Luciano Costa
AND TODAY WE CELEBRATE...WEDNESDAY, JULY 10 Saint of the Day: Bl. Faustino Villanueva y Villanueva Priest and Martyr (1931-1980) His life + Faustino was born in Yesa, Navarra, Spain, in 1931. + He …More
Saint of the Day: Bl. Faustino Villanueva y Villanueva
Priest and Martyr (1931-1980)
His life
+ Faustino was born in Yesa, Navarra, Spain, in 1931.
+ He entered the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in 1949 and was ordained a priest in 1956. Faustino spent the first years of his ministry as a seminary instructor and, later, as novice master for his province.
+ In 1959, he was sent to his community’s missions in Quiché, Guatemala. For the next 21 years, he served as pastor of several parishes and, like other Missionaries of the Sacred Heart serving in the region, he was a staunch advocate for the rights of the indigenous peoples.
+ Between 1960 and 1996 more than 200,000 Guatemalans (including priests and religious) were killed in the conflicts between the military regime and opposition groups. Father Faustino and others found themselves standing in opposition to the government’s oppressive policies because of their commitment to the work of …More

Francis: "No More Martyrs" - Why the Bishop Had to Leave

Monsignor Silvio José Báez, 66, the Auxiliary Bishop of Managua, Nicaragua, left the country in 2019 to go into forced exile. Before being appointed bishop in April 2009, Báez, who belongs to the …More
Monsignor Silvio José Báez, 66, the Auxiliary Bishop of Managua, Nicaragua, left the country in 2019 to go into forced exile.
Before being appointed bishop in April 2009, Báez, who belongs to the Carmelite order, spent 30 years in Europe.
But in 2019, Francis asked the auxiliary bishop to leave Nicaragua for his own safety after he came into conflict with the government. "Francis literally told me that he didn't want another martyred bishop in Central America," Monsignor Báez told La Gaceta de Salamanca.
Báez now lives in Florida, United States.
Picture: Silvio José Báez © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsDzbnmuxthh
It's Already Utterly Dreadful NEW WEBSITE! DONATE: Paul Joseph Watson on LOCALS (Exclusive content! No ads.): Support Paul Joseph Watson ROKFIN: NEW …More
It's Already Utterly Dreadful
DONATE: Paul Joseph Watson on
LOCALS (Exclusive content! No ads.): Support Paul Joseph Watson
BITCOIN CASH WALLET: qrxhqz9ka423v68qwc7nyqc88q3mx9ea5gcpz88a0l LITECOIN WALLET: MSs2rWgM571WM3zUnL255gccoQAdz9L6CG ETHEREUM WALLET: 0x21221F5da5e70F46Bbfa755f89e312daDa51f115 Rumble: Paul Joseph Watson Odysee: Main Channel: Parler: Bitchute: Telegram: Paul Joseph Watson Twitter: Minds: PaulJosephWatson (@PaulJosephWatson) | Minds Gab: PrisonPlanet (@PrisonPlanet Gettr: Paul Joseph Watson on GETTR Truth Social: Paul Joseph Watson (@RealPJW)
Dr Bobus
I can't stand shots that are only of someone's face.
There was no Bible before the late 4th century when Pope Damasus I and other Bishops held the Council of Rome in 382AD and canonized the 27 books of the New Testament from over 200 books being debated …More
There was no Bible before the late 4th century when Pope Damasus I and other Bishops held the Council of Rome in 382AD and canonized the 27 books of the New Testament from over 200 books being debated at that time.
Klaus Elmar Müller
There were printed Bibles even before Gutenberg. Wooden tablets were used in which the letters on a page were carved, but they quickly wore out if they …More
There were printed Bibles even before Gutenberg. Wooden tablets were used in which the letters on a page were carved, but they quickly wore out if they were printed frequently. Gutenberg invented movable metal letters that could be used many times and only had to be moved for each page. Unfortunately, his invention also allowed Luther's propaganda to be printed many times over.
Saint Therese is in Spiderman 2002
Better to cry than to be angry. Why? Read.
How to know if you should go to confession….. 🌹 🙏 🌹More
How to know if you should go to confession…..
🌹 🙏 🌹
Coenobium shares this
Checkliste (auf Englisch), ob man zur Beichte gehen soll 😘 🤪

The die is cast. Jews have no sustainable future in Europe – Allah's Willing Executioners

by Giulio Meotti The chief rabbi of the Great Synagogue of Paris, Moshe Sebbag, called for departure: “There is …
Vivaldi`s SUMMER ─ Year 1725, a Catholic priest composes baroque music in Venice. Year 2024, a gay man, dressed as a priest, mixes techno noises on the island of Ibiza 25th Anniversary of Ordination …More
Vivaldi`s SUMMER ─ Year 1725, a Catholic priest composes baroque music in Venice. Year 2024, a gay man, dressed as a priest, mixes techno noises on the island of Ibiza 25th Anniversary of Ordination: Priest Celebrates …
L'Estate di Vivaldi ─ Anno 1725, un prete cattolico compone musica barocca a Venezia. Anno 2024, un uomo gaio, vestito da prete, miscela rumori techno sull'isola di Ibiza 25° anniversario dell'ordinazione …More
L'Estate di Vivaldi ─ Anno 1725, un prete cattolico compone musica barocca a Venezia. Anno 2024, un uomo gaio, vestito da prete, miscela rumori techno sull'isola di Ibiza 25° anniversario dell'ordinazione: Il sacerdo…
“The cappa magna does indeed represent the finery of the world, its power and prestige. That is why after his entrance wearing it, the prelate is publicly stripped of this finery and humbled before …More
“The cappa magna does indeed represent the finery of the world, its power and prestige. That is why after his entrance wearing it, the prelate is publicly stripped of this finery and humbled before the congregation. Then, vestment by vestment, the bishop is clothed in the new man of which St. Paul speaks, including the baptismal alb, the dalmatic of charity, the stole of pardon and the chasuble of mercy. When finally clothed in Christ, the prelate makes a second entrance into the church to begin the eucharistic celebration in persona Christi, the visible head of the body, the church. It was a clear statement that the power and prestige of the world have no place at the altar, but it is expressed in a liturgical ritual or symbol, which, unfortunately, are often lacking in the contemporary rites and thus hard to grasp"
Klaus Elmar Müller
Als Menschen im irdischen "Tal der Tränen" repräsentieren Priester, Bischöfe und Papst die Armut Christi. Dank ihrer Weihe jedoch sind sie verpflichtet …More
Als Menschen im irdischen "Tal der Tränen" repräsentieren Priester, Bischöfe und Papst die Armut Christi. Dank ihrer Weihe jedoch sind sie verpflichtet, auch die Würde Jesu Christi als König äußerlich zu repräsentieren. So sah es Pfarrer Hans Milch, der bis zu seiner Ermordung eine Speerspitze des kirchlichen Konservativismus in Deutschland war. Dennoch Danke, @Lisi Sterndorfer, für die wunderbare Meditation über den Sinn liturgischer Gewänder!
Sean Johnson
Why am I not surprised to see “finery” spoken of in the same video featuring the ICK? They go hand in hand. There is a joke about them that they should …More
Why am I not surprised to see “finery” spoken of in the same video featuring the ICK? They go hand in hand. There is a joke about them that they should change their motto to “Nothing but the finest in the service of the Lord!”
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Why Doesn't Francis Simply Refute Claims of Homosexual Predation?

Why Doesn’t Francis Simply Refute Claims of Homosexual Predation?

In the past period people have noted how Pope Francis has uttered slurs about homosexuals, calling them faggots and the like, but has it …
la verdad prevalece
One of the characteristics of homosexuals 'priest' is their vengeful nature. The other characteristic is that they hate the Latin Mass. Bergoglio takes …More
One of the characteristics of homosexuals 'priest' is their vengeful nature. The other characteristic is that they hate the Latin Mass.
Bergoglio takes revenge against God and against the Church. That's why he persecutes every faithful Catholic who dares to challenge him.
Let's see another example of the anti-Catholic hatred of this impostor who dared to accuse the Argentine political prisoners who fought against Marxism of crimes against humanity while he promoted his Marxist terrorist comrades.
Bergoglio accuses the political prisoners who fought against Communism with crimes of Lesa Humanity while defends Marxist terrorists
Fieles a Cristo: Bergoglio en Argentina se dedicó a hacer política izquierdista, activismo Gay y comunista (
Why doesn't Biden take a cognitive test? The questions answer themselves.
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Bazsó-Dombi Attila shares from Live Mike
Carol H
The definition for Sede-vacantists keeps growing!
Louis IX
Mazza believes that the See has been vacant since the passing of Pope Benedict XVI.
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Tom Morelli
Democrats right nowMore
Democrats right now
Naomi Arai
I absolutely want him as the nominee.
The Six Best American Cities To Raise A Catholic Family (According To Reddit) 6. Wichita, KS 5. Phoenix, AZ 4. St. Louis, MO 3. Lafayette, LA 2. Cincinnati, OH 1. Evansville, IN purelycatholicMore
The Six Best American Cities To Raise A Catholic Family (According To Reddit)
6. Wichita, KS 5. Phoenix, AZ 4. St. Louis, MO 3. Lafayette, LA 2. Cincinnati, OH 1. Evansville, IN
Wilma Lopez shares from ComplicitClergy
"Remember that true schism requires innovation, something you have not done but something that Bergoglio does with every breath."

Mel Gibson’s Letter to Archbishop Viganò

Dear Archbishop, I’m sure you expected nothing else from Jorge Bergoglio. I know that you know he has no authority whatsoever – so I’m not sure how this will …
Louis IX
Or resisting a pope they don’t agree with.
Carol H
A subject declaring the Pope as not the Pope is one of the greatest innovations. But I guess that's the American way: "Power to the People" 😉
carlos padila
De Profundis

New Israel-Vatican fallout

New Israel-Vatican fallout Nine months since the beginning of the war between Hamas terrorists and Israel, the population of the Gaza Strip is at breaking point. The Israeli …
If that was their plan they are extremely incompetent!
Father Karl A Claver
You can thank England and Harry Truman (the highest Mason ever elected) for this mess.
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Francisco Suarez and the Theological Orientation of his Metaphysics with Dr. Victor Salas Check out the article published by Dr. Victor Salas, combating false accusations against Suarez: …More
Francisco Suarez and the Theological Orientation of his Metaphysics with Dr. Victor Salas
Check out the article published by Dr. Victor Salas, combating false accusations against Suarez:…94_The_theological_orientation_of_Francisco_Suarez's_metaphysics
Also check out my published PhD thesis on Suarez' metaphysics and Christology:
Pilgrimage to National Eucharistic Congress: Seton Route's Journey to Indianapolis The Seton Route is the first group to reach Indianapolis ahead of the National Eucharistic Congress. They've traveled …More
Pilgrimage to National Eucharistic Congress: Seton Route's Journey to Indianapolis
The Seton Route is the first group to reach Indianapolis ahead of the National Eucharistic Congress. They've traveled through 18 dioceses and eight states, and we've been checking in with one of those pilgrims, New Yorker Zoe Dongas, all along the way! As her journey comes to a close, she says this has been an awe-inspiring experience. Zoe also says in every diocese she's passed, she's seen people getting excited to walk with Jesus.

The words of "Father" Gordon MacRae's Judge at his sentencing.

In 1994 MacRae was convicted of one count of felonious sexual assault and four counts of aggravated felonious sexual assault. These are the words of the judge who sentenced him: " I conclude that you, …More
In 1994 MacRae was convicted of one count of felonious sexual assault and four counts of aggravated felonious sexual assault. These are the words of the judge who sentenced him:
" I conclude that you, Mr. MacRae, remain an extremely dangerous and high risk sexual offender. The compulsiveness and repetitiveness of your sexual assault against young boys, documented from 1979 to 1988, the selection and grooming of vulnerable boys and families, the deceitful use of both the authority of a Catholic priest and the corresponding spiritual power that the religion represents, the evidence of your solicitation and prostitution of young men for the gratification of yourself and others of your ilk, the evidence of child pornography and multiple victims, your complete lack of remorse, your aggressive denial of wrongdoing, your merciless attack on the character of the victims who confronted you, the ruthless application of your intelligence, education and experience as a counselor to undermine these …More
Thomas Richard Kinsella
I've researched it and there's substantial evidence what you say is total BS: "Offered a plea deal which would have brought only two or three years in …More
I've researched it and there's substantial evidence what you say is total BS: "Offered a plea deal which would have brought only two or three years in jail, Father MacRae declined. He was innocent and refused to confess to any crime, even a misdemeanor offense. He was found guilty without evidence or corroborating testimony." -- Pretty clear a Detective framed him and created false evidence: Could Fr. Gordon MacRae finally go free? – Catholic World Report