
Bishop Schneider: Francis Has Silenced a Prophetic Voice

Francis’ removal of Tyler Bishop Joseph Strickland is a "dark day for the Church" and "a blatant injustice," Bishop Schneider wrote in a November 11 statement. Even Strickland's enemies know that the …More
Francis’ removal of Tyler Bishop Joseph Strickland is a "dark day for the Church" and "a blatant injustice," Bishop Schneider wrote in a November 11 statement.
Even Strickland's enemies know that the charges made against him ["administrative problems", "hurting people", "burning bridges", "disobedience to Francis"] are unfounded and were used as a pretext "to silence an uncomfortable prophetic voice within the Church."
"At the same time, several bishops who publicly support heresy, liturgical abuses and gender ideology and who openly invite their priests to bless homosex couples, are not at all importuned or sanctioned by the Holy See [= Francis]."
Strickland could go down in history as the "Athanasius of the Church in America", who unlike St Athanasius "is persecuted not by the secular power, but by the Pope himself."
For Schneider, a kind of “purge” of Catholic bishops, which has been going on for some time, has now reached a "decisive phase".
It looks to me like Bishop Strickland has fought a good fight. I hate to hear the implication that he isn't a man and hasn't fought. We need to remember to love one another!
True Mass
Don't leave. Play it out. If he is not the Pope he cannot fire you. Stand up. Fight. Catholic men fight.
Bishop Schneider will he be next To be removed ?
Bishop Schneider is an Auxiliary, not an Ordinary. He doesn’t preside over a Diocese like Bishop Strickland did.
@Liam Ronan The risk level accessed for Bishop Schneider is not the same as it was for Bishop Strickland, who, as Prelate of his own Diocese had more to lose. It’s like this: Bishop Strickland, prior to his deposition, was an Ordinary with jurisdiction over a whole Diocese, serving as the Chief Priest and Shepherd of the entire local Church of Tyler, Texas in the United States. As a direct Successor …More
@Liam Ronan The risk level accessed for Bishop Schneider is not the same as it was for Bishop Strickland, who, as Prelate of his own Diocese had more to lose. It’s like this: Bishop Strickland, prior to his deposition, was an Ordinary with jurisdiction over a whole Diocese, serving as the Chief Priest and Shepherd of the entire local Church of Tyler, Texas in the United States. As a direct Successor of the Apostles, he held full ecclesiastical, liturgical and episcopal authority over the territory to which he was assigned. Bishop Schneider, on the other hand, is an Auxiliary Bishop serving at the pleasure of and under the authority of, his Ordinary in the Diocese of Astana located in the nation of Kazakhstan. Their hierarchical rank was on different levels altogether, and therefore, the potential risk to their official positions and standing in the Church must be accounted differently.
"Francis Has Silenced a Prophetic Voice"
WHAT! Is that supposed to be support of a brother Bishop?
Very sad statement in my opinion your Excellency.
Wilma Lopez
What should he have said?
Yes, Strikland was removed, but Schneider is not. Why?
Bishop Strickland was not laicized and removed from the episcopacy, he was only deposed as Prelate of his Diocese. He is, and will — may it please the Lord — remain, a Bishop. Bishop Schneider is not the Bishop or Diocesan of his Diocese. He’s an Auxiliary Bishop to the Ordinary of the Diocese of Astana in Kazakhstan where he serves. So he doesn’t hold the same office or juridical authority as …More
Bishop Strickland was not laicized and removed from the episcopacy, he was only deposed as Prelate of his Diocese. He is, and will — may it please the Lord — remain, a Bishop. Bishop Schneider is not the Bishop or Diocesan of his Diocese. He’s an Auxiliary Bishop to the Ordinary of the Diocese of Astana in Kazakhstan where he serves. So he doesn’t hold the same office or juridical authority as Bishop Strickland did before he was removed as Diocesan; and by that fact, Bishop Schneider is somewhat less a target of the Vatican than Bishop Strickland. But fortunately, unless and until they are laicized and stripped of their Priesthood, both he and Bishop Strickland will remain as Bishops in Holy Mother Church.
Jan Joseph
In Nederland is een politieke partij de PVV met als leider Geert Wilders.
De PVV wil in Nederland het geloof van de Moslims verbieden en de moskeeën sluiten, de PVV neemt een ketterse houding aan tegenover moslims. Paus Franciscus wil in de gehele wereld het Traditionele Rooms Katholieke geloof verbieden, de Traditionele kerken sluiten en de Traditionele priesters, bisschoppen en kardinalen ontslaan …More
In Nederland is een politieke partij de PVV met als leider Geert Wilders.
De PVV wil in Nederland het geloof van de Moslims verbieden en de moskeeën sluiten, de PVV neemt een ketterse houding aan tegenover moslims. Paus Franciscus wil in de gehele wereld het Traditionele Rooms Katholieke geloof verbieden, de Traditionele kerken sluiten en de Traditionele priesters, bisschoppen en kardinalen ontslaan. Wat de de PVV in Nederland is voor de moslims is paus Franciscus in de gehele wereld voor de Traditionele Rooms Katholieken, een ketter. De Traditionele Rooms Katholieken kunnen niet anders dan zo snel mogelijk de Rooms Katholieke kerk verlaten en niet eerder weer terugkeren dan als er een zuivering in de Rooms Katholieke kerk heeft plaatsgevonden.
Jan Joseph
Mgr. Strickland kan zich melden bij de Pius X broederschap, bij de Pius X broederschap kan Mgr. Strickland veel voor de nieuwe Traditionele Rooms Katholieke kerk betekenen. En pas op, vele priesters, bischoppen en Kardinalen zullen Mgr. Strickland volgen.
@Jan Joseph: Bisschop Strickland is een katholieke bisschop en een moedige gelovige. Hij zal niet vluchten naar een sektarische groep maar het Kruis omamen. Hij zal trouw blijven aan Christus' Kerk en het verraad in navolging van Christus dragen. Dank u, bisschop Strickland.
Jan Joseph
Maar Paus Franciscus overtreedt in heel democratische landen de in de grondwet vastgelegde vrijheid van Godsdienst.
@Jan Joseph Luister maar naar Bisschop Strickland zelf over hoe een trouwe katholiek reageert op het onrecht dat hem door paus Franciscus wordt aangedaan: EXCLUSIVE: Bishop Strickland reacts to removal by Pope Francis: ‘I feel very much at peace’ - LifeSite
Jan Joseph
De Pius X broederschap is geen sektarische groep, maar in tegenstelling tot de Rooms Katholieke kerk van paus Franciscus verkondigt de Pius X broederschap wel het ware Rooms Katholieke geloof. De priesterbroederschap Pius X heeft geen priesters die zelf niet meer geloven, in de kerk van paus Franciscus zijn veel priesters die niet meer geloven. De nuntius in Amerika zegt gewoon hardop dat het geloof …More
De Pius X broederschap is geen sektarische groep, maar in tegenstelling tot de Rooms Katholieke kerk van paus Franciscus verkondigt de Pius X broederschap wel het ware Rooms Katholieke geloof. De priesterbroederschap Pius X heeft geen priesters die zelf niet meer geloven, in de kerk van paus Franciscus zijn veel priesters die niet meer geloven. De nuntius in Amerika zegt gewoon hardop dat het geloof niet bestaat.
Sandy Barrett
Cardinal Müller on the Pope’s sacking of Bishop Strickland: What is being done to Bishop Strickland is terrible, an abuse of the divine right of the episcopate. If I could advise Mgr Strickland, he should absolutely not resign, because then they could wash their hands of his innocence. [Note: Which is why Strickland refused to resign, and was sacked.] According to the commandment of justice, a …More
Cardinal Müller on the Pope’s sacking of Bishop Strickland: What is being done to Bishop Strickland is terrible, an abuse of the divine right of the episcopate. If I could advise Mgr Strickland, he should absolutely not resign, because then they could wash their hands of his innocence. [Note: Which is why Strickland refused to resign, and was sacked.] According to the commandment of justice, a bishop can only be removed by the Pope if he has been guilty of something evil (heresy, schism, apostasy, crime, or a totally non-priestly behavior), for example the pseudo-benediction that insults God and deceives people about their salvation - blessing people of opposite or the same sex in extramarital relationships. Arbitrary dismissal from the post of bishop of a diocese in which a bishop is established by Christ himself as his own shepherd undermines the Pope's authority, as happened historically with the unworthy bargaining for the office under the Avignon papacy (this loss of trust was one of the main reasons for the Reformation's separation of Christianity from the Catholic Church and its hatred of the Pope, who by his arbitrary actions had put himself in God's place). According to Catholic teaching, the Pope is in no way the Lord of the Church, but rather, as Christ's representative for the universal Church, the first servant of his Lord, who was to say to Simon Peter, who had just become the rock of the Church: "Get thee behind me (Italian indietro, the true indietrismo), for thou thinkest not what God wills, but what men will" (Mt 16:23). The Pope has no authority from Christ to intimidate and bully good bishops modeled on Christ the Good Shepherd who, in accordance with the episcopal ideal of Vatican II, sanctify, teach and shepherd God's flock in Christ's name, simply because false friends denounce these good bishops to Francis as enemies of the Pope, while heretical and immoral bishops can do as they please or disturb Christ's Church every day with some other nonsense.
Lisi Sterndorfer
Bishop Strickland was removed in part because he wouldn't cancel Latin Masses.
Wilma Lopez
Kwasniewski on Bishop Strickland: Years ago Henry Sire called Francis‘the dictator pope.’ Time & again this evaluation has been vindicated,& never more so than when the pope deposes a bishop without due process, against canon law, & for no imaginable grave wrongdoing
Bonnie Louise
Calls him a Peronist, which he is.
Simon North
Kwasniewski is playing right into Bergoglio's hands by weakening the papacy. No, the Pope isn't a dictator: he's an absolute monarch with immediate and universal jurisdiction - as defined by Vatican I. Bergoglio is a tyrant because he is attempting to continue the erasure of more than 20 centuries of Catholic history. He's wielding legitimate papal authority for evil - but that papal absolute …More
Kwasniewski is playing right into Bergoglio's hands by weakening the papacy. No, the Pope isn't a dictator: he's an absolute monarch with immediate and universal jurisdiction - as defined by Vatican I. Bergoglio is a tyrant because he is attempting to continue the erasure of more than 20 centuries of Catholic history. He's wielding legitimate papal authority for evil - but that papal absolute authority is enshrined in Sacred Tradition.
I hope the people from Strickland,s diocese and around the world let Pope Francis know in a big protest that what he has done its a terrible mistake .Those that are good sheppards this Pope fires them all those sheppards that are corrupted the pope accepts them ,Bishop strickland catholics all over the world are with you
I hope this puts an end to JPII cult .The man who took John XXIII and Paul VI names the two popes who corrupted the Catholic faith. JPII and BVI allowed the Jesuits to go off the rails and we end up with Francis.
But Francis is actually is doing us a favor showing us how corrupted Vatican II theology actually is
Simon North
Thank you. You "get" it.
Bonnie Louise
Yep. Prediction: Massive increase in Latin Mass attendance, massive decrease in VII pseudo-catholic Mass world wide.
Bonnie Louise
SSPX here we come.
As I have said previously, clearly you can remain as Ordinary of your Diocese if you harbor sodomite pedophile Priests and permit the blasphemous false “blessing” of sodomite couplings, and sanction men as “godmothers” who have mutilated their bodies in the satanic delusion that they are something that they can never be, but apparently you cannot remain Bishop of your Diocese if you are a faithful …More
As I have said previously, clearly you can remain as Ordinary of your Diocese if you harbor sodomite pedophile Priests and permit the blasphemous false “blessing” of sodomite couplings, and sanction men as “godmothers” who have mutilated their bodies in the satanic delusion that they are something that they can never be, but apparently you cannot remain Bishop of your Diocese if you are a faithful Shepherd who proclaims and promotes the TRUTH of the Gospel and the unchanging, immutable Doctrine and Dogma of Christ’s Church, and who stands staunchly and uncompromisingly in the resolute defense of the Faith. Such holy men are, in this era of gross darkness, to be unjustly persecuted by lovers of heresy, and purged from the ranks of the episcopate by the vile apostates, who, in their diabolical abominations, now rule in the Vatican, surrounding the See of Peter with their deviant filth and putrid degeneracy; they are the unclean spawn of Lucifer, who, by their foul deeds, are not worthy to even kiss the feet of those innocents whom they scourge. May all of Heaven succor and strengthen the great and noble Bishop Strickland, and uphold him in this hour of his tribulation. A genuine Successor of the Apostles who embodies the highest of their saintly virtues, he is one of the brightest lights left to Holy Mother Church today, set ablaze by the anointing of the Holy Ghost, and given to us as a gift of hope and a pillar of righteousness. May his work and ministry flourish and expand exponentially throughout the whole world, and may his persecutions be the sustenance that waters and nourishes a great harvest in Christ’s Vineyard, bearing the fruit of holiness and the fear of the Lord.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"vile apostates, who, in their diabolical abominations, now rule in the Vatican, surrounding the See of Peter with their deviant filth and putrid degeneracy; they are the unclean spawn of Lucifer"
This an absolutely 100% accurate and truthful description of Pope Francis, one of the best I have ever seen. And it is all true. He is the head, the root, the core of all the evil coming from the Vatican …More
"vile apostates, who, in their diabolical abominations, now rule in the Vatican, surrounding the See of Peter with their deviant filth and putrid degeneracy; they are the unclean spawn of Lucifer"

This an absolutely 100% accurate and truthful description of Pope Francis, one of the best I have ever seen. And it is all true. He is the head, the root, the core of all the evil coming from the Vatican that is infecting the Church for the last 10 years. As with a diseased plant that that threatens an entire garden, Francis and his homo associates need to be uprooted and thrown out. The sooner the better.