Tom Morelli
Latest "The Deacon" articles (June 16, 2024)More
Latest "The Deacon" articles (June 16, 2024)

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Deacon Robert T. Yerhot Comments Off on The Reality of Job For decades, I was a psychotherapist at a large medical facility in Wisconsin. Hundreds of patients came to me over the years, …

France: Persecution of the Church Is Going Well

Three Catholic targets have been attacked in France in the past week alone, writes (15 June). The interior of the church of Notre-Dame-de-Délivrance in the centre of Quintin, France …More
Three Catholic targets have been attacked in France in the past week alone, writes (15 June).
The interior of the church of Notre-Dame-de-Délivrance in the centre of Quintin, France, was set on fire at 7.15pm last Thursday.
The fire was discovered by the person responsible for closing the doors of the basilica at 7.30pm. There was smoke everywhere and flames on the side. The fire brigade quickly arrived and was able to extinguish the fire.
In Lyon, a human rights organisation working for the family had its offices vandalised with graffiti containing insults, threats to kill human rights activists and the hope that 'Anti France' would win.
In Loyettes, a town near Lyon, a public cross was attacked and dragged away in a van.
There have been hundreds of attacks on Catholic churches in France in recent years, but the media activists of the oligarchs are not interested in this, on the contrary, they are among the leading instigators of hatred against the Church.
In 2019, …More
Normand Thomas

189. The desire to find God

Faith is at the heart of the human being and it’s transmitted where we are. Our existence on earth passes quickly. We are constantly on the move and often we change places. And the people we meet might …More
Faith is at the heart of the human being and it’s transmitted where we are.
Our existence on earth passes quickly. We are constantly on the move and often we change places. And the people we meet might be around for a short period of time.
Sometimes we have a tiny opportunity to let faith that dwells in us appear. Hence, it’s the importance of finding simple but effective, true and awakening answers.
One of the big challenges is not knowing the others and coming to fear them. We tend to fear what we do not know and distance ourselves from certain people. But their difficult questions help us find answers.
We are asked to go to the lost sheep and offer what God gives us for them. The mission of evangelizing is now.
On every occasion that we are presented with a sheep who seeks alone, a sheep who doesn’t know Jesus, a sheep who is thirsty to hear his Word, we are the one sent to them. All sheep, without exception, consciously or not, have the desire to find God. And God places us on their way. …More
Reverendissimus I.A. Eross episcopus sine institutione vel provisione canonica sede consecratus est Bishop Alfréd Eross † Deceased Titular Bishop of the Titular See Events Date Age Event Title 7 Jul …More
Reverendissimus I.A. Eross episcopus sine institutione vel provisione canonica sede consecratus est Bishop Alfréd Eross † Deceased Titular Bishop of the Titular See Events Date Age Event Title 7 Jul 1909 Born 27 Oct 1935 26.3 Ordained Priest Priest 2 Feb 1949 39.5 Ordained Bishop Titular Bishop of the Titular See 2 Aug 1950 41.0 Died Titular Bishop of the Titular See MicroData Summary for Alfréd Eross (VIAF: 300244335; WikiData: Q563093) Bishop Alfréd Eross (born 7 Jul 1909, died 2 Aug 1950) Titular Bishop of Titular See Event Place Birth Place Prisian, Romania a priest for 14.7 years a bishop for 1.5 years Principal Consecrator: Bishop Gerald Patrick Aloysius O’Hara † Bishop of Savannah-Atlanta, Georgia Principal Co-Consecrators: Bishop Áron Márton † Bishop of Alba Iulia Bishop Ioan Ploscaru † Titular Bishop of Trapezopolis Bishop Alfréd Eross [Catholic-Hierarchy] Imre Alfréd Erőss ( Prisian , 7 July 1909 – Cluj , 2 August 1950 ) was a Romanian Catholic bishop . Monsignor Imre Alfréd …More
From The Remnant: CIVIL WAR: Steve Bannon Jailed, Globalism Loses Big in EU Elections

CIVIL WAR: Steve Bannon Jailed, Globalism Loses Big in EU Elections

In this edition of The Underground, Michael Matt looks at massive victories for nationalist/populist political parties in Europe. As …
Fred Alan Medforth

How The Left KILLED Arts, Culture & Entertainment. People Are Turning to Old Films & TV Shows

On today’s #NCFWhittle we speak with classically-trained actor, singer, writer & podcaster, Clifton Duncan …
All Saints
I don’t watch anything that isn’t in black-and-white.

Where to Hide Your Supplies During Martial Law - Ask a Prepper

Let’s say we’ve reached the moment everyone’s been afraid of. Disaster has struck so severely that the government declared martial law. …
De Profundis
Dr. Jordan Peterson says his new online university, "Peterson Academy," will help people fulfill their desire to get a true education that they can’t find in today’s "demented" and "unsalvageable" …More
Dr. Jordan Peterson says his new online university, "Peterson Academy," will help people fulfill their desire to get a true education that they can’t find in today’s "demented" and "unsalvageable" universities, all at a much more affordable price.
Live Mike shares from Scapular
Maria delos Angeles
In the USA, the way things are going, they will Soylent Green people when so many die they will find ways to make money from it, and put people into …More
In the USA, the way things are going, they will Soylent Green people when so many die they will find ways to make money from it, and put people into recycled, fake meat products from roadkill and human biosludge (25 states have passed laws to dispose of humans this way), with all their lovely mRNA, PFAS, contraceptives etc cannibal
rafaportal shares from rafaportal
Pope Francis Urges World Leaders to Take Action on A.I. at G7 Summit Pope Francis met with President Biden and other world leaders Friday at the Group of 7 summit in Italy. The pontiff urged them to …More
Pope Francis Urges World Leaders to Take Action on A.I. at G7 Summit
Pope Francis met with President Biden and other world leaders Friday at the Group of 7 summit in Italy. The pontiff urged them to establish stronger global guardrails for the development of artificial intelligence.
Papst Franziskus fordert die Staats- und Regierungschefs der Welt auf, auf dem G7-Gipfel Maßnahmen gegen KI zu ergreifen Papst Franziskus traf sich am Freitag auf dem Gipfel der Gruppe der 7 in Italien …More
Papst Franziskus fordert die Staats- und Regierungschefs der Welt auf, auf dem G7-Gipfel Maßnahmen gegen KI zu ergreifen
Papst Franziskus traf sich am Freitag auf dem Gipfel der Gruppe der 7 in Italien mit Präsident Biden und anderen Staats- und Regierungschefs der Welt. Der Papst forderte sie auf, stärkere globale Leitplanken für die Entwicklung künstlicher Intelligenz zu schaffen.
martin fischer

Former NABU agent on derailed anti-corruption investigation

Public activist, entrepreneur, and former NABU [National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine] agent Yevhen Shevchenko spoke in an interview with NV Radio on June 11 about moles in the agency, leaked …More
Public activist, entrepreneur, and former NABU [National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine] agent Yevhen Shevchenko spoke in an interview with NV Radio on June 11 about moles in the agency, leaked investigations, and massive corruption schemes leading to senior officials.
(....)corruption schemes worth billions are impossible, unfortunately [without approval at the top level]. Just like under [former presidents – Leonid] Kuchma, under [Viktor] Yushchenko, under [Viktor] Yanukovych, under [Petro] Poroshenko, and yes, unfortunately, under [Volodymyr] Zelenskyy.
Indeed, in my 41 years, I remember all these stages, better or worse, but systemic corruption has been in Ukraine since the 1990s, unfortunately. And the largest schemes were possible only and exclusively with the participation of the current government and its most senior representatives.
Therefore, the investigation wasn’t aimed at arresting local Dnipropetrovsk Oblast officials. The detectives wanted and aimed to arrest top …More
Dr Bobus
I have no doubt that there is Ukrainian corruption. I also have no doubt that the Western borders of Russia have never been secure because they lack …More
I have no doubt that there is Ukrainian corruption. I also have no doubt that the Western borders of Russia have never been secure because they lack geological impediments to invasion. That is why Russia historically has wanted buffer states to protect the Western border--thus the preoccupation with Ukraine.
The problem is that It would put Russia next to Poland, which is in NATO.
DefendTruth shares this
Corruption in the Ukraine
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Top Study Confirms UN's 'Climate Crisis' Claims Are a Hoax - Slay News

A top study has confirmed that fearmongering claims made by the United Nations (UN) to support the “climate crisis” narrative are …
Info Krieger Krieger
perceo3 shares from rafaportal
Pope Francis met with President Biden and other world leaders on Friday at the Group of 7 summit in Italy. The pontiff urged them to establish stronger global barriers to the development of artificial …More
Pope Francis met with President Biden and other world leaders on Friday at the Group of 7 summit in Italy. The pontiff urged them to establish stronger global barriers to the development of artificial intelligence.
El Papa Francisco Insta a los Líderes Mundiales a Tomar Medidas sobre la IA en la Cumbre del G7 El Papa Francisco se reunió con el presidente Biden y otros líderes mundiales el viernes en la cumbre …More
El Papa Francisco Insta a los Líderes Mundiales a Tomar Medidas sobre la IA en la Cumbre del G7
El Papa Francisco se reunió con el presidente Biden y otros líderes mundiales el viernes en la cumbre del Grupo de los 7 en Italia. El pontífice los instó a establecer barreras globales más fuertes para el desarrollo de la inteligencia artificial.
In this clip Fr Chad explains how one needs to develop virtue as the primary mode in Spiritual Warfare.
Has he gone to far in invoking So called knowledge of demons ? Our Lord always told them to shut up and never used their testimony .St Peter and St Paul …More
Has he gone to far in invoking So called knowledge of demons ? Our Lord always told them to shut up and never used their testimony .St Peter and St Paul never communicated details of the demons or use their testimony on spiritual matters . 🤔 🙏

Spain: A Priest Refuses Communion to Homosexual Concubines

A priest in Dos Hermanas, Seville, Spain, has refused to give communion to two homosexual provocateurs who live as public concubines. The provocation happened at a Eucharist on 25 May, reports …More
A priest in Dos Hermanas, Seville, Spain, has refused to give communion to two homosexual provocateurs who live as public concubines.
The provocation happened at a Eucharist on 25 May, reports The militants cooperate with the homosexual propaganda group 'Andalucía Diversidad', which discriminated against the priest on social networks under the pretext of 'discrimination'.
The priest followed Canon Law §915: "Those who are excommunicated and [...] those who stubbornly persist in manifest grave sin should not be admitted to Holy Communion".
All Saints
At a Mass.
The Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception was standing room only this morning for the ordination of these 16 exceptional men. We will be attending the first Mass of one of them tomorrow,…More
The Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception was standing room only this morning for the ordination of these 16 exceptional men. We will be attending the first Mass of one of them tomorrow, Father's Day.

Power of Prayer: Washington Archdiocese Celebrates Largest Priestly Ordination Class Since 1960

Power of Prayer: Washington Archdiocese Celebrates Largest Priestly Ordination Class Since 1960 ‘We can’t …
Naomi Arai
Holy cow. Largest since VII but ONLY 16? That’s sad. Probably poorly formed, too. Fluff-tastic. I can only hope and “power of prayer” (play on words …More
Holy cow. Largest since VII but ONLY 16? That’s sad. Probably poorly formed, too. Fluff-tastic. I can only hope and “power of prayer” (play on words on the article heading) pray that they reject Vatican II and all its poisonous fruit.
Sean Johnson
Do any of them reject Vatican 2?

Rejection of the Roman Rite is "Practical Atheism" - Cardinal Sarah

The rejection of God is gripping much of the West, especially Europe, Cardinal Sarah said in a lecture at the Catholic University of America (CUA) on 14 June. He called this "practical atheism", which …More
The rejection of God is gripping much of the West, especially Europe, Cardinal Sarah said in a lecture at the Catholic University of America (CUA) on 14 June.
He called this "practical atheism", which has also entered the Church, when Catholic morality, Catholic doctrine and Catholic liturgy are rejected.
The cardinal also sees practical atheism when "sociology" or "lived experience" becomes the principle for forming moral [and immoral] judgements. In this way, God is pushed aside. He criticises that we often hear from bishops and bishops' conferences "that we have to adapt our moral theology to purely human considerations".
Rejecting Catholic morality makes everything conditional and subjective, Sarah explains: "Welcoming everyone [except Catholics] means ignoring Scripture, Tradition and the Magisterium. "
Advocates of this ideology within the Church treat Revelation as "secondary". This shows how practical atheism works: "It does not deny God, but it operates as if God is not central." …More
Maria delos Angeles
I hope he moves on or has moved on from the hermeneutic of continuity.
Naomi Arai
He is correct…although he is hot and cold on things…
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Kate Middleton Caught Sending SOS to World: 'They're Going To Kill Me'

BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered straight to your inbox. You can unsubscribe any time. By subscribing …
Maria delos Angeles
What , like they did Diana ?

A New German Bishop: Priests Are "Currently" Needed for Eucharists

Presiding at a Eucharist "currently" requires a priest, the new Bishop of Osnabrück, Monsignor Dominicus Meier OSB, appointed on 28 May, told (11 June). Meier added that other forms of …More
Presiding at a Eucharist "currently" requires a priest, the new Bishop of Osnabrück, Monsignor Dominicus Meier OSB, appointed on 28 May, told (11 June).
Meier added that other forms of proclaiming the Word of God could be led by committed people. He suggests "trying new things" [for the empty churches in Germany].
Commenting on the current situation between the Vatican and German dioceses, Monsignor Meier said that "we need to talk a lot more" to break down barriers.
"When you talk about content, you notice that things are moving a bit. For example, with the [pseudo] blessing of homosexuals".
Picture: Dominicus Meier, #newsKuijmcfaak
Dr Bobus
Will the last German bishop to leave turn out the lights and close the door?
Christopher Shahrazade
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De Profundis
How to buy your milk in June.