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Scroll down this page for the statistics of an English country church, note they added the TLM Parish Appeal 2024 - Most Holy Trinity Catholic ChurchMore
Scroll down this page for the statistics of an English country church, note they added the TLM
Parish Appeal 2024 - Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church

USA puts Pfizer on trial for vaccine “falsehoods”

USA puts Pfizer on trial for vaccine “falsehoods” The Attorney General of Kansas is suing the pharmaceutical giant: "It deceived on efficacy and adverse …
True Mass's an act of love. Where's that show trial??
Naomi Arai
It’s a dog and pony show.
2 more comments

Belgium: Archbishops Must Pay Compensation to Woman "Denied" Deacon Training

A court in Mechelen has found retired Archbishop Jozef De Kesel, 77, and his successor as Brussels Archbishop Luc Terlinden, 55, guilty of discrimination (June 25). Veer Dusauchoit, 62, from the Flemish …More
A court in Mechelen has found retired Archbishop Jozef De Kesel, 77, and his successor as Brussels Archbishop Luc Terlinden, 55, guilty of discrimination (June 25).
Veer Dusauchoit, 62, from the Flemish town of Herent, tried to register for deacon training but was refused entry because she is a woman. She filed a lawsuit.
The court ruled that both archbishops had violated "gender equality" and must pay the elderly woman of 1,500€ in compensation.
At the same time, the court admitted that it could not rule on church law because of the principle of separation of church and state and the constitutional principle of freedom of religion. The woman will not be admitted to the diaconal training.
The parties can appeal the decision.
Picture: Jozef De Kesel, Luc Terlinden © wikicommons CC BY-SA, #newsHtphhebauz
Father Karl A Claver
These amazons have NO business attending these classes.
@John A Cassani Because they WILL BE DISRUPTIVE. I should know. At the theology school I attended women were allowed to "audit' pastoral formation …More
@John A Cassani Because they WILL BE DISRUPTIVE. I should know. At the theology school I attended women were allowed to "audit' pastoral formation classes for men studying for the priesthood, but were always belligerent that they were denied Holy Orders by an oppressive patriarchal Church. It got so bad that one professor who was a member of a religious community had extracurricular sessions in his nearby monastery just to get away from those gals. Of course, he was reported to the administration for sexist behavior.
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RELEASE of H.E. Monsignor Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop about the Vatican parody that seeks to prosecute himMore
of H.E. Monsignor Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
about the Vatican parody that seeks to prosecute him

Viganò: I did not go and I will never go to the Sant’Uffizio. Condemnation Already Written. Schismatic …

Viganò: I did not go and I will never go to the Sant’Uffizio. Condemnation Already Written. Schismatic …
Faith In The Ruins
I understand not going. It's a show trial and other "opponents" of Francis have died under unusual circumstances. The latter half was Savonarola's …More
I understand not going. It's a show trial and other "opponents" of Francis have died under unusual circumstances. The latter half was Savonarola's reasoning for ignoring Alexander's IV summons (make of that what you will. I'm sympathetic to Savonarola, personally).
At the same time, I think it would be good for traddy morale for him to go there and call out the heresies of the Vatican to their faces. And ideally back up his prior claims of Francis's McCarrickesque behavior.
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Canon 212
June 25, 2024: Flaming Kissy Ordained Our Bishop. Whadda Show of Sthupport!
The masks are off. Our Lady doesn't lie. So therefore take comfort and strength in knowing her Immaculate Heart will triumph.

The author of "Abolish the Family" says the desire to protect kids' innocence is a "threat" driven by …

Family abolitionism is, apparently, a thing. Enter Sophie Lewis, a feminist critic and author of Also …
Faith In The Ruins
I am particularly amused by their claims that the right wing fears black families while the left has done more to dismantle black families than the …More
I am particularly amused by their claims that the right wing fears black families while the left has done more to dismantle black families than the antebellum slave trade.
No, this is not an SNL skit. This is CNN.
That pretty girl in the pink smock…she’s says she felt scary for her in her home town…it’s feeling pretty scary for the rest of us seeing her like …More
That pretty girl in the pink smock…she’s says she felt scary for her in her home town…it’s feeling pretty scary for the rest of us seeing her like that…is anyone going to address that ?
chris griffin
you gotta be kidding!
2 more comments
A good example is the case of Karol Wojtyla. He was praised by almost all the media. No one was puzzled by the fact that on a daily basis the leftist media, in Poland extremely anti-Polish, wrote almost …More
A good example is the case of Karol Wojtyla. He was praised by almost all the media. No one was puzzled by the fact that on a daily basis the leftist media, in Poland extremely anti-Polish, wrote almost poems about his greatness. Every other thing they described was called leftist lies, but not this. And yet at least Catholics should know that popes have never been praised by the Left, much less by Masonic lodges (as in the case of the last few popes). However, people do not see what is visible. only what. they want to see and what agrees with their views. And that it rarely agrees with the facts is all the worse for the facts.
Living in such a hypocritical world, it is hard to make correct decisions without the spiritual support that only Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother give.
Many here will fervently affirm this, ignoring the fact that since Fatima there have been many phantoms who only claim to be the Blessed Virgin Mary and are not her. A very brief analysis of these …More

Truth and spiritual support – key decisions in a hypocritical world

Life has become a trap, or maybe even Russian roulette – only with one empty chamber . Although the decisions we have to make shouldn’t …
Father Karl A Claver
The more I learn, the more I am distrustful of everything pertaining from V2, including the popes who were governing since 1958. Most of them were lame …More
The more I learn, the more I am distrustful of everything pertaining from V2, including the popes who were governing since 1958. Most of them were lame. Even Konrad Adenauer, a former chancellor of Germany, said that a clown (John XXIII) was sitting on the papal throne.
Trying to get my family off watching television. Mission.. The most prolific intellectually advanced people I know are non-TV viewers. I have not watched television for years due to corrupting influence …More
Trying to get my family off watching television. Mission.. The most prolific intellectually advanced people I know are non-TV viewers. I have not watched television for years due to corrupting influence, not just content-wise, but also the medium itself.

Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television: The Effects of Watching TV – Mother Earth News

How Television Dims the Mind When you are watching television and believe you are looking at pictures, …
Edie Loughmiller
I have come to think of the television as a Portal bringing darkness and evil into people's homes and lives. When you try to tell them that they will …More
I have come to think of the television as a Portal bringing darkness and evil into people's homes and lives. When you try to tell them that they will be happier and feel better if they stop watching the News, they simply won't believe it. It's everyone's civic duty to watch the News, right?
Maria delos Angeles
"And so it is with television. When you are watching, absorbing techno-guru, your mind may be in alpha, but it is certainly not “empty mind.” Images …More
"And so it is with television. When you are watching, absorbing techno-guru, your mind may be in alpha, but it is certainly not “empty mind.” Images are pouring into it. Your mind is not quiet or calm or empty. It may be nearer to dead, or zombie-ized. It is occupied. No renewal can come from this condition. For renewal, the mind would have to be at rest, or once rested, it would have to be seeking new kinds of stimulation, new exercise. Television offers neither rest nor stimulation.
Television inhibits your ability to think, but it does not lead to freedom of mind, relaxation or renewal. It leads to a more exhausted mind. You may have time out from prior obsessive thought patterns, but that’s as far as television goes. The mind is never empty, the mind is filled. What’s worse, it is filled with someone else’s obsessive thoughts and images.
In this way, television serves to continue the same channeled mental processes from which one is seeking relief. The mind is as weary after watching …
De Profundis
Benedict XVI on the question of whether Summorum Pontificum was just a concession to the SSPX: "That is simply absolutely wrong! It was important to me that the Church is inwardly united with herself,…More
Benedict XVI on the question of whether Summorum Pontificum was just a concession to the SSPX: "That is simply absolutely wrong! It was important to me that the Church is inwardly united with herself, with her own past; that what she once held sacred is not somehow wrong now."
Sean Johnson
His biographer (+Ganswein) said his purpose was to draw people away from +Lefebvre. Nuf said.
Faith In The Ruins
This is true. However, we must remember that philosophically BXVI was very Hegelian. The move was nit to restore the Mass but for "mutual enrichment" …More
This is true. However, we must remember that philosophically BXVI was very Hegelian. The move was nit to restore the Mass but for "mutual enrichment" in hopes a new liturgy could form from the Mass of Ages and the Novus Ordo.
Tom Morelli
Latest Tucker on X.... Steve Sailer has spent a lifetime observing human behavior and coming to obvious, sensible conclusions. For the crime of noticing reality, he’s been ostracized, although secretly …More
Latest Tucker on X....
Steve Sailer has spent a lifetime observing human behavior and coming to obvious, sensible conclusions. For the crime of noticing reality, he’s been ostracized, although secretly everyone still reads him. (June 25, 2024)

Kráľovná pokoja 25. júna 2024 (Ivanke Ivankovičovej - Elezovej) Modlite sa, modlite sa, modlite sa !

Our Lady's Message to Ivanka on June 25, 2024 The visionary Ivanka Elez received today, on June 25th at 6.37 pm her yearly apparition, privately. Our Lady remained six minutes with her and gave this …More
Our Lady's Message to Ivanka
on June 25, 2024

The visionary Ivanka Elez received today,
on June 25th at 6.37 pm
her yearly apparition, privately.
Our Lady remained six minutes with her and gave this message:
"My children, pray, pray, pray!
Receive my motherly blessing."
Wilma Lopez

India's Eastern Church fails to settle liturgy dispute - UCA News

Some members of the Synod of Bishops of the India-based Syro-Malabar Church when they met Pope Francis in May to discuss the vexed issues …
Father Karl A Claver
When the TLM and a few other ancient rites were the only game in town, none of this foolishness happened.
Frank Walker

June 25, 2024: Flaming Kissy Ordained Our Bishop. Whadda Show of Sthupport!

The Masonic Plan to Destroy the Catholic Church with Ecumenism

The Masonic Plan to Destroy the Catholic Church with Ecumenism

For the past three centuries Freemasons have sought to dethrone the papacy and place ecumenical bodies in power and Rome is now calling for…
I must say that the Masonic plan to destroy the Church is working very well. I'm sure this is especially true now that they control the Vatican.
Ivan Tomas
@Live Mike, Satan does. And his sons.More
@Live Mike,
Satan does. And his sons.
One more comment

Germany: Young man dies after beating by migrant gang as he walked home from sister’s graduation party

A 20-year-old German national, beaten into a coma on Sunday evening by several members of a migrant …
The police "urged the attackers to turn themselves in". Who's taking bets?
Father Karl A Claver
Read the poem THE SNAKE, which Trump often quotes. TODAY, if anyone is friendly to these barbarians, it is THEIR own fault for being killed or wounded.

Why is MCC banning the Guthrie (heel prick blood) test?

In 2020, banned mRNA vaccines and issued religious exemptions, saving many lives. Today, they are recommending parents opt out of the Guthrie (heel prick blood) Test for …More
In 2020, banned mRNA vaccines and issued religious exemptions, saving many lives. Today, they are recommending parents opt out of the Guthrie (heel prick blood) Test for newborns.
Religious Exemptions
Pierre Henri
Bird flu: Finland becomes first country in the world to start vaccinations for humansMore
Bird flu: Finland becomes first country in the world to start vaccinations for humans

Finland becomes the first country to start bird flu vaccinations for humans

COVID-19 JN.1 variant detailed by World Health Organisation Finland has become the first country in the world to start bird flu…
Father Karl A Claver
The Doctor Frankensteins will try to bring that worthless stuff to America.
Caitlyn Kano Empowers Economically Vulnerable Women to Choose Life Caitlyn Kano, Executive Director of Leap Personal Finance, talks with Bishop Reed and Jay Fadden. She shares about the program and …More
Caitlyn Kano Empowers Economically Vulnerable Women to Choose Life
Caitlyn Kano, Executive Director of Leap Personal Finance, talks with Bishop Reed and Jay Fadden. She shares about the program and mission for economically vulnerable women, and the services that are offered. She also talks about how better financial situations can help people be more pro-life. To learn more, click here: Homepage - Leap Personal Finance Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Donate to CatholicTV: Donate | CatholicTV
Cc Ss
Instead of teaching unmarried mothers how to replace fathers with food stamps, let’s do right by the child and replace single motherhood with adoption.

Francis to Institute of Roman Rite: "Continue According to your Proper Charism"

The Institute of Christ the King, which follows the Roman Rite, published a press release on the June 24 meeting with Francis. The text includes pictures but no interesting news: "On two occasions, …More
The Institute of Christ the King, which follows the Roman Rite, published a press release on the June 24 meeting with Francis.
The text includes pictures but no interesting news: "On two occasions, the Pope insisted that we continue to serve the Church according to our proper charism, in the spirit of unity and communion which the harmony and balance of the Salesian spirituality allow".
Francis invited all ICKSP members to visit him in audience, including the nuns.
Along with Monsignor Gilles Wach, Prior General of the Institute, Francis received Monsignor Rudolf Schmitz, vicar general of the Institute, and Louis Valadier, the provincial of France.
Sean Johnson
He’ll herd all trads to the SSPX’s personal prelature (which is why the SSPX will consecrate bishops), which will be the only approved venue, where …More
He’ll herd all trads to the SSPX’s personal prelature (which is why the SSPX will consecrate bishops), which will be the only approved venue, where the combination of self-censorship (so as not to lose approval) and dilution of doctrine because of an influx of hordes of legality-first conservatives will put the final nails in the traditionalist resistance to the counterrevolution. And at such time as the prelature should materialize, you’ll know Rome picked the SSPX bishops all along, and the two have continued the deception of the faithful and clergy by gradual steps (as Fellay and Hoyos agreed upon back in 2001).
Faith In The Ruins
If Francis doesn't just pull the rug from under the old Ecclesia Dei communities, I expect he'll put a sundown date on them for maybe July 16, 2025.
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