
AMEN To The Nuns - by Mary Noelle O'Connor

Proper nuns with good habits, from the order, Children of Mary, were seen at a Trump rally in Ohio. The nuns stole the show, at times furiously running their fingers on the Rosary beads, specially at …More
Proper nuns with good habits, from the order, Children of Mary, were seen at a Trump rally in Ohio.
The nuns stole the show, at times furiously running their fingers on the Rosary beads, specially at times when Trump was rabble rousing with slogans against the Bidens, the catholic (note the little ‘c’) Bidens, such as “lock em’ up” at other times, clapping and even throwing their hands in the air, when Trump mentioned the Greatness of God!
One of them, it appeared, had a Bible in her hand. She was clearly seen when Trump left the podium, and waved at the nuns on his way out.
Tremendous support, tremendous prayers. He would be right if he would say triumphantly that "no other president has been prayed for so much, by so many, like it has been for my re-election. I have had the best prayers, everyone says so! I have had rosaries, novenas and even Mass said. It’s so great. I will win.”
And he should. The choice is plain to see. On one hand, there’s a catholic who is pro death pro destruction …More
In Gedenken an Papst Benedictus XVI. ein einfacher …
Good thing that Francis is no pope. Benedictus is the pope.
Cuthbert Mayne
Benedict is the retired pope. Francis is the current pope.
Francis is no pope. This is an obvious fact.
...and your point is what? @Biden John Masks are just as likely a requirement of the venue, and not the people renting it. "Cattle? or Free?" Your Fallacy Is:
Watching President Donald Trump in New Hampshire now.
A Great President, that is Loved by The American people!
Has everyone seen this brilliant satire? It is one of the cleverest pieces of writing I have ever read....😀 Thank you sisters. God Bless you - please pray for me and my family.
Has everyone seen this brilliant satire? It is one of the cleverest pieces of writing I have ever read....😀 Thank you sisters. God Bless you - please pray for me and my family.

I would love to see President Donald Trump become Roman Catholic.
Looks good in white also. 😇
@rhemes1582 Hello rhemes. My favourite parts.....😀
" The Catholic Church doesn’t win anymore. We just don’t. When is the last time Catholics won anything? Lepanto? When was that, the 1500’s? We don’t win anymore. But, let me just say, Under a Trump papacy, we are going to win again. We are going to win so much. We are going to win so much you are all going to be sick of winning, ok? "
" We are …More
@rhemes1582 Hello rhemes. My favourite parts.....😀

" The Catholic Church doesn’t win anymore. We just don’t. When is the last time Catholics won anything? Lepanto? When was that, the 1500’s? We don’t win anymore. But, let me just say, Under a Trump papacy, we are going to win again. We are going to win so much. We are going to win so much you are all going to be sick of winning, ok? "

" We are going to make the priesthood so exclusive. I tell you. So exclusive and so special, you have no idea. We are going to have the best priests, the brightest priests. They will be lining up to enter the seminaries. And the seminaries will be the best seminaries, let me just tell you. No more dopey professors. The seminaries are a mess today, they’re a disgrace. You might as well have Bernie Sanders running our seminaries that’s how bad they are. They’re filled with dopey professors from the 60’s. Their brains are burnt from whatever they smoked. Who knows what they smoked back then, God only knows what they smoked. But they’ll be gone, I promise you, they’ll be gone."

(Cheers, applause)

They will be gone and the priesthood will be great once again. I will make the priesthood so exclusive. And you know how I’m going to do this? By building a rail. By building a great big beautiful altar rail in every single Catholic Church, that’s how.

(Cheers, applause)

That's Great!
@Caroline03 Have you ever met or sponsored New Catholics (converts to the faith)?
They are on fire for it (Holy Ghost), especially if brought in through the Traditional Liturgy.
Can you imagine what President Donald Trump could/would accomplish if given the grace to become Catholic!
Then that link might actually become more fact than pleasant fiction.
Yes I understand what you're saying. He would respect the ancient Traditions of the RC Church and do everything he could to purify it. That's why the Lord chose HIM.
Re converts.... I met a born-again-Christian in the supermarket the other day. I pointed out as a starting point that the VISA card is in reality 666 (VI = 6 in Roman Numerals, S is 6 in Greek , and A is 6 in Babylonian)
That popped …More
Yes I understand what you're saying. He would respect the ancient Traditions of the RC Church and do everything he could to purify it. That's why the Lord chose HIM.

Re converts.... I met a born-again-Christian in the supermarket the other day. I pointed out as a starting point that the VISA card is in reality 666 (VI = 6 in Roman Numerals, S is 6 in Greek , and A is 6 in Babylonian)
That popped into my mind as I handed my shoes in to be mended. So I opened up a conversation with the shoe-repairer with that statement. He then told me he was a born again Christian. I said I was a Roman Catholic. He then asked me why we worship Mary.😀

I spent a good hour, dipping in and out of the Old and New Testament, and gave him a lot of links to watch.

He was a really nice person. Really full of the Holy Spirit. On fire for learning about the Scriptural evidence to back up the Roman Catholic Church as being the one started by Jesus Christ.

The Lord sends people like that to cross our pathway many times. I once evangelised a Jehovah's Witness in a Supermarket restroom in France. She was English! The conversation started when she asked me if I was a Catholic (I wear a big Crucifix) - we stood there chatting for an hour at least. God sends people all the time. I love speaking about the proof for Our Church as found in Scripture. 😀

These contain all that those outside the Church need to see to step right in..........

Dr Brant Pitre - Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist youtube.com/watch?v=P45BHDRA7pU

Dr Steve Ray - Footprints of God - Peter
The Footprints of God: Peter Keeper of the Keys
Dr Steve Ray - Footprints of God - Mary
The Footprints of God: Mary The Mother of God
Dr Steve Ray - Footprints of God - Paul
The Footprints of God: Paul Contending for the Faith
Great to see the nuns in public offering their support for President Donald Trump!
Cuthbert Mayne
Amen to the Nuns. They do have good habits. Hope they make it a habit of turning up to all Trumps rally’s too.
De Profundis
Here they are
F M Shyanguya
Ugh! 🤢
“The nuns stole the show, at times furiously running their fingers on the Rosary beads[.]”More
Ugh! 🤢

“The nuns stole the show, at times furiously running their fingers on the Rosary beads[.]”
Child of Our Lady
Do you ever give people benefit of the doubt FM? Our Lord warns us about making rash judgements.
F M Shyanguya
@Child of Our Lady Fool me once ... Once bitten ...
And I have seen no apology to Mother and Catholics.
Child of Our Lady, appears NOT if such a child cannot stand up for one’s Mother, especially this one, purer and whiter than snow.More
@Child of Our Lady Fool me once ... Once bitten ...

And I have seen no apology to Mother and Catholics.

Child of Our Lady, appears NOT if such a child cannot stand up for one’s Mother, especially this one, purer and whiter than snow.
Child of Our Lady
Fair enough. Then pray for him as well as Biden. Never write anyone off. God can do anything even w/ the weakest & most unlikely of us to bring about His glory.
F M Shyanguya
Child of Our Lady
F M Shyanguya
@Child of Our Lady You and @CatMuse, who was the first. Thank you! Mother will not forget.
F M Shyanguya
F M Shyanguya
And it is known for sure that they were real nuns and not dressed props playing a role on their stage?
How gullible people are if they readily accept this. Have we already forgotten Mother insulting “Sr” Dede? Cf Mary and Joseph Lived Gift of Virginity by Pope St John Paul IIMore
And it is known for sure that they were real nuns and not dressed props playing a role on their stage?

How gullible people are if they readily accept this. Have we already forgotten Mother insulting “Sr” Dede? Cf Mary and Joseph Lived Gift of Virginity by Pope St John Paul II
F M Shyanguya Are you Roman Catholic? If not, what if any faith do you profess? Christian, Jewish, Hindu, agnostic, atheist ect. You seem to be very bitter about any and all things Catholic. Did you suffer abuse or mistreatment by someone in the Roman Catholic Church?
F M Shyanguya
@frawley You should direct this question to yourself and others here who haven’t stood up for Mother.
Who here that has stood for Mother, her Son, and His Church and ALL of her Councils and all she teaches, her Rites, her great and saintly Pontiff Pope St John Paul II, for her sick priest who makes the effort to say Mass in his condition and circumstance, etc, is clear.
That this is pure stunt …More
@frawley You should direct this question to yourself and others here who haven’t stood up for Mother.

Who here that has stood for Mother, her Son, and His Church and ALL of her Councils and all she teaches, her Rites, her great and saintly Pontiff Pope St John Paul II, for her sick priest who makes the effort to say Mass in his condition and circumstance, etc, is clear.

That this is pure stunt ought to be plain!

How you reveal yourself! Yours is a calumnious framing with no basis whatsoever!
So are you Roman Catholic or not?
F M Shyanguya
Cradle Catholic of the Roman/Latin Rite. Third generation from my Mother’s side and second generation from my Father’s side.
Cuthbert Mayne
Utter nutter
Thanks for the response. God Bless you.
F M Shyanguya
@frawley 👏🙏 Same.
I've known them for years, they're quite real. I recognized them instantly when I saw the photo. I think the Trump campaign used them though, and I'm not happy about it because it made them vulnerable to the lunatics who as we know have been burning and pillaging in Lord Of The Flies style,
F M Shyanguya
@jd1961 Thank you! That appears to be the case. Cf my comments here: Children of Mary - and thanks to @Don Reto Nay for the post! Remarkable founder and founding and charism, and now we have your personal testimony. Again, thank you!