
Champions League: Real Madrid in Front of Our Lady

Real Madrid won the Champions League for a record 15th time on Saturday, beating Borussia Dortmund 2-0 at London's Wembley Stadium. It is the biggest European club soccer’s competition. A day later, …More
Real Madrid won the Champions League for a record 15th time on Saturday, beating Borussia Dortmund 2-0 at London's Wembley Stadium.
It is the biggest European club soccer’s competition. A day later, on Sunday, the players, coach Carlo Ancelotti and club president Florentino Pérez visited Madrid's cathedral to pray before the statue of Our Lady of Almudena.
They were received by Cardinal José Cobo of Madrid who said: "I don't know which team Christ would be a fan of, but he is with the good, self-sacrificing and noble sportsmen" [exactly the type of sportsmen that don't exist in today's commercial sport, where everything is about money].
Team captain Nacho Fernández offered a copy of the Champions League trophy to the statue. Croatian player Luka Modrić laid a bouquet of flowers in front of Madrid's patron saint.
Wilma Lopez
A Bible was torn apart after a man attempted to read it at Speaker's Corner this past weekend.
Thorn Fuchs
Gregorian Chants: Agnus Dei | The Holy Mass of the Benedictine Monks (1 Hour) Listen on all digital platforms: Messe in canto gregoriano Immerse yourself in the sacred sounds of the "Agnus Dei," a …More
Gregorian Chants: Agnus Dei | The Holy Mass of the Benedictine Monks (1 Hour)
Listen on all digital platforms: Messe in canto gregoriano
Immerse yourself in the sacred sounds of the "Agnus Dei," a timeless Gregorian chant performed by the Benedictine Monks. This one-hour video offers a serene and meditative experience, perfect for those seeking spiritual reflection or a peaceful background ambiance.
The "Agnus Dei," meaning "Lamb of God" in Latin, is a chant from the Ordinary of the Mass, a fundamental component of Christian liturgy. Its origins date back to the early centuries of the Christian Church, with its text rooted in John 1:29 of the New Testament, where John the Baptist refers to Jesus as the "Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world."
Gregorian Chants: Agnus Dei | The Holy Mass of the Benedictine Monks (1 hour)
Listen on all digital platforms: Messe in canto gregoriano
✝️ Catholic Chants TV
Subscribe to our channel: Catholic Chants TV Gregorian Chants From Monasteries: …More
parangutirimicuaro shares from parangutirimicuaro
The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb - or the Ghent AltarpieceMore
The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb - or the Ghent Altarpiece
Flemish Altarpiece Masterwork Part-Restored To Former Glory. wochitnews on Oct 12, 2016 Scientists and art historians in Belgium on Wednesday finished the first restoration stage of one of the most …More
Flemish Altarpiece Masterwork Part-Restored To Former Glory.
wochitnews on Oct 12, 2016 Scientists and art historians in Belgium on Wednesday finished the first restoration stage of one of the most important pieces of early Renaissance art: the Van Eyck brothers' altarpiece in Ghent.
Completed in 1432, the "Adoration of the Mystic Lamb" is a complex painting some four and a half meters (14.75 ft) wide by three and a half meters tall, consisting of 12 panels, eight of them painted on both sides to enable the whole work to be opened and closed up.
The first stage of the restoration took four years to complete and focused on the outside panels, which depict the Annunciation - the angel Gabriel telling Mary she will give birth to Jesus - as well as showing prophets and two portraits of the praying donors of the painting.The painting has had a tumultuous history, surviving not only the destruction of religious images which swept through the Low Countries in the summer of 1566. It was also …More
Fr. Joseph is joined by members of Kkottongnae, a South Korean group who create hope and new life, as they share their process for putting Love in Action.More
Fr. Joseph is joined by members of Kkottongnae,
a South Korean group who create hope and new
life, as they share their process for putting Love in
Keep Your Mouth Shut

Keep Your Mouth Shut

Some faithful Catholics are voicing disagreement with the Editor of keep your mouth shut” following Viganò’s assertion that he has personal knowledge of reports that Pope Francis …
Boanerges Boanerges
Shame on you Sammons!
la verdad prevalece
The Bergoglians have been in denial for 11 years and what is worse, they are complicit in Bergoglio's rebellion against Divine Natural Law.
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The Beacon of Mannheim

Germany mourns the death of Rouven L. (29). The young police officer succumbed to his severe injuries on Sunday afternoon. A young, hopeful life—extinguished. Two days ago, he …
Billy F
Mass deportation if you wish to survive!!!
De Profundis shares from Tomito Barnin Railin

Bishop Oster warns about the shortage of priests and rejects liberalization in the Church in Germany

The Bishop of Passau, Stefan Oster SDB, has expressed concern about the lack of priests and has defended the need for a deeper commitment to the faith, opposing proposals to liberalize the German Synodal …More
The Bishop of Passau, Stefan Oster SDB, has expressed concern about the lack of priests and has defended the need for a deeper commitment to the faith, opposing proposals to liberalize the German Synodal Path. Oster warns that adopting these reforms could accelerate the dissolution of the Church in secular society.
In view of the shortage of priests, the bishop of Passau, Stefan Oster SDB, has declared: "From a believing people comes the number of priests that are needed." The Passauer Neue Presse newspaper published the interview on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Oster's ordination over the weekend.
"However, if we look at our current structures, we have, of course, very few priests," Oster admitted. «We have this popular Church in decline, which still assumes that all the baptized receive an ecclesiastical burial and that every Catholic child receives Communion in third grade. That is, we still want and need to serve everyone in a generalized way, and to do so we need staff. …More
Much too little and far, far too late.
religions shares from religions
The Koran is so divine -451
Corpus Christi procession in Jaidhof, Germany, 31.05.24 - fsspx.at
Heiliger Josef
The Feast of Corpus Christi has been celebrated since the 13th century, following a decree from the Church that wanted a special day on which people …More
The Feast of Corpus Christi has been celebrated since the 13th century, following a decree from the Church that wanted a special day on which people could commemorate the most holy mystery of the altar with the greatest reverence and solemnity. They should celebrate this day as a day of thanksgiving, in gratitude for the fact that God is among us.
This year, several hundred believers followed the church's instructions and gathered in the courtyard of Jaidhof Castle for the most beautiful celebration of the whole year, the celebration of Corpus Christi. The weather was kind to us; it was neither too hot nor too cold, and the rain did not arrive until an hour after the celebration had ended. So all the many people were able to attend the Holy Mass, which was celebrated as a blessing mass in front of the exposed Blessed Sacrament and as a levitated high mass, outdoors. The celebrant was the district superior of the Austrian district, Father Johannes Regele, assisted by Father Emmerich Jeindl …More
Pierre Henri
Mexico elects its first woman and Jewish president Mexico elected its first woman and Jewish president in its 200-year history. Claudia Sheinbaum is an academic who shared a Noble Peace Prize for her …More
Mexico elects its first woman and Jewish president
Mexico elected its first woman and Jewish president in its 200-year history. Claudia Sheinbaum is an academic who shared a Noble Peace Prize for her work on climate change, but violence by criminal organizations is expected to be her greatest challenge. NBC’s Guad Venegas reports for TODAY.
Ivan Tomas
Why on earth should any Catholic country choose an jew as a president? Why is a jew Zelensky president of Ukraine? Since when are Christians better of …More
Why on earth should any Catholic country choose an jew as a president?
Why is a jew Zelensky president of Ukraine?
Since when are Christians better of with a jew who is "leading" them and their nation?
Lucas Lucatho95 Benoit Gonin
R.I.P le Mexique
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Sandy Barrett
“That is Jesus” A woman participating in a Eucharistic procession in Michigan reminds an onlooker that she accompanies Jesus
After winning the Champions League trophy by defeating Borussia Dortmund, the first thing Real Madrid players did was visit Almudena Cathedral in Madrid to offer their trophy to Mother Mary Hala Madrid!
Klaus Elmar Müller
Trotz Nachkonzilszeit und der Bergoglianischen Wirren konnte der überlieferte Glaube noch nicht in den Herzen ausgetilgt werden. Diese Sportler nehmen …More
Trotz Nachkonzilszeit und der Bergoglianischen Wirren konnte der überlieferte Glaube noch nicht in den Herzen ausgetilgt werden. Diese Sportler nehmen die heilige Religion in ihren Alltag hinein.
Josefa Menendez
😡 Die Modernisten können zwischen Welt und Heiliger Kirche nicht unterscheiden. In der Kirche muss man still sein und sich vor dem Allerheiligsten …More
😡 Die Modernisten können zwischen Welt und Heiliger Kirche nicht unterscheiden. In der Kirche muss man still sein und sich vor dem Allerheiligsten Sakrament respektvoll benehmen. Sport ist kein Gott. Dieser Bischof ist ein schlechter Vorbild.
Sean Johnson

Benedict was Always an Enemy

From BXVI’s personal secretary: +GÄNSWEIN: “I believe that Pope Benedict read this Motu Proprio with pain in his heart, because he wanted to help those who had found a place in the old Mass, to lead …More
From BXVI’s personal secretary:
+GÄNSWEIN: “I believe that Pope Benedict read this Motu Proprio with pain in his heart, because he wanted to help those who had found a place in the old Mass, to lead them away from Lefebvre, and for them to find inner peace, also liturgical peace.”
To be honest - I do not understand the problem. Fellay wanted to make a bargain with Ratzinger, three other SSPX bishops opposed it. So no deal was made. …More
To be honest - I do not understand the problem. Fellay wanted to make a bargain with Ratzinger, three other SSPX bishops opposed it.
So no deal was made.
Moreover, Gaenswein, considering his talks about two popes and reasons of the Ratzinger's resignation, is not a reliable guy.
Sean Johnson
This book is all about the subtle (and not so subtle) policy and praxis changes instituted in furtherance of achieving a practical accord with modernist …More
This book is all about the subtle (and not so subtle) policy and praxis changes instituted in furtherance of achieving a practical accord with modernist Rome (ie., placing the SSPX under the control of those determined to morph it into benign conciliarism):
As We Are?
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All Saints
Not recognized? Maybe you are just late to the party.
Sean Johnson
It’s not “upcoming.” It’s been in full-blown accomplishment since 1962. That this has not been recognized by conservatives is the main reason it is …More
It’s not “upcoming.” It’s been in full-blown accomplishment since 1962. That this has not been recognized by conservatives is the main reason it is exacerbated (and likewise, the main reason we will not recover from it, until they do).
5 more comments

Holy Martyrs of Uganda Protectors against Homosexuality, paganism and Apostasy

The Holy Martyrs of Uganda were killed for not giving in to the impure desires of a homosexual king. "They can burn our …
rafaportal shares from rafaportal
British MP Andrew Bridgen Says the UK Is Actually at War With Russia, the Government Just Hasn't Told You World War Three starts in just 51 days—mark your calendars and finish your shopping. These …More
British MP Andrew Bridgen Says the UK Is Actually at War With Russia, the Government Just Hasn't Told You
World War Three starts in just 51 days—mark your calendars and finish your shopping. These aren't wild speculations; they're actual headlines from mainstream Western media.
Der britische Abgeordnete Andrew Bridgen sagt, dass sich Großbritannien tatsächlich im Krieg mit Russland befindet, die Regierung hat es Ihnen nur nicht gesagt Der Dritte Weltkrieg beginnt in nur 51 …More
Der britische Abgeordnete Andrew Bridgen sagt, dass sich Großbritannien tatsächlich im Krieg mit Russland befindet, die Regierung hat es Ihnen nur nicht gesagt
Der Dritte Weltkrieg beginnt in nur 51 Tagen - markieren Sie Ihre Kalender und beenden Sie Ihre Einkäufe. Das sind keine wilden Spekulationen; Es sind tatsächliche Schlagzeilen aus den westlichen Mainstream-Medien.
Tom Morelli
🤔 Watch Out ‘The Chosen’, New ‘Book of Mormon’ TV Series is in the WorksMore
🤔 Watch Out ‘The Chosen’, New ‘Book of Mormon’ TV Series is in the Works

Watch Out 'The Chosen', New 'Book of Mormon' TV Series is in the Works

Latter-Day Saint filmmakers are planning a new TV series inspired by ‘The Chosen’, except instead of featuring Jesus in the Gospels …
Billy F
Nope! Haven’t watched the Chosen either.
Jeffrey Ade
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for us and save us!
Credo .
Beautiful Prayer! Thank you Jeffrey Ade.! 😍