For the love of God, my dear Catholics, OPEN YOUR EYES!

If a man continually demonstrates his hatred of the Law, he is demonstrating his hatred of its Author …

Originally posted February 2, 2023 Today is the Feast of Candlemas, the Presentation of Our Lord, …
Slave of the Immaculata
"So, then, if anyone says that the Roman pontiff has merely an office of supervision and guidance, and not the full and supreme power of jurisdiction …More
"So, then, if anyone says that the Roman pontiff has merely an office of supervision and guidance, and not the full and supreme power of jurisdiction over the whole church, and this not only in matters of faith and morals, but also in those which concern the discipline and government of the church dispersed throughout the whole world; or that he has only the principal part, but not the absolute fullness, of this supreme power; or that this power of his is not ordinary and immediate both over all and each of the churches and over all and each of the pastors and faithful: let him be anathema."
(First Vatican Council, Dogmatic Constitution Pastor Aeternus, Ch. 3)
Two choices folks:
We are anathema for not following Bergoglio. Or...
Bergoglio is not the pope.
Everyday for Life Canada
I stopped listening to this man a long time ago. Pray for his conversion.
Live Mike

"I think that you are at that period when false doctrine shall propagate its errors throughout the world." - Sr. Lucia, 1946

In 1946, 13 years before the announcement of Vatican II, several historians of Fatima were able to secure more precise information from Sr. Lucia on the Secret of Fatima: Q. "At what actual stage are …More
In 1946, 13 years before the announcement of Vatican II, several historians of Fatima were able to secure more precise information from Sr. Lucia on the Secret of Fatima:
Q. "At what actual stage are we of the period mentioned in the Secret?"
A. "I think that you are at that period when false doctrine shall propagate its errors throughout the world."
Source: Rev. Fr. V. Montes de Oca, C.S.SP., More About Fatima and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, 1945, p. 66-68, Imprimatur: Most Rev. John Carroll, Archbishop of Dublin.
Live Mike

"What's past is prologue" - William Shakespeare

"What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done; and there is nothing new under the sun." - Ecclesiastes 1:9More
"What has been is what will be,
and what has been done is what will be done;
and there is nothing new under the sun."
- Ecclesiastes 1:9
Is Donald J. Trump a Freemason? SourceMore
Is Donald J. Trump a Freemason?
Live Mike
What about that Jubilee Year Holy Door "Donald Trump" Brick? In 1984 Thomas Zimmer, "the hermit of Loreto", stated that he had a "premonition" that a …More
What about that Jubilee Year Holy Door "Donald Trump" Brick?
In 1984 Thomas Zimmer, "the hermit of Loreto", stated that he had a "premonition" that a certain man [Donald J. Trump] would lead America back to God." Because of that "premonition" Mr. Zimmer donated one brick with the inscription, "Donald J. Trump" for his prayerful intentions. That brick was only 1 of the 3000 bricks required to close up the Holy Door of St. Peter's Basilica at the end of the "Extraordinary" Holy Year of Redemption in 1983 and that brick would remain in place until the next Holy Year in 2000. Please note: The "Donald J. Trump" brick was only in place for 15 years from 1984 until 1999 - that's 17 years before the Presidential Election in 2016. The Holy Door sealed with the "Donald J. Trump brick" was removed before the start of "The Great Jubilee in 2000" which was later followed by another jubilee year, the "Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy" of 2016, which went from 8 December 2015 until 20 November 2016. …More
Live Mike
Eight Popes Condemed Freemasonry: 1738: Clement XII, In eminenti apostolatus. 1751: Benedict XIV, Providas Romanorum. 1821: Pius VII, Ecclesiam a Jesu …More
Eight Popes Condemed Freemasonry:
1738: Clement XII, In eminenti apostolatus.
1751: Benedict XIV, Providas Romanorum.
1821: Pius VII, Ecclesiam a Jesu Christo.
1825: Leo XII, Quo graviora.
1829: Pius VIII, Traditi humilitati.
1830: Pius VIII, Litteris altero.
1832: Gregory XVI, Mirari vos. 1846: Pius IX, Qui pluribus. 1849: Pius IX, Quibus quantisque malis. 1864: Pius IX, Quanta cura. 1865: Pius IX, Multiplices inter. 1869: Pius IX, Apostolicae Sedis moderationi. 1873: Pius IX, Etsi multa. 1882: Leo XIII, Etsi Nos. 1884: Leo XIII, Humanum genus. 1887: Leo XIII, Officio sanctissimo. 1890: Leo XIII, Dall'alto dell'Apostolico Seggio. 1892: Leo XIII, Custodi di quella fede. 1892: Leo XIII, Inimica vis 1894: Leo XIII, Praeclara gratulationis publicae. 1902: Leo XIII, Annum ingressi. Papal Condemnations of the Lodge | EWTN @brhenry
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Live Mike shares from Sean Johnson

Archbishop Viganò: The evils of globalism can only be defeated by uniting under the Cross of Christ …

We are now facing an epochal threat, in the form of a coup d’état perpetrated by the globalist elite …
Live Mike
"You're sheltering enemies of the state... Are you not?" Does a Faraday cage block microwaves? 😉More
"You're sheltering enemies of the state... Are you not?"
Does a Faraday cage block microwaves? 😉
Live Mike
Advice to Catholics on...
Credo .
And wear the Miraculous Medal! 😍
chris griffin
The child sacrifice of abortion is the only "unthinkable" sin to God. Stopping abortion is the greatest work anyone can do.
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Live Mike
Documentary: "San Sebastián de Garabandal: The Eyewitnesses" Imprimatur & Nihil Obstat: Bishop Roman Danylak, Titular Bishop of Nyssa, Apostolic Administrator of Toronto (Ukrainian Catholic) in Rome,…More
Documentary: "San Sebastián de Garabandal: The Eyewitnesses"
Imprimatur & Nihil Obstat: Bishop Roman Danylak, Titular Bishop of Nyssa, Apostolic Administrator of Toronto (Ukrainian Catholic) in Rome, Italy, 24 January 2000.
The Wandering Recluse
I don't suppose you have a download of this? I haven't watched it in ages and I am glad I did so again. Thank you for posting it.
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Part 1: Full Scope of Dominion ICX Hack in Federal Court is FAR Worse than Just the BIC Pen Hack – With Transcript

Part 1: Full Scope of Dominion ICX Hack in Federal Court is FAR Worse than Just the BIC Pen Hack - …

Last week, University of Michigan professor Dr. J Alex Halderman stood in front of a federal judge …
Live Mike
89 pages
Maria delos Angeles
Classic pre-programming scenario.
John A Cassani
This will cause utter chaos. It won’t be like the last time, because governments aren’t going to just be able to emit vast amounts of credit to keep …More
This will cause utter chaos. It won’t be like the last time, because governments aren’t going to just be able to emit vast amounts of credit to keep people happy. The economy is in such a sorry state that it can’t be shut down for any amount of time without falling apart. Martial Law will be on the minds of the ruling class.
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Live Mike
Archive footage of the great statue of St. John Eudes being transported and installed in St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican, 1932. St. John Eudes was responsible for the first book ever written on the devotion …More
Archive footage of the great statue of St. John Eudes being transported and installed in St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican, 1932.
St. John Eudes was responsible for the first book ever written on the devotion to the Sacred Hearts.
Pope Leo XIII, proclaimed his virtues heroic in 1903, gave him the title of "Author of the Liturgical Worship of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Holy Heart of Mary".
The miracles proposed for his beatification were approved by Pope St. Pius X on 3 May 1908, and he was beatified by Pope St. Pius X on 25 April 1909.
Pope St. Pius X gave him the great title of, “Father, Doctor and Apostle of the Liturgical Worship of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary”.
St. John Eudes was canonized on the same day as St. John Vianney by Pope Pius XI on 31 May 1925.
Beeindruckend, was man auch ohne Motoren erreichen kann!
Live Mike
(photo: central nave, St. Peter’s Basilica, right side, above)
Live Mike

Who's Jumping Ship? What Schism?

'Pirates' disguised as Catholics have secretly boarded and commandeered the visible ship (institutional organization of the Catholic Church). Pirates have taken possession of the vessel, raised the …More
'Pirates' disguised as Catholics have secretly boarded and commandeered the visible ship (institutional organization of the Catholic Church). Pirates have taken possession of the vessel, raised the skull and crossbones and are now behind the tiller steering the ship.
The Catholic captain & helmsman lost their positions and were replaced with pirates. Catholics still on board the visible ship & the 'invisible ship' (Mystical Body of Christ) are being held captive. Catholics do not recognize the pirates currently in charge of the visible ship as being members of the Faithful. Catholics haven't jumped overboard or abandoned ship. Catholics have always remained on board the 'invisible ship' although they're no longer in control of the visible ship.
Painting: Ship at Sail, Montague Dawson (1890-1973), British, oil on canvas on board
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
Is this point of view expanded somewhere, anywhere in an essay or book?
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"The dogmatic level, the highest level of teaching, held only by the Pope — or by a Council, but only if it is in union with the Pope — is the true and only Katéchon that can bridle the Antichrist. The …More
"The dogmatic level, the highest level of teaching, held only by the Pope — or by a Council, but only if it is in union with the Pope — is the true and only Katéchon that can bridle the Antichrist. The Katéchon is the Dogma."

Prominent Italian Theologian Defends Abp. Viganò's Critique of Vatican II: "Take Off the Dogma and …

PDF Button Prominent Italian Professor Lauds Archbishop Viganò and Discusses Doctrinal Confusion …
Ludovic 2Nîm
What does it mean ? Mgr Lefebvre didn’t want to say the Pope is not the Pope and expelled all the priests that said so in order to stay in the Catholic …More
What does it mean ? Mgr Lefebvre didn’t want to say the Pope is not the Pope and expelled all the priests that said so in order to stay in the Catholic Church. If a Catholic no more recognizes the Pope, it should separate him from others Catholics that recognize the Pope. Even though the Pope is schismatic and separated from the Catholic Church through his heresies.
Live Mike
"It is categorically false to say that the Mosaic covenant remains eternally valid for the Jewish people, for as we painstakingly showed in our January 2008 article, the Catholic Magisterium, Sacred …More
"It is categorically false to say that the Mosaic covenant remains eternally valid for the Jewish people, for as we painstakingly showed in our January 2008 article, the Catholic Magisterium, Sacred Scripture, and our Apostolic Tradition all say the opposite, namely, that the Mosaic covenant was revoked; is no longer valid; and never had the ability to save anyone in the past or in the present." - Dr.R.S.

The Old Covenant is Revoked: The USCC Removes Heretical Sentence from its Catechism — Culture Wars

By and large, Culture Wars is a voice crying in the wilderness in this day and age of decadence and …
Live Mike
I skimmed both of the Culture Wars 2008 articles, and I think this guy is mixing two things up. This really is simple, and I don't understand why anybody …More
I skimmed both of the Culture Wars 2008 articles, and I think this guy is mixing two things up. This really is simple, and I don't understand why anybody would be confused about it.
If God revoked any covenant He ever made, He is a liar. He isn't, and every covenant ever made by Him is still in place. Asserting that God revoked a covenant He has made sounds blasphemous to me.
But there is only one covenant effective for redemption of the human soul, and that is the new covenant confirmed in the blood of Christ. If anybody could follow the covenant under the law, it would be effective for them. But no one can - only Christ could. Hence, the continual validity of the old covenant is completely a moot point, and there's no reason whatsoever for any Christian to get their panties in a bunch over the question.
Am I missing something here?
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Live Mike shares from Damian Keller
1993 Michael Davies In Defense Of Archbishop Lefebvre
Live Mike
Dr. Alan Keyes on the Challenge of "Gay Marriage" Boston College, Tuesday, 9 March 2004 SourceMore
Dr. Alan Keyes on the Challenge of "Gay Marriage"
Boston College, Tuesday, 9 March 2004
chris griffin
I attended a supper for him as guest speaker years ago. I was impressed to say the least. He lost to Barak Obama in the Senate race which was the start …More
I attended a supper for him as guest speaker years ago. I was impressed to say the least. He lost to Barak Obama in the Senate race which was the start of disaster.
Everyday for Life Canada
Boston College or Barely Catholic.
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Live Mike
Our Lady of Tears - Ecclesiastical Recognition On 8 March 1931, Bishop Francisco de Campos Barreto, Bishop of Campinas, recognized the veracity of the phenomena of stigmatization and the apparitions …More
Our Lady of Tears - Ecclesiastical Recognition
On 8 March 1931, Bishop Francisco de Campos Barreto, Bishop of Campinas, recognized the veracity of the phenomena of stigmatization and the apparitions received by Sister Amália de Jesus Scourged and granted the proper authorizations – among them, the Imprimatur – for the publication of all his writings (which included the original messages of Jesus and Our Lady) and the prayers of the Crown (or Rosario) of Our Lady . On 20 February 1934, the same prelate published an episcopal statement and reinforced the importance of devotion to the Virgin Mary under the invocation of Our Lady of Tears.
Bishop Barreto gave his assent as an accurate examination of the particular revelations and after the opinion of several prudent and learned priests. He declared that she was of supernatural origin, as recorded in the Book of Tombo of the diocese. According to the holy bishop, Sister Amalia did not have theological knowledge and even natural abilities to …More
Live Mike
Our Lady of Tears It was in the Institute of the Missionary Sisters of Jesus Crucified, founded by Dom Francisco de Campos Barreto, Bishop of Campinas …More
Our Lady of Tears
It was in the Institute of the Missionary Sisters of Jesus Crucified, founded by Dom Francisco de Campos Barreto, Bishop of Campinas, that Sister Amália de Jesus Scourged lived, graced with the phenomenon of the sacred stigmata of Our Lord Jesus Christ and with countless Marian apparitions. She was one of the first eight sisters and co-founder of the Institute, having made her perpetual vows on December 8, 1931.
The Mother of God and Our Lord Jesus Christ appeared to Sister Amalia many times, communicating many messages of prayer, sacrifice and penance. Our Lady introduced herself as Our Lady of Tears, taught her the Crown of Tears and revealed to Sister Amalia a new medal, the Medal of her Tears, and asked her to spread it throughout the world, because through it great conversions would be made and many souls would be saved.
In 1929, the wife of a relative of the Mother Foundress of the congregation fell seriously ill, and several doctors declared that there was no …More
Tina 13
Live Mike
"This Russophobic madness needs to end … so that the existential challenge common to all—the resurgent global jihad and Europe’s demographic collapse—can be addressed." - Dr. Srdja Trifkovic, January 2024 …More
"This Russophobic madness needs to end … so that the existential challenge common to all—the resurgent global jihad and Europe’s demographic collapse—can be addressed." - Dr. Srdja Trifkovic, January 2024
About the author: Trifkovic is a Serbian Orthodox, Serbian-American publicist, politician and historian. He is currently the foreign affairs editor of and has authored several books; The Sword of the Prophet and Defeating Jihad.

Dostoevsky, Putin, and the Russian Soul

In 1939 Winston Churchill memorably described Russia as “a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.” He summarized the Western sense of Muscovy as an …
Jeffrey Ade
Yes! Why is it so hard to say the word that will take the devil's permission away, "Russia!" Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us and save us!
TWENTY-FIVE EXPLICIT ERRORS OF VATICAN COUNCIL II (and the corrections immediately following) by Michael Malone


Catholic Treasures Books TWENTY-FIVE EXPLICIT ERRORS OF VATICAN COUNCIL II (and the corrections immediately following) Michael Malone Number One "This …
John A Cassani
Just think of how much damage that freedom of speech has brought about in a relatively short time, that those who would simply proclaim the truth need …More
Just think of how much damage that freedom of speech has brought about in a relatively short time, that those who would simply proclaim the truth need to appeal to it in order to be freed from censorship, or worse. Error not only has rights in this world, it is supreme, and it has happened with the approval of those chosen by Christ to lead men to salvation. Vatican II was the ultimate modernist exercise.