
Burke: German Synod Will Flood the Church

"Synodality" and "synodal" have become slogans hiding "a revolution", wrote Cardinal Burke in a preface to a 110-page book “The Synodal Process Is a Pandora's Box” by Julio Loredo and José Ureta (NcRegister.com, August 22).

This revolution aims to radically change the Church's self-understanding, in line with an ideology that denies most of the Church's teachings.

Burke calls the situation of the Church "most serious" because this pernicious ideology has already been put into practice in the German Church for many years and has widely spread confusion and error. Burke identifies its fruit as "division and "schism" which harm many souls.

He expects the same confusion, error and division to be visited upon the universal Church. This has "already begun to happen through the preparation of the Synod at the local level.”

Picture: Raymond Burke, © Joseph Shaw, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsBhbccfgkke

De Profundis
Opera 369
Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, I think that all of you who have looked at this post and commented, one way or another, are all people, mainly 'true' Catholics of Jesus' and the Apostles's Church, that are 'awakened' and people who cannot 'swim' in the ocean of hipocricy , that we are falsely and sublimely directed to accept, by the "Ecclesiastics": i.e. Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, Laity …More
Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, I think that all of you who have looked at this post and commented, one way or another, are all people, mainly 'true' Catholics of Jesus' and the Apostles's Church, that are 'awakened' and people who cannot 'swim' in the ocean of hipocricy , that we are falsely and sublimely directed to accept, by the "Ecclesiastics": i.e. Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, Laity etc. Our ears are able to hear and our eyes are able to see, THE TRUTH, and it is clear, very clear for me anyway, that none of the afore mentioned, really want to SAVE THE CATHOLIC CHURCH as it was Instituted by Christ! Right now it seems that as far 'being in the Catholic Church' we have come to a terrible juncture: 1) left side: join the rainbowed-globalist Circus of Ciccio-Tucho (Ciccio is familiar nickname in Italian for Francesco) or 2) right side: Vigano's sedevacantist illusion of forming another (eventuallly schismatic) Church. We know all about the heresies of joining the Synodal Circus. But few know about the 'irregularities' of a possible Vigano' sedevacantist "New Catholic Church" (my own made up name to simplify) They are both 'canceling' the real Tradition, the hermeneutics of our Church. Ciccio and Tucho's synodal circus, needs no eplanation, you all know about it, too well. But Vigano's intentions for a "New Catholic Church" (again, this is my own made up name of course, just to give it a title) based on his public stand, that the Church has been 'without a Pope' for the last 60 years, denying the Papacy of at least 4 of the last Popes we have seen. The 'sedevacantists' headed by Vigano' would like us to believe that among other things..Benedict XVI, JPII, JPI, Paul VI were all 'modernists'. Vigano' forgets to acknowledge that he was right there, in company of these 'modernists' (so what was Vigano' at that time... just an opportunist?) with JPII serving the Church, Vigano' was right there with Benedict XVI serving the Church (both Popes placed Vigano' in "high places". But now, during this Crisis, he Vigano' 'detaches' from them...why? Because he wants a 'New Catholic Church' based on sedevacantism... and he will be the first Pope of it? Vigano' should ask himself: Why did someone shoot JPaul II? Why was JPaul I poisoned to death? why was Benedict based on the Vatileaks, almost killed... and then forced out of the Chair of Peter? Had these 3 Popes REALLY been "modernists" the way the masonic entity wanted them, would they have been the victims of such...criminal acts? Think about it....
The sedevacantists, contrary to what might appear, DO NOT follow Arc.Bis. Lefevbre's doctrine: Lefevbre threw out of his Group those with him that embraced 'sedevacantism' and wanted to break from the Church of Rome. Some of those people might be in high places now, but they are NOT Traditionalists of the Hermeneutics of the Church. So, Vigano' and today's sedevacantists, are NOT TRADITIONALIST as defined by Lefevbre. They are just the other 'party' that is going against the Ciccio-Tucho's Synodal Circus. Just like we have in the US Party Republicans and Democrats. There is more to say about the whole matter, but going back to the message to those people who are "awakened"..... if we define ourselves Catholics of the Church of Christ, let us NOT be swayed by either "party". We must STAND truly like 'PETRUS'..and never renounce our FAITH .. because of one bad party over the other. It is the "little remnant" mentioned in the Gospel, that will SAVE THE CHURCH OF JESUS! Thanks to any of you who has read this post. If you disagree, I hope we can all respect each other's opinions, at least.
Opera 369 thanks for publicly revealing yourself with anti-Vigano agenda...Abp. Vigano is the first enemy of the Bergoglian antichurch...
Opera 369
Really? Wow Rafal.... you just revealed yourself ... 🤭
Opera 369 I use the same nick and have always valued Abp Vigano for his fortitude and his writings that will forever remain a priceless treasure for Mother Church...... Vigano is the "litmus test" for truth and ideology of Francis's every surrogate disguised in anti-Bergoglian clothing with end to support destruction of Roman Church...
Opera 369
@Rafał_Ovile I have always "valued" Vigano's stand against the social/political issues... but, just like Car. Burke, they criticize the 'heresies' of Bergoglio's ..but they have yet to do anything about it all. Even the fact, that Vigano wrote in one of his latest articles that he heard from a Cardinal "that was present during the 2013 Conclave and notices 'irregularities'.. but prefers to not come …More
@Rafał_Ovile I have always "valued" Vigano's stand against the social/political issues... but, just like Car. Burke, they criticize the 'heresies' of Bergoglio's ..but they have yet to do anything about it all. Even the fact, that Vigano wrote in one of his latest articles that he heard from a Cardinal "that was present during the 2013 Conclave and notices 'irregularities'.. but prefers to not come public about it. Don't you think that Vigano', for the good of the Church, should be insisting, at least, that this Cardinal "spill the beans"....as it were? I really hope that Vigano' is as "on fire" to clarify the 2013 validity of the Conclave....as he has been with the social/globalist plague of the last 3 years.
Opera 369 your speculation as to potential Abp Vigano "New Catholic Church" being schismatic in comment 1 and support to clarify the 2013 Conclave in comment 2 is inconsistent. Thus Abp Vigano presented profound and unique knowledge in revealing all the forces behind American made "Catholic Spring" which switched true pope to usurper in Vatican... Therefore at this point and time after true pope …More
Opera 369 your speculation as to potential Abp Vigano "New Catholic Church" being schismatic in comment 1 and support to clarify the 2013 Conclave in comment 2 is inconsistent. Thus Abp Vigano presented profound and unique knowledge in revealing all the forces behind American made "Catholic Spring" which switched true pope to usurper in Vatican... Therefore at this point and time after true pope passed in 2022, only Catholic Churchmen through (im)perfect council could elect, a true Pope (i.e. Vigano) who objectively has competence and is able to solve the crisis, including 2013 Conclave... If this ever happens in the future before Our Lord comes again, in this or another way, Vigano's input will always be available to solve the present crisis... Do you support the recent "election" of Francis in Rome diocese ?
Live Mike
Opera 369 Please provide the references / sources where Abp Vigano wants to establish a "New Catholic Church"
Opera 369
@Live Mike courteously, the way I've read, listened, and have the ability to discern 'messages'... you can also. I don't have more power than anyone else. I just read, listen and "critically" discern the message, either overt or ..hidden. That's all.
Live Mike
@Opera 369 courteously, please provide any sources that lead you to conclude that Abp Vigano wants to establish a "New Catholic Church"
Wilma Lopez shares this
Burke warns: “It is not a purely theoretical matter, for the ideology has already, for some years, been put into practice in the Church in Germany, spreading widely confusion and error and their fruit, division – indeed schism, to the grave harm of many souls. With the imminent Synod on Synodality, it is rightly to be feared that the same confusion and error and division will be visited upon the …More
Burke warns: “It is not a purely theoretical matter, for the ideology has already, for some years, been put into practice in the Church in Germany, spreading widely confusion and error and their fruit, division – indeed schism, to the grave harm of many souls. With the imminent Synod on Synodality, it is rightly to be feared that the same confusion and error and division will be visited upon the universal Church. In fact, it has already begun to happen through the preparation of the Synod at the local level.”
Red for their witness and their readiness to die for the Faith.Not to act like (I cant say out loud) 🤔
Live Mike
And having declared that, Your Eminence, What are you prepared to do now?!
What can he do, @Live Mike but speak out boldly and courageously against the madness?…and continue to uphold the truth himself as he declares and defends the infallible Dogmas of Holy Mother Church and the unalterable, immutable Deposit of Faith, warning the Faithful against the corruption of Christ’s enemies who would strangle the whole Church and drown her in a vortex of filth and abomination …More
What can he do, @Live Mike but speak out boldly and courageously against the madness?…and continue to uphold the truth himself as he declares and defends the infallible Dogmas of Holy Mother Church and the unalterable, immutable Deposit of Faith, warning the Faithful against the corruption of Christ’s enemies who would strangle the whole Church and drown her in a vortex of filth and abomination? As a single Cardinal stripped of his offices and the power of his at-one-time formidable influence, and all but isolated by the Vatican, there is absolutely NOTHING whatsoever personally that he can actually do juridically or within canon law to effect the kind of reform and produce the kind of cleansing of the Church we all long for and are praying desperately and daily for. It will take nothing less than divine intervention to bring about the monumental and deeply pervasive, universal, permanent spiritual change, renewal, and reformation we seek and that the Church needs. And I’m talking about the type of intervention that births a literal, tangible visitation of the Holy Ghost in power and supernatural manifestation. Because the unquenchable burning fires of godly zeal and holiness mixed with righteous indignation and invincible determination are what’s required in this hour to purge and purify Holy Mother Church and bring her to genuine repentance and full restoration. The good Cardinal can’t successfully act alone or armed only with the weak frailties of human auspices, resources and capabilities. And we should not expect him to. No…this fight can only be won by Heaven. It will take the Hand of God Himself to save His Church in this most challenging and difficult era.
Live Mike
Opera 369
Cardinal Burke, excuse me, but you are just plainly stating that: water is wet! Oh please tell us about the Old Testament and New, where the Lord speaks of "truth, strength not to serve 2 masters". The synodality 'picture' has been on the wall for at least 5 years and more clearly seen since Benedict XVI's passing. And you are afraid to take THE ultimate decisive stand: shout it out loud, that …More
Cardinal Burke, excuse me, but you are just plainly stating that: water is wet! Oh please tell us about the Old Testament and New, where the Lord speaks of "truth, strength not to serve 2 masters". The synodality 'picture' has been on the wall for at least 5 years and more clearly seen since Benedict XVI's passing. And you are afraid to take THE ultimate decisive stand: shout it out loud, that man dressed in white is a "papier mache" pope.... do not be afraid of his retorsions, he will be declared 'null and void' all his 10 years of anti-Church, take that stand, if you still have the FAITH in the only Master, as you should!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Opera 369 -Your post on Burke is 100% correct. I always thought his intentions are good, but he is a wimpy little guy who in the end would be shaking in his shoes if having to speak the truth about apostate heretic Pope Francis. Rather than bravely call out Bergoglio for what everyone knows he is, Burke would cave at the last minute and wimper " Yes, Holy Father Francis, whatever you say is right …More
@Opera 369 -Your post on Burke is 100% correct. I always thought his intentions are good, but he is a wimpy little guy who in the end would be shaking in his shoes if having to speak the truth about apostate heretic Pope Francis. Rather than bravely call out Bergoglio for what everyone knows he is, Burke would cave at the last minute and wimper " Yes, Holy Father Francis, whatever you say is right, is RIGHT, Holy Father. I love you, Holy Father!!!!!" 🤮 🤮
Novena - Oremus
+Burke praised the book for clearly addressing the Synod — “the most serious situation in the Church today [which] rightly concerns every thoughtful Catholic and persons of good will who observe the evident and grave harm which it is inflicting upon the Mystical Body of Christ”
Louis IX
Mr. Yoshimori, if the synodal church apostatizes they will be outside the true Church. The only question will be a matter of real estate.
John A Cassani
We’re practically at the real estate phase already.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
If this "Synodal Church" happens, all traditional, faithful, orthodox Catholics should split from it and start up a new Catholic Church according to tradition.....with any cardinals who wish to join, and maybe even a substitute/temporary Pope until the original Church returns to tradition. No faithful Catholic who isn't a braindead papalotrist would stick with Bergoglio's new gay Church.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hi!! Kenjiro...thanks for you answer to me....I think so many stupid man support to LGBT Ideologies too..like Sleepy Joe, Crazy Democrats man..and others...kkkkkk....and in Korea....increasing fast to LGBT Ideologies...Korean Main stream Media don't criticism to LGBT Ideologies...just few Conservative Protestant Groups and some People against to this Ideologies...in Korean …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hi!! Kenjiro...thanks for you answer to me....I think so many stupid man support to LGBT Ideologies too..like Sleepy Joe, Crazy Democrats man..and others...kkkkkk....and in Korea....increasing fast to LGBT Ideologies...Korean Main stream Media don't criticism to LGBT Ideologies...just few Conservative Protestant Groups and some People against to this Ideologies...in Korean Catholic Church...my Former Archbishop..Cardinal Andrew Yeom Against to LGBT Ideologies..but now...maybe Diocese of Suwon...Bishop Matthias Lee against to this Ideologies..most silence or support....so terrible....and I really hope all Orthodox Area....many Area of Africa, Some Area of Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe...and all Orthodox members against to Bergoglio's wrong Agenda!!! but so few Members against to this Wrong Ideologies...Eminence Cardinal Burke, Eminence Cardinal Müller, Excellency Bishop Schneither....most are silence...so horrible....this time...Eminence Cardinal Burke said about strong voice...so much thanks to him....Kenjiro..I hope one more ask...do you think Bergoglio's health is no good?? I am not sure....I told you always....if Lord dose not send to Orthodox Pope..fast time..I will going to Underground Church....I am sure..you and John will join Underground Church too....much thinking about Eminence Cardinal Ottaviani's Prayer...even though I have many sins..so many fault..but really hope Loyalty to our Lord Jesus Christ...Holland's Martyrs, Japan and Korean Martyrs...all great Martyrs Saints..pray for us too..many talking sorry....Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day...always really happy..hear about your great opinion!!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Clement Jaeho Chung -Hi Clement! I'm sorry to hear that in Korea the bishops are silent pretty much about LGBTQ's. Our relatives that are still in Japan (alot of cousins), say the same thing about their bishops. Sadly, most of my relatives there don't go to Mass anymore.....and I really don't blame them. They really don't have terrible liturgical abuses there, like they do in Europe, and in fact …More
@Clement Jaeho Chung -Hi Clement! I'm sorry to hear that in Korea the bishops are silent pretty much about LGBTQ's. Our relatives that are still in Japan (alot of cousins), say the same thing about their bishops. Sadly, most of my relatives there don't go to Mass anymore.....and I really don't blame them. They really don't have terrible liturgical abuses there, like they do in Europe, and in fact many women still wear veils on their heads when going to Mass, but the Novus Ordo is really worthless, so not many go. Also, all the LGBTQ and TRANS agenda is slowly coming to Japan......influence from the USA. Like so many good Catholics like yourself, I wish Pope Francis would just resign or whatever, and by some miracle...we get a Catholic Pope. Somehow, I think we might be in for a pleasant surprise when Francis dies and they elect someone opposite to him. All the news media will be shocked, but faithful Catholic will be very happy!!!
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Thanks for your answer..Kenjiro..always really happy to hear about your opinion always....me is a really have many fault person..and have so many sins...but just, just want protect to our Orthodox teachings...jajaja...thanks for tell about me..Kenjiro...I think you are really great Orthodox Catholic People!!!! I am sorry to hear about Japan's Situation too....yes...I heard it …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Thanks for your answer..Kenjiro..always really happy to hear about your opinion always....me is a really have many fault person..and have so many sins...but just, just want protect to our Orthodox teachings...jajaja...thanks for tell about me..Kenjiro...I think you are really great Orthodox Catholic People!!!! I am sorry to hear about Japan's Situation too....yes...I heard it...in Japan..increasing about LGBT Problems too...yes..we know...it's wrong Western's Ideologies spreading time....I am sure..Japan and Korean great Martyrs Saints crying now....so sad time....I told you before....so many, many Orthodox Catholic People are naive too...be cause they said about this...Pope Francis's convert, repentance..so stupid!! we don't need to this Prayer..instead....we must, must pray to the Lord..please send us real Pope, Orthodox Pope..Fast time. ..we need this prayer!!! always I see Bergoglio's health...make me so angry...he looks not bad now..in my opinion.....so much angry....these days I am not sure...we will get real Pope, Orthodox Pope fast time....yes you are right!! if, if we will meet Orthodox Pope, real Pope fast time..really happy...when I was thinking that....so happy..but not sure...be cause Bergoglio want staying to longer....hmm....really hope before my former Archbishop of Seoul...Cardinal Andrew Yeom get to 80 years old(December 5)....we will get real Pope...Orthodox Pope....if, if Lord will send to us Eminence Cardinal Erdo(Archbishop of Budapest, Hungary)....really really happy...if, if fast time...We will see Eminence Cardinal Erdo is a Habemus Papam...ah...I can't explain my great feelings...or maybe Lord will send to us Eminence Cardinal Eijk(Archbishop of Utrecht, Netherlands) is a new Pope...it's really wonderful too.....ah...if we will Cardinal Eijk is a Habemus Papam...it's really happy too....Eminence Cardinal Muller, Eminence Cardinal Burke, Eminence Cardinal Sarah is a great too....anyway...not them...just really hope we will get to Orthodox Pope..Fast time...many talking sorry....God bless always you and all your family, lovely people...Holy Mary, all Angels and Saints..pray for us,...Amen..take care..have a wonderful day....
P. O'B
Kenjiro, the thought of a schism is frightening. A schism would cut through every diocese, religious order, parish, school, family. Yes, a real possibility.
Here is a Cardinal Newman quote from the 1800s: "Thank God I live in a day when the enemy is outside the Church, and I know where he is and what he is up to. But I foresee a day when the enemy will be both outside and inside the Church...and …More
Kenjiro, the thought of a schism is frightening. A schism would cut through every diocese, religious order, parish, school, family. Yes, a real possibility.

Here is a Cardinal Newman quote from the 1800s: "Thank God I live in a day when the enemy is outside the Church, and I know where he is and what he is up to. But I foresee a day when the enemy will be both outside and inside the Church...and I pray now for the poor faithful who will be caught in the crossfire."
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@P. O'B -Yes, barring an unforseen event which I know millions of Catholics anticipate-Bergoglio's demise- I think we're heading for a schism because of Pope Francis' agenda and his "Synod", if it produces evil results....which it may. Some people who I label as papalotrists (rather than a real nasty name which they deserve but which I won't mention), who tell us all we can do is pray and stay …More
@P. O'B -Yes, barring an unforseen event which I know millions of Catholics anticipate-Bergoglio's demise- I think we're heading for a schism because of Pope Francis' agenda and his "Synod", if it produces evil results....which it may. Some people who I label as papalotrists (rather than a real nasty name which they deserve but which I won't mention), who tell us all we can do is pray and stay faithful to the "Holy Father". Right and good if we had a "Holy Father", but we don't. We have someone who is almost definitly an anti-Pope because of his election fraud which has good evidence, and possibly even the anti-Christ leading the whole Church into error and mortal sin. So therefore, the split wold be between the faithful (i.e. traditional Catholics) who have maintained our traditions, devotions, and the Roman Rite Latin Mass.....and even those who support a reverent and orthodox Novus Ordo, and on the other hand, Bergoglio and his army of homos, perverts, climat-change enthusiasts, migrant lovers, and dissident radical liberals in favor of married priests,women priests, gay marriage, TRANS, etc. etc.
One side, the traditional side (which believe it or not is far larger), should in that event group all traditional movements,Orders,associations of faithful Catholics-including sede-vacantists and re-establish/rebuild a substitute Rome (a copy of original Rome and the Vatican), and chose a new (hopefully temporary) substitute Pope who will lead the True Catholic Faith and faithful. This is the only branch of the Church that will flourish in this schism.....the Bergoglian radical liberal branch will die out quickly. When it does, the faithul Catholics can re-take the original holy city of Rome, the Vatican, and install a true Pope.
My post might sound far-fetched, but there is already talk among traditional Catholic groups of doing exactly this....building an entire new Rome. And it isn't impossible, because a beautiful new city in Guatamala was built afew years ago form scratch....a classical city (not one of sky-scrapers and ugly sprawl). But re-establishing a new Rome and new St.Peter's and Vatican might be indeed necessary to preserve and defend the True Faith against the apostacy of the "Synodal church".
Praying is all well and good, but we might have to re-build from the ground up.....but hopefully it won't be necessary.
Bergoglio cleared his throat and coughed his way thru his General Audience this morning afew times....so maybe he's heading back to somewhere other than Mongolia in the next few days. 😂🤪