
Francis' Bitch for the CDF: Quotes From Fernández' “Art of Kissing”

Francis’ New Prefect of the "Doctrine of Faith", La Plata Archbishop Víctor Manuel Fernández, Argentina, published his book Heal Me With Your Mouth. The Art of Kissing (1995) including lascivious poetry and perverse thinking. Some quotes from a bizarre mind.

"Come down my dear
before you awaken
someone desperate
with a terrible hickey.

How was God
so cruel
as to give you that mouth…
There is no one who resists me,
hide it


That’s why you don’t ask
that it happens to my mouth.
Kill me already
with your next kiss,
bleed me to death,
Give me back my peace
without mercy."

"Many prostitutes lend themselves to all kinds of sex play, but they do not let themselves be kissed by anyone."

"What I like the most is the kiss of peace at Mass. That was the first kiss with the hottie I have now."

"I love covering the whole of the other’s lips with tiny kisses."

"I love kissing his fingertips. It gets more affectionate than anything else."

"I once went crazy with the pleasure I was given from being kissed on the eyes. But I didn’t say this because it’s going to leave me blind."

"Kissing on the ear is very arousing, and it intimidates the men."

"The penetrating kiss is when you suck and slurp with the lips. The penetrating kiss is when you stick in your tongue. Watch out for teeth."

"My boyfriend gets a hard mouth when he kisses me. He hasn’t yet learned how to loosen his lips. Lovely!"

"On the other hand, the one who kisses well experiences that his life is saved in every kiss, as if in each kiss he were entering into a holy place, of pure life, of redeeming grace."


DefendTruth shares this
When Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernández was in his early 30s, he was writing "Heal Me With Your Mouth: The Art of Kissing" (1995).
Joseph Ratzinger, at age 28, wrote "The People and House of God as Presented in Augustine's Doctrine of the Church".
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
One (Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI) was a theological genius, the other (Fernandez) is a filthy low-life pervert and probably homosexual who is theological illiterate (he doesn't know theology from pop-psychology) as well as spiritually bankrupt.
Bonnie Louise
Bergoglio can no longer hide his true nature. When they tell you who they are, believe them. Our job is to resist.
Birds of a feather flock together. Vultures feeding on their carrion church.
Sally Dorman shares this
Specialises in eroticism
The eyes are the window to the soul and the words just verified it. Something disturbing. Holy Spirit guides us. Amen. Trying not to state the obvious….
la verdad prevalece
The formation of the Lavender Mafia:
Describing the formation of homosexual cliques of clergy Fr. Oko says:
They know well, however, that they may be exposed and embarrassed, so they shield one another by offering mutual support. They build informal relationships reminding of a clique or even mafia, aim at holding particularly those positions which offer power and money.
When they achieve a decision …
The formation of the Lavender Mafia:
Describing the formation of homosexual cliques of clergy Fr. Oko says:

They know well, however, that they may be exposed and embarrassed, so they shield one another by offering mutual support. They build informal relationships reminding of a clique or even mafia, aim at holding particularly those positions which offer power and money.
When they achieve a decision-making position, they try to promote and advance mostly those whose nature is similar to theirs, or at least who are known to be too weak to oppose them.

Fr. Oko said, "Just like in the military, in the police, in the art world, once a person with homosexual tendencies gets into power, usually their subordinates are also homosexuals, therefore they start creating a pyramid, and the same thing is happening in the Church with these bishops who knowingly nominate people with the same tendencies."
His is the Kiss of DEATH ☠️
Fernanda Dellucci shares this
"How was God so cruel as to give you that mouth… There is no one who resists me, bitch, hide it"
The new Prefect will do a fine job in his roll for Newchurch.
Hound of Heaven
I suspect the kiss-obsessed archbishop's clerical garb is purple to go with his prose. Talk about laying it on thick with a trowel!
Opera 369
Obviously that "art of kissing" ...has not helped either one of them in the picture. Look at their crosses....masonic challenge to the Catholics who want to 'obey' that PachaJorge...is a pope!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
These recent shocking promotions/appointments will come back in a tidal wave of protest to torture and haunt Francis and cause his already fragile health to totally collapse before his longed for "Synod" even starts. 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🤪
Windmill Lane
Don’t be naive. Nothing will happen. Nothing to see here…
Windmill Lane
Kenjiro, I see that you have been taken into the cult of personality around Bishop Strickland. Did you know he is on record for loving and promoting Amoris Laetitia? That encyclical opens the door to sodomy. It is rank heresy and a danger to souls. Bishop Strickland made a grave error. He must recant.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
That was 10 years ago. I think he's seen Pope Francis for what he really is now.....otherwise, like so many other "bishops" and "cardinals" he would be like them and say nothing. 😉
Jan Joseph
Hoe gek kun je zijn.
They must be insane. How can they betray Our Lord so senselessly? Francis is aware that the Eucharist is real because it was within his Diocese that the incredible Eucharistic Miracle of Buenos Aires took place. So is he evil - someone who knows full well the Truth but hates Our Lord ?
I can only say - the two pictured above, - neither of them are young men - soon will come their Judgement. Then …More
They must be insane. How can they betray Our Lord so senselessly? Francis is aware that the Eucharist is real because it was within his Diocese that the incredible Eucharistic Miracle of Buenos Aires took place. So is he evil - someone who knows full well the Truth but hates Our Lord ?
I can only say - the two pictured above, - neither of them are young men - soon will come their Judgement. Then there will be an eternity of regret. Poor pitiable souls. What a foul future will eternally be theirs for such senseless, wilful, disobedience.
De Profundis
"neither of them are young men"
Arthur McGowan
...neither of them is a young man...
Louis IX
Francis does not look well in that picture.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
He isn't well. THat picture was only a few days ago. He looked the same was at the Feast of SS. Peter and Paul. This latest appointment is purposefully evil and sick. And anyone who would write such verses is insane. Filth....almost porno. Francis is an apostate and heretic, and is trying to destroy as much of the Church as he can. Fortunatly, his time is fast running out. Watch him. He's going to …More
He isn't well. THat picture was only a few days ago. He looked the same was at the Feast of SS. Peter and Paul. This latest appointment is purposefully evil and sick. And anyone who would write such verses is insane. Filth....almost porno. Francis is an apostate and heretic, and is trying to destroy as much of the Church as he can. Fortunatly, his time is fast running out. Watch him. He's going to make as many terrible appointments like this as he can before he dies, so that it will be difficult for a new Pope to clean up the filth when he is gone.
I doubt if these spineless, worthless Cardinals or bishops, except for a few, will do anything to stop Bergoglio.
It is the job of us, the laity, to bring him and his homo appointments down. Mount protests, plaster Rome with anti-Francis posters calling him an apostate and heretic, place posters denouncing Francis and al his appointments, Gambetti and the rest. Place posters denouncing the sin of homosexuality. Place these posters all over Rome and elsewhere. And not just 10-20 posters, but thousands....in every Church, on every corner.
Let's bring the filthy perverts down and out.
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Yes, I agree, BUT don't forget that Christ can convert anybody He wishes.
As Romans 1 tells us, the fact that people become spiritually blind to the fact that they are in grave error is the Lord's punishment for their wilful, unconfessed sins. Sometimes we may have the grace withdrawn from us so we are UNABLE to judge that we are even offending Him and therefore are not able …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Yes, I agree, BUT don't forget that Christ can convert anybody He wishes.
As Romans 1 tells us, the fact that people become spiritually blind to the fact that they are in grave error is the Lord's punishment for their wilful, unconfessed sins. Sometimes we may have the grace withdrawn from us so we are UNABLE to judge that we are even offending Him and therefore are not able to repent before death and our souls remain unequivocally damned.
That is the ultimate punishment. The Holy Ghost allows us to be aware (through Grace) that we are sinning. Due to love we can yet turn around and seek absolution & return to the straight and narrow way. Yet, according to Romans 1, there IS a spiritual chastisement wherein God withdraws that Grace as punishment and allows spiritual blindness to blinker us to our grave error, - to the degree that we fail to see our state of sin and die unrepentant without gaining final absolution.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Caroline03 -"Yes, I agree, BUT don't forget that Christ can convert anybody He wishes." That is pious, wishful thinking, but not useful in this situation. Like I said, faithful Catholics just sitting alone at home, or sitting alone in Church or n tiny groups praying for Francis "conversion" or for better appointments and better times is ridiculous, and a waste of time in his case. I believe in …More
@Caroline03 -"Yes, I agree, BUT don't forget that Christ can convert anybody He wishes." That is pious, wishful thinking, but not useful in this situation. Like I said, faithful Catholics just sitting alone at home, or sitting alone in Church or n tiny groups praying for Francis "conversion" or for better appointments and better times is ridiculous, and a waste of time in his case. I believe in prayer too, but also in protest and action. I believe courageous people like Bishop Strickland are right....unless he caves in to Francis and his agenda. I believe in Archbishop Vigano too. And I believe in the SSPX, and all sede-vacantist groups which have validly consecrated bishops. THey are Catholic. Francis is not. Francis is an apostate and heretic. He may well be the anti-Pope heretic St.Francis of Assisi foretold 800 years ago.
Benedict XVI is also guilty in all this. He should not have quit. He was a coward to have done so. And he was also a coward not to condemn all of Francis actions...his canceling the LAtin Mass, his Synod, etc.
JPII is also guilty, because he promoted all these people in the first place and gave them positions of authority.
The last REAL Catholic Pope was Pius XII. All the Popes infected with Vatican II, especially Francis, are highly questionable and suspect.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hi!! Kenjiro....I hope you had great yesterday....I am really happy to see your great opinion..always learning a lot!! I told you... Bergoglio had much huge apostasy!!! I heard..and found information....about Archbishop Víctor Manuel Fernández..he is a so terrible man...so wrong man...he against to Pope John Paul II, Benedict XVI....against to their effort...this horrible man …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hi!! Kenjiro....I hope you had great yesterday....I am really happy to see your great opinion..always learning a lot!! I told you... Bergoglio had much huge apostasy!!! I heard..and found information....about Archbishop Víctor Manuel Fernández..he is a so terrible man...so wrong man...he against to Pope John Paul II, Benedict XVI....against to their effort...this horrible man support to all Wrong Ideologies...LGBT, indiscrimination Abortion!!!!! ah...I can't explain my feeling now...so so huge shock...I think all Orthodox Catholic People, and all Orthodox Christian People are same...I am sure!!!! we much, much saying about Bergoglio's Truth!!! we don't need anymore pray for Pope Francis!!! can't pray to his repentance!!! don't need it....we must saying about Tyrant's Abdication of Bergoglio!!!! even though have many problems...but, but Pope John XXIII, Pope Paul VI.....they don't promote to LGBT, Indiscrimination Abortion!!! I am sure...Bergoglio worst than any Second Vatican Council Pope!!!!! if, if Bergoglio's time much longer...we have huge damage...I can't think it....if Lord dose not send to Orthodox Pope..fast time..I will going to Underground Church....I am sure..you and John will join Underground Church too....much thinking about Eminence Cardinal Ottaviani's Prayer...even though I have many sins..so many fault..but really hope Loyalty to our Lord Jesus Christ...Japan's Martyrs, Netherland and Korean Martyrs...all great Martyrs Saints..pray for us too....really sorrow day!! this appoint means...Bergoglio support to wrong German Synodal way...Belgium Synodal way....and he will must spread this wrong Ideologies all World Catholic Church....so much terrible.....please help to us..Lord....I strong Support to your great opinion....if, if I will see praise to Bergoglio, pray for Bergoglio, pray for Bergoglio's Repentance..I will have huge angry to them....don't need this prayer..So stupid Prayer!!!! if, if Bergoglio will have another New Cardinals...I don't want it too....and really hope..he can't going to Portugal, Mongolia, France....many talking sorry....Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day...always really happy..hear about your great opinion!! little fast..but Happy July 4th, Independence day soon too^^
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Clement Jaeho Chung -Hi Clement! Thank you for your good post, and good wishes for July 4th. I am having a large family party. It will be fun. I hope good Catholics in Argentina and elsewhere who know all about this evil "Tucho" Fernandez expose him for the pervert heretic freak that he is and force him to resign before he even gets into office.
I used to respect the Sacred College of Cardinals, …More
@Clement Jaeho Chung -Hi Clement! Thank you for your good post, and good wishes for July 4th. I am having a large family party. It will be fun. I hope good Catholics in Argentina and elsewhere who know all about this evil "Tucho" Fernandez expose him for the pervert heretic freak that he is and force him to resign before he even gets into office.
I used to respect the Sacred College of Cardinals, but because none of them have spoken up against Pope Francis in this affair, since none have condemn him, I have no respect for any of the Cardinals....except for the 5-6 who have condemned Francis (Burke, MUller, and the late, great CArdinal Pell). The ceath of Cardinal Pell I think is very suspicious. I would not be surprised if Pope Francis ordered it.
Pope Francis runs the Church like a Mafia Godfather would. He is no pope. He is an apostate and heretic, and homo lover. And so are ALL his appointees. I am sure 98% of them are active homosexuals.....including Fernandez.🤪
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori thanks for answer to me!! my great Online Friend, Online Brother..Kenjiro....you will have Party..so nice...jajajaja....and I strongly support, understand your feeling...yes...I know Some Cardinals Persnally effort protect to our Orthodox teachings, tell the Truth....but this time...not enough!!! you tell strong Truth...all Orthodox Cardinals, Bishops must saying against to …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori thanks for answer to me!! my great Online Friend, Online Brother..Kenjiro....you will have Party..so nice...jajajaja....and I strongly support, understand your feeling...yes...I know Some Cardinals Persnally effort protect to our Orthodox teachings, tell the Truth....but this time...not enough!!! you tell strong Truth...all Orthodox Cardinals, Bishops must saying against to this horrible Appoint!! so small members are saying about it...and most are very silence...so horrible....yes...we don't need pray for Pope Francis!! his Repentance...it's so stupid Prayer!! instead...we must pray to the Lord..please send us to Real Pope, Orthodox Pope..Fast time...I think...maybe you agree with me...I am sure...Bergoglio appointed to Archbishop Víctor Manuel Fernández leading to Doctrine of Faith....it's means he support to wrong German Synod!!! and he want this wrong synod spread to all World Catholic Church...specially all Orthodox Area..lime many African Church, some Asian Church, Some Latin America Church...many Eastern Europe Church..all Orthodox area..so much angry....one more tell....if Lord dose not send to Orthodox Pope..fast time..I will going to Underground Church....I am sure..you and John will join Underground Church too....much thinking about Eminence Cardinal Ottaviani's Prayer...even though I have many sins..so many fault..but really hope Loyalty to our Lord Jesus Christ...Japan's Martyrs, Netherland and Korean Martyrs...all great Martyrs Saints..pray for us too....much, much hope.....this horrible crazy old man can't going to Portugal, Mongolia, France....many talking sorry....Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day...always really happy..hear about your great opinion!! one more Happy July 4th week, happy Independence day soon too^^ Kenjiro....
Windmill Lane
Bishop Strickland PROMOTES AND ADMIRES Amoris Laetitia. Go back and read his fawning over that heresy. Amoris Laetitia opens the door to sodomy. Even Bishop Strickland had been had by Francis.
Is this very evil or just very sick? Evil I am guessing!
Mary 17
The modernists version of the Song of Solomon
They are a vile bunch
@Mary 17 A pervert's Parody.
Thank you everyone for posting. You explained my feelings, very well…