THE GREAT RESET: Davos & the Plot to Cancel Trump. From the Editor’s Desk, Michael Matt takes a look at some good news regarding the Covid recovery rate before exploring what’s really going on with …More
THE GREAT RESET: Davos & the Plot to Cancel Trump.
From the Editor’s Desk, Michael Matt takes a look at some good news regarding the Covid recovery rate before exploring what’s really going on with the global pandemic. To understand this, he takes us to Switzerland—to the World Economic Forum—where the movers and shakers of the world have been meeting on a regular basis, especially since January 2020, to plan ‘The Great Reset’ at the Davos 2021 Summit in January. Using multiple video clips, Michael shows how everyone from Soros, to Gates, to Schwab, to Al Gore and the Secretary-General of the United Nations are only too eager to admit that Covid offers them a rare opportunity to reset the world economy, population control, global commerce, climate change regulation, education and the UN Sustainable Development Goals in order to “reorder,” “reimagine” and fundamentally transform every aspect of life as we know it. Is this the rest of the story behind the Russia hoax, Ukraine, the phony …More
Sofia Haavisto shares this
Our Lady of Sorrows
"Trump - some of them believe I'm going stop the New World Order"…/1More
"Trump - some of them believe I'm going stop the New World Order"…/1
THE CHILDREN OF LIGHT: Finding the Lumen Christi in Tenebrae of Persecution. In this Sunday Sermon from South Saint Paul, Father preaches on the rise persecution here in the year 2020. He stresses the …More
THE CHILDREN OF LIGHT: Finding the Lumen Christi in Tenebrae of Persecution.
In this Sunday Sermon from South Saint Paul, Father preaches on the rise persecution here in the year 2020. He stresses the urgent need to understand that God is in charge and that, no matter what happens, fidelity to Him is our only hope for the future. Are all men on earth the "children of God"? Or are the children of God only those who are baptized and who attempt to live according to His law? Answer this wisely, as your eternity may depend on it. Finally, Father warns us to beware of the children of the Father of Lies, especially now when the cities are burning the churches are closing.
Thanks for posting this video. The Remnant is great!
POPE U.N.plugged: Return of the Old World Order. NEW NORMAL UPDATE: Priest calls the cops on his parishioner for not wearing a mask. (You won't believe what happens next.) Congratulations to Father …More
POPE U.N.plugged: Return of the Old World Order.
NEW NORMAL UPDATE: Priest calls the cops on his parishioner for not wearing a mask. (You won't believe what happens next.) Congratulations to Father Jonathan Morris, Fox News religion analyst. Thanks to a special dispensation from Francis, young Jonathan is getting married! From The Editor's Desk, Michael takes a closer look the moral, spiritual and economic lockdown of America and asks probing questions about what's really going on. For example, as the number of Covid deaths declines dramatically why are masks becoming mandatory now when, back in April--when there were 3,000 deaths per day--masks were optional? What's changed and what's it mean? Other questions: With the country erupting into riots and insurrection against history, order and the Christian religion, where has Pope Francis been? Does the Vatican want Joe Biden to win in November? Plus, video of a personal representative of the Pope suddenly becomes extremely interesting, …More
Our Lady of Sorrows
"Corona Controls about to lapse in Italy"…/corona-controls…More
"Corona Controls about to lapse in Italy"…/corona-controls…
Francis obviously loathes Pres Trump or any conservative. Biden all the way, but Hillary would be good too.
WEEDS & WHACKOS: The Roots of Chirstophobia. In this Sunday Sermon from South Saint Paul, Father uses the parable of the weeds among wheat (as well as a personal anecdote about his own father’s battle …More
WEEDS & WHACKOS: The Roots of Chirstophobia.
In this Sunday Sermon from South Saint Paul, Father uses the parable of the weeds among wheat (as well as a personal anecdote about his own father’s battle with the weeds in his lawn) to illustrate the growing problem of the “weeds” in modern society, which threaten to choke the good fruits that make our world strong and Godly. He mentions the weeds which are burning churches and decapitating statues of Our Lord and Lady… Weeds in the media that call such unlawful, riotous acts “peaceful protests”… Weeds in the education system which form our children into rebellious pawns for the leftist agenda. “We live in unprecedented times,” says Father, “when the world is sown and supported by the Evil One while the institutional Church is very weak… And still, God will provide if we remain rooted in Christ.” Share this sermon! Please help us with Remnant TV: Subscribe to our YouTube channel:… Follow Michael Matt …More
Is that a nose or a vacuum cleaner attachment? Never mind the police... That hippie needs his art scholarship defunded.
Bishop A. Schneider's International Eucharistic Reparation Crusade. In this RTV Short, Michael J. Matt kicks off Bishop Athanasius Schneider's July 2020 "International Eucharistic Reparation Crusade"…More
Bishop A. Schneider's International Eucharistic Reparation Crusade.
In this RTV Short, Michael J. Matt kicks off Bishop Athanasius Schneider's July 2020 "International Eucharistic Reparation Crusade". Using Communion in the hand as a launching pad, Micheal cites international abuse of the Eucharist as Exhibit A for why Catholics should vow to receive Communion on while kneeling, from a priest and on the tongue. Join Bishop Schneider's International Eucharistic Reparation Crusade:…/4985-bishop-ath…
Alex A
Oh dear, Oh dear. You clearly know so little of 'Our Faith'! Don't worry, I am not going to attempt to enlighten you. I suspect it would be a waste of …More
Oh dear, Oh dear. You clearly know so little of 'Our Faith'! Don't worry, I am not going to attempt to enlighten you. I suspect it would be a waste of time but, should I be wrong, your adult enough to research for yourself. Good luck with it.
This is not a "Eucharistic Reparation Crusade" but a "Rebellion against the Bishops Crusade". If these faithful do not want to receive the Holy Communion …More
This is not a "Eucharistic Reparation Crusade" but a "Rebellion against the Bishops Crusade". If these faithful do not want to receive the Holy Communion in their hands, then the only faithful way is to receive no Holy Communion at all but make spiritual communions. The way it is presented here looks very pious but is in fact a political instrumentalization of the Eucharist.
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Trump, Biden and the Little Sisters of the Poor. In this Sunday Sermon from South St. Paul, Father goes where very few Catholic priests are willing to go. Using the case of the Little Sisters of the …More
Trump, Biden and the Little Sisters of the Poor.
In this Sunday Sermon from South St. Paul, Father goes where very few Catholic priests are willing to go. Using the case of the Little Sisters of the Poor, Father explains what it means for the nation and for the Church to have a president who is willing to stand for the religious freedom of Christian Americans. SCOTUS ruled to defend the Little Sisters, and to not force them to violate their conscience by providing contraception to their employees. And while Trump celebrated this decision, Democrat hopeful, Joe Biden has promised to go after the Little Sisters as one of his first acts as POTUS. Father breaks down what this will mean for the future of our country and for every Christian American in the years to come. Please share this courageous sermon. Time is running out, and Christian Americans need to get this right. Please help us with Remnant TV: Subscribe to our YouTube channel:… Follow …More
Defund Racist CATHOLIC CHARITIES. Discarded Covid19 masks are washing up on beaches and threatening the planet's ecosystem. Now, what? From the Editor's Desk, Michael J. Matt discusses anti-Catholic …More
Discarded Covid19 masks are washing up on beaches and threatening the planet's ecosystem. Now, what? From the Editor's Desk, Michael J. Matt discusses anti-Catholic bigotry in America from colonial times through the Know Nothings and down into the 1960s. He asks why, when it comes to race and religious bigotry, is America moving back into a nineteenth century, almost as if the Civil Rights movement never happened. in 2016, Michael Jordan said America was a great country that provided tremendous opportunity to him as a black man. in 2020, Colin Kaeppernick says America is so terrible that even the 4th of July is a "celebration of white supremacy." What happened? Plus, Michael examines a bizarre statement from a Catholic Charities leader who insists he's a racist, Catholic Charities USA is racist and the Catholic Church herself is racist to the core. If this is true, why would any Catholic be expected to donate to Catholic Charities ever again? Defund …More
Hugh N. Cry
Fire his donkey
Be Ye Separate
The Masonics and protestants who began this nation, were filled with contempt against Catholics. Their contempt for Catholics, lasted through centuries.Their …More
The Masonics and protestants who began this nation, were filled with contempt against Catholics. Their contempt for Catholics, lasted through centuries.Their KKK hated negros and Catholics.
We Catholics failed to take over States of our own, such as Florida, a territory once ruled by Catholics from Spain.
Michael Matt is wrong.
Love of God, Family and Country. In this Sunday Sermon from South Saint Paul, Father discusses the virtue of patriotism as love of one's country, hearth, home and the land of our birth. Is America …More
Love of God, Family and Country.
In this Sunday Sermon from South Saint Paul, Father discusses the virtue of patriotism as love of one's country, hearth, home and the land of our birth. Is America perfect and without blemish? Of course not! But true love of country includes gratitude for the good she's done, the justice she represents as well as acknowledging the obligation to make her better by voting in accord with Catholic teaching. As a military chaplain, Father explains what it means to him personally to have taken a vow to uphold the Constitution and how, for him, that means upholding the laws of God, as well. Please help us with Remnant TV Subscribe to our YouTube channel:… Follow Michael Matt and The Remnant on Twitter: @Michael_J_Matt @remnantnews Follow Michael Matt on Facebook: Donate to our Tax-Exempt Foundation:
Pray for them, they have sold humanity and Christ out...
The AMERICAN President: Trumping Globalism. On July 3, 2020, President Donald Trump issued an executive order to erect a National Garden of American Heroes in response to recent globalist-financed …More
The AMERICAN President: Trumping Globalism.
On July 3, 2020, President Donald Trump issued an executive order to erect a National Garden of American Heroes in response to recent globalist-financed efforts to destabilize America and to destroy monuments to historically significant Americans. The President’s executive order singles out a number of public figures, including Christopher Columbus and Father Junipero Serra… who “made substantive historical contributions to the discovery, development, or independence of the future United States” Why is Trump doing this? Because he's an American, not a globalist. Why do the globalists hate Trump? Because he wants America to be strong, while they want America to collapse. Trump's September 2019 speech to the United Nations General Assembly was a de facto declaration of war on their New World Order. Happy 4th of July! Trump's Executive Order:…/executive-order… Please help us with Remnant TV Subscribe to our YouTube channel: …More
FIGHTING BACK: The Catholic Vote. In this Sunday Sermon from South St. Paul, Father reflects on how close we all came to losing the Mass in Minnesota just as most Catholics have lost the Mass in New …More
FIGHTING BACK: The Catholic Vote.
In this Sunday Sermon from South St. Paul, Father reflects on how close we all came to losing the Mass in Minnesota just as most Catholics have lost the Mass in New York City. What happened? A handful of Catholics fought back and won their freedom to have the Mass and Sacraments inside their churches. Next up, Father looks at last week's victory over Cuomo and de Blasio in a New York court of law. Again, faithful Catholics fought back and won. Finally, Father points to the absolute urgent necessity for all Catholics to fight back at the polls in November and to make sure the good guys win there, too. Because if they lose, America may not come back from the edge of destruction.
Alex A
You clearly are not a regular follower of Michael Matt.
How much nitpicking can one do??
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AMERICA'S LAST DAYS? (Trump & the New Normal) In this episode of From the Editor's Desk, Michael J. Matt discusses the return of the Covid pandemic lockdown and its ramifications for the coming …More
AMERICA'S LAST DAYS? (Trump & the New Normal)
In this episode of From the Editor's Desk, Michael J. Matt discusses the return of the Covid pandemic lockdown and its ramifications for the coming presidential election. As civil unrest continues to dominate the headlines and the cities of America, Michael traces the history of the destabilization--both in the Church and in the State—all the way back to the 1950s, arguing that from Bella Dodd to the Beatles to Madalyn Murray O’Hair to Vatican II, this has been coming for a long time. Plus, accusations of widespread police brutality have led to calls to defund law enforcement altogether. What's behind this agenda and will it be good for America and her poorest citizens? Pope Francis says it was “adolescent behavior” when some priests risked everything to keep the sacraments available to their flocks during the lockdown. Is he right? Finally, Michael analyses the 2019 presidential speech nobody’s talking about. Donald Trump, speaking to the …More
Alex A
@Jmy1975> Act, how?
America has had "last days" many times. War of 1812, Civil War, World War 2, most of the 1960s. Pray, trust, and act.
FIRES OF HELL: Turning to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This Sunday Sermon from So. Saint Paul, Father traces the powerful devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus all the way back to Our Lady and St. Joseph …More
FIRES OF HELL: Turning to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
This Sunday Sermon from So. Saint Paul, Father traces the powerful devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus all the way back to Our Lady and St. Joseph. Fast-forwarding to recent years, Father credits his dedication to the Traditional Latin Mass to the fact that he first began offering that Mass on First Fridays, due to the First Friday Devotion to the Sacred Heart that made this one of the strongest TLM parishes in the country. Finally, Father speaks of the urgent need for our world to turn to the Sacred Heart of Jesus today, even as the fires of hell consume our cities. Will we choose that, or will it be the fires of God's love? Please help us with Remnant TV: Subscribe to our YouTube channel:… Follow Michael Matt and The Remnant on Twitter: @Michael_J_Matt @remnantnews Follow Michael Matt on Facebook: Donate to our Tax-Exempt Foundation: …More
TO HELL with GLOBALISM: United We Stand, One Nation, Under God. Now is the time for all Christians to come to the aid of their countries under globalist siege. Here in America, we know that our country …More
TO HELL with GLOBALISM: United We Stand, One Nation, Under God.
Now is the time for all Christians to come to the aid of their countries under globalist siege. Here in America, we know that our country is far from perfect. She needs desperately to turn back to God. But we will not give up on her, especially now when she's burning and being betrayed from within. This RTV Short by Michael J. Matt attempts to make the point that patriotism is a virtue and that God, in His providence, saw to it that we were born during this time in history for a reason. Whether we're living in America or in some other formerly Christian country, we cannot abandon the land of our birth. We cannot give up on our hearth and our home---the place where we were born and where we attempt to live out our lives as children of God. Rather, we stand and fight, reminding our countrymen of what we once were -- warts and all -- and what we might become again, if we have the courage to stand together as one nation under …More
Here's an idea. We Americans should get our own house in order before start sending our money abroad. SURELY there are enough American Catholics in need.
Novella Nurney
Good job.
DIOCESAN PRIEST: Viganò & the Crisis of Vatican II. The "Parking Lot Priest" is out of the lot and back in his church. In today's sermon, Father addresses the anarchy of today and how it is similar to …More
DIOCESAN PRIEST: Viganò & the Crisis of Vatican II.
The "Parking Lot Priest" is out of the lot and back in his church. In today's sermon, Father addresses the anarchy of today and how it is similar to the riots and anarchy of the 1960. Citing the recent letter of Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano on the "parallel Church" established after Vatican II, Father argues that the crisis in the world today is a direct consequence of the Revolution in the Church that kicked off at the Second Vatican Council. The gloves are off, and Father--like Vigano--is done with making excuses for Modernism's 50-year-old protest of Catholic Tradition that has led to looted sanctuaries, vandalized altars, toppled statues and too many spiritual casualties to count. Please help us with Remnant TV: Subscribe to our YouTube channel:… Follow Michael Matt and The Remnant on Twitter: @Michael_J_Matt @remnantnews Follow Michael Matt on Facebook: More
Thanks for posting this here. It is important for us catholics to have alternative means of communication given the fact that mass media is in the hands …More
Thanks for posting this here. It is important for us catholics to have alternative means of communication given the fact that mass media is in the hands of the enemies of the Catholic Church.
G. K. Chesterton died 84 years ago today, on June 14th, 1936. "Chesterton was one of the very greatest men of his time. If posterity neglects him, it …More
G. K. Chesterton died 84 years ago today, on June 14th, 1936. "Chesterton was one of the very greatest men of his time. If posterity neglects him, it will pronounce judgment not upon him, but upon itself." —Fr. Ronald Knox
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BEATING TRUMP: Gaslighting America (SPECIAL EDITION) Does Pope Francis support defunding America’s police departments? Dear Friends: Yesterday, the original version of this video was BLOCKED in some …More
Does Pope Francis support defunding America’s police departments? Dear Friends: Yesterday, the original version of this video was BLOCKED in some countries. Given the dramatic rise of racial tension in America, I pray this edited and much shorter edition will make it through. Its Christocentric message is not being considered much at all here in America, and yet it is the last best hope for all Americans black and white. Please share this Special Edition with media people, friends, family and on social media. Michael J. Matt Editor, The Remnant P.S. The extended version of this video is available here:
THE SOUNDS of VIOLENCE: Will America Rise Again? From the Editor's Desk, Michael Matt tackles the question of rising racial tension in America and its impact on the 2020 presidential election, In the …More
THE SOUNDS of VIOLENCE: Will America Rise Again?
From the Editor's Desk, Michael Matt tackles the question of rising racial tension in America and its impact on the 2020 presidential election, In the wake of the brutal murder of George Floyd, Michael takes a closer look at police brutality, race relations now and in the past, and suggests that our nation's war on God and Christian morality needs to be reconsidered immediately! Michael issues a challenge to all Americans--black and white--to stand together against those who would manipulate us into turning against each other and tearing our country apart. Plus, what part does the revolution in the Catholic Church play in the loss of America's moral compass? Where is Pope Francis in all of this? Why is the Church no longer part of the solution for a society in turmoil? Where have all the Catholics gone? Why are the priests and bishops so terribly silent? Now is the time for all Americans to come to the aid of our one nation under God. The …More
Be Ye Separate
Michael, one nation under whose God? Muhammad the murderer's God? The Talmud Jews, who hate Jesus, their God? The U.S. Masonic way, has revealed it's …More
Michael, one nation under whose God? Muhammad the murderer's God? The Talmud Jews, who hate Jesus, their God?
The U.S. Masonic way, has revealed it's impossible endeavor, there is no brotherhood among Catholics and unbelievers.
St. Paul, Be Ye Separate..
F M Shyanguya
Will America Rise Again? No! Sheol is the fate of Nations forgetful of God. Also remember it is the leaders themselves working actively to dismantle …More
Will America Rise Again? No! Sheol is the fate of Nations forgetful of God.
Also remember it is the leaders themselves working actively to dismantle the US so that the Empire can be firmly established.
History informs us no great nation or power has ever risen again after falling.
I believe this will quickly be over once the right/conservatives wake up, [ed.] if they ever - the raison d'etre for Trump.
4 more comments
THE DEEP STATE: Viganò Stands With Trump. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has written an Open Letter to Donald Trump. Arguing that the two men fight for the same cause, albeit with different weapons, …More
THE DEEP STATE: Viganò Stands With Trump.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has written an Open Letter to Donald Trump. Arguing that the two men fight for the same cause, albeit with different weapons, Archbishop Viganò explains the Christian understanding of the spiritual battle between the children of darkness and the children of light. He insists that even as there is a Deep State, there is also a Deep Church in which bishops have joined forces with the other side and are helping the globalists drive God out of our society, out of our streets, even out of our churches. What is the connection between Covid lockdown and the present riots and looting in the streets of America? The Archbishop explains exactly what it is, and then he calls on the President and all Americans to pray to Almighty God right now against the "invisible enemy of all humanity." Keeping in mind that the Archbishop was until 2016 the third most powerful prelate in the Church, it behooves us all to listen to his words …More
Melanie Reed shares this
Vigano letter to Trump Remnant
F M Shyanguya
@Fathermonk Really they must be applauded [except this is so serious with eternal consequences] for what they have been able to achieve: extensive and …More
@Fathermonk Really they must be applauded [except this is so serious with eternal consequences] for what they have been able to achieve: extensive and thorough brainwashing of the masses.
It is as if people have taken leave of their reasoning intellect given to them by the Almighty.
Some though, their blindness stems from misplaced hope and not wanting to see the reality:
3 more comments
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED: Public Mass Restored to Minnesota. With gratitude to the Bishops of Minnesota, Father John Echert--The Parking Lot Priest--celebrated the first major public Mass inside of his …More
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED: Public Mass Restored to Minnesota.
With gratitude to the Bishops of Minnesota, Father John Echert--The Parking Lot Priest--celebrated the first major public Mass inside of his church since the pandemic lockdown was initiated. We're presenting this short video by way of encouragement to Catholics nationwide not to give up but to continue to pressure the bishops all across the country to do the right thing and comply with President Trump's adamant call for the churches to open up right now. "America needs more prayer right now," said Trump, "not less." With the present unrest escalating in cities all across America--and when even radical liberals such as Governor Gretchen Whitmer are lifting their lockdown and opening bars and restaurants--it is simply unconscionable for any bishop anywhere in America to continue to forbid the faithful to attend Mass and in large numbers. Until the Mass and Sacraments are restored, there must not be one one more penny given to diocese …More
Does "public Mass" included Communion on the tongue? That's a yes or no question and answers if Mass has been restored.
STEVEN MOSHER: The Vatican/China Secret Agreement. The president of the Population Research Institute, Steven Mosher, discusses everything Catholics need to know about Communist China, the Church in …More
STEVEN MOSHER: The Vatican/China Secret Agreement.
The president of the Population Research Institute, Steven Mosher, discusses everything Catholics need to know about Communist China, the Church in China, the persecution of the Church and the Vatican's secret agreement with Beijing. In light of increasing tensions between the U.S. and China, Americans have many questions. What will the secret Vatican agreement mean for the underground Church in China? Who will appoint Catholic bishops in China--the Communist government or the Vatican? How will this impact Washington's relations with Beijing? What happens next? This in-depth presentation is detailed, informative and inspirational. Please note that Mr. Mosher will speak at the next Catholic Identity Conference in October 2020 in Pittsburgh. For more details, visit the CIC website:
If you will not have rules, you will have rulers.
The most watched video on YouTube...
AMERICA BURNING: Trump, Francis and the War on God. As the cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis descend into a state of emergency, Michael Matt discusses the root cause of this Godless madness--the total …More
AMERICA BURNING: Trump, Francis and the War on God.
As the cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis descend into a state of emergency, Michael Matt discusses the root cause of this Godless madness--the total rejection of His moral law. The vile tragedy of George Floyd's murder is herein set in the context of the international lockdown which left millions (including Mr. Floyd) unemployed, desperate and addicted. Plus, as professional leftist agitators descend upon our city and make a mockery of the tragedy that happened here, the liberal Democrat mayor of the city is decrying the violence and loss of respect for life and property. This is the same guy, by the way, who designated March 10 as "Abortion Providers Appreciation Day" here in Minneapolis. In the meantime, why did Anthony Fauci tell America magazine that the nation must put off receiving Communion indefinitely? Also, where in the world is Pope Francis? Michael wonders if the pontiff and his globalist friends can handle Donald Trump …More