
Nihilism: Tucho Begins an "Anglican Dialogue" Without Canterbury

The Vatican has agreed to enter into a separate dialogue with the 'Anglican Church of North America' (ACNA), the 'Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches' (GSFA) and the 'Global Anglican Future …More
The Vatican has agreed to enter into a separate dialogue with the 'Anglican Church of North America' (ACNA), the 'Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches' (GSFA) and the 'Global Anglican Future Conference' (GAFCON).
The news comes in a report following a meeting of Anglican lay bishops ('Provincial Council') in Latrobe, Pennsylvania (20-25 June).
These three groups are mainly at odds with the English and North American Anglicans over their active promotion of moral decadence.
Tucho's "dialogue" will not include the lay Archbishop of Canterbury, the Church of England and the Anglican Church of Canada.
Curiously, it will not be conducted through the official Vatican bodies for 'ecumenical' dialogue, but with the Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith, headed by the homosexual activist Tucho Fernández, who is pushing for the pseudo-blessing of homosexual concubines.
Tucho and the Anglicans dream of a "communion between Rome and the Anglicans", but "without conversion", that is, …More
Christopher Shahrazade
THey don't have anything realy important to do, so they have to think up little projects like this. And it'll all come to nothing. But they like to look …More
THey don't have anything realy important to do, so they have to think up little projects like this. And it'll all come to nothing. But they like to look busy.
Pierre Henri
95-year-old “Nazi grandma” sentenced again for Holocaust denial

95-year-old "Nazi grandma" sentenced again for Holocaust denial

Ursula Haverbeck, a 95-year-old German pensioner dubbed the “Nazi grandma,” has been sentenced to another 16 months in prison for Holocaust …
Pierre Henri
Robert Faurisson
Michi Gini
...“We’re not talking about abuse of minors,” he stunningly said. “Who am I to judge?” he also asked, noting that Rupnik is still under investigation by the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of …More
...“We’re not talking about abuse of minors,” he stunningly said.
“Who am I to judge?” he also asked, noting that Rupnik is still under investigation by the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF). Rupnik was expelled from the Jesuits in 2023, with his former superior, Father Johan Verschueren, S.J., affirming that the credibility of the sexual abuse allegations against him is “very high.”
Separately, Rupnik was automatically excommunicated by the Vatican in 2020 after the DDF unanimously ruled he was guilty of absolving one of his sexual accomplices. He subsequently had the penalty swiftly revoked – with much speculation over whether Pope Francis personally intervened to swiftly lift the excommunication.
Catholic World Report journalist Chris Altieri likewise exclaimed, “this is a communications disaster unlike any this scribbler has seen in twenty years… this is a crisis of government jeopardizing the whole Church’s ability to serve her core mission.”
Even Francis’ …

Vatican communications head slammed for downplaying Rupnik case: ‘We’re not talking about abuse of …

(LifeSiteNews) — The embattled pro–LGBT prefect of the Vatican’s Dicastery for Communication, Dr.…
What about abuse of God and the sacraments?
English Catholic
Nigel Farage in County Durham, England 27th June 2024 (Speeches start at about 07:40)
English Catholic
No Nigel Farage isn't a Catholic
Billy F
Isn’t Nigal a Catholic Brother?
Tom Morelli
Who will REALLY be debating TrumpMore
Who will REALLY be debating Trump
Christopher Shahrazade
One of our neighbors who is 70 said that people who believe that Biden is president are fooling themselves. It's Obama and his crew who are still calling …More
One of our neighbors who is 70 said that people who believe that Biden is president are fooling themselves. It's Obama and his crew who are still calling the shots.
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St Pelagius of Córdoba a Christian teenager Martyr for rejecting Islam and homosexuality

13 year old boy tortured and martyred in Spain. Pelagius refused to have sex with a Muslim pasha due to his …
Young people, I say to you: arise! Young people, I say to you: arise! Gospel of June 30th - XIII Sunday of Ordinary Time Dear brothers and sisters, the Gospel of Sunday, June 30, relates about the …More
Young people, I say to you: arise!
Young people, I say to you: arise!
Gospel of June 30th - XIII Sunday of Ordinary Time
Dear brothers and sisters, the Gospel of Sunday, June 30, relates about the tender love of a Father, certainly shared by his wife, for his teen daughter whose life is in danger. He is not resigned to losing her and runs to Jesus because he is convinced that the Prophet of Galilee can save her...
How many teenagers today live as if they were already dead because the evil that spreads throughout the world has killed their innocence, hope, dreams and future. How much need would these young people have to get as their supporters Adults: Fathers, Mothers, Relatives, Teachers, Priests, Consecrated Men and Women who with pure faith, that is, not contaminated by ideologies, human constructions coming up from confused minds, found the courage to "trouble" Jesus and collaborate with Him for their revival here on earth and for their salvation in eternity
Accept or Reject the New Mass?

Accept or Reject the New Mass?

Just days after Pope Benedict XVI issued Hard as it may seem to avoid laughing at the absurdity of claiming that allowing the ancient form of the Roman Mass the rather …
The Mass established by Jesus Himself and then promulgated by Jesus' Apostles is how GOD wants to be worshipped.
Father Karl A Claver
Pope St. Pius V said that NO ONE can outlaw the TLM and that no priest needs permission to celebrate it. I believe the words of a saint much more than …More
Pope St. Pius V said that NO ONE can outlaw the TLM and that no priest needs permission to celebrate it. I believe the words of a saint much more than the heretical dross emanating from the Vatican.
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Video - Pellegrini di Maria

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Ben Habib: Britain & The West Face an Existential Threat. We Risk Losing Our Culture Forever

Reform Party Deputy Leader Ben Habib speaks to the New Culture Forum’s local group in Wellingborough, where …
Tom Jones
Communication is from one person to another and the student picks up some of the attributes of the the teacher .Only human beings have the ability of reason. Computers have the attribute of following …More
Communication is from one person to another and the student picks up some of the attributes of the the teacher .Only human beings have the ability of reason.
Computers have the attribute of following any order given to it without question. For people to do that is terrible for society, the person, and their immortal Souls!
This is also another argument for home schooling, Children need to know how to think independently for themselves. Pull your kids out of the public schools that are only interested in teaching children to follow the government without question.

iPads and Digital Screens Are Harming Good Education

The Los Angeles School District spent $1.3 billion dollars to put an iPad in the hand of every student, teacher and administrator. That was back in …
On June 20 on X Vigano talked not only about the Church, but here in this clip, more importantly of the complicity of officials in the Church as well as many other officials in being involved in heinous …More
On June 20 on X Vigano talked not only about the Church, but here in this clip, more importantly of the complicity of officials in the Church as well as many other officials in being involved in heinous crimes connected with child trafficking and probably of being in situations for which they could be blackmailed.
Christopher Shahrazade
Is that just the lighting Vigano is sitting under, or is it his real color, because he looks like a ghost.

BREAKING: Biden Internment Camps for Americans Exposed by Border Patrol Whistleblowers

Terms of Service DMCA Advertise with us Affiliates Media Inquiries About Special Reports posted 10 hours ago posted …
Why Catholic Priests Can't Get Married | Cardinal Burke View the full conversation here - The Priest | The Love of the Heart of Jesus His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke and Fr. Ambrose of St. Michael's …More
Why Catholic Priests Can't Get Married | Cardinal Burke
View the full conversation here - The Priest | The Love of the Heart of Jesus His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke and Fr. Ambrose of St. Michael's Abbey sat down to discuss celibacy in the priesthood and why priest's can't get married in the Roman Catholic Church. To join the Abbot's Circle visit: theabbotscircle.com To learn more about St. Michael's Abbey, visit our website : St. Michael’s Abbey To submit a prayer request visit: theabbotscircle.com/prayer-requests
sp2 . .
If the RCC allows the priests to marry, then the Novus Ordo will soon destroy that sacrament by allowing Rump Ranger priests to marry each other. Father …More
If the RCC allows the priests to marry, then the Novus Ordo will soon destroy that sacrament by allowing Rump Ranger priests to marry each other. Father Martin will set the example.
Lukas DuxMore
Lukas Dux
Super Omnia Veritas


Francis Allows 100 Buddhist Monks to Pray Over Him at Vatican (before sending them to historic local church to pray for peace…) On May 27, 2024, the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’More
Francis Allows 100 Buddhist Monks to Pray Over Him at Vatican (before sending them to historic local church to pray for peace…)
On May 27, 2024, the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’) received a delegation of Buddhist monks from the Temple of the Reclining Buddha (officially named the Wat Phra Chetuphon Wimon Mangkhalaram Rajwaramahawihan) in Bangkok, Thailand.
As is customary, Francis gave them a short address. After expressing his delight regarding the “Seventh Buddhist-Christian Colloquium held in Thailand last November … on the theme ‘Karuna and Agape in Dialogue for the Healing of a Wounded Humanity and the Earth'”, he reiterated the importance of working together “to promote a friendship that sustains peace and fraternity and builds a more inclusive world” since “no one is saved alone” — an ambiguous slogan that he has been repeating a lot since his 2020 encyclical Fratelli Tutti (see n. 32).
If only Bergoglio meant that Christ founded the Catholic Church …More
Sean Johnson
Reminds me of BXVI taking off his shoes to pray in the Blue Mosque, or JPII at Assisi. or Paul VI at the UN: It’s all a conditioning process to get …More
Reminds me of BXVI taking off his shoes to pray in the Blue Mosque, or JPII at Assisi. or Paul VI at the UN: It’s all a conditioning process to get the people used to the coming world religion.
Father Karl A Claver
He allows this pagan garbage but tries to annihilate TLM. Terrible!
9 more comments
Pavel Nepovi
Biologics on The Moon. How I captured high resolution full color images of the Apollo 11 landing site.More
Biologics on The Moon.
How I captured high resolution full color images of the Apollo 11 landing site.
Wilma Lopez shares from en.news
The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) has released a statement criticizing Archbishop Carla Maria Vigano—who has been charged by the Vatican with schism—and said that Archbishop Vigano’s stand is difficult …More
The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) has released a statement criticizing Archbishop Carla Maria Vigano—who has been charged by the Vatican with schism—and said that Archbishop Vigano’s stand is difficult from that of the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the SSPX founder.

FSSPX Distances Itself from Monsignor Viganó

The Priestly Society of Saint Pius X (FSSPX) issued a statement on 21 June distancing itself from Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. In his recent public defence, Viganò compared himself to Archbishop …More
The Priestly Society of Saint Pius X (FSSPX) issued a statement on 21 June distancing itself from Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò.
In his recent public defence, Viganò compared himself to Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the founder of the FSSPX.
But the FSSPX objects that there is a crucial difference between them: "In his text, Archbishop Viganò makes a clear declaration of sedevacantism. In other words, according to him, Pope Francis is not a pope".
But: "On this point, neither Archbishop Lefebvre nor the fraternity he founded would agree."
On the other hand, as bad as it was when Mgr Lefebvre rebelled [and Viganó was a happy employee of the Holy See], what is happening now in the Church is at least ten times worse, and the shockwave that Mgr Lefebvre created was much greater than the one that Monsignor Viganó is causing today.
Naomi Arai
This was from yesterday.
Ferdinand III the Saint: A Kingdom in Defense of Christianity St. Ferdinand III was defined by Pope Gregory IX as “an athlete of Christ” and later on by Pope Innocent IV as an “undefeated champion of …More
Ferdinand III the Saint: A Kingdom in Defense of Christianity
St. Ferdinand III was defined by Pope Gregory IX as “an athlete of Christ” and later on by Pope Innocent IV as an “undefeated champion of Jesus Christ”. Both descriptions are definitely fitting for this Spanish monarch who recognized that all things were given to him by God, and that to God they should return. He fought to defend the Christian faith in battle as well as on his knees. Get to know him in HM Television's documentary “Ferdinand III the Saint: A Kingdom in Defense of Christianity”, available as a Video on Demand at this link: Watch Ferdinand III, the Saint: A Kingdom in Defense of Christianity Online | Vimeo On Demand For more information, visit: Ferdinand III, the Saint

Parents say NO to gender ideology

Dr. James Lindsay on radical gender ideology and the social credit mafia."Parents do what ever you can, to make sure this toxic ideology isn't in your local public school …
thegoldenprayer shares from thegoldenprayer
Luminous Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary narrated by Sam Michael Nardone.
More Novus Ordo nonsense