
Francis Withheld His Ring For “Hygienic” Reasons, To “Not Spread Germs”

Vatican Press Speaker Alessandro Gisotti told journalists on March 28 that he asked Pope Francis why he pulled his hand away when the faithful wanted to kiss his ring in Loreto. According to Edward …More
Vatican Press Speaker Alessandro Gisotti told journalists on March 28 that he asked Pope Francis why he pulled his hand away when the faithful wanted to kiss his ring in Loreto.
According to Edward Pentin reporting on Twitter, Francis answered that he didn't want to spread germs among the many who had come to greet him.
Gisotti added that it was for reasons of “hygiene," not for Francis, "but to avoid contagion when there are long lines of people."
"He likes to hug people,” Gisotti commented, turning an embarrassing situation into a farce.
De Profundis
Use dettol to be allowed to kiss the papal ring
He withheld it because he comes to destroy the faith.
It's a very strange look on his face as he pulls his hand away. Could it be an evil spirit?
I thought so. It looks malevolent.
About the other people he lets kiss the ring ? its all a game
Francis really seems to be in the grips of some sort of disorder, an early onset senility. How childish to offer his hand and pull it way. If he didn't want his ring kissed, a protocol officer could have made this clear to those present. Weird and childish behaviour, inexcusable and unbecoming.
To understand the level of absurdity of not kissing the hand,
Just imagine Jesus not wanting to wash the feet of the apostles!!!!More
To understand the level of absurdity of not kissing the hand,

Just imagine Jesus not wanting to wash the feet of the apostles!!!!
What’s next no Holy water at all parishes due to hugenic reasons??
De Profundis
No word on why spreading germs was not a problem for the clergy who he DID allow to kiss his ring.
Gesù è con noi
Bergoglio is a mitomaniac an impostor who has no argument for his anti-papal acts. So Bergoglio believes that Catholics will infect him by kissing his hand?
Bergoglio did not care that his accomplices got infected while he let the rest kiss his left hand.
Right....and pigs can fly too!!!!
Most of the time it seems much better if the Vatican would decline the opportunity to explain these head-scratching antics. The media doesn't care about explanations. They live for the day they can declare another Catholic "controversey".
Holy Cannoli
Haaa haa 👏 !
Straight up bullshit.
De Profundis
And for 10 minutes Francis allowed to spread germs?
Can somebody tell Francis, that shaking hands also spreads germs.
Holy Cannoli
Several winters ago there was a 30 something female sitting in the pew in front of me at Sunday mass.
She seemed to have a cold because I heard her coughing and sniffling etc. during mass. When it came time for the “kiss of peace” (read:handshake) she sneezed into her open hands, then she turned around facing me and extended her hand wanting to shake mine.
Well, I looked at her with a combination …More
Several winters ago there was a 30 something female sitting in the pew in front of me at Sunday mass.

She seemed to have a cold because I heard her coughing and sniffling etc. during mass. When it came time for the “kiss of peace” (read:handshake) she sneezed into her open hands, then she turned around facing me and extended her hand wanting to shake mine.

Well, I looked at her with a combination of disbelief and scorn and did nothing in response. She seemed to take my rejection in stride and continued on coughing etc. during the remainder of the Mass. 🤦

I left a little early just to avoid a confrontation. 👌