Morning Prayer - 20/06 Morning prayer on the Feast of Saints Alban with Julius & Aaron. Andrew Sims Julius and Aaron (also Julian) were two Romano-British Christian saints who were martyred around …More
Morning Prayer - 20/06
Morning prayer on the Feast of Saints Alban with Julius & Aaron.
Andrew Sims
Julius and Aaron (also Julian) were two Romano-British Christian saints who were martyred around the third century. Along with Saint Alban, they are the only named Christian martyrs from Roman Britain. Most historians place the martyrdom in Caerleon, although other suggestions have placed it in Chester or Leicester. Their feast day was traditionally celebrated on 1 July,[1] but it is now observed together with Alban on 20 June by the Roman Catholic and Anglican Churches.[3][4]
The earliest surviving account of Julius and Aaron comes from Gildas, a monk writing in Western Britain during the sixth century. How accurate his account of events that occurred three centuries before is remains unknown. Gildas' account was later repeated by the eighth-century Anglo-Saxon monk Bede. References to Julius and Aaron were included in the work of later medieval authors like Geoffrey of …More
The legend of St. Adalbert... Voitech… Voytech… Voytiekh… Wojciech… Apostle of Bohemia Apostle of the Prussians Apostle of the Slavs Memorial 23 April Profile Born to the Bohemian nobility. He took …More
The legend of St. Adalbert...

Apostle of Bohemia
Apostle of the Prussians
Apostle of the Slavs Memorial 23 April Profile Born to the Bohemian nobility. He took the name of Saint Adalbert of Magdeburg, the archbishop who healed, educated and converted him. Bishop of Prague (in the modern Czech Republic on 10 February 982. Friend of Emperor Otto III. Adalbert encouraged the evangelization of the Magyars, and worked on it with Saint Astricus. Opposed by the nobility in Prague and unpopular in the area, he withdrew to Rome, Italy and became a Benedictine monk, making his vows on 17 April 990; Pope John XV sent him back to Prague. anyway. Founded the monastery of Brevnov. Met more opposition from the nobility, and returned to Rome. There being no hope of his working in Prague, he was allowed to (unsuccessfully) evangelize in Pomerania, Poland, Prussia, Hungary, and Russia. He and his fellow missionaries were martyred by More
Canon 212
June 19, 2024: All The Genius, It Hurts!

What a shame that Canadian bishops don't boldly defend Canada's Christian heritage

Only days before, a University of Ottawa statue to honour another Oblate priest, Fr. Joseph-Henri Tabaret was also …
rafaportal shares from rafaportal
....Will it be the same for Europe? Joe Biden plans to offer a path to provide legal status to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants who are married to Americans and have lived in the U.S. for 10…More
....Will it be the same for Europe?
Joe Biden plans to offer a path to provide legal status to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants who are married to Americans and have lived in the U.S. for 10 years.
This is just the next step in ensuring that the Democrats never lose an election.
During an interview with Don Lemon in March, Elon Musk stumped the former CNN host by explaining how illegal immigrants can change elections without voting.
....Wird es für Europa genauso sein? Joe Biden plant, Hunderttausenden illegaler Einwanderer, die mit Amerikanern verheiratet sind und seit 10 Jahren in den USA leben, einen Weg zu bieten, um einen …More
....Wird es für Europa genauso sein?
Joe Biden plant, Hunderttausenden illegaler Einwanderer, die mit Amerikanern verheiratet sind und seit 10 Jahren in den USA leben, einen Weg zu bieten, um einen legalen Status zu erlangen.
Dies ist nur der nächste Schritt, um sicherzustellen, dass die Demokraten niemals eine Wahl verlieren.
Während eines Interviews mit Don Lemon im März verblüffte Elon Musk den ehemaligen CNN-Moderator, indem er erklärte, wie illegale Einwanderer Wahlen ändern können, ohne zu wählen.
2 pages

Maria Zeee & Celeste Solum OMS & ONU Código CID-10 Procedimento Legal De Decaptação / Maria Zeee & …

© All Rights Reserved. All content posted on this site is commentary or opinion and is …
Fatima: A Game Plan for Success - Heaven HAS spoken! With the spiritual warfare going on all around us and the moral decline that we see in society, more people are open these days to finding the help …More
Fatima: A Game Plan for Success - Heaven HAS spoken!
With the spiritual warfare going on all around us and the moral decline that we see in society, more people are open these days to finding the help that is needed to bring peace and order to both individual lives and the world as a whole. Gene Zannetti joins us to break down the essential plan for the world, and for each one of us, to find this peace. Heaven has given us this plan through Our Lady of Fatima. Gene's expertise on this subject will open your eyes to more, even if you have believed in and been faithful to Fatima for years.
More on Gene Zannetti:
YouTube Channel - Spiritual Strength with Gene Zannetti
Divine Mercy TV (EWTN) - First Saturdays Devotion - Living Divine Mercy TV Show (EWTN) Ep. 125 with Fr. Chris Alar, MIC
BOOK Spiritual Strength: Building Athletes for Christ -
--------------------------------- PATREON - Help support this podcast by becoming a US Grace Force PATRON …More

Melbourne: Cathedral Was Packed for 'Last' Mass (Pictures)

St Patrick's Cathedral in Melbourne was packed with more than 850 worshippers for the - for now - last Roman Mass on 19 June. The Mass had been banned by the Vatican's Dicastery against the Liturgy …More
St Patrick's Cathedral in Melbourne was packed with more than 850 worshippers for the - for now - last Roman Mass on 19 June.
The Mass had been banned by the Vatican's Dicastery against the Liturgy which, in the spirit of Francis' extremist centralism, even interferes in the Mass schedule of the local churches. The Vatican's bureaucrats prefers empty Eucharists to packed Masses.
Local faithful write on social media that they now face a short "interlude", "We'll be back soon!"
Lisi Sterndorfer
There is a weekly Latin Mass in the basement of Boston Cathedral.
Christopher Shahrazade
Now that they've squashed the Latin Mass, I hope this church is practically empty each and every Sunday for the "Novus Ordo".
4 more comments

Child Trafficking in New Orleans/Port of New Orleans

I had the opportunity to travel last week with two ' canceled ' priests who are now sedevacantists. One of them invited us to have coffee at Cafe Du Monde Coffee Stand and see the cathedral in that …More
I had the opportunity to travel last week with two ' canceled ' priests who are now sedevacantists. One of them invited us to have coffee at Cafe Du Monde Coffee Stand and see the cathedral in that area of New Orleans. He had fond memories of staying with his parents in a luxury hotel nearby as a child. Unfortunately I happened to see prostitutes on the street as we walked, in front of the cathedral there are several people reading palms and there are all kinds of homosexuals and gay flags everywhere.
Many people reverently greeted the priests who were dressed in cassocks; A young waitress who came out of a restaurant to smoke said that as soon as she saw them she hid her cigarette, but the saddest thing was that a man with a very beautiful child who had bright blue shorts that looked like they had come from the beach because of the casual way they dressed approached one of the priests who is now a sedevacant monsignor and asked him if he was a tourist guide? He replied that he was a …More
la verdad prevalece
Tuve la oportunidad de viajar la semana pasada con dos sacerdotes 'cancelados' que ahora son sedevacantistas. Uno de ellos nos invitó a tomar un café …More
Tuve la oportunidad de viajar la semana pasada con dos sacerdotes 'cancelados' que ahora son sedevacantistas. Uno de ellos nos invitó a tomar un café en Cafe Du Monde Coffee Stand y ver la catedral en esa zona de Nueva Orleans El sacerdote tenía buenos recuerdos de cuando era niño se alojaba con sus padres en un hotel de lujo cercano. Lamentablemente me tocó ver prostitutas en la calle mientras caminábamos, frente a la catedral hay varias personas leyendo la palma de la mano y hay todo tipo de homosexuales y banderas gay por todos lados. Mucha gente saludó con reverencia a los sacerdotes que vestían sotanas; Una joven camarera que salió de un restaurante a fumar dijo que apenas los vio escondió su cigarrillo, pero lo más triste fue que un hombre con un niño muy hermoso que tenía unos shorts de color azul brillante que parecían que venían de la playa por la forma informal en que vestían se acercó a uno de los sacerdotes que ahora es monseñor sedevacante y le preguntó si era guía turístico …More
la verdad prevalece
By the way, the canceled priest knows that cathedral very well, but he surely did not tell us everything he knew so as not to scandalize us.
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BLASPHEMY: Fr. James Martin’s Group Connects ‘Pride Month’ to the Sacred Heart

BLASPHEMY: Fr. James Martin’s Group Connects ‘Pride Month’ to the Sacred Heart

The pro-LGBT advocacy group Outreach, run by Father James Martin, S.J., published an op-ed blasphemously arguing that the …
Naomi Arai
Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart.
Billy F
Demonic attacks!!!
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Peri Mall
Forever we remain thankful The heart of thanksgivingMore
Forever we remain thankful
The heart of thanksgiving

Why Does the Nuncio in France Hate the Holy Mass So Much?

Monsignor Celestino Migliore, the nuncio in Paris, is doing all he can to ensure that Traditionis custodes is applied to the last drop of blood and that Holy Mass will be completely eradicated, writes …More
Monsignor Celestino Migliore, the nuncio in Paris, is doing all he can to ensure that Traditionis custodes is applied to the last drop of blood and that Holy Mass will be completely eradicated, writes La Lettre de Paix liturgique (18 June).
Migliore is trying to convince the French bishops that Holy Mass should be tolerated as little as possible and that the other sacraments, especially baptism, marriage and confirmation, should only be administered according to the Novus Ordo.
La Lettre de Paix liturgique points out that the Apostolic Nuncio is by mission an arm of the Secretariat of State, headed by Cardinal Pietro Parolin.
Parolin is a spiritual son of Cardinal Achille Silvestrini (+2019), who was the leader of anti-Catholic Rome for decades.
According to La Lettre de Paix liturgique, Migliore could hope for a promotion under the condition that Parolin is elected the next Pope.
Migliore was sent to France in 2020 to bergoglionise the French episcopate.
It is rumoured that Migliore …More
Christopher Shahrazade
" QUESTION----Why Does the Nuncio in France Hate the Holy Mass So Much?' ANSWER--Because in between watching gay porn on his lap top and trying to …More
QUESTION----Why Does the Nuncio in France Hate the Holy Mass So Much?'
ANSWER--Because in between watching gay porn on his lap top and trying to appoint a new batch of queer bishops to vacant French dioceses...he doesn't have anything else to do.
Dr Bobus
A papal nunzio represents the pope.
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Documentary Claims Feds Are Building Detention Facilities In Every State

Spanning all 50 states the facilities are for imprisoning political dissidents, according to a shocking new documentary. BYPASS …
US is building detention facilities; Canada too. World wide - Germany is the first to begin the housing of dissidents.…More
US is building detention facilities; Canada too. World wide - Germany is the first to begin the housing of dissidents.
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Mar del Plata: Francis Causes Additional Damage

The chaos that Francis is creating in the diocese of Mar del Plata, Argentina, continues, writes La Cigüeña De La Torre (, 18 June). First, two bishops resigned before taking office. …More
The chaos that Francis is creating in the diocese of Mar del Plata, Argentina, continues, writes La Cigüeña De La Torre (, 18 June).
First, two bishops resigned before taking office. Then the dictator Francis forced Archbishop Gabriel Mestre, the former Bishop of Mar del Plata, whom he had promoted to La Plata less than a year before, to resign.
Finally, Mestre's vicar general in Mar del Plata, Rev. Luis Albóniga, was exiled to Jujuy.
Now the Apostolic Administrator of Mar del Plata, Monsignor Ernesto Giobando, a Jesuit and close friend of Francis, has taken the Missio Canonica away from Father Ernesto Hermann, a faithful and courageous Piarist priest and former Provincial of his Congregation.
He was the pastor of Cristo Rey, in the Constitución district.
Hermann's "crime": In his sermons he defended the natural order, marriage and the family.
A snitch in the parish denounced the priest to the bishop as a "fundamentalist", and Francis' "everybody, everybody, everybody" …More
MUST WATCH: Dr. David Martin Interview — U.S. Gov. Is Coordinating A Depopulation Program Against The Worl Dr. David Martin joins Alex Jones live in-studio to break down how states across the country …More
MUST WATCH: Dr. David Martin Interview — U.S. Gov. Is Coordinating A Depopulation Program Against The Worl
Dr. David Martin joins Alex Jones live in-studio to break down how states across the country are preparing criminal charges against Big Pharma.
Alejandrina Reyes
Thank you for sharing !!!
French Accordion Music (on bandoneon) Sheet Music links below time stamps ☟ 00:00 - Déjà-Vu (Claudio Constantini) 01:56 - Triste (Claudio Constantini) 03:39 - La Foule/Reminiscencias (J.Jaramillo/…More
French Accordion Music (on bandoneon)
Sheet Music links below time stamps ☟
00:00 - Déjà-Vu (Claudio Constantini)
01:56 - Triste (Claudio Constantini)
03:39 - La Foule/Reminiscencias (J.Jaramillo/C.Constantini)
06:00 - La Danse Magique (C.Constantini)
Sheet Music:
Déjà-Vu: Déjà Vu - SCORE (bandoneon or accordion) | Official Website Triste: Triste - Bandoneon solo | Official Website La Foule/Reminiscencias: Reminiscencias (based on "La Foule") | Official Website La Danse Magique: La Danse Magique - Bandoneon solo | Official Website French accordion music, but on a bandoneon. More French-style videos: La Valse Perdu: La Valse Perdu - Official video (Claudio Constantini, bandoneon) Sheet Music: La Valse Perdu - Pdf Score | Official Website Sous le Ciel de Paris: Sous le Ciel de Paris - French music Sheet music: Sous le Ciel de Paris, Bandoneon arrangement | Official Website La Vie en Rose: La Vie en Rose French Café music: French Cafe - Romantic French Music (Valse & Bossa)
Ah that was lovely. This chap makes it sing.
Thanks (yet again!) Jili22
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LatinRiteMass shares from LatinRiteMass
Understanding the circumstances surrounding the Third Secret of Fátima.

The First Secret of Fatima

The first & second part of the Secret of Fatima Provided by the Vatican, actually only contains the first of three secrets. The Original text… Vatican English Translation…
Live Mike
James Manning
It's an interesting read, and the author makes some good points, but I doubt the authenticity of the letter presented at the end (although to be fair …More
It's an interesting read, and the author makes some good points, but I doubt the authenticity of the letter presented at the end (although to be fair the author makes no claim of truth regarding it).

Quimper: The Faithful Take to the Streets

From 3pm on 16 June, hundreds of faithful marched through Quimper, France, praying the rosary in front of the church of Saint Matthieu, whose bells were ringing resoundingly. The reason: The local …More
From 3pm on 16 June, hundreds of faithful marched through Quimper, France, praying the rosary in front of the church of Saint Matthieu, whose bells were ringing resoundingly.
The reason: The local bishop, Laurent Dognin, has expelled the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter from his diocese.
The fraternity ran a very successful apostolate in Saint Matthieu's, the most visited parish in Quimper. Monsignor Dognin even admitted that there were no objective reasons for closing this parish.
Before the start of the demonstration, a member of the congregation of Saint Matthieu asked the microphone: "Today Quimper, tomorrow which parish, which town, for what reason?"
Other participants said: "We are against those who want to destroy the Church from within and bury us all".
Three bell-ringers led the march through the streets of Quimper, carrying flags, banners and signs.
One of them referred to Dognin's desire to "welcome" homosexual activists in the diocese in the name of the "right to be …More
I'm so happy to see all those good Catholics make it clear how they love the Traditional Mass. At a whim a bishop may cancel the Mass of the Ages? Does …More
I'm so happy to see all those good Catholics make it clear how they love the Traditional Mass. At a whim a bishop may cancel the Mass of the Ages? Does he not believe in hell?
Billy F
Secular Humanist Emasculated Men pretending to be Catholic Bishops!!!
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Oregon Track And Field Coach FIRED After Asking State Officials To Protect Single-Sex Sports

The head track and field coach at a high school in Oregon has been fired after writing letters to state …