Super Omnia Veritas
Super Omnia Veritas

"Niños trans" el nuevo concepto fetiche de la izquierda progresista más woke. Hace pocos años no …

Son hijos del diablo, cómo van a arder en el infierno, los muy malditos. A menos de que se arrepientan, naturalmente… - Relacionado: TRANSEXUALISMO INFANTIL EN CHILE - Relacionado: 1.…
Super Omnia Veritas

Candace Owens dit à l'ancien présentateur de CNN Don Lemon que son « mariage » homosexuel est un « …

@lacrimarum valle - En vue du salut des personnes concernées, je trouve que ce "style de vie" est tout de même un motif légitime d'inquietude. Qu'elles soient des "êtres de Dieu" -comme vous les appelez-, ne les dispense pas d'avoir à mener une vie en conformité avec la loi de Dieu et la loi morale naturelle, à l'instar des "girafes" ou de n'importe quelle autre créature, n'est-ce pas?
Super Omnia Veritas

IS THE NEW MASS CATHOLIC? - Related: 1. "Ecumenism: The Original Sin of the New Mass" - Jo… - 2. WORK …

The problem is not communion in the hand itself, considered absolutely, but in terms relative to the historical context initiated by the "Protestant Reformation" which reintroduced communion in the hand and under both species in opposition to the dogma of the real physical presence of Our Lord in both Eucharistic species and to the transubstantiation operated in the Holy Sacrifice of the Altar by …Más
The problem is not communion in the hand itself, considered absolutely, but in terms relative to the historical context initiated by the "Protestant Reformation" which reintroduced communion in the hand and under both species in opposition to the dogma of the real physical presence of Our Lord in both Eucharistic species and to the transubstantiation operated in the Holy Sacrifice of the Altar by the priest performing "in persona Christi". Since the conciliar "liturgical reform" was carried out with an "ecumenical" purpose - that is, seeking the acceptance of the new rite by Protestants - it is also necessary to reject this modification, not because it is bad "simpliciter", but only "secundum quid" - as it is distinguished in scholasticism - that is, in attention to the context in which it occurs and the intention with which it was implemented...
Super Omnia Veritas

MGR. LEFEBVRE AND SEDEVACANTISM - Abp. Lefebvre made many statements favoring sedevacantism, but SSPX …

The reason for this attitude is, however, quite obvious: Catholics know that the Freemasons are their enemies and that Scientology is a nefarious sect - it is not necessary to warn them about this - while the majority of Catholics believe that the conciliar Popes are the legitimate vicars of Jesus Christ and can be trusted...
Super Omnia Veritas

MGR. LEFEBVRE AND SEDEVACANTISM - Abp. Lefebvre made many statements favoring sedevacantism, but SSPX …

I agree, that seems also to me the most reasonable attitude nowadays. To which we should add the real possibility that we are living in imminently pre-Parusian times and that we are attending the Passion of the Church, Mystical Body of Christ, whose resurrection will occur on the occasion of His glorious Second Coming...
Super Omnia Veritas

La FDA supo que el 44% de embarazadas del estudio clínico de Pfizer sufrió aborto espontáneo y sin …

Sobre la organización delictiva Pfizer: 1. "Pfizer's confidential report reveals dire side effects in its covid v… - 2. Dr. Robert Malone reacts to statements by Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer… - 3. Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO: He is in good health and for him is not rec… - 4. PURE EVIL : Disturbing Pfizer Ad Tells Kids They’ll Get Superpowers fr… - 5. Pfizer-BioNTech serum designed in 'just a few …Más
Sobre la organización delictiva Pfizer: 1. "Pfizer's confidential report reveals dire side effects in its covid v… - 2. Dr. Robert Malone reacts to statements by Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer… - 3. Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO: He is in good health and for him is not rec… - 4. PURE EVIL : Disturbing Pfizer Ad Tells Kids They’ll Get Superpowers fr… - 5. Pfizer-BioNTech serum designed in 'just a few hours over a single day' - 6. Disturbing and heartfelt message from Dr Mike Yeadon - 7. Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial. - 8. Pfizers Chief Scientific Officer Philip Dormitzer Questioned by Projec… - 9. Pfizer Senior Director of Worldwide Research Vanessa Gelman Runs Away … - 10. PART 2: FDA Official 'Blow Dart African Americans' & Wants 'Nazi Germa… - 11. Dr. Michael Yeadon, Former Vice President of Pfizer, on Vaccine Passpo… - 12. VACCINE IS TROJAN FOR TOTALITARIAN TAKEOVER - 13. Pfizer’s CEO on the need for endless boosters: "I think we're going to… - 14. Las inyecciones covid causan graves problemas cardíacos. - 15. La malicia de Big Pharma es infinita. - 16. LA ELITE SE RIE DE NOSOTROS EN NUESTRAS NARICES - Ursula Von der Leyen… - 16. "PFIZERGATE" - 17. Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial. - 18. Vacunas experimentales inseguras e ineficaces: el caso Pfizer. - 19. Documento oficial de 90 páginas detallando los efectos adversos de la … - 20. "How Pfizer blackmails countries for shots" - Related: 1. "Pfizer's co… - 21. "PFIZERGATE II" - 22. Albert Bourla, Pfizer's CEO, speaks at a WEF conference about the cont… - 23. "Pfizer should have been closed down in 2009" - Related: 1. "Pfizer's … - 24. Some deaths of children vaccinated with PFIZER in the US. - 25. "Pfizer crimes against children continues: three doses for children un… - 26. Los dueños de las "vacunas" contra el Covid19 son los grandes grupos f… - 27. "La historia criminal de Pfizer" - 28. Dr. Robert Malone: "Pfizer is one of the most criminal pharmaceutical … - 29. VATICAN GRANTS PFIZER ‘ABORTION ABSOLUTION’ - 30. "¿Quiénes financian la plandemia?" - Relacionado: 1. "La historia crim… - 31. BIG PHARMA CRIMINALS BLOCK COVID RECOVERY - 32. "PFIZER OCULTA EFECTOS ADVERSOS" - 33. "Graves irregularidades en los ensayos de Pfizer en Argentina" - 34. Albert Bourla: "The two dosis offer limited protección, if any" - After once claiming his shots … - 35. Albert Bourla, Pfizer's CEO, speaks at a WEF conference about the control technology allows over … - 36. "VACUNA PFIZER Y DESPOBLACIÓN MUNDIAL" - 37. PFIZER OCULTÓ EFECTOS ADVERSOS EN ARGENTINA - El Dr. Claudio Zin (Claudio Zin - Wikipedia, la … - 38. "PFIZER VACCINE AND WORLD DEPOPULATION" - 39. “The Covid Lies” - Dr. Mike Yeadon - April 10, 2022 - In this comprehensive review, Dr. Yeadon … - 40. Flagrant collusion of the E. U. with Pfizer - 41. In COVID hearing Pfizer director admits that the covid vaccine was nev… - 42. "PFIZER ES UNA ORGANIZACIÓN CRIMINAL" - Sobre la asociación delictiva … - 43. CRIMINAL PFIZER - 44. "Bourla, Pfizer's CEO, interrogated at Davos during the World Economic… - 45. "Albert Bourla, CEO de Pfizer, interrogado en Davos durante la reunión… - 46. THE GREATEST CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY IN HISTORY - N… - 47. ABOUT THE PLANDEMIC CRIME. - 48. FOIs reveal that health/science institutions aroun… - 49. Algo que pocos saben...! PFIZER - 50. "Albert Bourla, Pfizer's CEO, interrogated at Davo…
Super Omnia Veritas


Of course, this is the essence of the conciliar project...
Super Omnia Veritas


Actually, he does not only allow it, he directly promotes it (see here: The Vatican promotes apostasy and a global religion), like all his conciliar predecessors...
Super Omnia Veritas


Well, it's very simple: the "good vibes" of the universe (See here: "Bergoglio pide a quienes no rezan que le env…), of which we are all part, and which are generously distributed through any religion or spirituality, because dogmatic differences are secondary: we must remember that the essential thing is not what divides us, but the ontological ties that unite us. As the Holy Father Francis …Más
Well, it's very simple: the "good vibes" of the universe (See here: "Bergoglio pide a quienes no rezan que le env…), of which we are all part, and which are generously distributed through any religion or spirituality, because dogmatic differences are secondary: we must remember that the essential thing is not what divides us, but the ontological ties that unite us. As the Holy Father Francis teaches, we must "build bridges", not "raise walls". Any suspicion that this had connotations of modernism, naturalism or religious indifferentism must be considered a temptation of the evil one...
Super Omnia Veritas

CLIMATE: THE COLD TRUTH - Scientists reveal how climate change is a scam - Sources: CLIMATE - THE COLD …

RELATED: 1. "THE GREAT CLIMATE CHANGE FRAUD" - The Great Globa… - 2. UN - Agenda 2030: "We can no longer ignore the cli… - 3. AFTER THE "PLANDEMIC" CLIMATE IS NEXT - Related: 1… - 4. CNN says that after the pandemic climate change wi… - 5. The Pandemic is a Test Run. - 6. Rosa Koire - "UN Agenda 21 and The Great Reset: Dr… - 7. Vice President Kamala Harris says outright that cl… - 8. THE …Más
RELATED: 1. "THE GREAT CLIMATE CHANGE FRAUD" - The Great Globa… - 2. UN - Agenda 2030: "We can no longer ignore the cli… - 3. AFTER THE "PLANDEMIC" CLIMATE IS NEXT - Related: 1… - 4. CNN says that after the pandemic climate change wi… - 5. The Pandemic is a Test Run. - 6. Rosa Koire - "UN Agenda 21 and The Great Reset: Dr… - 7. Vice President Kamala Harris says outright that cl… - 8. THE TRUTH IS HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT - WITH SPANISH … - 9. World Economic Forum To “Freeze Bank Accounts” of … - 10. "Francis, the Pontiff of Earth Worship" - Fr. Will… - 11. "Socialists are using hysteria over COVID as a wea… - 12. Behind the Green Mask:Un Agenda 21 - Rosa Koire. A… - 13. The elite of psychopaths that rule the world, unde… - 14. ‘You will own nothing, and you will be happy’: War… - 15. LA FARSA DEL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO - Piers Corbyn - 201… - 16. "LA FARSA DEL CALENTAMIENTO GLOBAL" - Relacionado:… - 17. "EL GRAN FRAUDE DEL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO" - Relacionad… - 18. El Gran Reinicio continúa: próxima etapa, el confi… - 19. Senador australiano Alex Antic habla en el congres… - 20. "Lo que se oculta tras la Agenda 2030" - Ver tambi… - 21. "El desarrollo sustentable. La nueva ética interna… - 22. "Plandemia, Agenda 2030 y calentamiento global: pa… - 23. World Climate Declaration There is no climate emergency - 24. Clima, il Prof. Battaglia chiarisce “tutti gli errori di Papa Francesco” nell’ultima esortazione - 25. Aumentano ancora i firmatari della World Climate Declaration: per oltre 1800 scienziati "non c'è alcuna emergenza climatica" - 26. THE VATICAN PROMOTES THE UN CLIMATE CATASTROPHISM … - 27. EL VATICANO PROMUEVE LA AGENDA CLIMÁTICA DE LA ONU… - 28. La eco-encíclica Laudato Si’ - 29. El ecologismo como religión global: ¿ Un caballo de Troya para la Iglesia Católica? - Fernando del Pino Calvo-Sotelo - 29. LAUDATE DEUM PROMEUT LE PANTHÉISME. - 30. LAUDATE DEUM: EL NUEVO DOGMA CLIMÁTICO. - 31. LA REALIDAD DE LAS ESTELAS QUÍMICAS. - 32. EL GRANO DEL SISTEMA ESPECIAL: CHEMTRAILS, DE LO Q…
Super Omnia Veritas

"Colección de maldades bergoglianas" - Miles Christi - 10/02/16 - Relacionado: 1. DIEZ AÑOS CON …

En efecto, el trabajo efectuado por el Denzinger Bergoglio fue estupendo en lo que al susodicho se refiere, pero con el grave defecto de refutarlo, en gran medida, utilizando textos del magisterio conciliar, lo que implica legitimar al CVII y a los papas conciliares, responsables de la debacle actual, de la que Bergoglio no es sino el tristísimo e inevitable desenlace...
Super Omnia Veritas

¿Tierra plana?, ¿Será?... Génesis 1, 6 "Dijo luego Dios: «Haya firmamento en medio de las aguas, …

Ver al respecto: "La Tierra Plana en 30 Versículos Bíblicos" - La B… - Relacionado: 1. "IRREFUTABLE PROOF THAT NASA IS LYING TO US" - Related: 1. NASA IS COM… - 2. The NASA Moon Landing Hoaxes - 3. AMERICAN MOON. - 4. NASA IS A FRAUD - Linguistic analysis of an interview with Neil Armstr… - 5. "NASA LIES: Zero Gravity Space Station" - Related: 1. "IRREFUTABLE PRO… - 6. NASA's Mars 2021 Perseverance …Más
Ver al respecto: "La Tierra Plana en 30 Versículos Bíblicos" - La B… - Relacionado: 1. "IRREFUTABLE PROOF THAT NASA IS LYING TO US" - Related: 1. NASA IS COM… - 2. The NASA Moon Landing Hoaxes - 3. AMERICAN MOON. - 4. NASA IS A FRAUD - Linguistic analysis of an interview with Neil Armstr… - 5. "NASA LIES: Zero Gravity Space Station" - Related: 1. "IRREFUTABLE PRO… - 6. NASA's Mars 2021 Perseverance Rover Landing Animations - It is impressive how the Luciferian psycho… - 7. Telephone Conversation With the Apollo 11 Astronauts on the Moon. Nix… - 8. "I'd go to the moon, but we don't have that technology anymore" said the retired NASA Astronaut … - 9. "NASA DESTROYED THE TECHNOLOGY TO GO TO THE MOON" - Do you still believe we landed on the … - 10. "The Moon Landing Queen Of All Lies" - WITH SPANISH SUBTITLES - Related: 1. The NASA Moon Landing … - 11. NASA IS COMING BACK TO THE MOON - 12. Animación del aterrizaje del Rover Perseverance de la NASA en Marte 2021 - Es impresionante cómo … - 13. LA NASA NOS ENGAÑA - "25 pruebas de que la NASA es un fraude" - Relacionado: 1. LA NASA VUELVE A … - 14. LA NASA VUELVE A LA LUNA - "Hoy, lunes 29 de agosto, se lanzará el cohete Artemis I, marcando el … - 15. Conversación telefónica de Nixon con astronautas en la Luna - 16. NASA: otra mentira masónica. - Un Católico Perplejo - 17. "ASTRONAUTS ARE LIARS" - Related: 1. NASA IS COMING BACK TO THE MOON -… - 18. "Las mentiras de la NASA" - Gravedad cero en la Estación Espacial Inte… - 19. Un robot de la NASA compartió la imagen de una puerta en Marte - 20. "NASA LIES: Zero Gravity Space Station" - Related: 1. "IRREFUTABLE PRO… - 21. "NASA Can't Go Beyond Low Earth Orbit" - Related: 1. "IRREFUTABLE PROO… - 22. "CRÓNICAS MARCIANAS" - 23. Wikileaks commence à relâcher les rushs du film bidon de la mission de la NASA sur la Lune de 1969 … 24. A Strangers Guide to Flat Earth: 21 Questions and Answers Proving The … - 25. LEVEL - Flat Earth Film - 2021 - Eric Dubay - Wolves in sheep’s clothi… - 26. A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Moon - 27. Astronauts Gone Wild Full Documentary - 28. Buzz Aldrin and the Masonic Moon. - 29. Was The Moon Landing Faked? This Man Believes It W… - 30. LA NASA, LAS MISIONES APOLO Y LA FARSA AEROESPACIA… - 31. FLATTEN THE CURVE - Source: FLATTEN the CURVE - Th… - 32. EL ENGAÑO DE LA COSMOLOGÍA MODERNA. - 33. The Flat Earth Conspiracy - Audiobook - Wolves in … - 34. Archivos desclasificados y la forma de la Tierra -… - 35. "Tierra Plana: la mayor conspiración de la histori… - 36. "La Tierra Plana en 30 Versículos Bíblicos" - La B… - 37. 20 Pruebas de que la Tierra no se mueve - Una élit… - 38. "30 Pruebas de que la Tierra es Plana" - Relaciona… - 39. THE GREAT COSMOLOGICAL DECEPTION - Source: FLAT EA… - 40. EL ENGAÑO DE LA COSMOLOGÍA MODERNA.
Super Omnia Veritas


¿"Santo Padre"? Yo más bien lo llamaría falso profeta. Ver al respecto: DIEZ AÑOS CON FRANCISCO.
Super Omnia Veritas


Y un endemoniado. Tal vez, incluso, el falso profeta del Apocalipsis...
Super Omnia Veritas


Muy bien dicho, que le aprovechen esas contundentes palabras para reflexionar y enderezar su vida. Y recemos por ella...
Super Omnia Veritas


Lamento tener que contradecirlo, pero no está en lo cierto. Dios existe, es el creador del ser humano y del universo, y se ha manifestado a nosotros a través de la revelación bíblica y, desde hace dos mil años, enseña a las naciones mediante el magisterio de la Iglesia...
Super Omnia Veritas


La Redención operada por Jesucristo no significa que la gente se haya vuelto impecable, sino que las puertas del Cielo ahora están abiertas para quienes acogen la gracia redentora de Nuestro Señor, pues, con su Sacrificio, Él ha saldado la deuda de nuestros pecados y de toda la humanidad. La impecabilidad vendrá a su debido tiempo, para los justos, en el Reino de Dios...