English Catholic
From The Remnant: CIVIL WAR: Steve Bannon Jailed, Globalism Loses Big in EU Elections

CIVIL WAR: Steve Bannon Jailed, Globalism Loses Big in EU Elections

In this edition of The Underground, Michael Matt looks at massive victories for nationalist/populist political parties in Europe. As …
De Profundis
Dr. Jordan Peterson says his new online university, "Peterson Academy," will help people fulfill their desire to get a true education that they can’t find in today’s "demented" and "unsalvageable" …More
Dr. Jordan Peterson says his new online university, "Peterson Academy," will help people fulfill their desire to get a true education that they can’t find in today’s "demented" and "unsalvageable" universities, all at a much more affordable price.

Where to Hide Your Supplies During Martial Law - Ask a Prepper

Let’s say we’ve reached the moment everyone’s been afraid of. Disaster has struck so severely that the government declared martial law. …

Top Study Confirms UN's 'Climate Crisis' Claims Are a Hoax - Slay News

A top study has confirmed that fearmongering claims made by the United Nations (UN) to support the “climate crisis” narrative are …
Info Krieger Krieger
perceo3 shares from rafaportal
Pope Francis met with President Biden and other world leaders on Friday at the Group of 7 summit in Italy. The pontiff urged them to establish stronger global barriers to the development of artificial …More
Pope Francis met with President Biden and other world leaders on Friday at the Group of 7 summit in Italy. The pontiff urged them to establish stronger global barriers to the development of artificial intelligence.
El Papa Francisco Insta a los Líderes Mundiales a Tomar Medidas sobre la IA en la Cumbre del G7 El Papa Francisco se reunió con el presidente Biden y otros líderes mundiales el viernes en la cumbre …More
El Papa Francisco Insta a los Líderes Mundiales a Tomar Medidas sobre la IA en la Cumbre del G7
El Papa Francisco se reunió con el presidente Biden y otros líderes mundiales el viernes en la cumbre del Grupo de los 7 en Italia. El pontífice los instó a establecer barreras globales más fuertes para el desarrollo de la inteligencia artificial.

Rejection of the Roman Rite is "Practical Atheism" - Cardinal Sarah

The rejection of God is gripping much of the West, especially Europe, Cardinal Sarah said in a lecture at the Catholic University of America (CUA) on 14 June. He called this "practical atheism", which …More
The rejection of God is gripping much of the West, especially Europe, Cardinal Sarah said in a lecture at the Catholic University of America (CUA) on 14 June.
He called this "practical atheism", which has also entered the Church, when Catholic morality, Catholic doctrine and Catholic liturgy are rejected.
The cardinal also sees practical atheism when "sociology" or "lived experience" becomes the principle for forming moral [and immoral] judgements. In this way, God is pushed aside. He criticises that we often hear from bishops and bishops' conferences "that we have to adapt our moral theology to purely human considerations".
Rejecting Catholic morality makes everything conditional and subjective, Sarah explains: "Welcoming everyone [except Catholics] means ignoring Scripture, Tradition and the Magisterium. "
Advocates of this ideology within the Church treat Revelation as "secondary". This shows how practical atheism works: "It does not deny God, but it operates as if God is not central." …More
Maria delos Angeles
I hope he moves on or has moved on from the hermeneutic of continuity.
Naomi Arai
He is correct…although he is hot and cold on things…
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The Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception was standing room only this morning for the ordination of these 16 exceptional men. We will be attending the first Mass of one of them tomorrow,…More
The Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception was standing room only this morning for the ordination of these 16 exceptional men. We will be attending the first Mass of one of them tomorrow, Father's Day.

Power of Prayer: Washington Archdiocese Celebrates Largest Priestly Ordination Class Since 1960

Power of Prayer: Washington Archdiocese Celebrates Largest Priestly Ordination Class Since 1960 ‘We can’t …
Naomi Arai
Holy cow. Largest since VII but ONLY 16? That’s sad. Probably poorly formed, too. Fluff-tastic. I can only hope and “power of prayer” (play on words …More
Holy cow. Largest since VII but ONLY 16? That’s sad. Probably poorly formed, too. Fluff-tastic. I can only hope and “power of prayer” (play on words on the article heading) pray that they reject Vatican II and all its poisonous fruit.
Sean Johnson
Do any of them reject Vatican 2?
#Fatherhood Are committed fathers an endangered species in our culture? Fr. Gordon MacRae draws a troubling corollary between absent fathers and burgeoning prisons.

In the Absence of Fathers: A Story of Elephants and Men — Beyond These Stone Walls

In the Absence of Fathers: A Story of Elephants and Men Wade Horn, Ph.D., President of the National Fatherhood Initiative …
martin fischer

Former NABU agent on derailed anti-corruption investigation

Public activist, entrepreneur, and former NABU [National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine] agent Yevhen Shevchenko spoke in an interview with NV Radio on June 11 about moles in the agency, leaked …More
Public activist, entrepreneur, and former NABU [National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine] agent Yevhen Shevchenko spoke in an interview with NV Radio on June 11 about moles in the agency, leaked investigations, and massive corruption schemes leading to senior officials.
(....)corruption schemes worth billions are impossible, unfortunately [without approval at the top level]. Just like under [former presidents – Leonid] Kuchma, under [Viktor] Yushchenko, under [Viktor] Yanukovych, under [Petro] Poroshenko, and yes, unfortunately, under [Volodymyr] Zelenskyy.
Indeed, in my 41 years, I remember all these stages, better or worse, but systemic corruption has been in Ukraine since the 1990s, unfortunately. And the largest schemes were possible only and exclusively with the participation of the current government and its most senior representatives.
Therefore, the investigation wasn’t aimed at arresting local Dnipropetrovsk Oblast officials. The detectives wanted and aimed to arrest top …More
Dr Bobus
I have no doubt that there is Ukrainian corruption. I also have no doubt that the Western borders of Russia have never been secure because they lack …More
I have no doubt that there is Ukrainian corruption. I also have no doubt that the Western borders of Russia have never been secure because they lack geological impediments to invasion. That is why Russia historically has wanted buffer states to protect the Western border--thus the preoccupation with Ukraine.
The problem is that It would put Russia next to Poland, which is in NATO.
DefendTruth shares this
Corruption in the Ukraine
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Pope Francis Urges World Leaders to Take Action on A.I. at G7 Summit Pope Francis met with President Biden and other world leaders Friday at the Group of 7 summit in Italy. The pontiff urged them to …More
Pope Francis Urges World Leaders to Take Action on A.I. at G7 Summit
Pope Francis met with President Biden and other world leaders Friday at the Group of 7 summit in Italy. The pontiff urged them to establish stronger global guardrails for the development of artificial intelligence.
Papst Franziskus fordert die Staats- und Regierungschefs der Welt auf, auf dem G7-Gipfel Maßnahmen gegen KI zu ergreifen Papst Franziskus traf sich am Freitag auf dem Gipfel der Gruppe der 7 in Italien …More
Papst Franziskus fordert die Staats- und Regierungschefs der Welt auf, auf dem G7-Gipfel Maßnahmen gegen KI zu ergreifen
Papst Franziskus traf sich am Freitag auf dem Gipfel der Gruppe der 7 in Italien mit Präsident Biden und anderen Staats- und Regierungschefs der Welt. Der Papst forderte sie auf, stärkere globale Leitplanken für die Entwicklung künstlicher Intelligenz zu schaffen.
Irapuato shares from Irapuato
Blessed Anna Maria Katherina Scherer - June 16 Ana María Catalina Scherer Anna Maria Katharina Scherer Maria Teresa Scherer Maria Theresia Schere Memorial 16 June Profile The fourth of seven childrenMore
Blessed Anna Maria Katherina Scherer - June 16
Ana María Catalina Scherer
Anna Maria Katharina Scherer
Maria Teresa Scherer
Maria Theresia Schere
16 June
Profile The fourth of seven children, Katharina’s father died when the girl was only seven years old. Her mother determined that she could only support herself and three of the children, so the others, including Katharina, were raised by her extended family. As a young woman, she felt a call to religious life, and on 1 March 1845 she joined the newly formed Teaching Sisters’ Institute, taking the name Sister Mary Theresa. She served as a teacher in the Swiss cities of Galgenen, Baar, and Oberageri, learned administrative skills, and served as superior to groups of her Sisters. In 1850 she was took charge of home for the poor and orphans in Nafels, Switzerland; the people there called her the “mother of the poor”. Later in 1850 she took over the management of a small hospital and work began on splitting the …More
Blessed Anna Maria Katherina Scherer - June 16 Anna Maria Katherina Scherer (31 October 1825 - 16 June 1888) was a Swiss Roman Catholic professed religious and the co-founder of the Sisters of Mercy …More
Blessed Anna Maria Katherina Scherer - June 16
Anna Maria Katherina Scherer (31 October 1825 - 16 June 1888) was a Swiss Roman Catholic professed religious and the co-founder of the Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross. She founded that order alongside the Capuchin priest Theodosius Florentini. She was given the name of "Maria Theresia" upon her profession into her order.
She was beatified on 29 October 1995.

Anna Maria Katherina Scherer was born as the fourth of seven children to poor farmers on 31 October 1825. She was aged seven when her father died on 5 February 1855. At the time three children could remain with their mother while the others had to be taken in the care of relatives and she was among those that had to leave their mother. She was entrusted to two bachelor brothers - one of which was her godfather - while her mother and siblings still lived in Meggen.
On a pilgrimage to Einsiedeln in July 1844 she realized her vocation and true purpose in life was to the religious life.…More
In this clip Fr Chad explains how one needs to develop virtue as the primary mode in Spiritual Warfare.
Has he gone to far in invoking So called knowledge of demons ? Our Lord always told them to shut up and never used their testimony .St Peter and St Paul …More
Has he gone to far in invoking So called knowledge of demons ? Our Lord always told them to shut up and never used their testimony .St Peter and St Paul never communicated details of the demons or use their testimony on spiritual matters . 🤔 🙏

A New German Bishop: Priests Are "Currently" Needed for Eucharists

Presiding at a Eucharist "currently" requires a priest, the new Bishop of Osnabrück, Monsignor Dominicus Meier OSB, appointed on 28 May, told Aussicht.online (11 June). Meier added that other forms of …More
Presiding at a Eucharist "currently" requires a priest, the new Bishop of Osnabrück, Monsignor Dominicus Meier OSB, appointed on 28 May, told Aussicht.online (11 June).
Meier added that other forms of proclaiming the Word of God could be led by committed people. He suggests "trying new things" [for the empty churches in Germany].
Commenting on the current situation between the Vatican and German dioceses, Monsignor Meier said that "we need to talk a lot more" to break down barriers.
"When you talk about content, you notice that things are moving a bit. For example, with the [pseudo] blessing of homosexuals".
Picture: Dominicus Meier, #newsKuijmcfaak
Dr Bobus
Will the last German bishop to leave turn out the lights and close the door?
Christopher Shahrazade
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Waiting for Better Times: Last Latin Mass at Melbourne Cathedral

The last Latin Mass at St Patrick's Cathedral in Melbourne, Australia, will be celebrated on 19 June at 5.30pm. The Mass will be resumed when the current period of Church decadence is over. The Roman …More
The last Latin Mass at St Patrick's Cathedral in Melbourne, Australia, will be celebrated on 19 June at 5.30pm. The Mass will be resumed when the current period of Church decadence is over.
The Roman Mass on 12 June, a Wednesday evening, was attended by over 150 faithful, even though it was a weekday Mass (pictured).
The Latin Mass Parish of Melbourne (NewmanParish.org) continues to celebrate Mass at St Aloysius Church in the Melbourne suburb of Caulfield North.
The Archdiocese of Melbourne is being run into the ground by Archbishop Peter Andrew Comensoli, 60.
Picture: Latin Mass (Archdiocese of Melbourne), #newsTaacjvjlhw
Sean Johnson
Gee, how come modernists won’t let us be traditional?
Christopher Shahrazade
Closing the traditional LAtin Mass from these churches is laughable, because next to no one goes to the Vatican II Mass. In my area, 1 parish is dropping …More
Closing the traditional LAtin Mass from these churches is laughable, because next to no one goes to the Vatican II Mass. In my area, 1 parish is dropping down to 2 Masses on Sundays ( our older neighbors said that in the 1950;s they had 6!!) because they only have 1 priest, and the Archdiocese said they have no spare priests to replace the 2nd priest who had been assigned at the parish and now has another assignment. Twelve parishes in the Archdiocese have no resident pastors. Only 3 new priests were made this year (from the 1930's to early 1960's they had sometimes 50+ per year). In this parish that is dropping to 2 Masses, the church is 75% empty for any Mass. HAHAHAHA!! Yet, at the one parish which has the TLM, it is filled every Sunday.
One parish near me has a magnificent marble altar, built in the 1890's. In front of it is the typical crap "presbyterian" style wooden table. No wonder no one goes to the Vatican II Protestant Mass.
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De Profundis
How to buy your milk in June.

Burke: There Is no Such Thing as 'Non-Liturgical Blessings'

Cardinal Raymond Burke has rejected the idea of so-called "non-liturgical" blessings as claimed in Francis' homosexual manifesto 'Fiducia supplicans'. Speaking to Father Ambrose Criste O.Praem. of St …More
Cardinal Raymond Burke has rejected the idea of so-called "non-liturgical" blessings as claimed in Francis' homosexual manifesto 'Fiducia supplicans'.
Speaking to Father Ambrose Criste O.Praem. of St Michael's Abbey in Orange County, California, on 13 June, the Cardinal explained that blessings are linked to the sacraments. When a priest gives a blessing, it is intimately connected to the sacred liturgy: "It certainly cannot be said to be non-liturgical."
Furthermore, when someone brings an object to be blessed, it must be fit to receive a blessing and cannot be something that is alien to life in Christ.
"Otherwise we offend the Lord. We show a profound lack of respect and love for our Lord if we try in any way to ask a blessing for something that is sinful".
P. O'B
Then what were those words which an older woman said over my seven-year-old grandson when he went up to Communion to receive a blessing this morning? …More
Then what were those words which an older woman said over my seven-year-old grandson when he went up to Communion to receive a blessing this morning? His old grandfather here had switched lines to receive from the priest, but nevertheless heard the nonsense. Oh, the nearby sede-vacantist church looks better every day.
He needs more prayer and fasting!
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Kate Middleton Caught Sending SOS to World: 'They're Going To Kill Me'

BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered straight to your inbox. You can unsubscribe any time. By subscribing …

Cardinal Koch Needs "Imagination" to Understand Francis

During a press conference on a recent Vatican paper proposing the abolition of the papal primacy, Cardinal Kurt Koch was asked why Francis had reinstated the title of "Patriarch of the West". A visibly …More
During a press conference on a recent Vatican paper proposing the abolition of the papal primacy, Cardinal Kurt Koch was asked why Francis had reinstated the title of "Patriarch of the West".
A visibly embarrassed Koch replied sarcastically: "We need some imagination to comment on that."
Regarding Francis' homosexual propaganda manifesto 'Fiducia supplicans', Cardinal Koch admitted that it had caused problems "not only in ecumenism, but also in the Catholic Church". He noted that "it is a big thing when a continent goes against a decision of the Holy Father".
At the same press conference, Cardinal Grech spoke openly of a "revision of the papacy" and said that his ex-synod was the most appropriate framework for this.
His point of reference was a quote from Francis in 2015 that presents an inadequate conception of the papacy.
Francis said at the time that a pope stands in the Church as "a baptised man among the baptised, and in the College of Bishops as a bishop among bishops, called at …More
Denis Efimov
Francis did not restore the title of "Patriarch of the West." He simply added this title to the list of those titles which he had renounced, and which …More
Francis did not restore the title of "Patriarch of the West." He simply added this title to the list of those titles which he had renounced, and which are now listed in the papal yearbook only as "historical titles". Cardinal Cantalamessa confirmed and approved Francis's renunciation of all these titles, especially the title of "Vicar of Christ". Since this list consists of titles that are no longer relevant for Francis, he easily included the title “Patriarch of the West” in it.
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A Short history of Father's DayMore
A Short history of Father's Day
A Short history of Father's Day. ilsTVNews on June 14, 2012 Father's Day was inaugurated in the United States in the early 20th century to complement Mother's Day in celebrating fatherhood and male …More
A Short history of Father's Day.
ilsTVNews on June 14, 2012
Father's Day was inaugurated in the United States in the early 20th century to complement Mother's Day in celebrating fatherhood and male parenting.
After the success obtained by Anna Jarvis with the promotion of Mother's Day in the US, some[who?] wanted to create similar holidays for other family members, and Father's Day was the choice most likely to succeed.[citation needed] There were other persons in the US who independently thought of "Father's Day",[1][2] but the credit for the modern holiday is often given to Sonora Dodd,[2] who was the driving force behind its establishment.[3]
Father's Day was founded in Spokane, Washington at the YMCA in 1910 by Sonora Smart Dodd, who was born in Arkansas.[3] Its first celebration was in the Spokane YMCA on June 19, 1910.[3][4] Her father, the Civil War veteran William Jackson Smart, was a single parent who raised his six children there.[3] After hearing a sermon about Jarvis …More