stop playing …More