Domenica 1 settembre "45esima edizione della Cavalcata di Satriano, con partenza da Nocera Umbra e arrivo ad Assisi, con la quale si ricorda l’ultimo viaggio di San Francesco che, quasi in fin di vita …अधिक
Domenica 1 settembre
"45esima edizione della Cavalcata di Satriano
, con partenza da Nocera Umbra e arrivo ad Assisi, con la quale si ricorda l’ultimo viaggio di San Francesco che, quasi in fin di vita, venne riportato da una delegazione di cavalieri da Bagnara nella sua città.
Così, ogni primo fine settimana di settembre, un numeroso gruppo di cavalieri ripercorre l’itinerario compiuto dal Poverello che per raggiungere Assisi passò per il villaggio di Satriano"
Wilma Lopez
Protestantism: The Youth Pastor and Senior Pastor at student camp.
Could have just as easily passed for a Catholic Novus Ordo mass somewhere.
1 अधिक कमेंट
31.1 हज़ार

The Spirit of Paul VI Is a False Spirit and, like All False Spirits, It Is Unconsciously Cruel

In 1970, the Belgian philosopher Marcel De Corte (+1994), who taught at the University of Liège, wrote a letter to the French publisher Jean Madiran (+2013) about the Novus Ordo - "I confess that for …अधिक
In 1970, the Belgian philosopher Marcel De Corte (+1994), who taught at the University of Liège, wrote a letter to the French publisher Jean Madiran (+2013) about the Novus Ordo
- "I confess that for a long time I was deceived by Paul VI. I thought he was trying to preserve the essential".
- But there is no example in history of a deceiver who does not eventually expose himself.
- "How dare Paul VI proclaim that there is no 'new Mass', that 'nothing has changed', that 'everything is as it was before', when nothing or almost nothing remains of the Mass that so many saints lovingly cherished?"
- De Corte reminds us that the "experts" appointed to work on the Novus Ordo have repeatedly described it as a "liturgical revolution".
- He quotes a woman who, after assisting at the first Novus Ordo, said: "There's nothing Catholic about it any more".
- During the Novus Ordo, De Corte writes, "I carefully cover my ears with wax. I hide at the back of the church behind a curtain, which I make …अधिक
For those who have never seen or heard this quote of the words of Paul VI on the last day of Vatican II - when he signed and promulgated the documents …अधिक
For those who have never seen or heard this quote of the words of Paul VI on the last day of Vatican II - when he signed and promulgated the documents of the Council - this is what he said to his long time friend, Jean Guitton, about the significance of signing the VII docs:
" I am about to blow the seven trumpets of the Apocalypse"
Paul VI and the trumpets of Apocalypse
One day, through the mercies of God and the will of Christ, a holy and zealous Pope will arise and, with the blazing fire of righteous indignation, …अधिक
One day, through the mercies of God and the will of Christ, a holy and zealous Pope will arise and, with the blazing fire of righteous indignation, declare and pronounce Paul VI's papacy as deeply and damningly heretical, and will abrogate and overturn all of his destructive works, in the thorough cleansing, sanctification and restoration of Holy Mother Church. May Heaven make it so.
1 अधिक कमेंट
Tom Jones

First enacted in 1873, the Comstock Act said that the U.S. Postal Service could not be used to send pornography, contraception,

Mary 17

Outrage as Vatican drops 'Before Christ' for 'Before Common Era' - Catholic Herald

Catholics have accused the Vatican of betraying Jesus by substituting the term “Before Christ” for “Before Common Era …
I always thought this was asinine. BCE, Before the Common Era is based on the same historical event and exact timeline i.e. the birth of Christ. Moreover …अधिक
I always thought this was asinine. BCE, Before the Common Era is based on the same historical event and exact timeline i.e. the birth of Christ. Moreover, no liberals in the Academy have ever been able to answer the question, what's common about the Common Era, and what was uncommon Before the Common Era?
Father Karl A Claver
The masons took over the Vatican a long time ago. I bet there are some in the Vatican who do not even believe in God.

Faith and prayer sustained him, says Ukrainian Catholic priest captured, tortured by Russia

Ukrainian Catholic Redemptorist Fathers Ivan Levitsky and Bohdan Geleta are seen in this undated photo posted to the website of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church June 28, 2024. According to the UGCC …अधिक
Ukrainian Catholic Redemptorist Fathers Ivan Levitsky and Bohdan Geleta are seen in this undated photo posted to the website of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church June 28, 2024. According to the UGCC, the images was taken while both priests were held in a Russian prison. The priests, captured by Russian forces from Berdyansk, Ukraine, in November 2022, were announced as freed by Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy June 28. (OSV News/Screen shot from UGCC website)
Faith, prayer and a transcendent hope in Christ sustained a Ukrainian Catholic priest amid more than a year and a half of Russian captivity and torture – and now, he is sharing his story to remind others that God “loves us and wants to save us.”
Redemptorist Father Bohdan Geleta reflected on his experiences in an hourlong interview with host Taras Babenchuk that aired Aug. 20 on Zhyve TV, the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church’s television channel.
In November 2022, Father Geleta and his fellow Redemptorist Father Ivan Levitsky …अधिक
Novena - Oremus
atholic men in Scotland lead the Rosary for the nation in the centre of the capital Edinburgh
That's what good Catholic men do.
31.1 हज़ार

Archbishop: "Danger of Schism in Rome, Already Completed in Germany"

Retired Archbishop André-Joseph Léonard, 84, of Mechelen-Brussel, Belgium, presided over a Eucharist on August 23 in the Sanctuary of Notre Dame du Laus. He had difficulties in walking, singing and …अधिक
Retired Archbishop André-Joseph Léonard, 84, of Mechelen-Brussel, Belgium, presided over a Eucharist on August 23 in the Sanctuary of Notre Dame du Laus. He had difficulties in walking, singing and speaking. Main points of the homily.
"Today there is a danger of schism. When I see how people interpret certain proposals of the Synod on Synodality… an eminently poetic expression, 'Synod on Synodality'... They're proposing all kinds of things. And in Germany, the schism is already there."
"In communities, or parishes, or dioceses, that are very faithful to the doctrine, very faithful to the teachings of John Paul II and Benedict XVI, vocations arise, and sometimes in very large numbers."
"Gender theory claims that being a man or a woman is something you decide for yourself. And it even goes so far as to say that teenagers can 'change' their sex, their gender. Several countries already allow this, even at a relatively young age, 15 or 16. And often, it's regretted afterwards, but it's …अधिक
His Excellency speaks the TRUTH, regardless of the occasion or whether or not proper liturgical forms were adhered to.
Billy F
God Bless true Bishops who speak the truth!!! It is as we are surrounded by what the French would have called Juror Priests during the 1789 devolution …अधिक
God Bless true Bishops who speak the truth!!! It is as we are surrounded by what the French would have called Juror Priests during the 1789 devolution. Many Modernist Juror ‘Priests’ among us!
1 अधिक कमेंट
Fred Alan Medforth

End of Free Speech and Political Persecution in Brazil – Allah's Willing Executioners

Dictatorship of the Robe: In Brazil, the judiciary is accused of repressing opponents. Freedom of speech has become …
San Michele Arcangelo
👆 *GUARDA QUESTI POCHI SECONDI..* Qui la mistica parla di una ragazzina di soli 15 anni..capiamo lo sfacelo che c'è oggi con queste mode, ideologie e relativistiche tendenze? Josefa Menéndez: la …अधिक
Qui la mistica parla di una ragazzina di soli 15 anni..capiamo lo sfacelo che c'è oggi con queste mode, ideologie e relativistiche tendenze?
Josefa Menéndez: la suora della Misericordia del Cuore di Gesù.
Oltre a questi momenti di intimità con Gesù e la Madonna, la suora visse anche situazioni sgradevoli e dolorose, soprattutto quando ebbe la visione dell’Inferno. Ella stessa subì i tormenti delle anime dannate: «Mi misero in una di quelle nicchie, dove sembravano stringermi con griglie roventi ed era come se mi passassero grossi aghi sul corpo, che mi bruciavano. Quello che non ha paragone con alcun tormento è però l’angoscia che prova l’anima vedendosi lontana da Dio». Quando si svegliava da queste visioni, continuava ad avere le vesti impregnate dell’odore dello zolfo e delle carni bruciate.
La suora accettò anche di partecipare alla Salvezza del prossimo attraverso l’accettazione della sofferenza. Non si tratta di sofferenze simboliche, ma di patimenti …अधिक
Saint Raymond {August 31} 📖 🎧 Short Lives of the Saints By E. C. Donnelly St Raymond, Confessor Page 271 Copyright (1910) Book Source: Short lives of the saints : Donnelly, Eleanor Cecelia, 1838-…अधिक
Saint Raymond {August 31} 📖 🎧
Short Lives of the Saints
By E. C. Donnelly
St Raymond, Confessor Page 271
Copyright (1910)
Book Source: Short lives of the saints : Donnelly, Eleanor Cecelia, 1838-1917 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Pierre Henri
Russia’s Lavrov Warns US That World War III Wouldn’t Be Confined to Europe

Russia’s Lavrov Warns US That World War III Wouldn’t Be Confined to Europe

VT Condemns the ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINIANS by USA/Israel Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of …

Anglican Priestess Simulates Service in Catholic Basilica

The Catholic St Vincent College in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, which belongs to the local Benedictines, "allowed" a group of Anglicans, including women, to simulate invalid Anglican services inside their …अधिक
The Catholic St Vincent College in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, which belongs to the local Benedictines, "allowed" a group of Anglicans, including women, to simulate invalid Anglican services inside their basilica and chapels.
They were representatives of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), a splinter group which broke away from mainstream Anglicanism in 2009 to protest homosexual "blessings" and female "bishops".
The gathering was their annual provincial assembly (June 25-28). It elected a new leader, layman Steve Wood, who holds the title of "archbishop". Wood is a supporter of women clergy.
A spokesman for the Diocese of Greensburg, Pennsylvania, told (August 30) that Bishop Larry Kulick, 58, had nothing to do with the event. The Benedictines of the St Vicent College did not respond to requests for comment.
Already in 2014, the Anglican group used the St Vincent College for its assembly.
In January, Francis "allowed" the English Anglican layman Justin Welby, who …अधिक
Drag show. Bergoglio's flunkies allow it in Rome too.
LARPing Anglo-Catholics.
4 अधिक कमेंटस्
Jeffrey Ade ने Jeffrey Ade से साझा किया
Please take a m0oment to read this and understand why we are rushing toward WWIII. Thank you!
The simple answer to what is happening regarding WWIII. Please don't be fooled or waste your time with non-Catholic resources! Ask questions if you don't understand! God bless you all! Our Lady of Fatima …अधिक
The simple answer to what is happening regarding WWIII. Please don't be fooled or waste your time with non-Catholic resources! Ask questions if you don't understand! God bless you all! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
1 पेज
"...And the multitudes, disillusioned with Christianity, without direction...will receive the true light...Lucifer." We must cling to the Sacred Heart …अधिक
"...And the multitudes, disillusioned with Christianity, without direction...will receive the true light...Lucifer." We must cling to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The demon is like a roaring lion...
All Saints

Catholics first

We’ve been enthusiastic supporters of Trump-Vance. We’ve argued that the threat of Kamala Harris – the most vile and aggressive enemy of everything we hold sacred – poses an existential …
Sandy Barrett
Elizabeth Lev on: Why are Vatican officials still promoting and defending alleged sexual abuser, artist and ex-Jesuit Marko Rupnik? And has Hollywood held itself to a higher standard than the Vatican?
I'd also like to know why EWTN is still promoting Liz Lev?? She is a notorious social climber in the Church who had an affair, birthed a child & later …अधिक
I'd also like to know why EWTN is still promoting Liz Lev?? She is a notorious social climber in the Church who had an affair, birthed a child & later married a celeb priest - all the while being feted as some kind of authority on Catholic culture! See: The Metastatic Cancer of Public Scandal: Mafiosa Grifter Liz Lev & Fr. Thomas Williams Rack Up YET ANOTHER Wrecked Priestly Vocation | Barnhardt
Edie Loughmiller
Can you post the link. I can't get this to play, even though it looks like it should work.
Fred Alan Medforth

Jewish man attacked in suspected hate crime in Switzerland – Allah's Willing Executioners

A 19-year-old ultra-Orthodox youth was attacked by two men of Middle Eastern descent in Sweden on Saturday. The …
This lady is a New Age lunatic nut job. She believes 9/11 was caused by the unleashing of "Free Energy." 9/11 was caused by a group of Islamic terrorists …अधिक
This lady is a New Age lunatic nut job. She believes 9/11 was caused by the unleashing of "Free Energy." 9/11 was caused by a group of Islamic terrorists orchestrated by Osama bin Laden.
1 अधिक कमेंट

Lo Spirito di Paolo VI è un falso spirito e, come tutti i falsi spiriti, è inconsapevolmente crudele.

Nel 1970, il filosofo belga Marcel De Corte (+1994), che insegnava all'Università di Liegi, scrisse una lettera all'editore francese Jean Madiran (+2013) riguardo al Novus Ordo - Confesso che per molto …अधिक
Nel 1970, il filosofo belga Marcel De Corte (+1994), che insegnava all'Università di Liegi, scrisse una lettera all'editore francese Jean Madiran (+2013) riguardo al Novus Ordo
- Confesso che per molto tempo sono stato ingannato da Paolo VI. Pensavo che stesse cercando di preservare l'essenziale".
- Ma non c'è esempio nella storia di un ingannatore che alla fine non si smaschera.
- "Come osa Paolo VI proclamare che non c'è una 'nuova Messa', che 'nulla è cambiato', che 'tutto è come prima', quando non rimane nulla o quasi della Messa che tanti santi amavano?".
- De Corte ci ricorda che gli 'esperti' incaricati di lavorare sul Novus Ordo lo hanno ripetutamente descritto come una 'rivoluzione liturgica'.
- Cita una donna che, dopo aver assistito al primo Novus Ordo, ha detto: "Non c'è più nulla di cattolico".
- Durante il Novus Ordo, De Corte scrive: "Mi copro accuratamente le orecchie con la cera. Mi nascondo in fondo alla chiesa dietro una tenda, che rendo più spessa sedendomi sulla …अधिक
Amo San Paolo VI. Vado volentieri alla Santa Messa "di Paolo VI", evitando accuratamente (e con molte difficoltà) quelle celebrate senza curarsi di Dio.अधिक
Amo San Paolo VI.
Vado volentieri alla Santa Messa "di Paolo VI", evitando accuratamente (e con molte difficoltà) quelle celebrate senza curarsi di Dio.
Come già scrivevo tempo fa, ho evitato per una ventina d'anni le Messe del mio Parroco - andando semplicemente a quelle dei diversi Viceparroci.
P.S. Poco fa sono stato a una bellissima Messa "Antica" feriale
2 अधिक कमेंटस्
Evangelio y reflexión del domingo 1 de septiembre de 2024 por el P. Pedro Brassesco