
Millions March in Uganda for the Martyrs, Victims of Homosexual Lust

A massive crowd of four million people (Fides.org) participated in the celebration of the feast of St Charles Lwanga and his companions on June 3rd at their sanctuary in Namugongo, Uganda (EWTN.com …More
A massive crowd of four million people (Fides.org) participated in the celebration of the feast of St Charles Lwanga and his companions on June 3rd at their sanctuary in Namugongo, Uganda (EWTN.com videos below).
The shrine is about 20 km from the capital, Kampala. Francis sent no Apostolic Delegate for this huge event. The celebration marked 60 years since Paul VI canonised a total of 22 Catholics killed between 1885 and 1887 on the orders of King Mwanga II of Buganda.
Mwanga II had fallen into homosexual sins and wanted to force Charles Lwanga and his companions to participate in homosexual lust, but they preferred to die. Many of the pilgrims had walked for days and weeks to get to the event.
They came from Botswana, South Africa, Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of Congo and other African countries.
Speaking at the march, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni said: "People who talk about the issue of homosexuals don't know that Uganda is a land of martyrs. If you want to play with Uganda …More
Liturgical solvent of faith

Liturgical life of the Germans is stranger than many may think

Liturgical life of the Germans is stranger than many may think Liturgical designers at work The free-handed handling of the liturgical order …
Ivan Tomas
The word "stranger" should be trandlated in to "anti-Catholic", which in fact means, - anti-Christian, which actually means...More
The word "stranger" should be trandlated in to "anti-Catholic",
which in fact means, - anti-Christian, which actually means...
Carlus shares this
Liturgical solvent of faith Die DBK und ihr Führer Bätzing der angebliche Bischof vom Bistum Limburg ist eine Versammlung von Häretikern. Sie sind …More
Liturgical solvent of faith
Die DBK und ihr Führer Bätzing der angebliche Bischof vom Bistum Limburg ist eine Versammlung von Häretikern. Sie sind die von Bergoglio vorgeschobene Gruppe um umzusetzen, was später in der Nachäfferkirche Besetzter Raum zur Gültigkeit wird.
Unter Führung von Lehmann und Kasper, waren sie die Gruppe die einen großen Anteil am Ämterraub von Bergoglio haben und hatten.
Im Jahre 2013 erklärte Bergoglio er setzt nur das um, was seine angeblichen Wähler (Auftraggeber) von ihm erwarten.
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Media Smears Fail To Deflate Farmers at Brussels Rally

A Dutch-led effort to take the plight of European farmers to the door of EU lawmakers saw over a thousand farmers and their tractors gather in the …
WATCH: ‘It’s Not Enough’ – Parents, Advocates Demand More from Cleveland Diocese after Resignation of Pastor

WATCH: ‘It’s Not Enough’ – Parents, Advocates Demand More from Cleveland Diocese after Resignation …

There are calls for more action from the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland after a News 5 Investigation…
Jeffrey Ade shares from Maria coredemptrix
The Holy, Roman, Catholic, and Apostolic Church is ever vibrant and ever bringing forth new life! Ever Virgin, ever Pure, and ever bringing forth new life! God bless you! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Taking of the Habit and Perpetual Vows of SSPX Sisters - 2024 District of the USA

Pride is a sin

Ontario's Catholic schools have been colonized by the sin of pride for the month of June. The latest messagefrom Archbishop of Toronto Francis Leo tells the faithful to honour this month …

Anti-Christian Walmart joins rebellion against God's laws to promote children sodomy

Calls for Boycott After Walmart Places Pride Merchandise in the Toy SectionMore
Calls for Boycott After Walmart Places Pride Merchandise in the Toy Section
E A O'Hora
every major corporation is on board
Sean Johnson
Perhaps I’ll bring a small parcel of dog poop from the backyard to intersperse amongst the displays, to help them come to life 😉
Mavros Gatos
MTG Annihilates ‘Evil’ Fauci during Covid Hearing: ‘You Belong in Prison’ for ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ MTG Annihilates 'Evil' Fauci during Covid Hearing: 'You Belong in Prison' for 'Crimes Against …More
MTG Annihilates ‘Evil’ Fauci during Covid Hearing: ‘You Belong in Prison’ for ‘Crimes Against Humanity’
MTG Annihilates 'Evil' Fauci during Covid Hearing: 'You Belong in Prison' for 'Crimes Against Humanity' - Slay News
Pope made homophobic & misogynist remarks?: Last week in the Church with John Allen Jr. In this episode: Pope made homophobic & misogynist remarks? Vatican balks at Ukraine using NATO weapons Italy’s …More
Pope made homophobic & misogynist remarks?: Last week in the Church with John Allen Jr.
In this episode: Pope made homophobic & misogynist remarks?
Vatican balks at Ukraine using NATO weapons
Italy’s PM tells bishops to back off of constitutional reform
U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See stepping down
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Nun Who Founded Rosary Hill Home On Path to Sainthood She looked after the sick who suffered alone. At the turn of the century, Rose Hawthorne, later known as Mother Mary Alphonsa, cared for people with …More
Nun Who Founded Rosary Hill Home On Path to Sainthood
She looked after the sick who suffered alone. At the turn of the century, Rose Hawthorne, later known as Mother Mary Alphonsa, cared for people with cancer living on the Lower East side, but she didn't stop there. She founded a home that still continues her legacy to this day and now she's on her way to sainthood.
Ipsa conteret
A great conversation on the relationship of Fatima and Garabandal - and the fact that the real contents of the 3rd Secret have not been revealed - nor has the consecration of Russia to Our Lady's …More
A great conversation on the relationship of Fatima and Garabandal - and the fact that the real contents of the 3rd Secret have not been revealed - nor has the consecration of Russia to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart really taken place.

Prepping guide: Salting meat for long-term preservation – NaturalNews.com

There are many food preservation methods, but one traditional method that has stood the test of time is Prepper.life) Salting …

‘So many have died’: Former Japanese minister apologizes for COVID jab-linked deaths - LifeSite

TOKYO (The Remnant) — On May 31, thousands gathered in Tokyo, Japan, to participate in what organizers have …
Carlus shares this
rafaportal shares from rafaportal
THE ATTACK OF SOCIAL NETWORKS * Mothers and daughters have been invited to talk about Social Media *The girls have been asked to scroll * Most parents underestimate how destructive and toxic advice on …More
* Mothers and daughters have been invited to talk about Social Media
*The girls have been asked to scroll
* Most parents underestimate how destructive and toxic advice on Social media can be
* Toxic advice has become a normality for our girls
* Face mapping was done using AI to get Mothers to talk by giving toxic advice
* You wouldn't tell that to your daughter but they hear it every day on the internet
DER ANGRIFF DER SOZIALEN NETZWERKE * Mütter und Töchter wurden eingeladen, über soziale Medien zu sprechen * Die Mädchen wurden gebeten zu scrollen * Die meisten Eltern unterschätzen, wie destruktiv …More
* Mütter und Töchter wurden eingeladen, über soziale Medien zu sprechen
* Die Mädchen wurden gebeten zu scrollen
* Die meisten Eltern unterschätzen, wie destruktiv und toxisch Ratschläge in sozialen Medien sein können
* Toxische Beratung ist für unsere Mädchen zur Normalität geworden
* Die Gesichtszuordnung wurde mithilfe von KI durchgeführt, um Mütter zum Sprechen zu bringen, indem sie toxische Ratschläge gaben
* Das würdest du deiner Tochter nicht erzählen, aber sie hört es jeden Tag im Internet

Francis Believes Our Lady “Unites” Christians and Muslims

During his visit to the Montorio prison in Verona on 18 May, Francis claimed that "the figure of Mary is a figure common to both Christianity and Islam". He added of Our Lady that "she unites us all"…More
During his visit to the Montorio prison in Verona on 18 May, Francis claimed that "the figure of Mary is a figure common to both Christianity and Islam".
He added of Our Lady that "she unites us all", which is not true since Islam denies that Our Lady is the Mother of God.
Raymond Ibrahim points out on LifeSiteNews.com (31 May) that the Vatican is trying to convince "Catholics" through conferences or publications that Islam is a "sister faith". To do this, it recasts biblical figures with entirely different, anti-biblical attributes.
For example, Islam presents the Virgin Mary as "married" to Muhammad in paradise. In a hadith included in the corpus of the famous Ibn Kathir (1300-1373), Muhammad declared that "Allah will marry me to Mary in Paradise".
Saint Eulogius of Cordoba, a bishop and martyr in Muslim-occupied Spain, wrote: "I will not repeat the sacrilege which that impure dog [Muhammad] dared to utter about the Blessed Virgin, Queen of the World, Holy Mother of our venerable Lord …More
I'm no fan of divisive characterizations. Reverence for The Blessed Mother IS a bridge by which to evangelize the pagan Muhammadans. Consider the …More
I'm no fan of divisive characterizations.
Reverence for The Blessed Mother IS a bridge by which to evangelize the pagan Muhammadans.
Consider the weight of the miracles of the sun wrought in conjunction with Our Lady of Fatima, "Fatima" of course being the revered (by them) name of Muhammad's daughter.
Naomi Arai
Yeah, Mohammad -the murderer, thief, liar, rapist, and child molester-most likely in hell- is not the greatest man who ever lived. No, we have very …More
Yeah, Mohammad -the murderer, thief, liar, rapist, and child molester-most likely in hell- is not the greatest man who ever lived. No, we have very little whatever in common with Islam, except what little they stole from us. Mohammad and his buddies USED our religion to subjugate people in conquest.
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Francis Writes to Homosexual Ex-Seminarian: "Continue Your Vocation"

Francis wrote a handwritten letter on 1 June to Lorenzo Michele Noè Caruso, 22, a history student from Florence who was expelled from the seminary of the diocese of La Spezia after revealing his …More
Francis wrote a handwritten letter on 1 June to Lorenzo Michele Noè Caruso, 22, a history student from Florence who was expelled from the seminary of the diocese of La Spezia after revealing his homosexual temptations with which he identifies.
After Francis reportedly complained on 20 May about too many homosexual clerics and the need to expel even half-homosexual, effeminate men from the seminary, Caruso told his story to IlMessaggero.it (29 May).
He also wrote a letter to Francis, who replied immediately. On Saturday, Francis wrote to Caruso:
"Do you know that clericalism is a plague? It is an ugly worldliness and, as a great theologian says, 'worldliness is the worst thing that can happen to the Church, even worse than the time of the concubine Popes'. Jesus calls everyone, everyone. Some people think that the Church is a customs office [where everybody is checked] and that is bad. The Church must be open to everyone. Brother, continue with your vocation".
Caruso called Francis' …More
Jorge is a nut job, period!
Wilma Lopez shares this
Pope “writes to gay man rejected by seminary” 🇻🇦
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Expelled Carmelite Nun Founds Autonomous Monastery

Sister Loretta-Maria has founded an "autonomous" Carmelite convent in Florida, independent of any diocese. The structure will be a purely private institution, a lay association of women living with …More
Sister Loretta-Maria has founded an "autonomous" Carmelite convent in Florida, independent of any diocese.
The structure will be a purely private institution, a lay association of women living with private vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.
Sister Loretta-Maria was one of a handful of Carmelite nuns who lived for six years at the Carmelite convent in Savannah, Georgia. The monastery was closed by the Carmelites in late 2022, in accordance with the Vatican instruction "Cor Orans" issued in April 2018.
Bishop Athanasius Schneider supports the project and has sent a letter with his blessing, writing: "The desire of the sisters is to serve the Holy Roman Catholic Church as an autonomous monastic community for the greater glory of God, the salvation of souls and the preservation of the Traditional Latin Mass."
And: "May the blessing of the Almighty God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, descend upon this work and remain forever!"
The convent will begin with the construction of …More
Bruceph Mildur
In the Grand Traditiion of St. John the Baptist.
Sandy Barrett

Mexico's woke new president Claudia Sheinbaum is strongly pro-abortion and pro-LGBT - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Claudia Sheinbaum, who pitched herself as a successor to Mexico’s outgoing leftist president …
Naomi Arai
Thanks to the Cartels…
Sean Johnson
From a comment under the article at LSN which bears reflection: “ Mexico had a Jewish head of State in Mexico in the 1920s when Plutarco Elias Calles …More
From a comment under the article at LSN which bears reflection:
“ Mexico had a Jewish head of State in Mexico in the 1920s when Plutarco Elias Calles was in power. His ancestors were Sephardic Jews from Spain. And he was also a FreeMason. Calles instigated the Mexican Civil War through laws that secularized society, and persecuted the Catholic Church. So many Cristeros died for their faith. Including Jose Sanchez del Rio. This 15 year old boy wanted to die for Christ. But First he was tortured. The US supported the regime and indirectly had financial interests in the Persecution.”
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Homosexual Activist Bergoglio Writes Another Preface

Francis has written the preface (published on VaticanNews.va and AmericaMagazine.org, 3 June) to "Lazarus, Come Forth!", a book by the notorious homosexual activist James Martin who happens to be a …More
Francis has written the preface (published on VaticanNews.va and AmericaMagazine.org, 3 June) to "Lazarus, Come Forth!", a book by the notorious homosexual activist James Martin who happens to be a Jesuit.
The foreword is pure sycophancy.
It begins by saying that Francis is "very grateful to Father James Martin, whose other writings I also know and appreciate".
Pope Francis adds that "there are many reasons to thank him, closely related to the way 'Come Forth' unfolds. It's always fascinating and never predictable".
"Father James makes the biblical text come alive" .
"Father James has the perspective of a man who has fallen in love with the Word of God".
"As we read James Martin's detailed analysis, we can practically feel the profound meaning of what Jesus is doing when he finds himself in front of a dead man who is really dead and whose body gives off a foul odour - a metaphor for the moral rot that sin produces in our souls".
It is the same moral rot that has contaminated the Vatican …More
Two hates of the Church of Christ. They actually think they can destroy His Church. LOL
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AÏE! Dr Peter McCullough, Pete Santilli Show, 23/05/2024, EXTRAITS
🐓💉Grippe Aviaire, Maladie X, Gain de Fonction et Vaccin ARNm Auto-Réplicatifs sous STÉROÏDES. ▪️Les vaccins à ARNm auto-réplicatifs contre la grippe …More
🐓💉Grippe Aviaire, Maladie X,
Gain de Fonction et Vaccin ARNm Auto-Réplicatifs sous STÉROÏDES.
▪️Les vaccins à ARNm auto-réplicatifs contre la grippe aviaire pour les humains sont déjà prêt.
Ils ont essayé de faire des recherches sur le gain de fonction par passage en série. ⏬⏬⏬ - CrowdBunker