Be Who God Made You To Be Latin Mass Homily by Fr. Robert Altier for 7-26-2024 Fr Altier is a Priest at Holy Trinity Parish in South St. Paul You can also find Fr. Robert Altier’s …More
Be Who God Made You To Be
Latin Mass Homily by Fr. Robert Altier for 7-26-2024
Fr Altier is a Priest at Holy Trinity Parish in South St. Paul
You can also find Fr. Robert Altier’s homilies and talks on:
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Tom Morelli
Kamala nudges Joe into the waste bin of history.... Hat-tip to James Woods X post. 🎩 Video hereMore
Kamala nudges Joe into the waste bin of history....
Hat-tip to James Woods X post. 🎩
Video here
Fides Et Ratio

Proverbs 22 Wisdom, Wealth and Moral Instruction IV - Fides et Ratio

V7 The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender. Dave Ramsey favorite quotes and it is abundantly true.…

French Bishops Find "Wonderful Moments of Beauty and Joy" in the Olympic Opening Ceremony

The French Bishops’ Conference has published a mindless reaction to the transvestite and blasphemous opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. The bishops' secular creed: "We believe that …More
The French Bishops’ Conference has published a mindless reaction to the transvestite and blasphemous opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris.
The bishops' secular creed:
"We believe that the values and principles expressed and spread by sport and Olympism contribute to this need for unity and fraternity that our world greatly needs, with respect for everyone's beliefs, around sports that bring us together and promote peace among nations and hearts."
The statement claims that during the opening ceremony – which was condemned by virtually the entire sane online world, including homosexuals and other religions – there were "wonderful moments of beauty and joy". It was "rich in emotion, and universally praised."
Toward the end of the bishops' statement do they add an alibi condemnation: "Unfortunately, this ceremony included scenes of ridicule and mockery of Christianity , which we deeply regret."
The bishops think of all the Christians [not God?] who were hurt by the excesses …More
Sally Dorman
There seems to be a certain fixation (guilt complex) with decapitated Marie-Antoinette in France.
Frauenthemen und Vanitas
That's it? French bishops “deplore scenes in which Christianity was ridiculed” during the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics.
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Sally Dorman shares from nie wieder
This is a brief segment of the Olympic opening ceremony at Sochi 🇷🇺 in 2014 featuring Bolshoi ballet. Seeing the French 🇫🇷 counterpart today, you can see why the Western media and Kremlinologists were …More
This is a brief segment of the Olympic opening ceremony at Sochi 🇷🇺 in 2014 featuring Bolshoi ballet. Seeing the French 🇫🇷 counterpart today, you can see why the Western media and Kremlinologists were dragging it through the mud back then.
Wer kann Russland nicht verstehen, daß es diese - in der Olympia-Eröffnungs-Veranstaltung vorgetragene dekadente, widerliche, perverse Un-Kultur der EU-Länder, die obendrein noch den christlichen …More
Wer kann Russland nicht verstehen, daß es diese - in der Olympia-Eröffnungs-Veranstaltung vorgetragene dekadente, widerliche, perverse Un-Kultur der EU-Länder, die obendrein noch den christlichen Glauben verhöhnen, nicht in seinem Land haben will?
Welcher Normalbürger ist noch stolz, EUROPÄER zu sein?????
Yes, the 2024 Paris show has even eclipsed the horrible London 2012 'ceremony' which 'worshiped' Druidism & socialized medicine!
All Saints
I didn’t know the Olympics were taking place in Hades this year.
Wilma Lopez
What in the clown circus……???!! From married priests to polyamorous priests. The slippery slope of Protestants into degeneracy and Hell 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡More
What in the clown circus……???!!
From married priests to polyamorous priests.
The slippery slope of Protestants into degeneracy and Hell
🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡
Peri Mall
Agenda 2030
Everyday for Life Canada
If we scrapped the United Nations, the world would soon be a better place. Ditto for the WHO, the WEF and every other entity that serves the globalists …More
If we scrapped the United Nations, the world would soon be a better place. Ditto for the WHO, the WEF and every other entity that serves the globalists and the elites at the expense and exploitation of ordinary people around the globe.
Enormous protest gets underway in London fighting back against mass migration 😲 Thousands are taking to the streets 👏🏻
Time for a profound apology from the Olympics organisers. French Catholic Bishops condemn parody of Last Supper at opening of Olympics

French Catholic Bishops condemn parody of Last Supper at opening of Olympics

French Catholic Bishops condemn parody of Last Supper at opening of Olympics English translation of the Bishops' Conference …
More evidence of the "gym culture" I've spoken of... It's interesting that modern athletics devolves into degeneracy. It's an open secret that the …More
More evidence of the "gym culture" I've spoken of... It's interesting that modern athletics devolves into degeneracy. It's an open secret that the Olympics of late is plagued by sexual promiscuity. Reports of free contraceptives provided are common. How many sports figures have "come out" in recent years? Now we have "drag queens." Sure there are decent Christians like Harrison Butker, but he's the minority. Remember, trans Bruce Jenner was celebrated by the world, whereas Butker was condemned!
The French heretics condemned nothing,read their statement!
“This is crazy. Opening your event by replacing Jesus and the disciples at the The Last Supper with men in drag,” Clint Russel, the host of the Liberty Lockdown podcast, fumed on X. “There are 2.4 …More
“This is crazy. Opening your event by replacing Jesus and the disciples at the The Last Supper with men in drag,” Clint Russel, the host of the Liberty Lockdown podcast, fumed on X.
“There are 2.4 billion Christians on earth and apparently the Olympics wanted to declare loudly to all of them, right out of the gate NOT WELCOME,” said Russel.
During the show, a group of 18 performers struck poses behind a long table with the Seine River and Eiffel Tower poignantly placed in the background.
At the center was an ornately dressed woman with a large silver headdress that resembled a halo as depicted in paintings of Jesus. She smiled and made a heart shape with her hands as her peers stared down the camera, some slowly dancing.
All Saints
So obviously staged. Yawn.

A Threat to Trump? A Danger to the USA? Does JD Vance Embody 21st C. Conservatism? – Allah's Willing …

Kamala Harris is polling better than Joe Biden. Does she have a real chance of winning the presidency …
The Poems of Goethe, translated in the original metres by Edgar Alfred Bowring, C.B.
476 pages
Bishop Robert Barron condemns blasphemous Opening Ceremony for Paris Olympics: “Would they ever have dared mock Islam in a similar way? This deeply secularist, post-modern society knows who its enemy …More
Bishop Robert Barron condemns blasphemous Opening Ceremony for Paris Olympics: “Would they ever have dared mock Islam in a similar way? This deeply secularist, post-modern society knows who its enemy is—they’re naming it—and we should believe them.”
Billy F
No one will go to hell and good thing we dare hope all are saved right Bishop.🙄
Billy F
They wouldn’t mock the Koran. The Sons of Sodom and the Mohammadens are but two battalions of the same Luciferian Army.
2 more comments
Live Mike shares from Elista
The Forecast and Plans of the Globalist Luciferian Elite for us all... "And behold a pale horse, and he that sat upon him, his name was Death, and hell followed him. And power was given to him over the …More
The Forecast and Plans of the Globalist Luciferian Elite for us all... "And behold a pale horse, and he that sat upon him, his name was Death, and hell followed him. And power was given to him over the four parts of the earth, to kill with sword, with famine, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth." - The Apocalypse of St. John (Revelation) 6:8 DRA
Falls Sie noch Zweifel haben, was bei der Eröffnungsfeier der Olympischen Spiele vor sich geht Ein einzelner Reiter auf einem fahlen Pferd ist direkt aus dem Buch der Offenbarung „Und ich sah, und …More
Falls Sie noch Zweifel haben, was bei der Eröffnungsfeier der Olympischen Spiele vor sich geht
Ein einzelner Reiter auf einem fahlen Pferd ist direkt aus dem Buch der Offenbarung
„Und ich sah, und siehe, ein fahles Pferd; und der auf ihm saß, dessen Name war Tod, und die Hölle folgte ihm nach. Und es wurde ihnen Macht gegeben über den vierten Teil der Erde, zu töten mit dem Schwert und mit Hunger und mit dem Tod und mit den Tieren der Erde.“
Offenbarung 6, 8
Wilma Lopez
Looked at the pages, but don't get it. Can you explain?
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Synod's poll about synodality. 😂 😂 😂
WATCH: Omaha Archbishop Accused of Sexual Abuse

WATCH: Omaha Archbishop Accused of Sexual Abuse

Omaha’s Archbishop is among the clergy members named in a lawsuit filed against the Archdiocese of St. Louis and Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski alleging …
I just used the link for the first time, and everything is fine now; the link, the article, and the video.
The Wandering Recluse
@ComplicitClergy WARNING: At least on my end, the link to the article as been hijacked and it opens to a porn channel! God Bless
Jeffrey Ade
The Fatima Center!

Fatima: What You Can Do | The Fatima Center

What You Can Do Personally Spiritual Reading Padre Pio insists … “Nourish Your Soul” “Draw Great Fruit from Spiritual Reading” Pope St. Pius X on the …
Wilma Lopez
Great work there (including Christ Ferrara)
It’s almost always working class men (of color) who have to clean up behind the graffiti of liberal elites: climate change, Gaza protests on college campuses, etc. Put that in the slow cooker…
Recently I asked for a sign (which I rarely do but being in a state of 'unknowning in this Dark Night of the Soul') in my life and all those who have been entrusted to me; my sins; what to do next, …More
Recently I asked for a sign (which I rarely do but being in a state of 'unknowning in this Dark Night of the Soul') in my life and all those who have been entrusted to me; my sins; what to do next, God's Will, etc. Then two days later on our private road where we live deep in a forest surrounded by mountains and valleys in total isolation, a massive tree fell down on our road on our way to Mass where I personally travel twice a day for work and other duties, etc. Instantly I heard that Still Small Voice in my soul from the Holy Spirit (nothing supernatural nor a locution) "Be in the State of Grace hourly for tomorrow is promised to NO ONE!" A picture or a scene like a tree that would of killed anyone in a travelling vehicle, paints 1 million WORDS!
Servant Of Divine Mercy
That's our car, a local said that tree fell the night before.

Abortion Cheerleader Kamala Harris Would Impose Abortions Up to Birth on All 50 States -

Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race today and endorsed his pro-abortion vice president…
Billy F
She hates actual Catholics! Very anti Catholic!
Father Karl A Claver
This horrendous creature will probably receive many votes from the miserable bishops and ignorant Catholics.
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