
France: Francis’ Friends Accuse Him of “Clerical Terrorism”

The reason why Francis is persecuting Fréjus-Toulon Bishop Dominique Rey is because Rey reconciled Roman Rite priests and Novus Ordo presiders, writes Paix-Liturgique.org (September 1). • Fréjus-…More
The reason why Francis is persecuting Fréjus-Toulon Bishop Dominique Rey is because Rey reconciled Roman Rite priests and Novus Ordo presiders, writes Paix-Liturgique.org (September 1).
• Fréjus-Toulon is the only French diocese without a vocation crisis.
• Bishop Rey has applied Summorum Pontificum in an exemplary way.
• In September 2005, he created a Roman Rite parish entrusting it to the Missionaries of Mercy, who also evangelise Muslims.
• Rey invited the Novus Order presiders to learn how to celebrate Mass, trying to break up the liturgical ghettos that Francis is now bringing back.
• Since June 2022, Francis has been holding hostage ten young Fréjus-Toulon seminarians (4 future priests, 6 future deacons) whose ordination he has forbidden.
• Jean-Marie Guénois (LeFigaro.fr, 3 June 2022) calls this a “collective punishment” that does not go down well with French Catholics and speaks of Francis’ “clerical terror”.
• The anti-Catholic Father Michel Kubler (former editor of La-croix.com …More
Dr Bobus
So the question is who has Francis' ear?
Even the liberals are waking up to his dictator style of governance.
Such a pity that your litany of counter articles by liberal professional-Catholic media still doesn't disprove Pope Francis' dictator style of governance or his progressive modernist agenda.
Juste because it is out of this topic or subject !
If you like, you can read my last post this morning in french about bishop Vigano latest tweet and Bergoglio
Mgr Vigano dénonce la fraude Bergoglienne au sujet…More
Juste because it is out of this topic or subject !

If you like, you can read my last post this morning in french about bishop Vigano latest tweet and Bergoglio

Mgr Vigano dénonce la fraude Bergoglienne au sujet…