German police arrests lockdown critic Dr. Andreas Noack in a shocking video. Reports from Germany indicate that a German doctor, Dr. Andreas Noack was arrested during a police raid while he was recording …More
German police arrests lockdown critic Dr. Andreas Noack in a shocking video. Reports from Germany indicate that a German doctor, Dr. Andreas Noack was arrested during a police raid while he was recording a live video. The reasons for the police raid and arrest of the german doctor have not been officially revealed yet. However, there are rumors that Dr. Andreas Noack provided medical assistance to hundreds of protestors during lockdown protests against the administration. Dr. Andreas Noack, a german doctor arrested in a police raid Reports also indicate that Dr. Andreas Noack was under investigation by the authorities for being non-compliant with the COVID-19 lockdown laws enacted by the German government. Some people speculate there could be more to it that is known presently. The arrest was made after the German Parliament passed the “Infection Protection Law”. In the live stream, policemen can be heard banging furiously on the door of the place, where Dr. Andreas Noack was broadcasting. “It’s the police,” a man can be heard saying off-camera in panic. The video then shows police barging into the building forcing Dr. Andreas Noack to the ground. The police then proceed to turn off his live stream. People who were watching the live stream are currently speculating the reasons for arrest. “I think the guy is guilty of expressing his opinions,” said one user. Another said, “This is happened to doctor Andreas Noack in Germany. After the unconstitutional approval of the infection law, police broke into his house while he was having a live transmission on YouTube. Those who cried against fascism have created the most criminal dictatorship in history.” Source: youtube.com/watch?v=OWHLnDsOSwA - Related: 1. Andreas Noack, químico alemán, alerta sobre el peligro del hidróxido d… (Spanish with English subtitles) - 2. "Le Dr. Andreas Noack, chimiste autrichien renommé, est mort quelques … (German with French subtitles)

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Dr. Andreas Noack
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And now, he has been killed, let's pray for him and his family...