Cardinal Burke makes veiled condemnation of blessing homosexual 'couples' - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Cardinal Raymond Burke gave a veiled condemnation of blessings for homosexual couples in a Wednesday …
What! Speak the truth clearly and lose perks? Are you kidding!
Tony M
Why would he condemn it in a veiled way. Blessing homosexual twosomes is an obvious, in your face abomination!!!
But that is the simplicity of the Christian faith. On its complete conformity with the laws of nature, logic, or so-called science in general. This is why, for the builders of the new world order – …More
But that is the simplicity of the Christian faith. On its complete conformity with the laws of nature, logic, or so-called science in general. This is why, for the builders of the new world order – globalists, Freemasons, etc., or to put it in one word – communists, Christianity is the most dangerous and ruthlessly fought against.
All other religions are based on lies and therefore often lack logic, and this means that faith must be based on an even fanatical acceptance of even the greatest nonsense they convey.
Followers of false religions are very obedient and easily led. If they already accept some lies and believe them fanatically, they will believe anything as long as it is skilfully suggested to them, i.e. interpreted and ‘explained’.
However, if religion is simple, logical and does not eliminate in people the ability to think, it becomes enemy number 1. Therefore, the priority of the present-day masters of this world is the elimination or even extermination of everything that …More

Christianity and World Order: Danger to Globalists, Clarity in Faith

The simplicity of the faith handed down to us by the Beloved Saviour is based on truth alone. All other aspects are, as it were, merely …
Church of Scotland forced to sell-off Scottish churches due to declining numbers. They accepted same-sex ‘marriage’ which means they have abandoned the true gospel.

Hundred of Scottish churches up for sale as UK turns away from Christianity

The Church of Scotland is selling 100 historic buildings to free up funds after a drastic decline in the number of worshippers…
Liam Ronan
@Sandy Barrett I hope Greyfriars Bobby is safe.
It's a heretical group anyway. Rabidly anti-Catholic. So who cares?
OK, officially no Catholic can vote for this cretin..

UK Prime Minister comes out in favour of assisted dying - Catholic Herald

Both leaders of the UK’s two largest political parties have now indicated that they personally do not oppose assisted dying, …
All of the major UK parties are pro-Abortion, pro-Euthanasia and pro-Eugenics. Even Reform was awful during the Covid scam pushing the abortion-tainted …More
All of the major UK parties are pro-Abortion, pro-Euthanasia and pro-Eugenics. Even Reform was awful during the Covid scam pushing the abortion-tainted jabs. The Heritage Party and some independent candidates are the only ones who are safe on Life issues.
Maria delos Angeles
"During the G7 summit, Rishi Sunak said he is not opposed to assisted dying – which is also known as assisted suicide, especially among those opposed …More
"During the G7 summit, Rishi Sunak said he is not opposed to assisted dying – which is also known as assisted suicide, especially among those opposed to changing the law on it – as long as there are safeguards to protect the vulnerable and ensure no one is pressurised into killing themselves, reports" - that will not happen in practise because of the fallenness of human nature; this is what happens when you have a pagan rule over you, with no personal knowledge of sanctifying grace, doesnt understand the sacredness of life..
6 more comments

Vlaams Belang’s Brussels HQ Besieged by Antifa Militants

chrisjanssensVB/X A march against the so-called far right in Brussels culminated in an attack on the headquarters of the Flemish nationalist …
Official propaganda from the Health Department of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts - not killing a baby is dangerous to women's health. Please pray for this state and all involved.More
Official propaganda from the Health Department of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts - not killing a baby is dangerous to women's health.
Please pray for this state and all involved.

About anti-abortion centers

What are anti-abortion centers? Anti-abortion centers, often called “crisis pregnancy centers,” are facilities or mobile vans that: Look like medical facilities but don’t …
chris griffin
@James Manning...Thank you for posting this horrible news. This is a full-on government sponsored murder scheme like the Massacre of the Holy Innocents …More
@James Manning...Thank you for posting this horrible news. This is a full-on government sponsored murder scheme like the Massacre of the Holy Innocents. Do not pray for them, pray against them...For still my prayer is against the deeds of the wicked. Ps 141:5
John A Cassani
Positively horrific.

Pope accused of illegally wiretapping phones

The Pope faces UN investigation over his personal authorisation of allegedly unlawful wiretaps during a Vatican investigation into the “corrupt” sale of a …
No doubt!
No no no the pope cannot do anything illegal cause if he does he is not the pope 😜

Clues of bloody Biblical battle between angel of God and 185K invading soldiers uncovered in Jerusalem: new research

Clues of bloody Biblical battle between angel of God and 185K invading soldiers uncovered in Jerusalem: new research ( Sun, June 16, 2024 at 8:31 PM GMT A newly discovered archaeological site …More
Clues of bloody Biblical battle between angel of God and 185K invading soldiers uncovered in Jerusalem: new research (
Sun, June 16, 2024 at 8:31 PM GMT
A newly discovered archaeological site may provide evidence of Biblical truth.
Researchers in Jerusalem have uncovered an ancient military base that may provide clues of a battle ground for God’s army against Assyrian soldiers who came to conquer the Holy Land around 2,700 years ago, per a Sunday report in the Daily Mail.
As the Bible story goes, an angel of the Lord is said to have descended on the invading troops and killed 185,000 soldiers in a night.
This stone carved relief depicts an attack on Lachish during Sennacherib’s campaign of 701 BC. Universal Images Group via Getty Images
The Assyrian Empire reigned from 1,365 to 609 BC, led by King Sennacherib’s campaign to control all routes across the Syrian Desert that led to the Mediterranean Sea.
A previously known carving on the stone walls of Sennacherib’s palace depicts …More
Sunamis 49 chris griffinMore
Sunamis 49 chris griffin

The Postmodern Ten Rejections

Ten Commandments. However, post-modern humanity no longer has room for God's moral guide for living the virtuous life. Post-modern humanity has chosen its own sexual, secular …

UK Theaters and Drama Schools Promote Obesity

Never mind that it is an avoidable condition virtually guaranteed to damage your health and shorten your life. Morbid obesity is promoted by the establishment …

Scientists Are Testing mRNA Bird Flu Vaccines

The bird flu outbreak in U.S. dairy cows is prompting development of new, next-generation mRNA vaccines—akin to COVID-19 shots—that are being tested in …
English Catholic
@lancs1 I think a lot of hard work A few minutes before midnight on Saturday, the ver… and prayer stopped the WHO completely getting their own way …More
@lancs1 I think a lot of hard work A few minutes before midnight on Saturday, the ver… and prayer stopped the WHO completely getting their own way in May/June 2024. They are going to try and finish what they started in 2025, so keep up the Masses and prayers and penance, and sign any e-petitions that come your way. I believe an mRNA jab has already been developed for the bird flu. If the WHO win in 2025, they will make it mandatory, and those who refuse it, will be sanctioned.
Everyone reading this: Please have a Mass offered or pray a rosary for the defeat of the World Health Organisation Treaty, coming up in 2025. If the treaty is passed, the sovereignty of every country regarding so-called health issues will be passed to the WHO, which means that no country will be able to exempt itself from any WHO diktat (abortion, mandatory vaccines etc).
These some of the WHO people who need our prayers:
Director General: WHO Director-General
Regional Directors: Regional directors
Headquarters …
Most of our governments are busy signing up to let the W.H.O. force these jabs on us.
3 more comments

Japan still pushing globalist insect-eating fad despite continued population decline - LifeSite

Despite this trend, for years, the Japanese government and several private entities, such as Tokyo-based …
Father Karl A Claver
What do you expect from a pagan culture?
Chaplet of the Precious Blood of Jesus and Litany of the Precious Blood
2 pages
Rosenkranz des Kostbarsten Blutes Jesu auf Englisch.
chris griffin
I am surprised that anyone would object to this Chaplet.
2 more comments

Pope Francis faces UN investigation over alleged illegal wiretappings in embezzlement scandal

Pope Francis faces a U.N. investigation for allegedly authorizing illegal wiretappings of phones during the …
"How Did October 7th Happen?" - Ben Swann "Israel Was In On It!"More
"How Did October 7th Happen?" - Ben Swann
"Israel Was In On It!"

How Did October 7th Happen? - Truth in Media

The gruesome bombardment of the Gaza Strip is continuing into its seventh month and there’s no signs that the carnage is stopping anytime soon. Just last …
Billy F

Liturgical Extremism: Francis to Ban All Latin Masses

An attempt is imminent to implement another Vatican decree with a strict, radical and definitive solution banning the Roman Mass, has learned from "highly credible sources" …More
An attempt is imminent to implement another Vatican decree with a strict, radical and definitive solution banning the Roman Mass, has learned from "highly credible sources" close to Cardinal Roche and Francis.
The blog has been right before, for example when it announced the publication of Traditionis Custodes.
The Vatican ideologues who imposed Traditionis Custodes are frustrated by its slow results, especially in the United States and France.
They "want to ban the Mass and close it down everywhere and immediately" and they need to do it "while Francis is still in power".
"They want to make it as wide, final and irreversible as possible". It is very unlikely that a new document will have more luck than Traditionis Custodes.
aadschutte shares this
Credo .
Is this Brittany? 😍
27 more comments

New French ‘Popular Front’ battles on amid infighting, exclusions

In its efforts to unite amid infighting, the French political Left and in particular, the hard-left La France Insoumise (LFI), has excluded …


HAMMER & SICKLE VS. HAMMER & NAILS Dont you find it interesting that one of the arch enemies of the Church has similar symbology to the true Religion? HAMMER & SICKLE VS. HAMMER & NAILSMore
Dont you find it interesting that one of the arch enemies of the Church has similar symbology to the true Religion?


According to Croatian tradition, when a couple gets married, the priest doesn’t tell them that they have found the perfect person. On the contrary! Instead, he says to them: "You have found your cross …More
According to Croatian tradition, when a couple gets married, the priest doesn’t tell them that they have found the perfect person. On the contrary! Instead, he says to them: "You have found your cross. It is a cross to love, to carry it with you, a cross that is not to throw away but to treasure."
In Herzegovina, the Cross represents the greatest love and the crucifix is the treasure of the house.
When the bride and groom enter the church on their wedding day, they carry a crucifix with them. The priest blesses the crucifix. When the time comes to exchange their vows, the bride puts her right hand on the crucifix and the groom puts his hand on hers, so that both hands are joined together on the crucifix.
The priest covers their hands with his stole as they exchange their vows, according to the rite of the Church, to be faithful to each other, in joy and in sorrow, in sickness and in health, till death do them part.
Then, instead of kissing each other, the bride and groom kiss the crucifix …More

Bishops demand guidance after US Catholic hermit’s trans ‘reveal’

Today's Video Headlines 0 of 52 secondsVolume 0% Press shift question mark to access a list of keyboard shortcuts Keyboard Shortcuts …
Billy F
Diabolical Times!