EXCLUSIVE: Francis will retire the good archbishop of Krakow, Monsignor Marek Jedraszewski, in July without granting him a single month of extension

Several sources have confirmed to Polish media that Archbishop Marek Jedraszewski, current archbishop of Krakow in Poland and one of the most important sees in the country, and appointed in 2016, will …More
Several sources have confirmed to Polish media that Archbishop Marek Jedraszewski, current archbishop of Krakow in Poland and one of the most important sees in the country, and appointed in 2016, will retire in July of this year, THE MONTH IN WHICH HE WILL SUBMIT THE RESIGNATION BY AGE. The archbishop will become another victim of Francis by retiring without having any extension, and without having been created a cardinal. Gloria.tv readers should keep in mind that the good archbishop is known inside and outside Poland for defending Catholic doctrine, with his opposition to sodomy, or his defense of life and the fight against abortion in his country; as well as for denouncing the anti-Catholic drift of the German Church. The award? Not be a cardinal and retire without extension.
The new archbishop of Krakow could be the progressive and homosexual Rys, archbishop of Lodz and created cardinal the previous year.
Let's hope and pray this is indeed correct and that the UK (and many other countries) resist the evil WHO treaty.

UK Will Never Surrender Powers to WHO, Says Minister

Esther McVey made the remarks ahead of governments preparing to vote on the WHO’s Pandemic Agreement and amendments to the International Health …
Sally Dorman shares from DefendTruth
“Go therefore and make disciples of ALL nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe ALL that I have commanded you.” (Mt. 28:19-20)
Washington Cardinal Wilton Gregory on President Biden: “I would say that he's very sincere about his faith. But like a number of Catholics, he picks and chooses dimensions of the faith to highlight …More
Washington Cardinal Wilton Gregory on President Biden: “I would say that he's very sincere about his faith. But like a number of Catholics, he picks and chooses dimensions of the faith to highlight while ignoring or even contradicting other parts. There is a phrase that we have used in the past, a ‘cafeteria Catholic’ — you choose that which is attractive, and dismiss that which is challenging.”
Simon North
Nothing but a low-rent heretic. The Episcopal Office has been commissioned by Our Lord to teach, govern and sanctify. He has a duty to protect the flock …More
Nothing but a low-rent heretic. The Episcopal Office has been commissioned by Our Lord to teach, govern and sanctify. He has a duty to protect the flock from public scandal. But, of course, this has never been done since the faux-Council of '65.

Columbus: the US seminary that is not affected by the vocations crisis

Bishop Earl Fernandes: "When I took office as bishop, almost two years ago, there were no priestly ordinations in our diocese. At the end of my episcopal ordination, I had joked with the congregation …More
Bishop Earl Fernandes: "When I took office as bishop, almost two years ago, there were no priestly ordinations in our diocese. At the end of my episcopal ordination, I had joked with the congregation that more bishops than priests would be ordained this year"
"When I took office as bishop, almost two years ago, there were no priestly ordinations in our diocese. At the end of my episcopal ordination, I had joked with the congregation that this year more bishops would be ordained than priests." Monsignor Earl Fernandes, bishop of the diocese of Columbus, United States, smiles when remembering this anecdote with Vatican News.
He also smiles because in less than two years the situation has changed completely: thanks to pastoral efforts and prayers, last year 16 young people entered the seminary and this year the diocese - which also boasts an increase in the number of faithful - hopes at least a dozen more.
Dialogues and retreats with young people
"We have chosen young priests to meet once …More
Trans-Scandal at Immaculate Conception Shrine in Atlanta

Trans-Scandal at Immaculate Conception Shrine in Atlanta

Open letter to Archbishop Hartmayer of Atlanta republished from the Remnant 14 March 2024 The Most Rev. Gregory Hartmayer (archbishop@archatl.com …
Sally Dorman shares from en.news
Congolese Cardinal: Blessing of homosexuals new colonisation of Africa by the West

Ambongo: Fiducia supplicans Is Outside of the Spirit of Synodality

Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo of Kinshasa, the President of the African Bishops Conference, has spoken to KtoTv.com (17 March) about homosexual propaganda piece Fiducia supplicans that was perceived in …More
Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo of Kinshasa, the President of the African Bishops Conference, has spoken to KtoTv.com (17 March) about homosexual propaganda piece Fiducia supplicans that was perceived in Africa as a “cultural colonisation, a kind of Western imperialism”.
- The West is losing its own roots.
- The roots of the West are the values that the West brought to us during colonisation.
- We believed in these values, but today we see that for the West [= Francis' Church] these values no longer exist, and this confuses us.
- We have the impression that the West is no longer willing to accept its own culture, that everything is relativised and questioned, and this worries us all.
- The West [= the Church] brought us Jesus Christ, the Gospel, and today we have the impression that the West [= Francis' Church] is beginning to distance itself somewhat from this Gospel.
- 'Fiducia supplicans' wasn't necessary at that time when it was published.
- We had just come out of the first session of …More
A U.S. archbishop has removed the priestly faculties of a priest who went ahead and published what he believes to be “heavenly messages” after being warned not to, asserting that he was urged by God …More
A U.S. archbishop has removed the priestly faculties of a priest who went ahead and published what he believes to be “heavenly messages” after being warned not to, asserting that he was urged by God to supercede his bishop’s authority because of the grave current condition of the Catholic Church.
Reverend Gustavo García-Siller; MSpS, Archbishop of San Antonio, took action against Fr. John Mary Foster of the “Mission of Divine Mercy” (MDM), after the priest made public what he felt were divine revelations to his religious community.
MISSION OF DIVINE MERCY 'LOCUTIONS': A message from Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller, MSpS, concerning the publication of the alleged prophetic messages from the Mission of Divine Mercy, San Antonio.
3 pages
We are at the end of the end time. God intervenes to save priests and faithful. Thanks God for these messages
The bishop is right. Private revelation MUST be supported by the Bishops and legitimate authority of the Church to be genuine. The devil easily deceives.
Sally Dorman shares from en.news
The young Bergoglio learned about politics from an atheist Communist teacher.

Francis' Autobiography: Homosexuals Live the "Gift of Love"

Next week, Francis will publish his autobiography 'Life. La mia storia nella Storia' (My Story in History). The first excerpts were published on Corriere.it (14 March), a website reflecting the point …More
Next week, Francis will publish his autobiography 'Life. La mia storia nella Storia' (My Story in History).
The first excerpts were published on Corriere.it (14 March), a website reflecting the point of view of the oligarchs.
The book was written with the help of Francis' friend Fabio Marchese Ragona, a media activist in the service of regime propaganda. Marchese invents something like a "history of the 88 years of Jorge Mario Bergoglio", linking it to historical events such as Hiroshima or the Covid hysteria.
Francis recounts that his grandparents and their son Mario, Francis's father, planned to leave Genoa for Argentina on the SS Principessa Mafalda at the beginning of October 1927. These plans failed because they didn't have the money for the tickets. So, the trip was postponed.
The SS Principessa Mafalda sank off the coast of Brazil. Three hundred of the 1,252 passengers drowned. In February 1929, the Bergoglios left for Argentina.
One of the people who influenced him was Esther …More
Sally Dorman shares from en.news
Ousted Puerto Rico Bp Fernández Torres says Fiducia Supplicans “contributes to the situation of doubt, ambiguity & confusion in the Church.” Adds “it intends to allow a ‘pastoral’ action that …More
Ousted Puerto Rico Bp Fernández Torres says Fiducia Supplicans “contributes to the situation of doubt, ambiguity & confusion in the Church.” Adds “it intends to allow a ‘pastoral’ action that contradicts Catholic doctrine.”

A Confessor Bishop: Sodoma Supplicans Is a "Painful Example"

Monsignor Daniel Fernández, 59, the former Bishop of Arecibo, Puerto Rico, whom Francis dismissed two years ago because he didn't fall into the reigning Covid-hysteria, has declared that Francis' …More
Monsignor Daniel Fernández, 59, the former Bishop of Arecibo, Puerto Rico, whom Francis dismissed two years ago because he didn't fall into the reigning Covid-hysteria, has declared that Francis' homosexual propaganda piece 'Sodoma supplicans' contradicts the Catholic faith (facebook.com, Amigos de Monseñor Daniel, March 9).
Officially, Monsignor Fernández, who was a successful bishop, was removed for "lack of communion" (sic) with the rest of the mediocre bishops of Puerto Rico. He was not accused of anything against faith or morals, in which case Francis would not have removed him.
On the second anniversary of his deposition, Monsignor Fernández said that 'the Church [under Francis] is going through very difficult times'. He cited as a "painful example" of the text 'Sodoma supplicans', which introduces a [pseudo-] blessing for homosexual sins.
For Monsignor Fernández, it is contradictory to claim that one can bless homosexual concubines without at the same time blessing that which …More
Sally Dorman shares from Sally Dorman
Weeks after meeting with Pope Francis, Argentina’s president Milei welcomed the leardship of Argentina’s bishops today
El Presidente Javier Milei, junto a la Ministra de Capital Humano, Sandra Pettovello; la Canciller, Diana Mondino; y el Secretario de Culto, Francisco Sánchez; recibieron a obispos de la Conferencia …More
El Presidente Javier Milei, junto a la Ministra de Capital Humano, Sandra Pettovello; la Canciller, Diana Mondino; y el Secretario de Culto, Francisco Sánchez; recibieron a obispos de la Conferencia Episcopal Argentina (CEA). Participaron de la reunión el Presidente de la CEA, Monseñor Oscar Ojea; el Vicepresidente Primero, Monseñor Marcelo Colombo; Vicepresidente Segundo, Monseñor Carlos Azpiroz Costa; el Secretario General, Monseñor Alberto Bochatey OSA; y el Vocero Máximo Jurcinovic.
Sally Dorman shares from en.news
Elon Musk on this news: "Britain has actually looked at the data, which is why they’re shutting down puberty blockers for kids – they do far more harm than good"

Child Abuse Stopped? Children Will no Longer Be Given Puberty Blockers

Children will no longer be prescribed puberty blockers at so-called "gender identity clinics", the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom confirmed on 12th March. Puberty blockers stop …More
Children will no longer be prescribed puberty blockers at so-called "gender identity clinics", the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom confirmed on 12th March.
Puberty blockers stop physical development at puberty, such as breast development or facial hair.
In 2021/22, there were more than 5,000 referrals for this bodily harm treatment, compared to just under 250 a decade earlier.
Picture: Billboard Chris, #newsHezieuplbr
Louis IX
Even if they worked well and were perfectly safe they would still be evil as they are used to damage what is good and create falsehood.
A Catechism to Save Biden’s Soul

A Catechism to Save Biden’s Soul

For any who may need a catechism refresher, Biden’s statements on the House floor would qualify as grave external violations of the First and Fifth Commandments. They …

German priest attends induction ceremony of sodomite group mocking catholic nuns

Wolfgang F. Rothe is a German priest who holds a doctorate in canon law from the Opus Dei-affiliated Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. In 2013, he obtained a doctorate in theology from …More
Wolfgang F. Rothe is a German priest who holds a doctorate in canon law from the Opus Dei-affiliated Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. In 2013, he obtained a doctorate in theology from the University of Munich.
After completing his doctorate in canon law — his supervisor was Georg Gänswein — Rothe became the secretary of bishop Kurt Krenn in the diocese of St. Pölten, Austria, in 2002. The following year he was appointed vice-rector of the diocesan seminary there.
Initially, Rothe (pronounced RO-tuh) was known as a conservative. But in the summer of 2004, a sex scandal broke out at the seminary when the Austrian periodical Profil published lewd photos showing priests kissing seminarians. Rothe was allegedly one of them.
The Vatican sent an investigator. To make a long story short, bishop Krenn ended up resigning, the seminary was closed, and Rothe was suspended and given some time to “come to his senses” before being allowed to re-enter priestly ministry in late 2008 but …More
Father Nicola Bux, a former consultor to the Congregation for Divine Worship, takes issue with a Vatican spokesman’s claim that a 2000 document signed by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger is an “important …More
Father Nicola Bux, a former consultor to the Congregation for Divine Worship, takes issue with a Vatican spokesman’s claim that a 2000 document signed by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger is an “important precedent” for Fiducia Supplicans.

‘Non-Liturgical’ Blessings Do Not Exist

A recent Vatican News article used a 2000 instruction by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger to justify the blessing of irregular couples. On Feb. 27, Vatican News published an …
English Catholic
In any event, it's difficult to see how Fiducia Supplicans overturns this ruling from the same Dicastery: Responsum of the Congregation for the Doctrine …More
In any event, it's difficult to see how Fiducia Supplicans overturns this ruling from the same Dicastery: Responsum of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to a dubium regarding the blessing of the unions of persons of the same sex It's not just a disciplinary matter, it is a doctrinal one, so it can't be wrong one year, and right the next.
Sally Dorman shares from en.news
“France, eldest daughter of the Church, what have you done with your baptism?”

"Abortion Is Part Of Public Health" - French Bishops

"Abortion is part of public health". This perversion was written by Isabelle de Gaulmyn in an editorial in "La Croix", the daily newspaper of the French bishops. De Gaulmyn is editor-in-chief of the …More
"Abortion is part of public health". This perversion was written by Isabelle de Gaulmyn in an editorial in "La Croix", the daily newspaper of the French bishops.
De Gaulmyn is editor-in-chief of the newspaper. She comments on the decision of the French regime-parliament to enshrine in the country's constitution the right to murder unborn children, which implies a legal obligation of the medical personell to participate in the crime.
Without scruples, Isabelle de Gaulmyn argues like an abortionist: "No one can judge a woman's decision to have an abortion". And what about the murdered child?
De Gaulmyn continues: "Any woman who has been through it will tell you: abortion is not something you do lightly. But in countries where abortion is prohibited, we are witnessing the return of practices from another era, of social inequalities, and the health of the poorest or most isolated women is all too often put at risk". Is she complaining that criminals have a hard life?
De Gaulmyn loses her …More
Sally Dorman shares from en.news
Why would the FSSP not include the concelebration part in their press release?

Francis Asks FSSP Priests to Co-Preside at Novus Ordo Eucharist

On 29 February, Francis mentioned his "wish" to the superiors of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter (FSSP) that their priests co-preside at the Novus Ordo Chrism Mass, or at least be present during …More
On 29 February, Francis mentioned his "wish" to the superiors of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter (FSSP) that their priests co-preside at the Novus Ordo Chrism Mass, or at least be present during this event - "while [supposedly] respecting the freedom of each individual priest".
This information is currently circulating in a memo "for internal use only", but is not included in the public communication about the audience.
The secret version was published by Edward Pentin on Twitter.com, but then deleted.
The party language contained in the internal communication can be translated as follows: "Burn incense on the Novus Ordo table or I will take away the Mass from you".
Picture: Atavique, Twitter.com, #newsUzahbhcqtn
They have a history of cowardice.
The first thing that must be said is that all this rejoicing over Francis renewing their permission concedes to him the argument. They don't need his permission. They are in a no-win situation, and …More
The first thing that must be said is that all this rejoicing over Francis renewing their permission concedes to him the argument.
They don't need his permission. They are in a no-win situation, and when Francis forces their hand, they will have to react -- the priests and the faithful.
Audienz der Petrusbruderschaftsleitung bei Papst Franzikus - weitere Bilder.
All Saints
I bet these photos of smiling faces were all taken before Francis called in their IOUs.
Sally Dorman shares from DefendTruth
It appears that the Church Militant website has settled its defamation lawsuit with a financial settlement and apology to a New Hampshire priest

Apology to Fr. Georges de Laire

On January 17, 2019 and thereafter, St. Michael's Media (SMM) published on its Church Militant website a story on its ChurchMilitant.com web site about Father Georges de …

Sofya Fedina: "Servants of the people" have been systematically putting pressure on local self-government …

People’s deputy from the “European Solidarity” faction, Sofia Fedina, called on the deputies of the …
Sally Dorman shares from Wilma Lopez
Organizer of the Trans funeral in St. Patrick's Cathedral demands an apology from the Catholic Church.
Organisers of the cathedral funeral have spoken in an explosive press conference: •Admits they did not tell church of trans deceased, but claim media told church the night before • Pope Francis and …More
Organisers of the cathedral funeral have spoken in an explosive press conference: •Admits they did not tell church of trans deceased, but claim media told church the night before • Pope Francis and Fiducia Supplicans are cited as justification • Demands apology
@English Catholic Minority, yes, but not tiny. Moreover, having plenty of financial resources (generated by the flawed usurious system) and assistance …More
@English Catholic
Minority, yes, but not tiny. Moreover, having plenty of financial resources (generated by the flawed usurious system) and assistance of the one who started that war long, long time ago. "Lavender" organizations are a mere tool in that War of Wars.
English Catholic
@V.R.S. And the sad thing is, it's open war fomented by such a tiny, tiny minority, and yet the clergy still largely refuse to fight it. A 2021 mandatory …More
@V.R.S. And the sad thing is, it's open war fomented by such a tiny, tiny minority, and yet the clergy still largely refuse to fight it. A 2021 mandatory Office of National Statistics survey in England and Wales demonstrated that a mere 1.54% of the population identified as 'lesbian or gay'. There's no reason to believe the figure is any different in the USA.
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