ADDRESS ON WORLD POPULATION CONTROL AT THE UN BY DAVID ROCKEFELLER IN 1994 - With Spanish Subtitles - In 1994, during the annual meeting of UN ambassadors, the late multi-billionaire, head of the world's …More
ADDRESS ON WORLD POPULATION CONTROL AT THE UN BY DAVID ROCKEFELLER IN 1994 - With Spanish Subtitles - In 1994, during the annual meeting of UN ambassadors, the late multi-billionaire, head of the world's foremost pioneering oil dynasty (and UN ambassador) David Rockefeller, was honored and delivered a speech on the need for a Coordinated Population Reduction as a measure of a process to reduce the effect on the environment, for the protection of the planet's resources, such as energy and water. Mentioned by Rockefeller, this process of coordinated measures between governments of the world would have been agreed to begin in 1992, during the UN Program of Action in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, under the name of Agenda 21.

The UN Project XXI is a United Nations (UN) agreement to promote sustainable development, approved at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), which met in Rio de Janeiro on 3 as of June 14, 1992. This agreement was signed together with the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development and the Declaration of Principles Relating to Forests. The Program is a detailed plan of actions that must be undertaken at the global, national and local levels, by UN entities, the governments of their member states and by particular main groups in all areas in which human impacts occur on the environment. environment.

As their 1994 wishes could not be fulfilled, in 2019/20 they implemented the "plandemic", with "universal vaccination" to achieve their eugenic goals of reducing the world population, in combination with the electromagnetic waves of 5G technology and the massive inoculation of graphene oxide in "vaccines", in "medicines" and even in "food". But don't worry, they are "good people", very "philanthropic", who just want to "take care of us" ...

Sources: DISCURSO SOBRE CONTROL DE LA POBLACIÓN MUNDIAL EN LA ONU POR DAVID ROC… - youtube.com/watch?v=C0xQUxxyYi8 - centro-de-estudios-sanbenito.blogspot.com/2021/09/discurso-control-y-reduccion-de-la.html

For more information: 1. Questioning the official account - 2. One year of Global Health Tyranny. - 3. Brutal Health Totalitarianism. - 4. Six months of Global Health Tyranny - 5. Pandemic and Simulation Games: Preparation for a New Era? - Paul Schreyer. - 6. The shocking truth about Covid19: Discover how superrich criminals hav… - 7. Proof that the pandemic was planned with a purpose. - 8. Gates health empire, Luciferase, and Patent WO-2020-060606 - 9. German Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich Sues The World Over Coronavirus. Patric… - 10. New Normal: Pandemic Police State. All of the politicians and medical …

Para más información: 1. "Dieciocho meses de Tiranía Sanitaria Mundial" - Miles Christi - 15/09… - 2. La triple mentira plandémica. - 3. Boletín informativo VII. - 4. La verdad sobre la "pandemia". - 5. "Cronología Target Covid-19" - Realizado por: Junta Argentina de Revis… - 6. Miles Christi 2020-2021: Una selección temática. - 7. "Estudio de la pandemia: análisis científico independiente" - Sergio P… - 8. Vacuna Covid: Crimen Contra la Humanidad. - 9. Lo que nos ocultan sobre las "vacunas" covid. Algunos dicen que si, de… - 10. Boletín informativo VIII.

Pour plus d'information: 1. Un an de Tyrannie Sanitaire Mondiale. - 2. Totalitarisme Sanitaire Brutal. - 3. Tyrannie Sanitaire Mondiale - 4. Radio-Québec - Nuremberg 2.0, les procès COVID commencent. - 5. L’étau se resserre sur la clique de Davos - 6. Le Docteur Louis Fouché explique pourquoi il ne se fera pas vacciner -… - 7. La fraude du test PCR et de la "pandémie" de covid - Dossier préparé par Germán Sarlangue. - 8. VACCINATION COVID-19, LE CRIME PARFAIT - 9. HOLD-UP - Retour sur un chaos - 2è version. - 10. MANIGANCE-19: La vidéo qui dénonce la grande manipulation COVID-19 - 11. Le "vaccin" covid, est-il sûr? Rien n'est moins sûr... - Voir aussi: 1… - 12. La laïcité contre Dieu, l'Église et la France - 13. La doctrine de l’âme chez Saint Thomas d’Aquin - Miles Christi.
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Facts Not Lies
What appears to be planned is to halt progress where we are so the survivors can wallow in wealth. I do not see a like representation of Transhumanism based on this description.
ranshumanism is a class of philosophies of life that seek the continuation and acceleration of the evolution of intelligent life beyond its currently human form and human limitations by means of …More
What appears to be planned is to halt progress where we are so the survivors can wallow in wealth. I do not see a like representation of Transhumanism based on this description.


ranshumanism is a class of philosophies of life that seek the continuation and acceleration of the evolution of intelligent life beyond its currently human form and human limitations by means of science and technology, guided by life-promoting principles and values.