Jordan Peterson calls out Canadian schools for pushing ‘Pride’ month propaganda, says it ‘has to …

(LifeSiteNews) — Canadian clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson said LGBT indoctrination in Canadian …

Francis to Institute of Roman Rite: "Continue According to your Proper Charism"

The Institute of Christ the King, , which follows the Roman Rite, published a press release on the June 24 meeting with Francis. The text includes pictures but no interesting news: "On two occasions,…More
The Institute of Christ the King, , which follows the Roman Rite, published a press release on the June 24 meeting with Francis.
The text includes pictures but no interesting news: "On two occasions, the Pope insisted that we continue to serve the Church according to our proper charism, in the spirit of unity and communion which the harmony and balance of the Salesian spirituality allow".
Francis invited all ICKSP members to visit him in audience, including the nuns.
Along with Monsignor Gilles Wach, Prior General of the Institute, Francis received Monsignor Rudolf Schmitz, vicar general of the Institute, and Louis Valadier, the provincial of France.
Boanerges Boanerges
Kissy kissy with the false prophet
Wilma Lopez
Did Francis say anything about concelebrating the diocesan Chrism Mass?
5 more comments
The Masonic Plan to Destroy the Catholic Church with Ecumenism

The Masonic Plan to Destroy the Catholic Church with Ecumenism

For the past three centuries Freemasons have sought to dethrone the papacy and place ecumenical bodies in power and Rome is now calling for…
Ivan Tomas
@Live Mike, Satan does. And his sons.More
@Live Mike,
Satan does. And his sons.
Live Mike
Who controls the Freemasons?
Tucker Carlson reveals the truth about Mike Pompeo. 'Pompeo threatened to arrest me if I revealed the CIA killed President Kennedy. Pompeo also plotted to assassinate Julian Assange.'
Naomi Arai
God protect Julian. He's in more danger than ever now.

The pillars of destruction

It is way too obvious what is going on inside the Church, Vatican II took away a lot from us, yet it wasn’t enough for them in the shadows, the false church had to go against everything our Lord desired …More
It is way too obvious what is going on inside the Church, Vatican II took away a lot from us, yet it wasn’t enough for them in the shadows, the false church had to go against everything our Lord desired, and sure, it is understandable the enemy’s hunger to destroy.
I am truly convinced, with no evidence, the false church started with the men who swore damnation upon them if they didn’t kill St Paul, from there, the hatred the devil had for our Lord permeated throughout the years through secret societies, just killing Christians on the spot wasn’t working, I mean, demons were creating martyrs left and right, the Church needed to be destroyed from within.
The forces of evil year by year throughout the entire salvation history has gone in two ways: killing Christians and killing the faith of Christians, both were truly satisfying for the deceiver, the king of lies.
Again, killing Christians wasn’t that great, because most times Saints, right at the edge of death, despite the temptations …More
Naomi Arai
They own us.
Info Krieger Krieger
🇺🇲🇨🇳 Ein pensionierter General warnt vor Chinas Würgegriff auf das US-Militär: „Wir müssen uns auf einen Krieg vorbereiten“ Ein ehemaliger Armeegeneral …More
🇺🇲🇨🇳 Ein pensionierter General warnt vor Chinas Würgegriff auf das US-Militär: „Wir müssen uns auf einen Krieg vorbereiten“
Ein ehemaliger Armeegeneral warnte, dass China die USA im Würgegriff habe und der Westen im Falle eines umfassenden Krieges der Willkür Pekings ausgeliefert sei.
In einem Exklusivinterview mit sagte der pensionierte Generalmajor der US-Armee John G. Ferrari, er sei „ernsthaft besorgt“ über die anhaltende Abhängigkeit Amerikas von China bei der Ausrüstung seines Militärs.
Chinesische Hersteller sind tief in den US-Verteidigungssystemen verwurzelt und liefern wichtige Technologien und Rohstoffe, die in allen möglichen Produkten von Luft-Luft-Raketen bis zu Kampfjets zum Einsatz kommen.
General Ferrari, der als stellvertretender Kommandeur der NATO in Afghanistan diente , räumte ein, dass Peking die amerikanische Aufrüstungsfähigkeit durch die Unterbrechung seiner Versorgungswege beeinträchtigen könne.
„Wenn wir mit China im Krieg wären und dieses Land …More
Live Mike

"What's past is prologue."

The "Bergoglian" persecution of Traditional Catholicism [Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò] is an integral element in the Passion of the Church. "What's past is prologue." Our Blessed Lord was persecuted …More
The "Bergoglian" persecution of Traditional Catholicism [Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò] is an integral element in the Passion of the Church. "What's past is prologue." Our Blessed Lord was persecuted at the hands of churchmen, likewise Christ's followers will be persecuted at the hands of churchmen.
As St. Francis of Assisi prophesied, "Those who preserve their fervour and adhere to virtue with love and zeal for the truth, will suffer injuries and persecutions as rebels and schismatics; for their persecutors, urged on by the evil spirits, will say they are rendering a great service to God by destroying such pestilent men from the face of the earth." - Works of the Seraphic Father St. Francis Of Assisi, London, R. Washbourne, 1882, Part V, Chapter XIII - The Saint Prophesies great Schisms and Tribulations in the Church, pp. 248-250
We should all think about the Passion of Jesus.
TOMMY ROBINSON HAS BEEN RELEASED! | His release conditions require that Tommy turn in his passport and remain in southern Alberta, and he cannot leave Canada! Tomorrow we work on fixing …More
TOMMY ROBINSON HAS BEEN RELEASED! | His release conditions require that Tommy turn in his passport and remain in southern Alberta, and he cannot leave Canada! Tomorrow we work on fixing that. Help us help Tommy by crowdfunding the best lawyer in Alberta at
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De Profundis shares from Naomi Arai
First footage of Julian Assange since plea released by WikiLeaks The first footage of Julian Assange since he left Belmarsh maximum security prison has been released by WikiLeaks. Mr Assange has agreed …More
First footage of Julian Assange since plea released by WikiLeaks
The first footage of Julian Assange since he left Belmarsh maximum security prison has been released by WikiLeaks.
Mr Assange has agreed to enter a plea deal with the Biden administration that would allow him to avoid prison in the United States, according to newly filed federal court documents.
Under the new terms, the Justice Department will seek a 62-month sentence, which is equal to the amount of time Assange has already served in prison in London while fighting his extradition to the US.
The deal would then credit that time served, allowing Assange to immediately return to Australia.

Fontgombault Sermon for the Feast of Saint John the Baptist: Saint John, "the first Monk of the New …

St. John the Baptist (and Simple Profession of Monk) What then will this child be? (Lk 1:66) Dear …
Day 29: Mary Espoused to St. Joseph Father Edward Looney reads and comments on The Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations: From the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich. Day 29 Volume 1 THE MOST …More
Day 29: Mary Espoused to St. Joseph
Father Edward Looney reads and comments on The Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations: From the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich. Day 29 Volume 1 THE MOST HOLY INCARNATION Chapter 1: Mary Espoused to St. Joseph LEARN MORE - USE COUPON CODE ACE25 FOR 25% OFF • The Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations: From the Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich Four-Book Set - • The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ: From the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich - • The Life and Revelations of Anne Catherine Emmerich Two-Book Set - • The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary: From the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich - • Mary Magdalen in the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich - • The Mystical City of God Four-Book Set - • Our Lady of Good Help: Prayer Book for Pilgrims - The Life …More

Priest's Double Life, Sex in Group, Spanish Church CoverCover-Up (3 of 5)

Priest's Double Life, Sex in Group, Spanish Church CoverCover-Up (3 of 5) A 27-year-old priest, Rev. Vicente López-Brea, overseeing …

Number of ordinations in France rises as country continues to buck secular trends - Catholic Herald

The number of French priests being ordained in 2024 has exceeded 2023’s numbers as France continues …
Naomi Arai
They have more SSPX than any other country. If it wasn’t such a trash heap with Islamists, I’d almost-almost- find it an attractive alternative to the US.
Pierre Henri
JERRY GOODE @MrJerryGoode BREAKING : U.S. NASA Astronauts Barry "Butch" Wilmore and Suni Williams are STRANDED in space after their (Made in America) junk spacecraft started to leak helium. China will …More
BREAKING : U.S. NASA Astronauts Barry "Butch" Wilmore and Suni Williams are STRANDED in space after their (Made in America) junk spacecraft started to leak helium.
China will do the rescue mission for free to go save these panicked and scared NASA astronauts and bring them back to earth to reunite with their worried families.
China? I thought Elon Musk's SpaceX was going to get them. Guess our government would rather deal with an enemy state than a capitalist entrepreneur.
ICKSP issued statement following June 24 meeting with Francis, who they say “insisted that we continue to serve the Church according to our own, proper charism.” Pope Francis also invited all ICKSP …More
ICKSP issued statement following June 24 meeting with Francis, who they say “insisted that we continue to serve the Church according to our own, proper charism.” Pope Francis also invited all ICKSP members to visit him in audienc
Institut Christus König hat auch sehr lobenswerte Werke der Barmherzigkeit in Gabon aufgebaut
Naomi Arai
Yeah, and they’ll probably have to start saying the Novus Ordo like the FSSP. That’s why I avoid relying upon the Ecclesia Dei crew.
11 more comments

Canada: Police arrest activist Tommy Robinson, who criticised Justin Trudeau for being a ‘commie’, …

On Monday (24th June), the police arrested Tommy Robinson, a British activist and critic of Canadian …
Naomi Arai
He has since been “released”
Father Karl A Claver
Canada is just a few years ahead of us here in the USA. If Biden wins in November, we will be more like Canada in every way.
Denis Efimov
Tucker Carlson believes abortion is a demonically driven “human sacrifice” that acts as an “offering to the spirit world.”

Tucker Carlson tells Alex Jones abortion is a demonic ‘offering to the spirit world’ - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Tucker Carlson believes abortion is a demonically driven “human sacrifice” that acts as …
@Father Karl A Claver you must have the counsel of really good priests. Sadly, some I have come in contact with just look at abortion as a mild tragedy …More
@Father Karl A Claver you must have the counsel of really good priests. Sadly, some I have come in contact with just look at abortion as a mild tragedy - i.e. that's it's unfortunate that a woman would be forced to resort to it and we need to show them support and accompany them in their choice. And that's the best opinion. I know one priest who was visibly angry when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. He said that he thought we were beyond that and need to stop obsessing over abortion!! Taking his cues from Francis. 😱 😲
Father Karl A Claver
Tucket hits it right on the nail. For years now many priests have taught that abortion is a sacrifice to Satan, and I am glad a layman agrees. Unfortunately …More
Tucket hits it right on the nail. For years now many priests have taught that abortion is a sacrifice to Satan, and I am glad a layman agrees. Unfortunately, millions are following the demonic and have abandoned God and the Catholic Church.

Bergoglio under the banner of Antichrist, Viganò under the banner of Christ

The Catholic public has been informed that the pseudo Pope Bergoglio, who is publicly known to have stood in rebellion against God by legalizing and blessing one of the gravest of sins, namely sodomy,…More
The Catholic public has been informed that the pseudo Pope Bergoglio, who is publicly known to have stood in rebellion against God by legalizing and blessing one of the gravest of sins, namely sodomy, has “excommunicated” the former US nuncio, Carlo Maria Viganò, from his antichurch. There is no need to defend the Archbishop faithful to Christ before people who seek the truth. They already know him well as a courageous champion of Christ’s teachings, as one who has publicly pointed out the unity of the Deep Church and the Deep State, and whose highly moral speeches influence the political scene. It is a miracle of God that he is still alive today, because both of these Deep organizations, which promote the moral and physical destruction of individuals and humanity, see him as their arch enemy. That is also why if one reads the official mainstream news or the official church news à la mainstream, one will only read slander.
In 2018, former nuncio Carlo Maria Viganò publicly came out with …More
Tom Morelli
America First Legal Sends Directive to All 50 States on Preventing Illegal Aliens from Voting Amidst Reports of Biden Regime Distributing Social Security Numbers and Voter Registration to Illegals

America First Legal Sends Directive to All 50 States on Preventing Illegal Aliens from Voting Amidst …

America First Legal President Stephen Miller (Credit: Getty Images) America First Legal (AFL), a …
Naomi Arai
God protect Julian Assange. It’s more dangerous for him now.
Bonhoeffer’s Trailer Reveals Courage Amid Darkness SWNews Angel Studios has unveiled the official trailer for 'Bonhoeffer,' a film set to enthrall viewers with its depiction of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's …More
Bonhoeffer’s Trailer Reveals Courage Amid Darkness SWNews
Angel Studios has unveiled the official trailer for 'Bonhoeffer,' a film set to enthrall viewers with its depiction of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's courageous resistance to the Nazi regime in World War II. Helmed by Todd Komarnicki and featuring Jonas Dassler as Bonhoeffer, the movie's debut is highly anticipated on November 22. The trailer provides a captivating insight into Bonhoeffer's resolute dedication to honesty and fairness in tumultuous circumstances, offering an exciting glimpse of things to come.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer - Wikipedia Hound of Heaven chris griffinMore
Dietrich Bonhoeffer - Wikipedia
Hound of Heaven chris griffin